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Posts posted by chrissybk

  1. On 11/26/2018 at 1:20 AM, Quilt Fairy said:

    I think that's fairly common.  People in better off areas don't want a prison in their "backyard", but smaller towns will vie for them because of all the jobs they bring.  So just like you have "mill towns" or "mine towns" you also have "prison towns".  As I stated earlier, Tilly apparently made $57K for her job as a shop supervisor.  That's damn good money anywhere. 

    Sounds like you're no longer attached to that mistake?

    Yea, you're right. There was one corrections officer I remember there that used to supervise the visits. This was back around 2000. A female visitor said to him "I like you, you are one of the nice guys" and he replied "I get paid $50K a year to watch you kiss your boyfriend, why wouldn't I be nice?"

    And no, we are no longer attached. We are still in contact occasionally but we divorced a few years after he was released from prison in 2008. 

    • Love 1
  2. On 11/19/2018 at 5:17 PM, GussieK said:

    I just love this.  I can't say enough good about it.  The production is amazing--how they re-created the inside of the prison--so oppressive.  The characters--all are flawed in some way, yet you want to see more.  Just a fantastic job.  As a true crime buff, I wouldn't miss this.

    I guess they filmed the first episode in winter outside the real prison.  So creepy, how that building dominates the landscape, yet people seem to live right across the street.

    II live in NYC and Sing Sing is nearby.  I've driven by it.  It's not quite as big but it has that same look.  But people don't live quite as close, since the prison is down near the Hudson River bank.

    As for the accents, that was my one quibble also.  They did sound more like Minnesota accents, or maybe Chicago.  The upstate New York accent has some flat vowels too, but it's a little different. 

    They did a great job.

    17 years ago I got married in this prison. The man I married was an inmate who also was on the "honor block". 

    It was always strange to me, seeing that big white wall, smack in the middle of a little town.

    Right across the street was a little bar called Ruth's Tavern. It seemed like the town was so small that the majority of jobs were in the prison. It really does dominate the area. 

    *Edited to say, please, don't judge me, we all make stupid mistakes when we are young, lol. 

    • Love 11
  3. On 11/5/2018 at 5:48 PM, heisenberg said:

    I wonder if it could be simplier than that, like: 

    A = Volunteer 

    B = Not volunteer

    Father peepants could have been an "A",  he said no to Jadis and than he was a "B" ?

    I was thinking friend or foe. When Jadis and Father Peepants were getting all buddy buddy, she thought he would come with her. When he said no, she said "I thought you were a B." So, by declining to go with her, he is now an A. When she told the helicopter people about Rick, she said he was a B and talked about saving a friend. 

    • Love 1
  4. Janelle is now lashing out at producers saying they were wrong for captioning Kaiser because he has a speech impediment and gets speech therapy. She says that he can says "it's hot" but it means "it's not".  It doesn't matter if he said feed me, help me, or whatever. Your baby was hysterical. Whether it was hunger, needing a nap, etc. he needed your attention. This is one of the reasons why kids need a routine. If she was a real mother she would know that you don't do a bullshit save the date photo shoot during your child's meal time or nap time, especially when you do absolutely nothing all day long so it could have been done any other time.  She is also saying the edit made it look like UBT is hiding some weird ass shit from the public.


    • Love 13
  5. 4 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

    I agree with the posts about Grandma Doris and/or Nathan stepping in to get Kaiser away from Jenelle and UBT but what's the story with Maryssa's mother? Where is she in this? Why is she allowing her daughter to live/spend time in this toxic, abusive situation? 

    David Eason Wins Full Custody of Daughter Maryssa

    Editing to add that at least it is temporary primary custody. Hopefully that changes really soon. 

    • Love 9
  6. 1 minute ago, BitterApple said:
    18 minutes ago, chrissybk said:

    The whole situation with the coven is just strange. Nova sees and hears everything including her mother crying 17 times each day. Brianna is still talking about adoption in front of Nova even now that Stella is here.  Ole boy Luis ain't never get to show us the full potential of his deadbeatness because the coven wouldn't even give him a chance. 

    Yeah, count me in with those who don't understand why Luis going back to his apartment warranted an all-night man bashing session. IMO, it actually made sense for Luis to come back during the day when Brittney and Roxanne are presumably at work and the house is less crowded. Briana already said she didn't feel comfortable with him being there 24/7, so what's the problem? 

    I don't know how Brittney and Roxanne have time to work when they are busy raising Brianna's kids and man bashing all the time. Sheesh, they are truly exhausting!! Imagine being around all of them in person? I thought Luis coming over during the day made perfect sense. Since the coven holds overnight meetings, Brianna could get some rest while Luis is there during the day. That way she can be well rested to watch her sister feed and rock Stella to sleep while they hold their nightly meeting. But, I bet she wouldn't rest while Luis is there anyway because if she did the man might actually be able to form a bond with Stella and that would completely ruin the coven's entire campaign, so she would stay awake and suck every single, possible bit of joy out of the room. 

    • Love 23
  7. 6 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

    Why the fuck were they all up in the middle of the night.

    My son is 19 now and when he was born I was 21 but still lived at home with my mom and brother. I remember waking up with my son in the middle of the night to feed and change him and it was quiet and peaceful. I held him and fed him and talked to him softly. If it was around 6am and we were up, my mom would knock on my door and give my son a kiss as she was leaving for work. 

    We never used it as a bash the baby's father session. I guess because everyone in the house had a job to wake up and get to, we didn't have as much time for that. These ladies need to get a damn life and show Nova and now Stella, something different or they will be full fledged, brainwashed members of the coven sitting there at 4am, still all together and still single, bashing Nova and Stella's one night stands/baby daddy's in about 15 years. 

    The whole situation with the coven is just strange. Nova sees and hears everything including her mother crying 17 times each day. Brianna is still talking about adoption in front of Nova even now that Stella is here.  Ole boy Luis ain't never get to show us the full potential of his deadbeatness because the coven wouldn't even give him a chance. 

    • Love 20
  8. 4 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

    They need to drop these 2 sociopaths from the show immediately.

    I do not care either.

    I don't care about Janelle either tbh, but as long as she is with David those kids are in even more danger. At least with Jace and The Roll, there is Barb and Nathan's mom to keep an eye on that bitch Janelle. Poor Endtable is fully in the clutches of Janelle and David. There is nobody to save her. :(  

    If MTV fires them both, there is hope that David will disappear when those MTV checks do. Which could save Jace and The Roll but still leaves little Endtable as either a victim of kidnapping by her father or consistent neglect by her mother and the dick she jumps on next.  


    • Love 7
  9. So, I came here to fangirl! I had to tell someone (and I thought who better than all of you lol) that I commented on one of Miriam Morales' instagram posts and she liked my comment and replied back to me. For those who don't know, she plays Pidge who is Ouija's sidekick for lack of a better description lol.  

    • Love 8
  10. As soon as I read that the entire season was going to take place over the course of 3 days I knew it was going to be like this. I wish they would have done it differently. It feels like we have gotten nowhere and now we will have to wait a whole year for the next season, ugh. 

    • Love 15
  11. 2 hours ago, ShadowSixx said:

    That Maggie/Daryl scene was shit. I hated it. Of course writers can't make any character mad at Daryl for too long. We didn't even see him cry because of that greasy rat's nest he calls hair. Maggie couldn't even be a little bit angry?? I'm not saying she has to be all Hulk Smash but come on. Ugh.

    I don't like that Sasha is sacrificing herself. I guess her time is drawing near. Boo. Still don't give a flying damn about Rosita. I don't want Sasha to go.

    About time for Greg to go. He's such a damn cowardly bitch. How the fuck did he come to be the leader of Hilltop? Jesus needs to throw his ass overboard and take over.

    I like Simon for some reason. He gives off just a great villain vibe without being over the top. Simon for leader of Saviors please!!!

    BBM, when I read that line I swear I thought I was in the wrong thread for a minute. I thought I was in a Teen Mom 2 thread and you were talking about Kail, lol. 

    • Love 2
  12. On 3/11/2017 at 7:45 AM, FairyDusted said:

    There is no  middle ground with Janelle. She is raging or practically on bedrest 24/7. Yeah perfect timing for one more child to ignore. LOL When I was getting my coffee I spied Cherry Poptarts. Now I can't eat them. 

    I wonder if there is codeine in that couch syrup ?

    Hmmm...couch syrup would be the perfect explanation for Janelle, Amber and Caitlynn!

    • Love 5
  13. So I was bored last night and I guess I was in need of some form of self torture. I went back and watched the first few episodes of Teen Mom 2.  Kail and Leah have always been somewhat of a mess but I wasn't screaming at the TV or anything during their scenes. Chelsea was addicted to her situation with Adam and wanted a fairy tale life but Papa Randilicious said it best - to have a fairy tale you need a prince. But she was there from day 1 as a devoted and loving mother to Aubs, so I felt more bad for her than anything. I know it can be hard to get over someone you love even when  they don't deserve your love so I can kind of understand what she was going through.

    Jailnelle however, has always been a wretched little bitch. From day 1 she was an unfit mother and that hasn't changed at all over the years. Throwing a baby in the crib and cutting the lights off is not putting him to bed. We saw her do that back then with Jace and then again with Kaiser Roll. She was the very definition of white trash and that has only been shown more and more as the years have passed. She disgusts me...

    • Love 9
  14. 13 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

    That was a sweet moment. One of many I am sure happens in Aubree's life.

    But! she has the best washer and dryer in town.

    perfect to wash the girlses clotheses when she isn't busy taking her pillses. 

    • Love 1
  15. On 1/31/2017 at 5:11 PM, SPLAIN said:

    Thanks for finding this information. 


    Is it stalking if I read it? lol

    My thoughts as well! Thanks for reminding me. Poor Vivi had to be taken out in the rain because fuckhead Karl was having a meltdown.

    It's only stalking if you whip up your grandma's recipe for traditional ice water in a mason jar first then go to her trailer and then toss it at her head. 

    • Love 7
  16. On 1/31/2017 at 3:01 PM, mrsh said:

    Finally finished watching, and this episode is so infuriating. Poor Jace is so stressed out at the thought of having to live with Jenelle and Uncle ID Channel. At this point Jace needs to stay with Babs, he has lived with her his whole life and has a life with her. Even if Jenelle was a changed person (which she's NOT!) It's too late now and he needs to stay where he is. I pray for Babs to be healthy and live for another 20 years, because I can see Uncle ID channel being abusive to Jace, and Jenelle turning a blind eye to it if he were sent to live with them permanently. Add to that the fact that Jenelle keeps popping out kids, while she had no problem abandoning Jace. Yes Jenelle! You ABANDONED Jace! Barbara did not steal him!

    As for Karl, I posted earlier about my loathing of her. She's a horrible human being and mother. Watching the segment with Javi and his friend at his hotel, I'm inclined to believe his side more than Karl's. If blurry dreads guy was just a friend, karl could have easily told Javi, I have a friend over, but go ahead and drop off Lincoln. Instead she lied that she was at walmart, why go through all that? Plus, was she banging that guy with Isaac in the house?? What kind of nastiness is that? If I were Jo, I would be livid at he doing this in front of Isaac.

    Chelsea- so cute, I love her segments because her happiness is obvious. She's great with Aubree and they are a sweet family. Only bad thing is Adumb. He is really the biggest piece of shit ever. Funny enough, when I was young and dumb, I actually had a 2 year relationship with a guy named Adam. He was great at first, but within the first year he turned into a lazy, mooching piece of crap. Once i got mad at him and told him that i could do better than him and he told me I was lucky he was even interested in me. He actually looks alot like Adumb, so everytime I see Adumb on screen he disgusts me so much. I wish mtv would cut him loose, we don't need his ugly mug on our screens.

    Leah- obviously high as all, and she always looks like she rolled out of bed and is unwashed. I'm sure a cloud of cigarette smoke, failure and BO follows her wherever she goes.

    She smells like Marlboro light 100's and broken hopes and dreams....

    43 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

    Remember, she was going to have a little Courtland but chose to have an abortion. Then got pregnant with Kaiser immediately. She wasn't sure if the positive pregnancy test was due to being pregnant or due to hormonal leftovers from the abortion. She's so damn classy! It's amazing that she didn't get pregnant with Kief-ahhh..............that we know of.

    Yes, I am so surprised that she didn't keep the baby with Courtland and have one with Kief-ahhh too. Maybe Kief-ahhh's little swimmers weren't strong enough and drowned in the toxic waste of Jailnelle's cooch.

    • Love 4
  17. Through the years I have saved little trinkets from serious boyfriends to keep for memories. I think most of us do this. Jailnelle has taken it to a whole other level now by having a baby as a souvenir for each relationship she has. I'm surprised she didn't have a little Keif-ahhh or Courtland as well. 

    Kail is too vile for words, Leah is higher than a plane piloted by Snoop, Wiz Khalifa and Lil Wayne.

    Chelsea is like a breath of fresh air compared to these hoes.                     

    • Love 11
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udwSLbnIMsA

    In anticipation of the Sad Panda Check Up or check in, whatever it's called, I decided to change some of the lyrics to Desiigner's song Panda to fit the occasion. If you don't know the song the link above will take you to it.  I started from 33 seconds into the video. 

    Panda, Panda
    Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda

    I got broads in the hollar
    Chasin dope, lean, and the Fanta
    the pillses and sex on camera
    lightin up ciggs in the car tho
    pink wheel chair, Ali
    Drew looks like a sad panda
    askin questions like a fan girl
    might as well pass the mic to adderall
    pink wheel chair, Ali
    toaster oven, gracie
    Pockets swole, the dealer
    buyin pillses, leah
    Her dad aint macho like Randy
    Farrahs Mom thinks she needs a Grammy
    damn leah pull up ya panty
    hope drew lets you yell monkey

    Lol, sorry I just couldn't resist! Every time I hear the song I think of Panda Drew, lmao.

    • Love 5
  19. As actual resident of WV, let me assure y'all that Leah's child safety restraint skills as well as leaving her kids in cars alone are not indicative of the behaviors of an entire state anymore than Jennell's pet "care" represents the Carolinas in totality.

    I apologize if I offended you in any way, that wasn't my intention. I should have clarified that I was kidding. I have a friend that lives in WV and she is nothing like Leah in any way, so I know it isn't where she comes from it's just who she is. I apologize again and also if there was anyone else offended by my comment. 

    • Love 2
  20. Last week I was going to ask if anyone thought Lincoln might be a little developmentally delayed. The kid garbled the word "no". Now here he is perfectly communicating "puta". I love it. I am also bound for Hell.

    Poor Jace is so full of understandable rage. I hope Barb realizes he takes it out on her because he feels safe with her.

    So Addie has the same crib as Kaiser. Does MTV provide them?

    Ali is so freaking cute. Love Aubrey's voice. It's like Freaky Friday the larynx edition in that house.

    Kali and Leah maintain their status quo of suck.

    Janelle just goes along Jenelle'ing.

    I just need to say I love you!!

    • Love 2
  21. It's clear that Leah is used to leaving the kids in the car while running errands. I wonder if that's something that people look a blind-eye towards in West Virginia?


    Once upon a time my son's father who is a dumb ass most of the time decided to run into a store for milk and leave his 2 other kids in the car. Well, he ended up getting arrested and a case was opened with child protective services against him. We are in NY and this was almost 10 years ago, you don't leave a kid in the car alone no matter what. I guess it's the norm in west bubblefuck, wv.

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