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Posts posted by chrissybk

  1. The contrast of Cory getting the girls ready versus Leah 3 episodes ago did not go unnoticed. Wonder if the editors did that on purpose?

    I was thinking they did also lol. The contrast was stark. Corey had them up an hour before it was time to leave, they ate, washed up and got their hair brushed. Leah at 6am is just waking up the girlses and sets an alarm to go off at 615am to remind them to get out the door. She did a half assed attempt at Gracie's hair and some other stuff that looked like it should have been done the night before and they were out the door. Ali's hair was hanging in her eyes and Leah looked like a mess. Just like Leah, I can't remember if little Adderall was in the car with them lol. 

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  2. I love this about Barb so much.  You can also substitute that with "Ya know, Janelle..." as a nice abrupt non sequitur into Babs having totally lost her temper.  

    Lol, I love Barb too! I always took the oh hi Janelle as her being surprised to see her. I guess because this show is probably the longest commitment Janelle has ever made to anyone or anything in her life and Barb is used to her not showing up most of the time.  

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  3. Oh Leah, please. You can clearly hear lil Adderall saying "Mama, mama!" and gesturing for Leah to open the sugar packet. You can see Leah opening it. Why is she pissing on the audience's heads and telling them it's raining?

    I know people eat ice, but I have never in my life seen someone eat a sugar packet. Especially not a baby! Is that a thing?

    I really hate how Kail always involves Isaac in her and Javi's bullshit. "Isaac wants to ask you something." No Isaac doesn't. Isaac wants to be a little kid and not listen to his mother and stepfather argue.

    The only people I have ever seen eat sugar like that are crackheads. I think it has to do with sugar hitting the same receptors in the brain as the crack does. Maybe little Adderall has seen her mama do the same thing. 

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