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Posts posted by OmegaX123

  1. And another first of the season... Jane Seymour butt necklaces! Yay!

    Seymour Butts are back? Oh dear...


    I've had the Dean Martin version of "Marshmallow World" in the Christmas playlist on my ipod for years now. :)


    I saw the Hershey's Kisses bell choir on TV this afternoon.  I usually wait until at least after Remembrance Day before I start thinking about Christmas, but I'll allow it. :)


    This has always been the unofficial 'it's really Christmas season' signal in my household - well, this, Christmas Daddies (a Canadan holiday telethon thing), and the Santa Claus Parade (specifically the one in I believe Ontario, Canada, the one that gets aired on YTV and possibly CTV, unless the CTV one is a different one that happens somewhere else).

  2. Or $15 in Red Bull products.  Because it doesn't give you WINGS. :)


    What a litigious society we live in.

    I read the article about this. It's not the "Red Bull gives you wiiiings!" slogan that they're suing/have sued over. It's the fact that the 'mental alertness and focus' claims are unproven (and in fact either don't work for everyone, or just plain don't work).

    • Love 2
  3. Ugh.  I saw an ad for how to make meals from your leftover holiday turkey.  It's October!  I don't have holiday turkey yet!!!

    Could it have been a Canadian commercial? Because Canadian Thanksgiving (one of the few 'turkey' holidays) is in just a couple days. Or was it an obvious Christmas thing - ie: reds and greens, maybe a tree and/or a star, etc?

  4. Loved the "I didn't solve this today" conundrum with Fitz, and then Mac figuring it out.

    Just the tone and urgency in his voice, I knew right away (though I doubted myself for a while) that he was actually saying "I solved this before" rather than "I haven't solved this, I'm not good at what I do anymore", but I'm especially observant, particularly when it comes to situations like Fitz's where he can't say what he's saying, so I can understand the characters not getting it right away, I'm not going to call "holding the Idiot Ball" on them for that. It added tension that was much-needed around that point of the episode, besides, so even if it was an Idiot Ball moment, I could forgive it.

    • Love 1
  5. I saw my first Christmas commercial of the year already. Two-plus. Weeks. Ago. It was K-Mart (which makes it either better or worse, since there is no K-Mart here, so I don't have to even consider giving them my business, but at the same time, we used to have K-Mart here when I was a kid and it was one of my favourite stores back then), and it was almost a parody of other stores doing Christmas commercials as early as they do, talking about 'this isn't a Christmas commercial', and 'imagine it's for a birthday. For your entire family. In December.' All the while Santa, elves, coniferous trees, and other signs of Christmas are rushing past the (presumably fake) employee saying all this stuff.


    The commercial itself:



  6. (Am I wrong in supposing that Creel has to consciously decide to absorb whatever, and it doesn't happen automatically upon exposure?)

    As far as I can tell, not wrong, though in the comics way-back-when there was a time he was fighting Hulk, holding up a giant rock (boulder, I guess) to crush him with (Hulk was in Banner form and unconscious or just about there, iirc), then stepped bare-footed on Banner's chest and suddenly was no longer made of anything sturdier than flesh and bone and the boulder pressed down on Creel instead.

    EDIT: Forgot to add, I find it interesting that Head!Jemma seems to think she's a real person, but Fitz sometimes acts like he thinks she's real and sometimes like he knows she's not. Kind of odd, that.

  7. I remember that. I think that Phil was involved in it too iirc.

    Yep. Though Phil was kind of presented as a stereotypical white-trash religious nut whereas he's (obviously) a black guy and never seemed extraordinarily religious in the show. But then most of the Mill were really religiously-inclined in the book version, being as it was a small town (generally written as though it was a 10-15 minute walk from end to end, and with a Christian radio station - WCIK, "Christ Is King" Radio - that covers the entire town from a relatively low-power transmitter iirc) with two distinct churches.

  8. Breaking Under the Bad Dome - Rebecca the science teacher of course starts her own meth lab and creates her 95% pure brand called Crystal Dome.

    Funny you should say that, Dobian. Having read the book, I can tell you that the drug that Big Jim was involved in the production of (back in season 1), in the book version, was just plain simple crystal meth. I seem to recall it being never explicitly named but referred to by some 'blissful' type of name.

    • Love 1
  9. One thing bugged me about Sabra or whatever her name was. She touches someone and 'becomes' them, down to breath-borne whatevers and genetic material, fingerprints and retinas. She can hold the transformation 'as long as she wants'. Which means she has control over it. Why couldn't she just force herself to not change, or even just release the transformation immediately, in context of 'intimate' situations?

  10. Re: the Little Baby's Ice Cream commercials: The worst part is the 'backstory' for that ice cream monster. There have been 'interviews' with it, and according to them, it crawled out of a vat of the shop's ice cream, new to life, and... just became the creepy thing it is in those commercials, I guess. Makes me wonder what they put in that ice cream, if it can spontaneously generate ice-cream-based life.

    On the Instant Breakfast one: I definitely hear 'fresh milk', but I have earbuds in, and I can kind of hear how someone listening on regular speakers, especially TV speakers, might hear 'breast milk'.

    EDIT: A post I just made on another thread made me think about this commercial, and this is definitely a headscratcher (especially on first viewing).

    (hope I linked that right)

    I mean I get the implication of the end of it (the guy 'chickened out' of eating the chip, so he became a chicken), but the whole commercial is just... what? What made them think that would sell chips (or 'crisps' to our British peeps)? It was so confusing that when my mother saw it, she told me about it but described it as 'people were abducted by aliens, and they're being forced to eat Doritos and getting turned into something'.
    • Love 1
  11. I haven't really read much of this thread yet, but I came over just now (from TWOP, having been 'on sabbatical' and only just discovered that TWOP was dead and this site existed), and I have to say I'm confused about the thread naming - megathreads with the same or similar names to old TWOP threads (like this one), but talking about something else, like "Commercials That Made Us Scratch Our Heads" used to be about weird and wacky commercials but in the early pages of this one, at least, it seems to be mostly 'misheard commercials'/'what we thought we heard' material.

    That said, I'm glad to know that a place like this exists again, I fully intend to stick around and even read up on the rest of this thread and others, and if I should find a commercial that fits in, I'll amend my posting history (by adding it to this post if I find that no one else posts here, however unlikely that is, between now and then, or in a new reply otherwise).

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