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Posts posted by mirrorrim

  1. It is not your imagination.  I heard the slipped accent in that line of dialog.  Yes, Fimmel went Australian there for a moment when he was yelling.  I assume it may be difficult to maintain the Swedish accent when you are emoting at that decibel level.


    I have respect for how well these actors are coached in unfamiliar accents.  It is one thing to sing in a different accent, with different, more pure vowels; in fact, it is EASY compared to what these actors have to do.  Perhaps the director didn't want to re-do this part of the scene on the boat because it was just too much trouble?


    Yeah, I'm not upset or anything that they aren't fixing this and I understand it's hard. Just surprised and curious about the circumstances because Travis has been so GOOD at maintaining the Viking accent all series, until lately--and he has way less lines nowadays. I hope he's just having an off month and this isn't a sign of something else going on behind the scenes.

  2. But how would we really "know" that his accent is wrong for that time period?  I didn't really hear anything that sounded particularly Australian (at least how I hear Australians speak today) and, frankly, the Vikings on the show sound a bit German to my ears.   That's because I haven't had the opportunity to hear many Scandinavians speak. 

    I'm only noticing it because it's SO different from how they normally speak "Viking." I have no idea if their Viking-speak is accurate, but the show portrays the Viking men speaking in this soft, high-pitched voice, and then every so often Travis will go deep and really speak from the back of the throat more. I wish there was an easy way to post a clip. There was another scene in this episode where he's talking to someone and the last half of the sentence his Viking accent is gone.

    • Love 1
  3. I also want to add that I think Fimmel's acting this season is not up to par with previous seasons.  I don't know, something seems off.  It could be the way they're writing him and that I'm not used to seeing this drugged up, bumbling Ragnar.  


    I'm not particularly attuned to catching slipped accents (I had no idea Christian Bale was British until about 6 months ago), but the last 2 episodes, Travis has been majorly letting his Australian accent slip! It was especially distracting this episode when he yelled at Rollo "this is how you repay Mah Luv!!?" (sorry dunno how to write that in "Australian." You get the idea)

    • Love 3
  4. Daylight rings are so prevalent on this show and The Originals that, like others have said, there is no down side to being a vampire in this universe. None of them deal with the few minor disadvantages being a vamp brings with it.


    Hah! So true. Remember the part in this episode where Matt threatens Damon with video footage of his misdeeds? I was like 'Wah? Since when has ANYone worried about being caught doing vampire things? They routinely leave bloody bodies everywhere that have massive neck wounds or hearts missing and the public has never been curious about what's going on.

  5. I thought she did very well for a first time actress. I havent watched the other shows but I dont doubt there was some strong(er) competition. I dont think she was a joke though. She had some very emotional scenes that she did just fine if not pretty well in. Do I think she deserved a GG? I dunno. But I don't agree that she was a joke or all style-no-substance.


    I will be the lone dissenter and say I dont think Evan Peters, Mare Winningham, or Angela Basset deserved a nom. They just didnt have that much to do, and if they did, it was all about outrageous accents and nothing more. The latter of the 3, I'm throwing in even though no one has mentioned her because I am SO tired of that over-acting type of talking she does with every.single.character.

  6. I was mostly confused by this episode. I only started watching Doctor Who in the middle of Eleven, then went back and watched eleven from the beginning. So I'm really lacking in back story when it comes to the doctor and Gallifrey.

    For the most part this hasnt been too much of an issue and I just enjoy the story even if I don't really understand how it got there. But wow, this is the first time I really think I'm missing something major! Anyone care to explain?

    Why does he hate that old man? Why did he give up on saving Amy and Rory when it was so easy for him to stop Clara's death? How does Gallifrey exist? I thought it was destroyed by the doctor then somehow saved by the doctor and put in some other dimension. How did a planet that was supposedly in another dimension mess with the doctor's confession dial in order to find out what the hybrid is? Is the hybrid canon or totally made up recently since I've never heard of it before a couple episodes ago?

    If anyone can answer some that would be so helpful! The last time I was thrown for a loop for this show was when I caught a re run of ten at a library with River and she DIES!! Mind blown since I thought she was alive all through Eleven'so run (I know technically that's true but had no idea she is also technically dead)

    • Love 2
  7. No? Yes? Hell, who knows anymore. I don't get how John's psychotic break/alcoholic blackout/schizophrenia is totally at March's beck and call. Sally told him why he couldn't remember anything outside the Cortez; okay, that makes as much sense as anything else on this morass of a show. But why couldn't he remember knowing March for five years when he checked in in 2015??? Like, when he was (re) hooking up with Sally the Pit of Bottomless Need who apparently was fine with him not remembering who she is, or during the Serial Killer Dinner Party, where March, who at that point had been mentoring him since 2010, was treating the situation like it was the first time they'd met? Why? What the hell? 


    I mean, it's not Wes Bentley's fault that he's saddled with this unplayable one-note sputtering reedless oboe of a character-- anybody who can't find an open bar in downtown Los Angeles is hopeless from the get--but I never got a vibe from him or March that they cared at all about why they were committing the murders. March gleefully and cheerfully slaughtered anybody and everybody he could get his hands on. He was impossible to profile. He didn't care what sex, race, age, ethnicity or religion his victims were in the slightest, he simply adored murder the way a ten year old girl adores ponies--so why did he decide on a framing device at all, let alone The Ten Commandments? 


    John, meanwhile, while clearly a giant depressive blob of psych eval badness, certainly never manifested the kind of rage (despite March's insistence otherwise) that could lead to suddenly becoming a serial killer in his late thirties/early forties with absolutely no flags or precondtions. The scene he came from, the dad killing himself when he found his family accidentally asphyxiated? That was horrible and sad, but it made him want to get stinking drunk and sit around crying, not run out to slaughter with no selectivity. NONE of this stuff lined up, chronologically or otherwise, and having Mare Winningham/Kathy Bates on for thirty seconds each to act rings around everybody wasn't enough to save it. 


    This x1000. This episode was so bad. While all the seasons of AHS have had their hits and misses, and most people have said each season has gotten worse, I've been fine with how they turned out. THIS episode was the first time I thought "Wow, AHS really has gotten terrible." Which is super disappointing because I really loved everything leading up to it.


    What happened to "Show, Don't Tell???" An entire hour of 2 characters explaining everything to me with no clues of any of this happening during the episodes leading up to the exposition dump. SO. BAD. An exposition dump is only entertaining when you had the clues all along, but didn't know how to put them together. This was not that. I found it especially ridiculous the pains they took to explain every detail, like the part where John explained how he drugged the adulterous couple "I found some drugs in the evidence locker of another case," WOW, thank you brilliant serial killer. Or Sally's "Let's take 10 minutes to list the Ten Commandments on each of these jars and explain why the people were killed, because they broke these commandments..." Uh, Duh. We know what they mean.


    I felt like this episode was an "Aw crap, the network cancelled us, so let's dump everything into this episode and tie up all the loose ends." Except there are still a loose ends, ones that are MUCH more interesting, like VAMPIRE CHILDREN KILLING EVERYONE IN LA. This? I never cared about the Ten Commanments Killer. The show didn't really care about it either. Very little screen time was devoted to it. But now all of a sudden it's the climax of the story and we should all be in awe of how crazy John the amnesiac serial killer is? Sigh. So terrible.


    Only good part was Evan Peters' acting. Disappointed he hasn't really gotten to do much besides storytelling.

    • Love 6
  8. It's the same like in the scene between Edith and Mary at Sybil's deathbed. People were always accusing Mary for not taking the olive branch Edith gave her, but I only saw it as realistic. There was no chance in hell that they would ever get along or like each other more and Mary knows it. She knows she doesn't have it in her to not be annoyed about Edith and that they will have problems in the future.


    This is why Mary is so much worse than Edith. Oh my God, get over yourself. It's your friggin' family but boohoo, Edith exists and waaaah, I just don't like her even though she's never actively done anything to hurt me like I have to her. The only thing wrong with Edith is she's needs to stop trying to become friends with Mary. so Edith is slightly annoying every so often (which I dont even agree with) and this is the entire reason why Mary actively tries to hurt her. I loved Mary's shrug and rolling eyes when she tried to explain why she dislikes Edith. I've been waiting and waiting six seasons to learn why Mary dislikes her so much, and there have been a couple times she's gotten close, but she's never actually expressed why. This scene proves she is just a mean person. It's not Edith, it's Mary.

    She is a HORRIBLE person. I see no reason to appreciate Mary because she's "keepin it real." She's a bitch, plain and simple, and I love that Edith finally said it. Now I hope she finally moves on and stops trying to be the bigger person by creating some semblance of sibling love. Mary doesn't deserve it.

    I also find it interesting that people say Edith is passive and that's why she is annoying and deserves Mary's snark. I say it's another case of bad writing. Mary whines all the time too, does nothing about things, and solutions magically fall in her lap. The only difference between her and Edith is Edith never gets the magical solution.

    Edit edit: nvm cant find a sibling thread so I guess this should stay here?

    • Love 4
  9. I'm confused: why did all the school children suddenly get the mumps? Then when they drank vamp blood they were all better. I understand the vamp blood healed them, but why did they all get infected from newly-healed pirate boy in the first place? And so quickly?

  10. Came here to say the same thing. I really liked the show, up until the last 5 minutes. "Imagine how much he'll help the FBI with cases!" UGH. I dont need another police procedural. It would be so much more interesting to look into the morality of what he should do with his newfound super intelligence (and avoiding the FBI at the same time). They touched on it a bit with Dad being sick.


    I am glad he is single so we can avoid the "whiny lonely girlfriend/wife who must be kept in the dark" angle. That is one storyline that's been beaten to death.


    It's really hard seeing Not Deb. I loved her in Dexter, but if I hadn't seen that show before, I woulda thought she was a bad actress. I didn't connect with her character at all; she seemed a little pathetic.

    • Love 3
  11. Until this episode, I always thought the fighting between Zoila and Gage was fake. In the beginning (and still often now), there was always a lot of laughing among the cast during these "fights," so after years of this I just assumed it was some play-fighting thing they did for amusement and the cameras. I got bored very quickly of it so never took it seriously. But when Zoila cried in the bathroom? That...seemed real. And now I dont know what to think. Really? They were serious this whole time? Really??

    • Love 1
  12. [[RANT]]


    I wish someone would really put Meryl Streep's daughter in her place. She is SO selfish and I can't believe she has gotten away with so much stuff with almost no punishment. I guess we can count John dying and Ethan being shared with his real mom, but really those 2 punishments hurt Molly more than her.


    She kept saying to Ethan "I didnt want you to be sad that your parents were gone," but then uhh...why did you make yourself the new mommy?! You could have easily wiped them out and been known as Ethan's teacher, crazy best friend, head robotics person in charge...but no, you always wanted to be mommy and I dont believe for one second you deleted his real parents because he was sad. Not to mention, the whole reason he was sad is due to your stupid selfish actions.

    I dont even feel she redeemed herself by telling her boyfriend to destroy the humanichs. Yeah, tell someone ELSE to destroy billions of dollars worth of Govt equipment while you're not in the room to be caught and held accountable...if he had succeeded and then got thrown in prison, you know it would take her one hot second to tell the authorities "Oh, that was all him. Not my plan," and she'd justify her selfish actions by saying "Hey, now I'm still in the program and can protect Ethan." (hmm sounds familiar)

    It's been hinted at for 2 seasons that she hated not being Ethan's real mommy and with this episode I feel we are supposed to forgive her and forget all the horrible things she did. Did she even really apologize to Molly about trying to steal John away? Yeah, it takes 2 people for an affair, but John apologized. Streep's daughter just keeps making selfish excuses.


    I also feel the same as everyone else that this episode was filler and the carnival dream sequence was a waste of time.

    • Love 2
  13. It's too bad Kyle feels guilty about not being a good sister, yet Kim never does...it's such a classic abuse situation. Kyle is on the neverevnding hamster wheel of seeking approval from Kim, but it never happens. There may be a temporary truce, but she lets Kim hold all the power when it comes to defining their relationship. I'd love it if after this reunion, Kyle finally realizes that Kim needs to own her shit, and it has nothing to do with her. Does having Kim in her life really make things better?

    • Love 14
  14. God, I wish someone on the reunion would just say to Brandi "You're "jokes" are not funny. That's why we dont like you and react the way we do." Delusional Brandi wants to think she can say absolutely anything and get pissed when people dont like it! Instead, the women get mad, say something else they dont like about Brandi, Brandi deflects and says more insulting things, women react to insulting things....round and round. Come on, Eileen! You're supposed to be the sharp one. Although Lisa got close with the "When you drink it's always our problem."


    Or how about a list of all the things Brandi said was true and it turns out she severely twisted the story....like the amazing scene with Eileen when Brandi claims she was called an alcoholic. Then she back steps when Eileen refreshes her memory and totally changes her story. "Adrienne is suing me!" Oh the memories...

    • Love 9
  15. Came here to see if she had gotten better. I've only seen 5 episodes. I was hoping in episode 2 she would be recast like they sometimes do after the pilot is picked up. By episode 4, I was getting so annoyed that it was hard to enjoy the story (you're about to be made into stew, and you have nearly ZERO EMOTIONAL RESPONSE?!--and this was before she was injected by paralyzer juice. After that, she finally didnt have to act!). Finally, after episode 5 I googled "blacklist bad actress".


    I found some gossip websites that claim she has a billionaire grandfather and that's how she got cast. Also, Spader apparently hates working with her because she sucks so much. I'm also really disappointed to read that she has not been killed off and that the show loses it's focus. I guess I should stop watching. Damn! Spader does such a good job so this is all so disappointing :(

  16. But the "secret" that Liv spilled was inconsequential: the President of the United States won't stop until he finds me. Well, you obviously already knew that or you wouldn't have went to all that trouble in the first place!


    I have watched a total of 2 Scandal episodes. The very first one, and this one...when her "secret" was spilled all I could think was "That's it?! Did they really need some elaborate assassin-kidnapping squad and several weeks in captivity to figure that out?!"


    I also was happy to see her crying. What really turned me off about the first episode was how judgmental she was about people crying and "showing weakness." Just felt too self-righteous.

    • Love 3
  17. "that bitch." "oh what a bitch..." "that BITCH!"  <--my reaction as show progressed. Seriously, what a bitch.

    I really like this show because it raises so many questions! But in a good discussion-y way! I felt the "blocked by everyone" punishment was an extreme version of the scarlet letter; everyone sees him as red so they know he did something really bad, what's to stop someone from killing him out of disgust? Do medics have special eye wear so they can treat permanently blocked people? And I know this is based in the UK, but how is this not "cruel and unusual punishment"? I feel like the way the govt/police treat people could really create some crazies. I mean, having a loud argument in public means he's a stalker and can never have access to his own child?! (did the police know it wasn't his?)

    I also was just WAITING for the new house-AI to have her revenge. I thought she would try to do something to hurt or entrap her owner, like burn the toast so bad the house catches fire, turn off the sprinklers, lock the doors, etc. Or maybe just be a pita and wake her up late or mess up an appointment...  if we are to believe that she is an exact copy of her owner's mind, that means the AI needs some form of mental stimulation or entertainment. No human (copy) can be a robot. I'd still think the copy would go crazy no matter what.

    • Love 5
  18. Wow that was pretty cheesy. And I don't mind some cheese to my shows, but oof this one was pushing it. Between the obvious musical flourishes (bumbling bad guy music! hero to the rescue music! I have an idea music!), horrible fight choreography, cheese-tastic and out of nowhere kiss, and quirk-quirk-quirkiness of Flynn and Cassandra, plus that other old dude....whew. It was tough to watch and I almost turned it off several times in the second hour.


    I was hoping to love it because I pretty much live off of forgotten and magical mythology sci fi shows (Alias, Lost, Warehouse 13). My rip off meter was going through the roof with all the WH13 similarities, but I've never seen these Librarian movies and know nothing about this premise other than the 2 hour episode I just watched. So perhaps it was the other way around and WH13 ripped it off, but so far I think WH13 did it much better.


    I'll try a few more episodes, but so far I'm disappointed.

    • Love 2
  19. Did anyone else catch that quick line where the Doctor asks the leader of UNIT how they knew what was going on, and the woman said "we got a tip from a woman with a Scottish accent." I thought that was perhaps a nod to Amy and Rory, but they'd have to be really old by now, right?

    • Love 2
  20. I hated this episode. I liked the idea that the moon was actually an egg, but the whole dilemma really pissed me off. I immediately felt they were shoving a pro-life debate down my throat every time they yelled "But it's a baby! I can't kill a baaaaby!"

    If we forget the glaringly obvious "why is this baby more important than the millions of unborn babies on Earth," I hated that Clara did not care AT ALL that Earth had been nearly destroyed over the course of 10 years and millions of people had already died and yet she's all unicorns and rainbows about this harbinger-of-death-baby. I mean, really? If this was supposed to make me pro-life and tickle my ovaries that women got to choose the fate of the Earth, I feel insulted--it makes women look stupid and that we have no logical thinking when it comes to babies.

    And humanity did not get it wrong. They came to a logical conclusion based on the facts. Clara was a delusional idiot and got lucky. The vote was stupid because I knew Clara would never actually take anyone else's opinion into account.

    Finally--unless the Doctor isn't telling us something, how does anyone know humanity WOULDN'T have gone and explored space anyway after destroying the moon? It was a false premise. Humanity just as easily could have destroyed the moon and started a space exploration program to find a more habitable planet--EXACTLY LIKE WHAT HAPPENED.

    Also--I'm really tired of companions getting angry at the Doctor for putting them in a dangerous or scary position. I've always wondered why companions aren't more freaked out about traveling with him--we never see them go on an adventure that doesn't involve danger (but I've only watched since Matt Smith). I know occasionally they mention visiting a beach or something, but with the infrequency they mention those trips, I assume 90% of trips involve life or death situations. I think it would be interesting to explore the pathological nature of the companions and how anyone can "enjoy" that much stress all the time.

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