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  1. I am watching it for the first time on Netflix and I think the music is wonderful. I saw all the comments in the Netflix reviews about the soundtrack being "ruined" and like here: http://www.reddit.com/r/gay/comments/1xo4b8/rant_queer_as_folk_streaming_on_netflix_has/ you can see someone complaining about this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRg-1W5sVMc&feature=youtu.be being replaced. They wrote "Was watching the prom/bashing episode and instead of THIS perfect song playing during the dance scene it was some random terrible knock off :(" - I know for a fact that I love the song that they replaced it with actually a bit more, I think. I know the song "Save The Last Dance For Me" well, especially the Michael Bublé version, and when I watched the episode for the first time on Netflix, I noticed that the song sounded like "Save The Last Dance For Me" musically, but it had different lyrics. And honestly, I think the voice of the singer, the unique lyrics... I think overall it was a better choice, it really was. Seeing the real, original scene with the original song choice on YouTube... it's boring in comparison, less special. :P I hate that the Netflix version of the soundtrack is LOVELY but completely uncredited and impossible to find the songs. Someone else here agrees with you and thinks one of the Netflix songs is the one they want to find, and it seems to me they like it better than the one they found "on YouTube", meaning from the DVD/TV airing of the ep. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20140218225436AAcK7lE
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