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Posts posted by HappyDancex2

  1. Things I’d like to see for the next season.  More whammies.  Much less time as a whammy, especially in the second round.  But they will never get Alex out in round one with these lack of constraints….her technique is just too good.  I get the need for the cheftestants to get a feel for the kitchen though.

    if they aren’t going to handicap her more than she might as just sit out round one like BBF.  Let the contestants go thru each other.  I’m trying to think of more things but at some point you don’t want to get too weird like it’s chopped.  But if the themes are just regional cuisine it’s going to be hard to eliminate someone with such good technique, competition skills and flavor knowledge.  And 3 people isn’t helping…her being out cooked by all of them just seems statistically unlikely unless she has less than 15 minutes to cook and the cuisine is Vegetables of Antarctica.

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  2. An FYI I’m in Argentina right now and the empanadas I had today were alarmingly delicious.  I was ready to snark post to everyone I know since I preframed people on the empanada joke.  Jokes on me!

    They had 2 flavors without cheese.  One was veal and one was lamb.  I can’t stand lamb and I don’t eat veal, but I got one of each.  The lamb was flavorful but not lamby….the veal was also delicious but what was different was the crust.  Looked like the ones I’ve had but had the texture of a crispy pie crust but not buttery per se.  Of all the food that was ordered this was the most American salted.

    other observation I had was the food here is undersalted which actually I took was that our food is over salted.  And nobody likes vegetables here LOL

    Now I will be on the look out for authentic Argentinian style empanadas back at home when possible.  A treat!

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  3. I celebrated the finale by buying some beef empanadas at Whole Foods and ate them with a bottled Ghana sauce from a farmers market that was fantastic.  Type of sauce where you can eat it with anything!  I did have a fleeting thought that I would be super mad waiting 2 hours for that product though LOL.  Bought a waffle too but couldn’t eat that much food.

    super glad we got to see BB make a Bao and make great food.  Overall this season there were too many money enhancing challenges.  It did scream producer shenanigans after while but since none of the other teams were that likeable I didn’t get mad.

    My goal for next season is to not watch it and get sucked in.  It would border on hate watching it for Tyler.  The SAY YOURE SORRY moment was too much for me.  And next season no prices over $15.

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  4. 14 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

    Congrats to Wally's Waffles! One thing I don't understand. People kept saying the waffles were dense. Aren't those Belgian waffles that they make supposed to be dense? If Bao hadn't gotten the $800 extra, this would have been a runaway. Hope both teams have continued success!

    Exactly what I was thinking.  Liege waffles are more dense…the popular type of waffles in Japan btw.  It’s not a bad choice especially when you have to top it with gloppy stuff.  But most people associate waffles with fluffy.  I’m still happy they won.  They seem like a nice team.  At least Tyler didn’t ruin the episode.  I thought Aarti looked stunning.

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  5. Manny from the latest season of Top Chef was just on BBF.  I was really quite surprised that he didn’t win the preheat given his pedigree.  But then I thought maybe Katie Lee didn’t put him thru because he is a top cheffer lol and Carson Kressley shouldn’t even be a food judge.  I wish he would have made an aquachile just for old times sake.

  6. I happened to google and it took me to the FB page of the empanadas to see if they were a live company selling food and they are.   Now they are claiming it was “funny business” that. Took them out, not the one hour and also that Paola won the customer service challenge by a landslide and it wasn’t shown how well she did.   They are sore losers imo.  They basically get tons of free publicity (good and bad) for their food service operation and now they are complaining about it.  I hope they break their NDA and don’t get paid.

    Do I think there are producer shenanigans?  Absolutely.  But hey, they are the ones footing the bill so that you can be actors in this production.  Just have your watch parties and be glad you got this close to the end.  Meh.

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    I was shocked and I’m not sure why.  I felt more victory from that than a sporting event lol.  I am also left with a residual disdain for empanadas which isn’t great since I’ll be in argentina in a few weeks 🤣🤣🤣

    I’m ok with either truck left winning.  The biggest surprise may be Baos making Baos in the final episode.  The waffle truck has been a nice story with very little drama to cry over spilled milk…..😂

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  8. On 8/7/2024 at 11:14 PM, MerBearHou said:

    Online Sunny’s army fans the flames of her persona and she buys into everything they egg on — and God forbid if you say she should dial it back or she isn’t funny, etc etc.  She becomes horribly defensive and her fans attack like hungry vultures.  So what I’m gathering is that Sunny thinks this persona is enjoyed and amusing because she won’t listen to anyone saying otherwise.  it’s like a fire being flamed up (no BBQ pun intended) and can’t be put out.

    I have said before that I enjoy calm, helpful Sunny.  But I loathe when she gets wound up.  I just hate it and there goes my mute button.  It’s a shame because I otherwise like this BBQ Brawl show. 

    There’s more online than this?  😂😂😂🤠

    I guess the most obvious answer is that she gets paid to be this yelling barky person.  I love some sassiness and I like all types of personalities on the network so the entire network doesn’t look like Geoffrey Zakarian and Bobby flays lol.  But to each their own I guess.  

    a lot of people don’t like Alex either and think she is too much of a mean bitch vibe but I like her.  She’s competitive and the more shows she’s on the more I feel like she shows a very authentic range of being competitive and personable.  Same with Tiffany faison.  

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  9. The weird thing is that I get Sunny and understand she’s just playing her role.  It’s like an amped up even faux angrier version of her yelly self on BBF.  Clearly Bobby does not mind her.

    That being said she is verging on obnoxious with her comments.  There is no relief from her attitude, even if it’s the dramatic fake angry thing she has going on.  She is comedic relief with no relief.  She’s all hard with no soft so there is no time to enjoy any part she might bring as a mentor or coach.  She loses so much authority maintaining the schtick.

    I thought Elena was going to be the loser.  Her tuna looked really dry.  I thought Ray went out on his terms which is fine.  His food looked pretty lazy and it was a good chance to eliminate him with an obvious error.   I also don’t think Bobby should have adjusted the sauce to that degree.  It’s not his palate being judged, it’s hers.  And in the end it was too sweet anyway and she never would have added honey.

    is it me or have we had a run on the flavors of steak au poivre in the last 3 weeks on every cooking show on the food network?

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  10. “Hey come try our food!  It’s super delicious!!  Heck I’ll give you 25 bucks to come try it!!  LOLOLOLOLOLLLLLL!”

    The Daughter “daddddddddy!  These food trucks are so fun!!! I think I’m going to be on TV!!!!”

    Hat Daddy “I’ll make sure of that hun!”

    Also:  Tyler is insufferable.  I could have never predicted how much I would really dislike him over the course of a few episodes.  And this season feels like 20 episodes long already from all of this contrived drama.  I don’t know if any of these trucks made it after this season but I wouldn’t spend a dime at any of them.

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  11. On 8/2/2024 at 2:49 PM, Colorado David said:

    rewatching season 14 (Welcome back Winners). Lime Truck is charging $26 for a bread bowl special. Aloha Plate is charging $75 for their bread bowl special.  No sides on those specials. ZERO outrage from Tyler for those prices. This show is so dang hypocritical at times. 

    75 dollars??????????  Was this a charity thing?  Did Aloha plate serve this bread bowl in a carved volcanic rock bowl foraged from the base of mt. Kilauea?!

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  12. On 7/30/2024 at 7:32 PM, Colorado David said:

    I wondered about this as well- rice seems like one of the more forgiving ingredients one could adapt to another dish pretty easily. I would think burnt rice would be the only thing worthy of tossing, like any other burnt ingredient.  Happydance, are you a cook? You sound like one.

    Aw what a sweet comment!  I was just a private party “chef” at one point to exercise that creative brain, went thru the “I want to visit schmancy restaurants and do tasting menus” phase and now I spend a lot of time eating clean and fasting 🤣🤣🤣.  My actual skills are so rusty now but I’d love to compete on chopped or GGG.  Or maybe just be a judge on GGG.  That looks like some tasty food!  I do not want Tyler Florence’s job because I get car sick.  LOL

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  13. I dislike the liquor and cocktail emphasis on this show.  It seems unnecessary and takes up time.  We get it Bobby, you love to drink.  There has been way more emphasis on his tequila habit on BBF as well.  I’d edit out the slow pour shots and fix the fake blind judging.  I’m not exactly picking up the cool lounge vibe they are going for because I’m not there and it’s not being shot in a movie vid mode that makes it seductive.  

    I’m beginning to see as a viewer that judging seems to be what my mind picks up and remembers as entertainment.  It’s kind of the same issue I have with the fake poker style show that insinuates it’s shot in NYC but is really shot in California lol

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  14. Another thing I thought was odd was that the Baos threw away their batch of undercooked rice.  They didn’t even try to fix it while they were making another batch for their bowls.  They could have put it in a pot and tried to get it back to a cooked state.  They could have mixed it with cheese and made arancini style balls to fry later.  Or mix it with some furikake and make omusubi style minis to fry off.  Or if they really overshot it then make a congee.  No person who really cooks would throw away that much rice if they cared about food costing.

    also why are they using a cheap proctor silex rice cooker???  I’ll bet all three of them have zojis at home LOL!

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  15. I actually stumbled back into this show and now I’m trying to stumble back out with flair lol.  I feel pot committed to the season since I’m watching it with a friend, who equally was giving me the side eye of eeky cringe during the yelling wrestlers and awkward tag team.  I felt shame that I ever suggested it in the first place but in my defense this show wasn’t like this in the beginning!!!!

    I thought Tyler commending the trucks for giving people what they want in portion size was awful.  How about just lower the price to $12 which is still too much for corn Mac n cheese?   



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  16. I think that’s why the concept of Alex v america is better because Alex doesn’t know who the judges are that she’s cooking for.  While the show gets clunky sometimes at least there is natural suspense, other than Eric occasionally adding a little too much commentary that seems pro Alex lol.

    the judge here knows they are looking at a dish made by one of the titans by nature of the show.  What would improve here is that the titans could be a pool of 8 chefs so even the judge is blind.  Plus there would be more strategy on who goes first and last.

    The judge should never see the challenger.  There is already bias.  Nobody is going to ding Marcus after they see him….too much respect.  It’s easy to make Kevin Lee the “omg comeback patsy” because he hasn’t garnered any competition show cred yet.  He’s a budding star.  There is zero incentive to come on the show if you care about being embarrassed.  That’s why TOC is so great…big name chefs in the TV world and Guy makes it OK to lose.  At the very least Guy always can prop them back up by being judges on his shows.

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  17. Thought it was also interesting that Volt acknowledged that he was making Asian inspired dish so that the judge had a harder time guessing whose dish it was.  I think that can be the unsaid script in many competitions, especially TOC.

    i will always wonder if Aarti Sampath was a good chef or did thy just think she was Maneet?  And why did she never come back?  Now TOC is so Asian chef dominant it’s not even worth it for the judges to try to guess who is the chef.

    I’m glad Volt is doing more of these shows.  We need his representation IMO.

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  18. I dunno.  I found that Kevin episode hard to believe.  I think an improvement of this show would be the judge doesn’t know who cooked the meals after every round.  Maybe the end of show reveal like they do on Alex v America.  She seemed to have made her scores dramatic there at the end….kind of like they do on GGG which just has much smaller stakes and a game show feel.

    I appreciate the judge scoring low and giving harsh feedback we rarely see on any cooking show.  But this I find it impossible to believe that even a crappy dish made by Kevin would score so low so the titans could come back and win.  And I also feel like Kevin didn’t need to plate his collards after his pressure cooker broke and could have incorporated kimchi some other way.

    It’s honestly the first time on this show that I raised one eyebrow because it felt like Bobby said “you want to be part of the most epic comeback on this show?  I will now feature you on my other shows if you throw the last challenge”

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  19. They could definitely cap the challenge item price at $10.  The people waiting in line for hours are the ones that get screwed.  They are just trying to be supportive of the TV show that has come through their city and to get price gouged on top of it is just rude.  Like Tyler.  LOL

    The empanada lady is exhausting.  
    The Bao truck should be eliminated for false advertising.  😂

    I still think the Say You’re Sorry reprimand to a TV camera when they’ve been gouging people for years was disingenuous to the nth degree.  I would have been like “what about me??  What about that crappy taco I paid $25 for in 2018???”

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