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Posts posted by dogfish

  1. I'm glad the animals are being treated better.  While large companies can easily afford monetary fines, I don't think Fox wants to be labeled as the network that doesn't protect innocent farm animals.


    WRT Red and his comments, let me first state that I do not watch the show and get all my info from Zahdii's EXCELLENT recaps, but I would surmise that he was just trying to get a rise out of Bella.  What would be more egregious than shooting a doe with two fawns?


    I know hunting laws vary from state-to-state, but when I lived in the Upstate NY area (HUGE deer hunting population) I was under the impression that doe season was a very small window.  Can anyone comment on the CA laws?

  2. So these guys are well paid to be on tv and pretend to be poor, nay, pretend to pretend they're poor (because even within the fake reality of the show, they're plowing through their fake budget like drunken sailors), so all this ... qualifies them for public assistance?   Is that real public assistance or pretend public assistance? 

    They get $1000/week less taxes...not exactly "well paid", but not a qualifier for public assistance either.

  3. Yeah, completely agree that it is way too late for that. One of the stupidest things anyone who wants to run for public office can do is to be on a reality show of this type, let alone have sex with someone you barely know on camera for millions to see. I would think most people really wouldn't want a reality TV "porn star" as their DA.


    Mike is an attorney in Manhattan, so I'm pretty certain he makes more than $52k per year so that makes me think he's a bit of a famewhore and wanted exposure more than anything else. Unfortunately he is not getting the type of exposure he wants and he can pretty much kiss his chance at being DA goodbye. It may even affect him getting a job at many other law firms (or keeping his current one assuming they hold his job for him for a year, which legally they aren't under any obligation to do).

    I'm sure the folks at Bickle & Brewer are thrilled with their Associate's antics.  Running for DA - is he delusional!?

    • Love 2
  4. I agree.  And I don't understand why, if the vets have been watching every day, they didn't intervene sooner.  If ordinary viewers realized something bad was happening concerning the lack of care for the animals, then the vets - who are professionals being paid by the show to keep an eye on the situation - should have noticed at least as soon as viewers.  Even sooner, I'd think, because they should know what to watch for.  Yet things got as far as they did.  I don't understand it.  

    They may have been concerned and tried to intervene but were told by Production to "give em a few days...see if they figure it out for themselves."  I'm sure the folks backing a production this large are not really concerned if a chicken or two dies.

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  5. I'd go a step farther and say that this is exactly what production wanted: the alcohol fueled debacle on the first episode was the first clue, failure to feel any urgency about anything including food is the second clue and the completely screwed up, clueless, ridiculous people (or actors playing a part) they cast is the third clue.

    *Ding, ding, ding*...we have a winner!  I think you are absolutely correct.  They wanted to see how big a mess they could create...after all, Production provided alcohol!

    They realize that there is no way that this cast could form a Utopian society or even agree on what to plant in a garden.  But they also know that people watch train wrecks...lots of people.

    • Love 2
  6. And where in hell did they find so many adults willing to engage in all this sex with strangers? Have none of them considered the repurcussions, should they actually have to be there for the year? Geez, at this rate, they will have coupled in every way possible within the first month! Not getting milked on time might become the least of Bessie's problems. (joking---don't kill me)

    I wondered the same thing.  How long was Bri there before she just had to get a boyfriend...24 hours?  For the younger 20 something set, I think it is the influence of all of the "reality" shows (especially Big Brother) and the trend really started with MTV's Real World.  Granted, the Real World folks did not have the tools for instant feed-back that are available now (Twitter, Instagram....), but they got a kick out of the "minor celebrity" status that they obtained while being on the show.  Now with social media it has exploded into "I can become a hashtag overnight...I just need to be outrageous and the news will spread like wildfire."  For someone like Bri, I imagine she sees BB and acts like those that she has "admired" on that show.  I just feel for families, friends, etc on the outside who are hurt by their behaviour.  Imagine being Bri's dad?

    • Love 4
  7. ^^^^This.  No one is doing anything because

    a) it's entirely staged and they don't need to be concerned about anything (e.g. violent ex-con camp mates, lack of food) or

    b)they know that TPTB will keep supporting them.  


    We have already seen on the Live Feeds thread the HUGE amount of Production involvement.

    • Love 3

    I would argue that $1,000 a week is not a paltry stipend. That is a pretty nice chunk of change. If someone lasted 52 weeks, that would be $208,000, before taxes. Not bad money. If you are a single person who is unemployed or underemployed, $1,000 is great money. I don't remember too many of these people have younger kids or kids in school at home. Several are unemployed or in college. So the stipend will help a lot. A bunch came with an agenda, Pastor Jon/Bella, to convert people to a specific way of thinking and could careless about the money.

    If they were gone for 4 years!  :)


    Which reminds me of another 70's classic song: Timothy. Wasn't that a great record?

    Written by Mister Pina Colada himself.  They should have called it What We Gonna Do About Tim?

    If they keep spending their money the way they are, TIMOTHY might be the answer!  :)

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    And is Red carrying around a tea pot everywhere he goes? Is that where he keeps his whiskey?

    No doubt.  I truly believe that this is Red's audition tape for future "reality" shows (he's already done one on cannabis growers).  He's got his schtick and I bet he thinks it will go a long way towards getting him on Survivor or BB.  How about Red and Dave (Rave) as partners on The Amazing Race...that would be awesome!!

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  11. kikismom - you must have been a lot of fun at summer camp! :)


    As much as it pains me to admit this, I sort of agree with Rave when it comes to the food.  The "pioneers" have a limited budget...if they can buy 10 lbs of white rice for the same price as 2 lbs of brown, buy white.  Radishes...seriously?  Not exactly the best use of your food dollars (not that they have established any kind of budget.)  I would be buying the basic "chuck wagon" sorts of foods - beans, rice, carrots, flour, butter, etc.  Even Ramen noodles (inexpensive) will fill more bellies than organic quinoa and baby endive.  YMMV

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    My Republican mind couldn't help but smirk that Dave and Red were the types who nearly immediately established themselves as a welfare state. They have no education, and have been rejected by real society for fair reasons. There's no sense arguing with them since they're so stupid. Dave is mental, and will always be in the gutter/jail.

    That's funny and sadly, accurate!  

    From what I have seen so far, this has to be a loosely scripted show.

    • NONE of the pioneers are particularly worried about establishing a means of income.
    • They don't seem worried about where their next meal will come from.
    • They are not concerned to be sharing camp with several apparently unbalanced and potentially violent folks.
    • As pointed out, not a single person was upset that Rave broke into the safe.
    • They have no plan for the next 11 1/2 months.

    It's almost as if they realize that they are simply making another TV show and that TPTB will take care of all their needs.

    Love to see what happens when they run out of food and money.  Bella's garden ain't gonna cut it.


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  13. Not ALL the men are throwing tantrums.  Mike seems to be pretty level headed and I have not seen Jon or Chris lose it yet.  The women as a whole seem to be pretty flaky.  Wish I could attribute that to their young age, but alas Crazy Bella is 45.

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  14. These people have to be actors playing a role.  No sane person would feel safe going to sleep with a guy as unstable as Dave walking around.  I also don't know many guys that would stand around while Red and Dave (Rave) destroy food and property.  I'm thinking Rave would be locked in a shed until they could be dealt with.

    • Love 4
  15. Unless he has a problem with alcohol, it seems a little strange that he got soooo wasted considering his age.  I might give a 20 year old a pass on partying so hard that they get sick (Hex), but a 36 year old person should have enough experience with alcohol to know their limit.  I'm all for a good buzz, but I don't ever want to be stumbling around.

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