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Posts posted by dogfish

  1. On 4/14/2021 at 8:40 PM, ESS said:

    OMG that's right!! I forgot about that for a minute until you mentioned it, thank you,  since you didn't catch it, her full name is Annie Flynn Ray Bello. 

    I thought Rebel came from “Ray Bello”

  2. I found the scene where Rebel threatened the battered woman's husband to be a little hard to swallow.  While we were supposed to feel all, "you tell him Rebel", it seemed to fall short.  My first thought was that anyone who would stab his wife, head-butt a police officer, and attempt to stab other folks is potentially psychopathic.  They are harldy going to be moved by threats of "bankrupting his parents". and "haunting his every day".  They are more likely to be thinking, if I could slip these handcuffs, you would be dead right now.

    • Love 6
  3. Was I the only one that thought "Rodlyn's" performance of "Yesterday" was amazing?  I'm not a huge Beatles fan (I know...right?), but I thought their version of it was beautiful.

    • Love 8
  4. On 1/25/2019 at 2:32 PM, Gothish520 said:

    I'm with you re: Eddie and Delilah. What they did was wrong, absolutely, but it definitely appears that Katherine and Jon regularly blew them off and did not take care of their relationships. And I do not buy the "it's for the family" excuse either. Once in a while, sure, but sometimes what your family needs is YOU. How many people say "Damn, I really should've spent more time working" over "I really should've spent more time with my family"?

    All four are at fault for the failures in their relationships - but that doesn't mean that they were all equally at fault. And Katherine at least contacted Eddie to say she would be late; it appears Jon just completely blew off Delilah without a word, at least not until much later. I am loving Ron Livingston's work here though!

    I think Katherine HAD to work that hard to keep the family afloat. Her man-child husband certainly wasn’t providing much of an income giving guitar lessons

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  5. 11 hours ago, Dusty said:

    Well at least someone said how ridiculous it is that Katherine is helping Delilah. Thank you Katherine's assistant whose name I should remember!

    Eddie is an ass. No surprise there. Why hasn't he taken off his wedding ring yet? He was so gung ho to move on before any of this happen and wanted to get an apartment that he can be with Delilah in. I know it's a little thing but it bothers me everytime I see it.  I hope when Eddie falls off the wagon, because you know he's going to, that Katherine is like  "Delilah, looks like that's your problem now. Good luck. And Eddie, you can't see Theo unless you're sober and you sure as hell can't be alone with him until you got this under control again. I've bailed you both out enough." Which won't happen and even if Gary will probably be like "See! I knew she was toxic as hell!" and everyone else would agree.

    I skipped over the Gary/Maggie scenes. I can't with them.

    I understand Regina's reasoning for her not wanting Rome to take the commercial campaign job but they should've at least talked it out more to do what they think is best or see if there can be a compromise. Like Regina does ask her mom for a loan but it can be a smaller one because Rome will take this ONE job with the understanding that he's not going to continue to do so and if it becomes too much for him to handle then it's absolutely fine that he quits. Or they move into a less fancy apartment, sell their place if they own it or save money on less rent. Instead of both of them running off and doing whatever they think is best for the other without really talking about it.

    All of this.^  I don't understand why they are making Eddie out to be a sympathetic character.  He slept with his best friend's wife; he blew up his own marriage and at the same time jeopardized his relationship with his son, and is now running off without a care in the world to tour with his bros.  What a child.  At least we know he's sensitive enough to be conflicted over whether or not to wear his wedding ring. <sarcasm>. What a guy!

    I also have no intrest in the Gary/Maggie storyline, in fact I find Gary to be pretty overbearing and judgemental most of the time.  As I guy myself, I do not think that G, E, R, J would have become such close friends just because they spent some time in an elevator and are all Bruin fans. (It's Bahstahn...everyone's a frickin' Bruins fan). And while we're on the subject of the elevator, how long were they "trapped" on it?  We saw Jon make a call to whomever that if they weren't out in the next 15 minutes, the deal to buy the building was off.  Presumabley they spent much longer in there, and that would suck, but for one of the guys to say, "if we live through this, let's all get season tickets", is a little ridiculous.  We'll all abandon our previous lives and relationships, introduce our wives to each other, and constantly be in each others homes.  I just don't think that would actually happen, but then again, my reality of getting together for a beer every now and again (not you Eddie), would not make for a very entertaining tv program!

    Rant over

    • Love 12
  6. 35 minutes ago, nkotb said:

    My big comment to my husband "I can't believe that everyone in this entire group of friends can run a 5K without really much effort." Save for Katherine, every one in the crew, including 2 of the kids, ran the 5K. Maybe I'm super lazy (probably true in the 5K sense), but I probably only have 1 friend that could just pick up & run a 5K.

    I was thinking just the opposite.  I was laughing at all the talk of training for "the big race".  I am no runner, but I have participated in 5ks before. It's 3 miles...you could walk it in an hour, which brings up another question.  Given that most of these type races begin in the morning, and given that it takes approximately an hour to walk a 5k, why did Gary's girlfriend finish at night?

    • Love 15
  7. 24 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

    The chips couple had twice as high an ask for the same percentage (5%) as the meditation app woman. When the (white) chips couple made their ask, Mark said, "Yes, sir!" versus groaning when the Korean woman made her ask. He didn't know the motivation behind their product yet. I'm over him.


    So you’re saying Cuban is a racist?  How sad for you.

    • Love 9
  8. 8 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    True. That's actually a good point; maybe the fire happened the night before, everything seemed fine, Jack went to work the next day and then collapsed at work. Again, that's the only explanation I have for why Jack's work notebook is in the bag with the rest of his things. 

    Or he's not dead...yet.  Just because she has his personal effects, does not mean he's dead.  Jail, rehab, hospital...all possibilities.  We know he dies eventually (soon), but this could be a red herring.

    • Love 2
  9. 21 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

    This is the same problem I've had with Rebecca's singing 2-week tour group.  It came on suddenly, and - unless I missed the signs - we didn't know for a pretty good chunk of season 1 that Rebecca's dream was to go out and sing.  There could've been so many realistic ways to give the viewers this info - have her sing in a friend's wedding, or sing around the house and have one of her kids comment on her voice, etc.  But I took it as a sudden plot point that Mandy Moore Rebecca had to sing!  And go on tour!

    I was under the impression, perhaps incorrectly, that she used to sing with the group in her "previous life."

    • Love 3
  10. We are all assuming that Jack died in the fire because for an entire year we have had the knowledge that he does die at some point in the children's teen years. We have been anticipating the big reveal...we want an answer to how he died.  The PTB may have presented us with this ending because they knew we would jump all over it.  Just because his possessions are in a bag does not mean he's dead.  He could be in jail, rehab, the hospital, or perhaps the witness protection program. :)  It just seems too easy, after stringing us along for a year, that the writers would give it up in EP 1 of year 2.


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  11. 11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    The last scene of the burned out house was at night.  There was yellow tape still around the house, I wonder how long it had been since the fire.  Kate and a Randall were in Miguel's house, it looked like Miguel was telling them what happened.

    The camera lingered on Kevin's cast, there were a lot of signatures on it.  I don't think Jack died saving Kevin or Kate.  To me Kevin broke his leg and Jack died weeks later.

    Weren't there still a few firefighters hanging out in front of the house?  That's what I recall, meaning the fire occurred recently.

    • Love 2
  12. 9 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

    I'm just baffled with the casting of Abigail Breslin in this.  I mean Jennifer Grey was no beauty but she had dancer type body and a manturity that Abigail doesn't have.  She looks like a 15 year old who is still loosing  baby fat and needs braces.   And her acting isn't that convincing.  At least in my opinion. 

    Jennifer Grey was cute...AB is not.  When she ran to do the jump (which they didn't show because she probably had to be lifted up), she looked soooooo awkward.

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