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Posts posted by mardo4

  1. Although I haven't seen base housing for decades, Brianna's home doesn't look anything like the houses I remember.

    I thought that too... but it has been ages for me as well. Just saying, trade off is nicer house but give up that support of the military wives. High price, Especially when the kids are young. But, it may have been a calculated decision because I dont think the military would have approved Bravo filming on base.
    • Love 3
  2. I'm pretty sure that the military provides free child care or very low tuition fees. My brother and sil were both in the air force and they have three children that were in daycare. Plus they had a housing allowance. Ryan should be receiving these benefits as well.

    Maybe it has changed, but my mother received no daycare services when we were kids. Most wives help out the other wives. It is surprising to me that they know no one in OK and have no friends. It makes me think they do not live on base. Most wives and even kids of military are very quick to make friends because they are in the culture of moving and having to do it often. My mom still writes christmas cards and exchanges letters (going on 50 year friendships now) with people she only knew 2 years because of our frequent transfers.
    • Love 3
  3. Here's a question.  How did Brooks faking cancer hurt any of the housewives with the exception of Vicki?  If they had just accepted it, if Meghan wasn't a truffle snuffling pig, what would be the difference in their lives?  Brooks was hurting Vicki and none of them.  ... All right, it's all been exposed.  Brooks is gone and Vicki is a lone, lorn mess.  And she isn't thanking any of you for it.  Maybe that's the answer.  She's not grateful for how it all played out.

    I always thought Brooks was a liar and cheating Vicki for her lifestyle. And you are right, that should just be Vicki's concern. Look there are plenty of old rich men who have "trophy" wives who are signifigantly younger and they are not fooled as to why the girl is with them but they enjoy the companionship. I view Crooks the same way. Where I have a problem with him is when he claims he has cancer and then is trying to talk about this healthy juicing company that Vicki invested in and how it is helping him... well then you really need to expose him as a liar.
    • Love 4
  4. I liked that Jim straight up admitted his behavior was what it was and it wasn't editing, but the whole "it's annoyhing there were cameras in my house" was irritating.  You signed your wife up to be on a stupid reality show.  What do you want?.

    Yes, I get that he agreed to her being on the show, but they probably had conversations that he was not going to be involved with the petty fights and things. I married a strong silent type and if he felt he was being pressured into defending me or discussing any emotion at all, let alone things he could care less about, yes he would probably shut it down and be annoyed. I also think Jimmy didn't really think about the fact that since he is gone 50% of the time... that most of the time he is with his wife they would be filming or alot of it. seems obvious now, but I dont think he really thought that part through.
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  5. I will admit I watched all 3 episodes out of curiousity. I stopped watching last season because it was all about them being victims. The real victims are the american people who through taxes have to prop up these banks and mortgage companies. Teresa at least says she has done wrong and needs to make up for that. Joe acts like he has no idea what happened to him and he somehow "ended up in jail". With that attitude he will be back to thievery again and his children will have learned nothing. I think the lawyer is probably on air as part of his indirect compensation is my guess.

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  6. There are people who identify with being Catholic and those that are practicing Catholics. Just like there are people who are Jewish who haven't stepped foot in a temple in years. If Teresa was praying with her girls at bedtime whether they attended mass or not they would know the Lord's prayer. No judgement, just saying your children don't know what you don't teach them. That clip encouraged me to reintroduce bedtime prayers because we have gotten away from it since they are older now. So thanks, Teresa!

    • Love 5
  7. It's true that cancer patients often turn to eastern medicine and alternatives but it is normally in concert with chemo and whatever the oncologist prescribes. That doctor was a family doctor connected to juicing and I guarantee Brooks will be selling some juice regimen in 3 mos because he is "cured". Vicki is just lonely and that is why she gets so defensive when people question these lies. She will be back with Brooks when the show is over. This doctor is not even a D.O. Which I would go to if western medicine has no more answers or alternatives. Brooks is a con artist and I can't believe RHOC does not take him off the air for the fraud he is.

    • Love 11
  8. It was nice how Kelli announced the team and how she admitted that cutting people is hard.

    Yes, at first I wondered if she had any regrets about cuts with the injuries and all... but when you see girls still making errors I think she made the tough decisions she always has had to make.
    • Love 1
  9. Wow, I felt like this whole series was rushed and I am sad that it is over. I hated that the 'big accomplishment" that was featured for Holly was her weight. Considering all her dance skill it was just sad to see.

    • Love 6
  10. Of all the cuts, I didn't understand Courtney. I felt she suffered from Kelli trying to have an even number for the triangle. Courtney is great.

    . I wondered that too. but, unfortunately she did have incorrect foot placement on a number of things they showed us so it does give Kelli or Judy pause. I think she would have been in if they stayed at 36.
  11. Impressed with her maturity! She really has her head on straight and is role-model material for younger girls. I am a fan too and hope she comes back next year!

    . I didn't like Courtney's overexposure in the earlier episodes but I liked her enthusiasm. if she can "fix her feet" (channelling my inner Judy) I think she can make it and would be a valued member of DCC. Loved the article.
  12. I guess that depends on the girl being trained - some can hear "move your shoulders" and correct it, some need specifically to be asked "now did you move your shoulders," and some need Kitty to grab and shake their shoulders while ranting about Charro or whatever.

    LOL - I am going to have that image of Miss Kitty in my head all day!
    • Love 1
  13. Where are these rankings?

    . they aired a peek of Kelly's paper on episode 4 for sure and they have been shown throughout the shows from time to time normally during cuts. Checkout episode 5 forum postings around pg 3 for the patient person who paused their TV and pieced it together, Simplsimon I think. Anyway I stand corrected Simone was ranked 25th... still she was no girl on the bubble at the time.
  14. that was too funny! I have not heard her name in a long time. I used to love her!

    . Tina Kalina also said "these girls really need to know how to dance!" Paraphrasing but I got the idea maybe there was more sex kitten and less dance talent in the 90s. Like all organizations and sports they evolve. :)
  15. Who was the brunette with the knee brace on? I am assuming vet, but only saw the back of her in a group shot.

    does anyone wonder if Courtney was cut because they would be at 35 instead and that messes with the triangle?

  16. Thought it was good to see Loren more too…even though her leaps weren’t the best last week lol she IS an excellent power dancer.  You could really see the difference in the way she moved vs Courtney and Simone.  I can’t remember who it was now, one of the rookies on Twitter put out a special thank you to her when squad was first announced, how they couldn’t have made it without her help. 

    . very good to hear that about Loren. I just thought she looked great and represented DCC well... But I got the impression she was suprised they were not further along... Like if they don't have the polish on signature dances how bad are the rest?

    makes me wonder with half the squad being rookies and having to continue to learn so much more after training camp, maybe Judy and Kelli just don't want any strugglers that they need to "develop" this season. it's easier to take a chance if you have 6 rookies... But when half your squad is NEW I think maybe it is too much of a performance risk.

    • Love 3
  17. I can understand the Kyndall cut.  Like Kelli said, you WANT her to be field ready and she just isn’t.  Too many mistakes…but I really came to like her and I SO hope she makes it next year!! Such an effortlessly pretty girl with a lot of poise.:(

    . I loved that she approached Judy and Kelli and asked for another shot. unfortunately, it was evident that she was not ready and following the choreography.... But I love her tenacity and her personality. I think it was refreshing for Judy and Kelli to be spoken to like regular people instead of being approached in fear like usual. I hope she comes back stronger next year!

    Of all the girls on the bubble I thought Taylor had the best chance of surviving...I'll never get how you can be loose/flexible enough to do a jump split but then have low kicks!

    . Someone explained that beautifully on the last episode posts....it has to do with strength keeping it up there combined with flexibility. but, they explained it really well.
    • Love 2
  18. I know if I were Kelli I would have been miffed at Simone saying that there are vets who are willing to work with her on her power. That implies to me that she knows she has power issues, but up to now hasn't been getting help from the vets. I'd think that would be a bit of a red flag *shrugs*.

    I did not get that at all... I think she was trying to say she was working on it and secured vets volunteer time to help her continue working on it. She obviously had been working w Melissa already, etc.

  19. I read some other comments that said Taylor had been working on her kicks all year and posting about it on her social media.

    . wow, I did not know that. well then, she just doesn't have it unfortunately. She is shorter too, so they have to worry about the camera catching her Near the end on the line and how that visually represents DCC as a whole.
    • Love 1
  20. I'm glad Simone survived. I think she is gorgeous.

    . Someone pieced together the rankings from finals and I think she was 22 or something very high... So I think that was in her favor trying to nurse her injury. It also helps that they do not have many stand out rookie beauties, because she for sure is one. thumbs up Simone!
    • Love 2
  21. It does make me wonder though if some of those cuts should have been made earlier in camp - like Tyler. Girls who are on the bubble for kicks practically never make the team. Waiting til the very end and then having a masscare just adds insult to injury to the girls cut.

    . I like Taylor a lot and I do think because of her dance performance they tried to give her as long as they could. her kicks were so low though, I just don't think she has enough time to realistically get there. I am a fan but she really should have been working on them the past 2-3 seasons she tried out. Numbers wise with so many rookie spots open this really was her best shot. :(
  22. Melissa has been useless this season, pretty much everyone she has helped has been cut.

    . I like Melissa's role this year and that she has added help by seasoned vets. The nature of Melissa's "job" is to help the struggling ones. By the nature of the system only a few potentially that she works with will click with the addl help and make it.
    • Love 5
  23. I think Kaleigh looks too much like Holly A's older sister - same exact styling, dancing, body type, etc., but just not as fresh. Like she has premature crows feet in the corner of her eyes and it ages her when she's probably not really older than average. I agree that K&J should be blaming themselves/the makeover salon and NOT the TCC for any styling issues at this point though.

    She did not strike me as a natural blonde, so they could have tried to go darker to make her eyes pop more. Oh, I now see Calligirl suggested that upstream... I agree!

    I think she has a more angular, long, face than some so a different cut could have been good and made her stand out more. But definitely think this was the stylist and K&J just missing the opporturnity for something different. It is unfair to hold the TCC accountable for that...she has a slamming body and she went under their directives for styling.

    This reminds me of when Mackenzie Lee tried out and her kicks weren't the best (they were also lower and a bit tight). She used ankle weights and Brittney Evans to help her get her kicks up. I don't remember the entire sequence, but it's available in a previous episode. Taylor could have really benefitted from at least watching that episode for that segment alone.

    Kitty did say to give Taylor time to get the kicks up...so she got the thumbs up on her performance from Kitty which does buy her some time.
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