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long beach lisa

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Posts posted by long beach lisa

  1. I need to free myself from watching this show. I'm just not the target audience. I did my quarter life crisis in Brooklyn 15 years ago. Not sure why I insist on hate watching.

    people keep telling me how talented Lena Dunham is, and maybe so. But it feels like an emperor's new clothes scenario. Which is apt, I guess, since she's so often naked.

    I did that 30 years ago in Brooklyn, but things were way different back then. People like these characters would have been shunned, through and through.


    Someone upthread asked why Hannah was acting like an entitled you-know-what with her parents -- guess what? They brought her up that way. When I read that Lena Dunham was raised by artists and went to St. Ann's private school in Brooklyn Heights, it all became clear. She's writing what she knows.


    I'm probably one of the oldest commenters here, but I watch this show absolutely gobsmacked by the bottom-line ugliness (people and situations), entitlement (where does everyone keep their many trophies??) and self-absorption.


    This show is 180 degrees from Sex and the City (people, Brooklyn has showers, trust me), but both shows are equally dangerous to impressionable young people.


    I'm dying to write an entire manifesto about this, but I'm too tired. 


    I fear for future generations, and this show has made me so very happy I've never had children. I'd be mortified if any child of mine were as hateful or Valley Girl stupid as these characters. Not only youth, but education, seems to be wasted on the young (in this show --no offense to viewers).


    I am in awe of how the casting people managed to find the most heinous-looking people on earth to showcase on a reputable cable network. I use TV for escape ... when I want to see the fugly and unwashed, I'll take the subway.

    • Love 1
  2. Yes, that's her, the one playing Rosie. She's Australian and I guess she's going for a Brooklyn accent, but it's awful. And I don't remember it being like that in the first episode!

    One of the most difficult accents to master -- but I have LOL!

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  3. The scene with Lisa and Pandora was weird...I couldn't really figure it out. Did Pandora ask her mother if she was worried that someone would be joining the family? (then Lisa said stop, don't say that.). Did they think that Max was maybe inquiring about his ancestry because he's interested in marrying his girlfriend? Sorry if I got it all wrong and am completely off the mark....I just couldn't understand that exchange.

    I took that to mean don't say anything more, I know Max's mother was a 10-year-old crack whore and I don't want him to find out. Yes, a bit of hyperbole, but I think Lisa knows too much about the mother (it was a foster care case), and is trying to shield Max from the truth.

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  4. From Brandi's mouth to the producer's ears "Get a new subject", put us all out of our misery and fire her.  So she wants to be Chelsea Handler and be able to get away with all the crap that comes out of her mouth?  You're not funny.


    I know we only saw a small clip, but was Eileen really proud enough of that movie to invite the Hos to the viewing?


    Lisa R's daughter clearly did not want to be part of a storyline, she couldn't leave fast enough.

    I had to laugh at that scene ... I am liking Eileen, who I never heard of before she was a HW, but that definitely (and literally) put her in her place -- not alongside Meryl Streep. I thought that was a clever edit, and probably a bit of a warning from Satan Andy: don't get so high and mighty, girl, even though the viewers love you!


    And I agree with the OP from episodes ago who remarked that Max's storyline is a carefully orchestrated ploy by Lady VanderP to re-ingratiate herself with the viewers. When "Pandy" (I so want to punch her, I don't know why!) starts to "cry," I was thinking that they might have better spent money on acting lessons than that sham wedding. Worse than a soap opera! And I keep watching. SMH.

  5. Mama Joyce may not be the primary reason Kandi's marriage seems to be coming apart but it is a contributor. I can't blame Todd though, in his place, my husband showing such disrespect for my mother, such as Kandi did for Todd's mother would give me pause. Kandi allowing her employees to clown Todd also shows a fundamental lack of respect for the man she married. If Kandi is served with divorce papers it wouldn't surprise me and I couldn't blame Todd.

    Yes, we can blame Todd. He knew exactly what he was getting in to, and went ahead with it anyway. I'm telling you, I haven't trusted him 100% since the whole deal with the prenup.

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  6. Oh yes, that kid with the insane mother who thought Sansa Starke was lusting after her creepy "husband."  I couldn't stand that little brat and  I wanted someone to throw him down the shaft, or the well, or whatever that big hole in the castle was.  


    It wasn't right to slap the kid, he should have smacked the parents.  I can't stand parents who think their child can do anything the fuck they want and it's all good.  My parents smacked me on the bottom when I was being a little brat and you know what?  I deserved it because I never did that shit again.



    Years ago in Harlem, the city was trying to unload the property they owned there, so they sold those dilapidated brownstones for $1 but YOU had to pony up the cash to fix it up.  Don't know if they did the same thing in Brooklyn.  I have to say that it never crosses my mind, how people on TV, especially in NYC can afford to live where they do because unless it's an area like Sutton Place, Central Park West or a building like The Dakota, many neighborhoods in the city, at any given time, have been pretty marginal,(anything east of Park Avenue used to be considered a working class neighborhood, now it's full of condos) so a place that is now a million dollars, cost a fraction of that fifteen years ago.  

    Those brownstones used to go for $20,000 in the late 50s, early 60s (the immigrants -- like my family -- wanted to be able to save up and move to the country, aka Long Island). But many bought the brownstones, stayed there through thick and thin, and are now real-estate millionaires. I can't click on zillow without weeping thinking of what could have been ...

    • Love 1
  7. Thanks for this explanation. I was very curious how this version differed from the novel and Australian adaptation. From what you're saying, I agree it was a mistake to make the characters hipstery Brooklynites. It might interesting to hear why the writers (?) went this route. I bet they wanted to complain about the hispter Brooklyn parents who let their kids run wild in coffee shops, but didn't think about how the other dynamics of the book would translate. Especially the dynamics between Hector and Aisha. From your explanation, his lusting seems a little more understandable.


    I hated the narration. (Didn't realize that was Victor Garber.) It was distracting and the tone was off. Distancing, maybe? I was automatically disconnected from the narrative, and Hector, hearing that voice.


    I agree the writers did a very poor job explaining how these people were connected and why they were together as a group. I spent too much time trying to work out the dynamics. For example, the first time Hector looks at Rosie breastfeeding Hugo in the house, I thought he was lusting after her. I thought Rosie was his sister at first, and then he was watching her breastfeed and I considered she was a sister-in-law he wanted to have an affair with. And It didn't immediately dawn on me that the scene was significant because she was breastfeeding a (practically) young adult and he was watching her with judgment. 


    Another huge problem for me was not one person was likable (maybe Anouka, but only because she was making faces at all the stupid things everyone else was doing, or Aisha, because she is just so alone) and not one person was worth rooting for.


    I always think it's a mistake to introduce a character with a big ugly flaw like fantasizing about a teenager. No mater what came afterward, I hated Hector. I'm also sorry to write that Peter Sarsgaard was a poor choice here. He already has a sad look about him which makes playing a character who is unhappy in his marriage extra depressing.


    Hugo was awful. Since I don't believe in hitting someone else's child, i think it's best to stay away from people like Rosie, Gary and Hugo. In my real life, I never have a problem turning down invites to parties (for family, in-laws and friends) if I know someone I don't like will be there. Rosie and Gary can raise their son as they see fit, but I don't have to be around them while they do it. Since I know most people won't go to that extreme, everyone at the party should have told Gary and Rosie to take the bat from Hugo. And if they still wouldn't discipline him, it was Hector and Aisha's place to tell them they'd have to control their son or leave.


    The problem here is that Aisha clearly dislikes Harry, so she wouldn't have taken his side even if she'd agreed with his decision.


    So, my overall feeling is that I didn't like The Slap. It made me feel disagreeable and unhappy. We moved from Park Slope many years ago and were beginning to despise the parents moving into the area when we left. It's been nice not being around people like that. At the same time, I'm kind of fascinated. My husband is done, but I think I'll tune in for another episode to see if it gets better.

    I grew up in that very part of Brooklyn way back in ... well, let's just say way before the hipsters ruined it. And believe me, if a child EVER dared to do something like that, EVERY ADULT would have taken a swing at him -- deservedly so.

    Not such an awful idea to go back to children being seen and not heard.

    • Love 5
  8. I think the show did a poor job of telling us how all these people fit into the core family, and I might not be the only one. Tara's story says that Harry is Hector's brother, which I thought as well until Harry said that Hector was like a brother to him. And I thinkhe called Hector's mom "aunt". But. Who is Uma Thurman? How are the parents of Hugo related to this family? Were there any brothers/sisters among the adults and, if so, who?

    Love Victor Garber. HATE the narrator.

    Totally agree ... it was brilliant in "Little Children," but just a stolen affect here.

  9. One of the things that consistently bothers me about the BH housewives is that they don't understand the expression, "a hot minute" or "it's been a minute." They always use it as if "minute" means a short amount of time, when it's the exact opposite. "I haven't seen you in a minute" means I haven't seen you in a while. I know I'm nitpicking but it happens all the time on this show.

    But even time is relative. One minute on a snooze alarm is a helluva lot shorter than a minute on a Stairmaster :)

  10. The thing that got me annoyed with Andy's diatribe is that this isn't the first time the term 'my gays' has been used by housewives.  I think the only reason he brought it up was that Lance Bass and he were discussing it before the show and Lance gave him an earful about it. 

    Isn't this the same Lance Bass who pretended to be straight? To endear him to swooning young tweens? To make loads of money? Until prominent gay people are upfront and honest from the beginning, many young gay people will see it as something to hide, still. I think that does way more harm than a woman calling a friend "my gay."

    • Love 2
  11. Yes, it seemed like a rare nice father/son interaction. But it still had a whiff of the Todd/Vanderpump classism/elitism.

    I'm no Ken fan, but I think he was going for a couple of ethnicities that would very obviously not be Max's parents, because of his fair complexion and Caucasian features. I look my nationality, Italian, and when someone innocently asks what my background is, I say Swedish or something similarly silly -- for a laugh.

    • Love 3
  12. As a gay man, I laugh at Andy Cohen being 'offended' by the term 'my gay'.. but I bet he's used offensive terms toward straight women in secret (i.e. fag hag, breeders, etc).  Personally I think those terms are way more offensive then being referred to as 'my gay'.  Since it appears that these women favor their accessories more then their husbands and children.


    And, as a longtime "hag," I have to say that Kyle did not seem very comfortable in her "gays"' presence ... in the flashback to the first talk of the party -- that looked so fake (she truly is a terrible actress). I feel no cameraderie between her and her gay supposed friends. I'm guessing Satan Andy uses Andy Eye Candy as product placement here and there.

  13. Quite right that I got the order of bathroom entry wrong.  My bad.  These two sisters when they get going are like squirrels in a backyard tail spin.  I have trouble keeping up with all the goings on, the following, the squawking, the crying and froggy talking.  Kim was so delirious, happy-looking, and relaxed in the driveway in Brandi's arms after that conflagration that she looked like she'd just had sex.  That is some seriously messed up BS right there.


    Every time we reach the end of one of these conflagrations and I get myself sucked into this vortex yet again I just want to kick myself really.  Kim, Kyle -- whatever! Why I do this to myself becomes the real question.  I actually get to missing Yolanda, her lemons, her daughters, her love, her leggings and decorating schemes.  I miss Joyce by now and Carlton too!


    I don't see anyone as being at fault in any of this.  I don't think either Richards gal is very bright, never have -- just clever enough to have landed on this show.  I don't fault them really for not getting along and knowing how to help each other -- They don't have what it takes, as Lisa V might say.   I do think they're both irresponsible knuckleheads who are setting women with real issues back by decades with each additional installment.  Neither of them seems to have the first clue as to how serious the illness is and what a grave responsibility it is to represent.  If the aim was to help and educate, it's been an epic fail, prodded on by the misogyny and greed of Andy Cohen. 


    I wonder if NBC proper and CBS have gotten in touch with Eileen by now to tell her to get off this clusterfuck of craziness after this season.  Whatever additional publicity for the soap operas she and they might have been going for has been achieved and there's only so much she can let fly as Eileen D, private citizen, because she's got way too much at stake professionally to waste on the bread and circus Bravo routines.  Lisa R I can see lingering -- here's to hoping she does. 


    Just to sign off on a happier note, I noticed what gorgeous hands and nails Yo has when she was on the phone with Bella.  Am always envious of women with beautiful hands.   And a very simple and elegant wedding band.  

    This is not to disparage anyone who follows them (look at what I watch!!), but aren't soap operas on a par with game shows -- actors who couldn't make it elsewhere spouting dialogue worthy of starting a good vomit? I haven't watched one since college many moons ago, and thought it was just a rite of passage at that age, but -- are there really milliions of women that consider them on a higher scale than the soap operas that are called "Real Housewives"? I'm not joking, just curious.

  14. I agree that Brandi has some really bad things from her childhood that affect her. I have no proof or reason, but both her parents creeped me out.  


    I also agree with the poster who said there will be trouble again between Kyle and Lisa V.   Not that Lisa is an innocent, but Kyle has no idea what loyalty or being a friend is. She was raised in a home that had no values or morals.


     Maybe its been covered already, but doesn't anyone else think Lisa V's home looks like a dept. store?  WTF is with the ridiculous front door and welcoming mat. Tacky, very tacky.

    Didn't she say her first season that her parents were nudists? The parents creep me out, too -- especially after hearing that, and my unprofessional guess is that she was sexually molested as a child (by friend or family) -- hence the sexualized personality.

  15. IMO, just mine, Kathy acts different to Kyle, colder, and has done so since before Mauricio left her husband's RE Brokerage but she is much warmer to Kim. She and Kim always seem to be more relaxed around each other and Kim does not mind if Kathy skips out on a promise, like planning/hosting Kimberly's graduation party last season but let Kyle is held to a different standard.


    I am not sure Kathy is not concerned about Kim's drug/alcohol abuse/addictions but she is never around while Kyle is left to pick up the pieces. Heck, look at Kathy's own daughter's, Paris, drug/alcohol issues. There is a history of addiction/abuse on both sides of that family, Richards/Hilton.

    Kathy is actually proud of her daughter -- that's a whole lot of crazy! I remember them on Larry King years ago after Paris got out of prison; Kathy was looking on her high-priced call-girl daughter with complete adoration and awe. If she was acting, she beats Kyle and Kim by a mile!

    • Love 1
  16. I thought there was a flirtatious vibe as well - maybe that's why Eileen seats herself right next to him.  I also feel sorry for Eileen, because Vince knows this is the woman who threw the wine in Eileen's face, and he was somewhat dismissive when she brought it up on camera.  I can't stand Ken, but I respect how faithful he is to Lisa.  No way he would invite Brandi into his house and flirt with her if she'd done that to Lisa.

    Let's not forget -- this is a couple who have, what, racked up 3 marriages each? Not exactly stable relationship types.

    • Love 1
  17. Wow.  Those are stunning.  Yolanda doesn't look like she feels good at all.

    I know of whence I speak (had a major organ removed due to cancer) ... and there ain't a chance in hell I was up for a picture, and looking like that. I don't believe a word of it, sorry. She may be suffering from "no-longer-model-itis," where her children are usurping her fame and status, her words of encouragement notwithstanding. Someone whose whole life and reason for living is her looks isn't going to fare well when hitting middle age, no matter how stunning she may still be. A little Munchausen syndrome -- on herself?

    • Love 1
  18. Yeah, it's a bad crowd, but she fits in.  The Jenner and Smith kids are spoiled, unsupervised, and care nothing about education.  The Jenner girls dropped out of high school to free them up for their "careers" and the Smith kids get "home schooled".



    I'm sure there is resentment.  When these rich kids don't have natural beauty (Kendall), their parents buy it through plastic surgery (Kylie). 

    I don't think that ploy will work with Bruce.

  19. I think it started with Kathy Griffin, who uses it in a "fan" sense, since "her gays" have kept her alive, buy her records, books, go to every live show they can, etc.  She's basically saying "my gays" in a "my gay fans" sense, not as if they are her pets, and she tailors many of her jokes to and for them.  She's also a huge champion of gay rights.  I'm not sure if Cher has ever said it, but she would be another one that, if she did, it would not offend me, since the "gay fans" really support her career.


    The housewives that do it make me sick because they do use it in a demeaning "pet" way, and it's condescending.


    I also think it may have started to be popular with "Sex and the City" since both Charlotte and Carrie had their very close gay friend, so it became trendy to say "my gay husband" ala Jill Zarin and many others.  It was never done in a pet way on S&TC either.  These HWs have perverted it.  Blech.

    My gay friends used to refer to me as their "hag," and I always thought it was funny. Still do.

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  20. .

    Phaedra may have schooled that way, but I always assumed she married Apollo simply because she got pregnant.  That THAT was really schooled into her, you do not get pregnant and not get married.  Now why she didn’t take serious efforts to avoid that, no idea.  Why she thought having sex with a felon just out of prison - as an attorney who handles criminal defense cases - I REALLY have no idea.

    I am so enchanted and entertained by Ayden that I daresay I'd go through the hell of Apollo to get a little one that precious. And Mr. President is a little "rascal" himself ... yup, I'd definitely throw in with the likes of him ONLY IF I was assured of those two peanuts.

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  21. I think you bring up some very valid points, Yolanda is at an age where so many things start to change. That is very hard for some women to face and Yolanda might be 1 of those women. I also question why she does not stick with a long term treatment plan to combat Lyme's Disease, nothing works overnight and if her case is severe/chronic, it will take time, a lot of time. I get the impression she is looking for a quick fix everywhere without considering all the ramifications of some of these treatments. Mixing some "Herbal" meds with Prescription meds can kill you or do long term, even permanent, damage to your body/brain and bouncing from 1 treatment to another may not leave enough time for some meds/herbal treatments to completely leave your body/system. I highly doubt that she has 1 DR, Medical Dr., that has enough knowledge of traditional Western medicine and various Herbal/Holistic medicine to coordinate all these different treatments she has/is receiving throughout her travels.

    Having a Psych degree could give Farrah an advantage selling RE. If this is what she wants to do right now, more power to her IMO!

    Methinks her having a very rich father is what gives her an advantage in RE -- and I'm sure Mauricio didn't overlook that fact.

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