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Aurora Borealis

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Posts posted by Aurora Borealis

  1. Ok full disclosure: I’m female.

    Current batch of commercials making me stabby have one thing in common: wife who thinks/acts like/is written to be smarter/better/superior than their husbands.  List includes but certainly is not limited to:

    1. TD AmeriTrade retiring couple:

    Wife: “I TOLD you we had a fortune!”

    Husband (looking sheepish): “Yes, you did.”

    2. Wayfair commercial couple, very end of commercial: husband gets two notes of the jingle out of his mouth & wife is already clearing her throat at him to STFU.

    3. Senokot laxative commercial: Husband very obviously mis-pronounces product name, which results in a lecture from his wife. (Another thing that bugs: “Sometimes I get constipated.” “Really?” - Um, if you’re sharing the same bed you’re gonna know when your bedmate is having such issues. THIS SHOULD NOT BE A SURPRISE.)

    There are at least two others that are escaping me at the moment, but I at least needed to get these off my chest. :::returning to lurkerdom::::

    • Love 13
  2. "You probably think I'm at a disadvantage. I promise you, I'm not."

    What made that line for me was the little smirk Kiefer Sutherland did while he said that.

    • Love 3
  3. Unfortunately, Jason was too far gone to save. She is able to bring his body home. Sam has him cremated. Half of the ashes, Sam and Robin scatter from the bridge in memory of Jason Morgan. The other half of the ashes are given to Monica, to be buried in the Quartermaine crypt as Jason Quartermaine.

    WOW, Ms. Chicklet, just WOW. I would love to see this - it's the perfect way to acknowledge both of Jason's lives and lets the people involved in each one do what they need to mourn.

    Just how does one go about getting a writing job on a soap opera?

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  4. Was considering starting a separate thread to document life on the barge, but decided not to as it would mean yet another thread for people to keep track of.

    Tonight, at midnight, I'll be hosting a candlelight vigil/memorial for AJ Quartermaine, to be held around the pool. The lights will be dimmed, candles and tissues will be provided, and I'm trying to design/build a small memorial float that can be put in the pool for all to see during the service. I was thinking along the lines of a small ship that we can put notes, flowers, etc. in, and then at the end of the service light it on fire and send it off to sea like a Viking funeral. The service will go for as long as is needed for everyone to have their say (or not, if silence is preferred). Monica has been invited so she can finally be among friends, but I honestly don't know if she'll be up to attending. And, most importantly, all drinks tonight are on me.

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