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  1. WOW!!! 1. I feel so sad for Austin. This kid is going to end up having serious problems in life. In my opinion, he's being abused. 2. "Push mom" isn't a parent to Austin - she's his promotor, his agent, his trainer. It's insanity to watch. Not once during the entire episode, did I see any love, compassion or empathy from..."mom". She breaks down saying that she didn't get what she needed from her parents, so that's why she is pushing him. She's got some serious, deep, unexplored issues about her own childhood and is completely and totally USING her son to fix herself, prove something and make her kid into everything she isn't, wasn't. Austin is her "project" and it's painfully obvious that she sees him as that - not her child. He will NEVER be good enough for her...ever!!!! 3. Dad needs to get a voice and save his son from his mother. 4. How does Austin learn how to handle disappointment? The fact that he won't be the "best" at every single thing he does? 5. Austin will not have friends. His mom will make sure of that. Not only will no one want to play with him because of the superior attitude his mom is instilling in him, but, no one will ever measure up as a friend. Besides, friends will take time away from Austin learning to be the best at whatever is on the schedule. And can you imagine a girlfriend???? Austin will have a sad, lonely and painful life. His mother doesn't have a clue the harm she is causing. Encouraging is one thing - but pushing to the intensity that this mom is doing will either cause him to be the most hated child "in the world" or he will totally rebel and get into drugs, be a recluse, breakdown or possibly commit suicide because he can't live up to the expectations placed upon him. "Mom" is abusing this child. His only hope is for his dad to divorce this nutcase of a parent and take him far, far away. Good luck Austin, there are thousands of moms out there who would give anything to show you what a real mom is...the kind of mom who loves you no matter how good or bad you are at something - the kind of mom who loves you unconditionally - who loves you for you!
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