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Posts posted by Sage47

  1. 2 hours ago, zenme said:

    Shep also used to belittle her and yell at her. That would’ve been enough for me to leave, and says a lot about her and her self esteem.

    Forgot about that!  Shep is no prize but, the heart wants what it wants and Taylor wanted to be Mrs. Rose. She is the girl who got closest to that and I’m sure it is hard for her to let go of that dream. I do feel for her. 

    WHY is she not going back to being an orthodontic assistant which is a good job? So lame to suddenly be a “sales girl” with no experience. She has lost who she was-a sweet, regular (but beautiful) girl with strong religious beliefs. Now she is trying too hard to be a Bravolebrity, total life downgrade. 

    Other thoughts: I really liked Olivia’s date. He definitely seemed into her, was very sweet and looked at her a lot. The day date was uncomfortable though. They need more night scenes on this show. 😄

    Austen and Olivia were never believable, not for one second. Eyeroll. Zero chemistry! I used to like Austen more but am losing respect as he comes back year after year still single, still unemployed. Hopefully he and Taylor do end up together, they have actual chemistry. 

    I detest Madison. She’s a cold bitch and her marriage feels fake somehow. I just struggle to see her in domestic bliss; she  is too conniving and heartless. I also laughed at her throwing away the dildo with distaste. Honey, puhleaze. We see you Madison. We know who you are. 



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  2. These women are definitely jealous of Jenna’s place in the cast and preferential treatment.

    I would have preferred a mix of younger moms (Erin/Sai/Jessel) and 50’s women like Jenna. Wish Jenna had a peer/true friend in the cast! This mix is stupid-she stands alone too obviously.

    I like the old school formula (Luann, Bethenny, Ramona, Carole, etc) when everyone wasn’t trying to be a social media star, as someone above wrote. It’s never “real” at all anymore. I am closer to Jenna’s age so I like the age range of 40-60’s best. More interesting somehow. 

    Bryn is curious. How did she and her brother turn out so successful with that terrible background?? They could inspire with their journey so I hope she shares it. I too would like to know how she has so much money, and who encouraged her to go to Purdue? The grandmother? That is quite a big deal. 


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  3. Ubah’s nose is too small for her face. Doesn’t look natural, must be plastic surgery. 

    Jenna said she doesn’t do sleepovers. Maybe she got anxious in the night being there so she slipped out. Who cares?!! They went on and on ad nauseum. 

    Off topic: I am loving Crappie Lake! I wish they would send Lu Ann and Sonja around to more small towns after this. They are fun and up for anything in Benton! 


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  4. These women are so boring, minus Jenna who I am really liking. I do like Erin too. But the rest of them are awful.

    Jessel has zero to offer. She’s rude to her husband and just a real bitch in general. Sai and her “choking out”? Very weird, didn’t need to know, thanks. The constant sex questions are so forced on here.

    Ubah seems like a silly little girl, no depth at all. Brynn-same. Boring, shallow, “look at me!”, over-actor. 

    Ubah and Brynn hanging on the personal trainer and talking about doing him, they looked desperate. I miss the natural feel of the original RHONY, it was always my favorite and the most “real” of any of the shows with believable friendships. This ain’t that. 

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  5. 4 minutes ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

    I never know how to take the "thumbs up" emoji after the SLC Housewives discussed an additional meaning to it.  😉

    And, Heather doesn't seem to know the meaning of the phrase "ride or die" because she was using it in regards to Whitney, as well, and then followed it with, once someone is disloyal they are completely cut off, or something along those lines... which is not at all "ride or die."

    I don’t know the SLC wives’ meaning. I only tune in once in awhile for ten minutes. This show is almost unwatchable to me. 
    I just meant “got it”. 😜

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  6. 43 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

    So Jen was so upset about the finsta account and tried to commit suicide? Pleez! It was because of her federal indictment and going to jail. 
    I will never understand why Heather, Lisa and Angie K. fight and fight to stay ride or die good friends with such a horrible human being. Wonder if they will visit Jen in the penitentiary? 
    I don’t know why these ho’s ever go out to lunch or dinner, all they do is fight and scream at each other. 
    Heather’s drunken ass probably fell, bruised up her eye and upper arm. Who cares. 

    I swear Heather made a joke about visiting Jen in prison once and that it wouldn’t be too bad, there could be cute guys. Something like that. The more I watch, the more I see how disturbed Heather is. Actually, all of them. I can’t watch this show this season, they are all too nasty. 

    Coach Shah acts like a little sweetie, always smiling away. Meanwhile the elephant in the room is that his wife is a sociopathic crazy lady. 

    Justin too, smiles his cutie smile with dimples. But at night he’s staring at the ceiling wishing he wasn’t unemployed due to his tramp wife’s brilliant decision to do sex art on TV. 

    Lisa Barlow and Meredith are cold as ice. 

    Creepy TV viewing. I try to steer clear of this one. 

    Julie Chrisley isn’t running around with her boobs out before her prison sentence. Why is Shahtastic Jen?? Ew. 

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  7. 5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    The problem is NO ONE on this show is likable or relatable… not one person .. you need someone ANYONE to root for and in the group of women they all are kinda horrible 

    Two hundred percent. No one is remotely relatable or someone I would be friends with. Actually, you couldn’t pay me. I think they went straight to the gutters of Salt Lake City to find these utter trash women. 

    And Jen Shah was terrifying running around with her boobs out. Ack. That crazy face, and then a prison sentence looming but her running around acting all wild and carefree…it was so gross. Bravo has sunk to the depths and that is really saying something. 


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  8. On 10/30/2022 at 9:15 PM, Stats Queen said:

    I agree about this season. Whitney’s stuff is too dark and she is too drunk.

    Im not really sure why I can’t get into this season but maybe I’m bummed about this season of RHOBH when I thought Erika would face repercussions for her her behavior last year and her business and herself subsisting on illegally gotten gains from Tom. But no, it was all glossed over.

    I was hoping to see these housewives actually holding Jen to account for things but no, they are coddling this mad woman.

    All of this. I’m at a loss how someone like Erika Jayne and now Jen Shah are still even welcome on these shows. And how do they get other cast to film with them-and even embrace them?? Everything feels so morally off.

    Agree, not only are they not holding Jen accountable but are in fact coddling her. It’s disgusting. Jen’s concrete filler face and endless raging meltdowns have terrorized me, but somehow these women all still want to hang out with her. Okay, sure….

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  9. 9 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    Coach Shah saying God put this on both of us, say a lot of positive things for his character. However, Jen Shah put this on both of you, not God.

    I used to like Coach Shah but then I realized how polished and rehearsed he always comes off. Seems very fakey. Him still being married to Jen is also suspicious; she’s a raving crazy person and also terrifying to look at. Without makeup she looked much softer, she should do that all the time. 

    The people on this show are just rock bottom humans and not pleasant to watch. I only tune in every 3rd episode for 15 mins. Heather seems decent but too door-matty. Lisa Barlow is scary. Lots of creepy characters, including Mary first season. 

    Also, why does Bravo cut paychecks to sociopathic scum like Jen Shah and Erika Jayne? Gross. 

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  10. On 10/14/2022 at 10:49 AM, Dirtybubble said:

    ITA!  Not surprised by what she said because I always got the feeling Whitney was embarrassed by his relationship with Kat (and not because she's a female 😄) because he deemed her lower than.   You're good enough for me to sleep with but not good enough to be seen in public with--grrr🤬

    Uh yea, so, Whit used to call Kathryn a “hillbilly femme fatale” and giggle and gossip with his arrogant mother about “slutty” Kathryn “trapping” Thomas, and him (TRav) needing multiple paternity tests on their kids. So it’s not rocket science that Whit would be ashamed to be seen with Kathryn.

    Meanwhile, Naomie dated Dr. Me-tool and also has rich parents, an association that makes Pat gleeful. So Whitney was just fine pretending to be screwing her, and turned on by her “elegant gait”. Alas, they weren’t even .0025% believable as a couple. 

    I felt bad for Taylor. Shep has never spent more than three nights with any girl in history, and she was his actual girlfriend for two plus years. Of COURSE she thought she was special and his “One”. It’s sad. But her ranting about whores, masturbation and Shep chasing pussy shocked me. She’s always seemed pretty demure. Maybe she thought Andy would give her another season with that vocab? 

    Finally, Madison is grotesque. She calls Olivia homely (what a joke!) but SHE is the ugly piece of shit. She looks like a cheap porn star with a masculine face. She also went on about how “seeing a guy’s dick” changed everything or some such. She must have said “dick” on TV about five times. What a classy lady, mmm, perfection for that Mormon BF’s fam, lmao. She’s foul AF. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, Kiss my mutt said:

    I’m getting the feeling that Austen not just loves Taylor,  but is a little bit in love with her.  Craig was a real ass tonight and alcohol is not his friend. 
    This show is such a waste of time now, yet I keep showing up. 

    I was thinking that Austen and Taylor would make a sweet couple. And Shep would lose his mind. 

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  12. Naomie is sleeping with Whitney but had to ask Shep, “is Whitney meeting us at the restaurant?” Hahaha, lol. 

    Austen is getting over the top in his womanly gossip. There are no guys on this show that I would remotely be into. Pringle is the possible exception but he’s gone. 

    Austen showing off his bubble butt at dinner, cringe. 

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  13. On 9/11/2022 at 3:36 PM, Sun-Bun said:

    You know who else is into shiny pleather pants, premature plastic surgery, and alleged multiple hookups with Whitney? Kathryn!  How those two haven’t teamed up already to become the ‘shameless strumpet’ frienemy duo of our dreams is beyond me. ((I always assumed Naomie had far more class than Kathryn, hence her ongoing refusal to befriend her, but they’re far more painfully similar than I ever dared ever realize)

    “Shameless strumpet frienemy duo of our dreams” is my favorite thing I have ever read on these boards! 😂

    Agree, agree, those two are strangely similar and should be friends but are too competitive and stubborn. Poor Naomie though, she’s in the sloppy seconds category for sure. Kathryn did it all first and now Naomie, years in, is pretending she’s screwing Whitney to get everyone talking. It falls SO flat and fake. 

    Hmm…now I’m curious. She said she had to beg her way back. Maybe Pat & Whitney said uh, sure, you can come back…if you do THIS storyline. Hahaha, she actually sold her soul to be on this shitshow. 

    If T-Rav showed back up I have zero doubt that Naomie would be sleeping with him, trying to get pregnant, lol. 

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  14. I’m gleeful that I don’t have to see Madison’s smug mug lately. I can’t stand her OR thirsty Venita, it makes sense that those two are friends. Venita sucks, showing Madison what Leva said about her on text. I always get a feeling of hostile rage bubbling up from Venita. 

    I’m curious what Cameran thinks of Whitney/Naomie, ha. So stupid. 

    If Olivia and Austen are dating, how come they never touch or kiss each other??Mindless, really unintelligent show at this point. 

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  15. Yea, that was the most awkward and hilarious wooden embrace I’ve ever seen between a supposedly dating couple, wow. Not one person buys them as a couple. Then the awkward Leva scene where she is saying “perhaps your both having boinked Whitney will bring you closer” to Naomie & Kathryn. Who writes this stuff??

    Taylor’s mom was so cool, calling Shep out in a gentle but firm way. 

    I’d prefer a Pringle storyline to same old Craig/Austen. Yawn. 

    Pat and her paper napkins are boring. Been there, done that. She is a dull old lady with just a very few thoughts in her head: money, snobbery, and getting Whitney to “breed” at age 55.


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  16. Maybe Austen is more interested in Craig than Olivia. Why did he wake up flipping the air off saying, “fuck you Craig”? Wow. His little tiff with Craig was the first thought on his mind waking up? Then their little makeup and telling each other, “I love you”, lol. 

    I agree, Austen and Olivia are definitely a fake couple. The only real couple on here besides The Pregnant Cousin and her nice seeming husband is (was) Shep & Taylor. They actually kiss and hug. Naomie sits five feet from Whitney on the couch “the morning after”. Laughable. 

    I’ve thought Paige was so pretty but in the previews for next week she looks like an evil cartoon character with her super high arched eyebrows. 

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  17. 9 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

    Shep=Classic narcissist. Wow, what a pig. When he said his whole family talks to each other this way and he's not going to change for anybody makes me think Mama and Papa Shep really dropped the ball with this egomaniac. Joking around with  your family at the dinner table is one thing, complete disdain, jealousy and lack of respect for people is another.  The other siblings seem to have turned out normal so what happened with this aging playboy?

    I think Naomi and Whitney is a fake storyline. He's 25 years older than her and it's gross.  I want to see them kissing, hugging and one on one conversations then I may believe it. So far, no chemistry whatsofuckingever! Charleston is a small town, it must be hard to find a decent significant other. 

    Whitney: Look at her, she has a nice "gait". 

    The others (including Naomi): WTF is a "gait"?

    These are all college educated people (I know hard to believe). They don't know what a "gait" is? Whit belongs in the 1950's. He reminds me of the type that spent too much time with adults when he was a kid because he was too much of a nerd to have friends his own age. 

    Where is Kathryn? Why not on this group trip? Is she refusing to film with them? 

    100 percent to everything here! 

    Naomie & Whitney is not believable. I too see ZERO chemistry. She greets him like a friend, with a loose hug, no kiss. There is no affection, gazing, flirting. It’s BS. It makes me view Naomie differently; she looks desperate as hell doing this storyline. You’re telling me a very pretty, rich, 30 year old woman in Charleston can only date a 55 year old man she has known as a friend for about 6 years? Bulls*%#. Naomie, you look like a fool. This isn’t against Whitney, I like him well enough. But, that’s just not who he would be dating. 

    I also recall an episode a few seasons ago where Kathryn giggled and told the girls she had slept with Whitney again. They were all appalled and laughing and making jokes. Pretty positive Naomie was there. But now SHE’S sleeping with the guy they all made fun of? Mmmkay. 

    Marcie just laughs at everything. 

    Kathryn is being phased out obviously. It’s for the best. Actually, the show should be phased out. 

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  18. 2 hours ago, ProudMary said:

    Watching a young woman become awakened in real time to the idea that she's the victim in an abusive relationship should have carried a trigger warning. I know it got to me. It was very difficult to watch her be emotionally abused and then gaslit. I'm so glad I watched the WWHL episode with Taylor and Naomie a few weeks ago,

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    to know that she's out of the relationship and seemed to be in a much better frame of mind.

    That was intense for me too, seeing Taylor realizing how much abuse she had been putting up with, almost unknowingly, because she loves Shep. I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her. 

    I am so, so glad she was strong enough to leave him and didn’t stick around and get pregnant. She would have been in for a nightmare life with this textbook Narcissist had that happened. He is atrocious. He even talked down to Naomie when she called him out. Narcissists never apologize. They feel they are superior to everyone and are never wrong. You could see his rage bubbling at being called out.

    Olivia is an awesome friend for throwing that egg at him and vehemently standing up for Taylor. 

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  19. Chleb is an emotional abuser. Saying that Kathryn always spills on herself and has a stain on her pants on TV, I know those kind of  douche guys that try to belittle/humiliate women publicly. POS. Same with him ripping Kathryn to Naomie at that party-on camera. You can see the contempt underneath when he talks to her. 

    Venita busted by Austen, texting Madison, awesome. 

    Taylor and Olivia are so natural. They are never acting and preening for the camera. Unlike some others…

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  20. Yea, I’m just not buying that 30 year old Naomie is hooking up with awkward 54/55 year old Whitney, sorry. Kathryn? Yes. She would have slept with Thomas even if he had been 40 years older, it’s only about money with her. But Naomie is a totally different person and I call total BS. 

    If Naomie IS hooking up with him to stay relevant on this fading show she needs psych help. Why didn’t she try to seduce Pringle then? I mean…Whitney?!

    FYI, I really like Whitney. 

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  21. Naomie is more desperate than I thought. Taking a page from Kathryn’s old playbook she is claiming to have hooked up with Whitney. 😂

    Guess Whitney & Pat are working overtime to save the show. This is quite a reach. 

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