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Posts posted by QuePasa

  1. 1 hour ago, MartyQui said:

    Los Angeles to Turin:  Turin is gorgeous, and very walkable.  The 20 minute commute was probably a nice walk.  I’m so sick of Americans complaining about the small refrigerators!  That’s because you step out of your door to a market and buy what looks good that day.  And how big a kitchen does one guy need?

    He was obnoxious and had unrealistic expectations.  He had spent the summer there before so I don’t know why he was so clueless about what to expect.

    I was in Turin a few years ago and it is a lovely city.  Now I want to go back.

    • Love 4
  2. Someone above referenced the use of the word “souls” as part of the religious undertone.  There is definitely a religious undertone to the show so far, but the use of the word “souls” is standard aviation language for the number of people on a plane.  So that part at least was not meant to be religious in nature.

    • Love 20
  3. I could do without the voices stuff.  There is enough potential there with adjusting to life after being “gone” that long.  I will stick with it for now, but I am not interested in a primarily sci-fi show.  If every episode is about what the voices tell them, I am out.

    • Love 2
  4. I didn’t watch the Celeb Big Brother because I refused to watch Omarosa.  Now I am going to have to skip my very favorite reality show because of Paul.  I just cannot watch him.  Why do they keep doing this to me?  Didn’t CBS learn that viewers don’t like Paul when they voted for Cody as season favorite last summer?  Why would they think anyone wants to see him for a third summer in a row?  

    • Love 4
  5. I suspect the 5 women rule is so "Mighty Kasy" can get through without a wild card.  I am over her, but she is the show's darling and they have given her wild cards she didn't deserve the last couple of years.  I can live with it if it only applies to this first round.  I think it is wonderful to see women successfully compete against men on equal footing.  It is really compelling and inspirational.  That won't be the case if women are given an easier road forward.

    • Love 3
  6. The bad pronunciation of French words reminded me of when I had a French Monopoly game as a kid and I thought Atlantique was pronounced "atlanti-cue". But I was twelve. By the time I was an adult I knew something about French pronunciation without ever having taken a French class. It is called paying attention to the world.

    I cannot believe most teams didn't even make an attempt at a French pronunciation, even a stereotypical one. I also would have thought most people would have recognized the motto once they saw it. Everyone should have heard it at some point in their education or in a movie or something. Apparently not. It really highlights how ignorant Americans can be of other cultures and it is embarrassing.

    I was also bothered when James Earl's mom (whose name I don't recall right now) stated while learning the rap lyrics that the words were "funky". No, they were French.

    I too was wondering if a team could go right to the judge and skip the plane if they knew the motto.

    • Love 8
  7. I love how Shelli thought calling James out would hurt him. Half the house (or more) is totally cool with what he did. So she just further made herself look bad.

    I really hate players who can dish it out but act all indignant when others dare to play the game too.

    I also didn't get why Shelli seemed to imply to James that Austin should be the target because he dared try to save himself when he realized he was a target. I can't stand Austin but come on.

    • Love 12
  8. I hope that dentist doesn't plan to go back to his practice. Speaking for myself, I wouldn't go to a dentist 1) who is that immature and 2) so openly stated he is only doing it for the money. I am not trusting someone like that to put a needle or drill in my mouth.

    I am annoyed with this season already...

    • Love 14
  9. "She reminds me of Michael Gregson." And thank you Mr. Fellowes for reminding us once again how little you care about Edith that not even her father would think of her over her baby-daddy.

    That comment surprised me because I didn't think he would have known Gregson well enough to see anything of him in Marigold. I don't recall them meeting more than a couple of times.

  10. I have not missed one minute of any season of TAR. It is easily my most favorite reality show. And I will not watch one more minute of it If Frankie is on. I will read recaps until he is eliminated and then start watching. Although I might not even do that because he would still be seen in the opening credits. Shouldn't the favorite player vote tell CBS something?

    • Love 6
  11. I didn't get why Frankie and Derrick said they were dong Donny a huge favor by agreeing not to do the mission. It really didn't 'to matter whether they agreed or not. If Donny decided he wasn't doing it, that was it. Or could they have still done it themselves without Donny and got the money for themselves only?

    I really hope Nicole does go through with backdooring Frankie. I am over him.

  12. "Community" property is only at issue in states that legally recognize the concept.  Not all states do.  Where do Cassie and her husband live?

    They live in Wisconsin, which is a community property state.

  13. Good point. People quit drinking, start to exercise, make other changes when THEY are ready. A married couple might not both be ready at the exact same time to make lifestyle changes. One partner's changes might inspire the other, but everyone has to decide when their time is right to make changes.

    right - but if thiss refers to the post about a casting call for audience members - that was for Cassie's 90 day reveal, which was in her hometown. Weird that they had to have a radio station put out a casting call, like she didn't have a community of people who would show up for her.

    Something I wondered about - all these episodes are taking place sort of simultaneously. We only know this from Heidi being pregnant. SO - all the final reveals, in Los Angeles. Is it possible they do them all, or at least multiple ones, back-to-back the same day? For some reason, it makes me laugh to think that Chris and Heidi change clothes, and then come back and do the next show, just moving the audience members around a bit (or clearing the place and switching to a new audeince), over and over all day.

    Just to be clear, the casting call I posted was not for Cassie but a different person a year ago. I was just showing it as an example of how there are so many people there. And it that case it was for the final reveal.

  14. No months years, she said. And then she suddenly has an auditorium filled with her friends who she hasn't left the house to see in years?.

    I live in Green Bay, WI. Last season (I think) there was a reveal at Lambeau Field and they put out a notice looking for people to show up for the reveal. I would have gone but had something else going on that night. So I assume it is true in all episodes that aside from a handful of actual family and friends, the majority of the people there are random extras.

    Here is a link to the casting call: http://www.wapl.com/index.php/Calendar/Full_Calendar/Event/7524

    • Love 1
  15. What Sandhya should have done on the runway was explain that she started with a different idea, but because she had immunity she went along with what the other two wanted because they were at risk and she was not. That would have made her look like a team player and countered the others' statements that she was the worst.

    I also really hated those two basically blaming Tim for their loss.

    • Love 16
  16. I am a huge Packer fan and I want to work out with Donald Driver!

    I do not think it was Chris's place to test Cassie's marriage. I know Cassie thought it was beneficial but that doesn't make it right.

    I didn't really enjoy this episode (aside from Donald Driver of course).

  17. I think America should be able to decide whether the Team America challenge was successfully completed. Because I don't think nominating Amber should have counted. It seems they could have nominated anyone, stated that person was a challenge threat, nominated that person, and won because they said so. These challenges need to have more objective standards, or else it's just handing them money without having to actually do anything difficult to earn it.

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