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Posts posted by RockClimb

  1. 5 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I have no doubt that Andrew is a grifter and was using Amber. But I don't think he literally set ALL of this up. For one, we've SEEN Amber's rage on camera. She's assaulted people before; why wouldn't she do it again? Also, Andrew already WAS sitting around all day, doing nothing, and accessing her money. Why would he need to make up this machete story? It makes no sense. If they split, he can get CS. But he won't have the same unfettered access to her money. I think this is more a case of two idiots, with non-pure motives, rushing into a relationship. 

    Yup, agree 100%. He does not strike me as a long-term planner. He's a lazy bones who saw an opportunity for a free ride. I doubt he even had to interact with her that much, she's in bed all day. He just didn't predict the depth of her violence and craziness.

    I am SO disgusted by the cast mates showing up to support Amber. It's one thing to privately text a co-worker and say "hang in there" or something. But to show up and march into court with her, just so low. Imagine if, say, one of the many NFL players accused of domestic abuse had a bunch of their team mates show up on their court date. Imagine the pure outrage.

    Some site (maybe The Ashley?) is reporting that the prosecution has audio recordings, Ring doorbell footage, and lots of pictures of the crime scene. I wonder how they'll feel when that all comes out.

    • Love 23
  2. What a dull, depressing episode. I think I'm done with this show. All Amber talks about is social media and her "fans." Oh, and her mental illnesses and her counseling. She didn't mention Leah once.  Switch over to Gary & Kristina, whose segments I normally enjoy, and all they talk about it Amber's mental illness.

    Caitlynn and Tyler just sit around like sad sacks. Tyler's mom comes over so they can all discuss the various counseling they are in, and Caitlynn's mental illnesses. Tyler goes to TX so her can meet up with his dad & sister, so the can talk about their addictions and counseling.

    I FF through Cheyenne's segments, so maybe something more than mental illness/addiction/counseling is discussed. Maybe?

    Maci's segments are all discussions about Ryan's addictions and the impact on Bentley.

    Mac & Ryan have dinner and talk about Ryan's recent rehab stay, while he sips a beer. Ryan's parents and Mac tearfully discuss his addictions and arrest and jail sentence.

    W.T.F? No thanks, I'm out.

    • Love 18
  3. 1 hour ago, crazychicken said:

    I wonder who will film with Janelle she has no friends, she has no mother, she doesn't parent so that rules out the kids will we just get her crying in the shed and throwing production off the land so her and UBT don't fight. Life just got a hell of a lot tougher for the production crew and that kiss arse producer.

    LMAO, crying in the shed. It's funny cause it's true! 

    • Love 8
  4. Totally on Maci's side with this. Ryan is a deadbeat dad who can't be bothered. Jen & Larry seem very nice, and clearly love Benny a lot. But, they act like b/c Ryan does't want to spend time with his son, that time automatically goes to them. It doesn't work that way. 

    • Love 12
  5. I think Kathryn and Thomas both pictured this scenario going down differently. I don't think Thomas ever wanted full custody of the kids. He pictured them being primarily raised by their mother, available to him every other weekend for photo ops, holidays, etc. I think Kathryn also expected to have primary custody, and finally extracting enough in child support so she, at the very least, would not have to work. 

    They're both pretty horrible. 

    • Love 17
  6. Echoing everyone else- Ramona & Carol looked like they had major work done and it looks awful. Lu & Dorinda both looked really good. Sonja looks the same, and B's haircut is too severe. 

    I'm torn on the election storyline- it happened, they should address it, but, like many on here, I just don't know if I'm ready to re-live November 2016. 

    I feel for LuAnn. I think it's one of those situations where you unexpecedly meet someone you click with, so many things about the relationship  seem perfect, and you just can't bring yourself to acknowledge this HUGE glaring problem. She's annoyed that the other women are talking about it and trying to force her see it. She knows, she's just choosing to forge ahead anyway, and wants everyone else to play along with her denial.

    This episode was actually kind of boring. I was all excited, had my glass of wine poured, etc., but was playing around on my phone halfway through. 

    • Love 3
  7. Of everything that is crappy and boring about this season, the thing I am most sick of is that sad, harp music they play before any scenes at the home of Teresa & Juicy Joe. SPARE ME. This is not the home of someone dying. This is the home of 2 admitted felons! So lay off the sad elevator music! They should play a sound bite of a jail cell closing. THWANK. 

    • Love 8
  8. "The horror with the whole Jace matter...words just fail. I wish I could post here the anger that built up inside of me last night. I am now real sad. I am an adult and I could not handle what I was watching. I cannot imagine how that child felt. My heart is filled with so much pity, and if there was ever a time I wanted to hit someone, it was last night. Except, I wanted to smack three people - Nathan, Barb and Jenelle."



    Seriously. That scene with Jace trying *so* to cheer his mom up, while she acts like a psycho, and then his small, sad, thin voice singing the rainbow song...I just can't. I honestly don't think I can watch this show anymore...I mean we are watching a child be abused and neglected...

    • Love 3
  9. GOD. I'm a late refuge from TWOP and I had to register here to register my disgust for this season. 


    The twins shrieking,ugh I cannot deal. Do either of them ever have a normal conversation? Everything is just some over-the-top statement. "My son is MY LIFE"  "My MAN must have MY BACK" etc etc. 


    Amber and Jim are clearly the worst, you guys have already said it all. 


    How crazy that the only people that I don't automatically cringe at is the Gorgas, and we all know they suck.


    I cannot believe Bravo is trying to give a sympathetic spin to Tre and Joe- F these criminals.


    And I did like Dina when she was on previously, but at this point, it's like, seriously, hon, how many reality shows are you going to be on? I'm embarrassed for you.


    I can't stand Caroline, but even 100 straight hours of her (wiping down her counters and angrily explaining that the fact her husband doesn't want to spend 5 minutes in her company is a good thing) is preferable to this boring annoying mess. 

    • Love 7
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