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Posts posted by SparedTurkey


    At the risk of saying something disagreeable, normasm, I don't think Sarah Jean was glorified at all, and if she was, then it was no more so than, say, Nathan Harris, who actually did have murder in his heart despite his lack of having acted on it. The fact that he was so terrified of what he might be capable of that he reached out to Reid for help IMO presented him as, if not sympathetic, than at least someone who knew he might not be able to stop himself from hurting people. His slashing of his own wrists to prevent himself from attacking that prostitute meant that he would rather die than hurt someone else, as Sarah Jean was willing to die to keep her son's innocence intact. Mind you, I was sympathetic to Nathan's plight, but should I have been when he was trying to kill himself instead of killing someone else? Isn't that what any decent human should do?

    I don't think Nathan Harris was glorified, but the difference there is that Harris hadn't actually killed anyone. He, technically, wasn't a 'bad guy' and there may be an argument somewhere that in knowing he had to get help may ultimately prevent him from ever committing a crime. Certainly you can be sympathetic to someone who isn't a serial killer/murder/rapist and is more afraid of his own mind.


    The thing with Sarah Jean, and it has been awhile since I watched the episode, but was she given the death penalty just for murdering her son, or her role in her husband's activities? Because honestly, when I watched it, it was clear to me she knew what her husband was doing and should have been punished for that. I agree with normasm that she wasn't heroic, she was an enabler for a monster. And given her role in the crime, being glorified - having the lead character sympathise and cry over her - was just too much. And just because she wanted to protect her son that makes her a saint?


    But ultimately, given she didn't kill her son (and i am presuming here that that was her death penalty crime), I thought it was ridiculous that Gideon would let her die for it. Letting her martyr herself for no good reason is a joke. To protect her son? Please. It's not like the public would crucify the child, and if his adoptive parents were any good, the kid would have been fine. And I thought it was a really shitty thing for Gideon to let happen.


    Me, too and me, too!! It bothered me that the woman was nearly glorified at the end, when she was just doing what any decent human/mother should do to protect her child from a monster.

    Me too! Me too! Me too! Me too! Riding the Lightning is not my favourite episodes, in fact, it would be one I disliked the most. Just seemed as though it was nothing but an opportunity for MP to overact and have some man!pain!. And I never thought Sarah Jean(?) was particularly sympathetic or worthy.


    At least Hotch shows some degree of sympathy/empathy for his team i.e. cleaning Elle's blood of the walls. I doubt Gideon would have even thought of it (Though I could imagine Rossi paying for someone else to clean it, hehe). But yes, Gideon's arrogance was sometimes so irritating to watch I had to fast forward. I found Rossi similarly irritating, but I didn't think JM overacted what he was given to the extent of MP. MP, who had/has the same kind of unwatchable over-acting tics in Homeland also.

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    Actually, in one of the Seaver episodes, Reid says that allowances were made for him to join the Bureau, specifically as it pertained to the physical requirements of the job in addition to the marksmanship regulations. Not that he wasn't qualified otherwise, and I don't really like the idea because it makes him look "less than", but that's what was said.

    Ah, see, I fully admit to not watching the show particularly closely in the later seasons (post season 5 really). I just remembered to LDSK where he was doing his firearm training. But, in any case, it's not like any local LEOs ever deeply questioned the nitty gritty details of Reid's employment, but were always quick to ask 'Doctor?'. Just intro him as Agent Reid, like they did Morgan/Prentiss/Seaver and stop making him the odd one out.

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    I thought Gideon was an okay mentor for Reid because he seemed to genuinely care about him. I liked that he wanted Reid to be treated with respect. He earned those degrees, and, although he was young and inexperienced in some ways, his intellect was instrumental in solving so many cases. I hate that they have tried to portray Garcia as a genius in later seasons and that they use her computer searches in place of Reid's mind more often these days.

    I think Gideon liked Reid and wanted everyone to respect him, but I think he had a self-defeating method. Reid was an agent, presumably had completed all necessary FBI-training requirements. But I thought Gideon making everyone introduce him as Dr Reid was a way of nullifying that, almost painting him as something different and not a "real" agent. Yes Reid was young, but so are a lot of agents/cops etc. I get that, I guess, it was to remind the audience that he was a genius, but it just rubs me the wrong way. Why not introduce him as Agent Reid? He wasn't a consultant, he wasn't a tag-a-long ala Jane in the Mentalist. This is why I like Rossi a lot more, he seemed to respect Reid as an agent (after he got over being irritated by all team members, you know, breathing in his general vicinity. hehe).

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  5. @idiotwaltz - I agree that the years have been great to PB. I can only hope she showers in the blood of virgins or something, because I never looked that good at 20, let alone now.


    I miss Prentiss, she was my favourite character and I agree with whoever said that PB was the best actor among the women, and frankly, better than many of the men. While I hated the spy-route they show took (and I will never defend it) I did think PB still acted the hell out of what she was given and tried to stay in character (as much as the writing would allow). Similarly, while I think Honour Among Thieves isn't the best case by a long shot (though better than many from the recent seasons), I did like it for the Prentiss/Her Mum relationship and the trying to speak Russian scene. Similarly, the 200 episode was crap, but I only watched for PB, who did her best. While I wish CBS did screw her around, leading to her eventually leaving, I am kinda glad that she did, if only to spare her from the current writing. She'd be shoved in the background, much like Hotch/Rossi/Reid.

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    I refuse to believe anything bad about Thomas' treatment of the cast and crew unless someone can provide some concrete proof of it and not just speculation. They seem to really get along well both off and onscreen. He never comes across as a prima donna in any interviews or appearances. Why would they keep asking him to direct if he were difficult? Just my thoughts.

    To be honest, everyone has bad days and if there was one incident, back in the early days, I wouldn't be shocked. And it would take two to tango, as they say, anyway. I understand TG's ex-manager has really fanned these flames, and while I am sure there is some degree of exaggeration involved in his lawsuit, given TG's and MP's history together, I don't think it is out of the realm of possibility that something happened. Of course, this is not to say I think TG is a rage-aholic on the set who has constantly terrorised everyone, cast and crew, for 10 years (of course, no one else is saying this either). And really, one incident like this doesn't make someone the worst person ever.


    Back on topic - I love the Jordan love/not-dislike.


    My UO - I never thought Gideon was a particularly good mentor for Reid. Making the team introduce him as 'Dr Reid' was ridiculous behaviour.


    I really dislike Morgan and Morgan centric episodes. I fast-forward Profiler-Profiled and only watch Physics Magic and Reid at Morgan's family's house. I never again watched 25 to Life (I think that was the slow-clap episode).

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    I'm having this bizarre disconnect right now, because A.J.'s character seems far more concerned about her comatose girlfriend than JJ did when Will had that bomb strapped to his chest. Thoughts? :-P

    Perhaps the comatose girlfriend shows more life than Will?

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    Sometimes I wonder if the real reason he left was not even about the violence, but about the focus shifting away from him and I've heard rumors that he butted heads with Thomas a bit...........I think maybe he was nice to Shemar and that was back in the time that Thomas and Shemar had some sort of tiff that almost ended in a fistfight

    @Zannej - I'm genuinely curious over what you said. I've never heard of any behind the scenes shennanigans with the casts. Can you elaborate for me about that stuff (I'm not at all meaning to be rude or anything at all, I've just never heard that. Although I have only recently joined a CM fandom outlet :) )


    That said, I didn't really like Gideon. I thought he was overdramatic, such as the episode where he screams in a house to prove a point (I cannot for the life of me remember the episode, but in the scene it was him and Morgan, who gave the best WTF face).  I didn't think he was a team player or worked well with anyone else (maybe even less than Rossi did when he started) and I didn't think there was a reason for him to be so tortured and/or particular/needy - prior to Frank killing his girlfriend etc. Maybe it is my dislike for MP bleeding through (BUT if you sign onto a show about serial killers, you know what you are getting into - particularly based on the pilot episode, which dealt with rape/murder). I just don't like Gideon.


    I prefer Rossi in his first few episodes when he was somewhat arrogant and selfish. I think it gave the team members (i.e. Paget Brewster, Thomas Gibson and Matthew Gubler) something to react to even when the writing wasn't all there. Not to mention, JM had something to do rather than be the kind 'father figure'.


    I also didn't mind Jordan Todd. I liked her relationship with Prentiss (more than her with Morgan - female work friendships YAY!). And I liked seeing someone struggle - she was great in her usual job but struggled with the BAU. And I think Hotch was written as somewhat out of character when it came to Jordan, because I don't think he was ever as hard on JJ as he was on Jordan (in fact he went out of his way to console JJ when she was taking a case personally, but didn't have any time for Jordan).

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    I figured Mona was a goner once she said she needed to survive High School.

    So did I. But I wish this show was sometimes original, and she was faking her death, like another poster said, and had been storing her blood (hence the fainting spell last week) - which would have been more awesome!Mona. I would have believed it too, if not for the last minute or two.



    Queen B Ali and scared Ali were interesting to me. There was so much guessing and asking yourself who she actually was. New Ali is boring. She's the typical character I always hate. She seems more than manipulative and somehow she can do anything she wants and never has a single problem doing it. I prefer the pre Ali being back PLL... Ali is starting to annoy me even more than Aria.

    I think this could be fixed if Ali is responsible for Mona's murder. This show is full of non-answers and I get that the mystery is the fun of it. And when A was cutting down huge trees in the middle of the woods, I loved it. But I think, for a nice change of pace, that the audience knowing who did what, concretely (and not based on someone's flashbacks) and waiting for the Liars to figure it out, would be a different way for the show to go. Obviously, based on who Ali is, she didn't do the deed. But I can see her getting someone else to do it so her hands are "clean"- like Cyrus, in a wig (maybe not Noel Khan, if only because they can't get the actor it seems). Or maybe the Bobsey Twins? I would like it if the show twisted it up, rather than the usual - the core four think this + Spencer reaches an answer through her awesome Spencering + a new twist means they were wrong = here is an answer that is really a non-answer.



    Ali being A would make sense if this was all a game to her. But then she would have to be psychotic

    I love the idea from a previous poster who said all of this is Ali and her twin/non-twin sister playing a game, and who cares who gets caught in the crossfire. Won't happen, but it would be fantastic, as a series ender (like, when Troian turns 40, which seems like this show may end).



    I love Hanna and I know she's smart, but I can't imagine her getting into Stanford.

    I don't think she did? I thought Caleb just found a list of possible colleges? I'm not from the USA so I don't understand the university system, but I thought only Mona got early acceptance, not that everyone put in their applications/heard about it? I know Spencer did, but I assume A meddled with her application (I vaguely remember that from a previous season).



    The Ali and Emily scene was pretty good.  While it seems that Ali has been playing the Liars all along, this is perhaps the first time she got played back?  It's interesting that Emily was the one that could do that too.

    I loved it too - but mainly that Ali acted more like a typical teenage girl, than a criminal mastermind. Playing up to Emily's emotions and finally shoving her when she was angry, with that smirk - I've been on the receiving end of a similar kind of attitude and it sucks. Sasha got it just right. I love that Emily got her, and I think it was through the relationship/sex happening earlier in the season. I think Ali would have expected that kind of move from any of them but Emily. I do wonder if Ali knew Emily would turn around that quickly to get her phone - or whether she was banking on the usual Liar tendency to leave important electronics in public/in reach of, well, A.


    All in all, I really want to quit this show because it takes forever for anything to happen. That said, I will miss Mona. A lot. (Who is gonna take her place? Lucas? Pfft). Also, poor Mona's mum - she seemed sweet and like she was trying (even though her daughter was a hyperadrenalined wack job).

  10. Glee. This show had everything going for it. A huge following of teens/preteens AND the "elusive" 18-25 demo, a network that would promote the pants off it and a cast with stacks of chemistry. And then the writers (Ryan Murphy) thought they could change the world, and in doing so, wrecked the show. The first 13 episodes were golden but after that, the quality declined slowly until the end of season 2. Where it crash and burned. But there are a few things that contributed to its downfall, that I will never understand:

    1. The way the showrunners/writers deliberately antagonised their own fandom. I had no stake in any relationship, but taunting Brittana/Klaine/Faberry/Finchel (etc. the list goes on) fandoms just seemed like they were cutting off their nose to spite their face. And not to mention those were the ones spending the big bucks on concerts, merch etc.

    2. Getting rid of most cast members. No, not all of the cast were great thespians. Some couldn't sing, some couldn't dance, some couldn't act. But they all worked together so well. The chemistry was there - visible in every song performance. The show may have wanted Glee to be the next Degrassi High, but it was clear after Graduation Gate that it just wasn't. The audience were invested in the characters, not the idea of the show. And to antagonise cast members for not going back for Cory Monteith's memorial episode was also in bad taste, but I won't dwell on it).

    3. Turning the show into an after-school special, as it suited them. The show was rooted in black comedy and should have stuck to that. But to turn it into a special lesson, where it is terrible for the gay male to suffer harrassment (which, yes, obviously) but to then have the main Glee (male) leader out a lesbian "for her own good" - come on. The show got muddled and more importantly, was not funny.


    Well, there are lots of reasons it wasn't successful. But seriously, this show had so much potential that it is a shame it never made it. It really is a lesson for other showrunners of what NOT to do.

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  11. Every single parent on Pretty Little Liars. How all of them have managed to miss their daughter's being stalked for 1-3 years (I'm iffy on the show's actual timeline) is both bizzare/hilarious. A special mention goes to Byron and Ella (aka Piper from Charmed) for letting their daughter date her teacher/stalker rather than, you know, sending said teacher/stalker to jail.

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    Which brings us to... The Sarah Connor Chronicles.  A really really good show (in it's own way, better than even T2--at least in terms of worldbuilding and acting). I'm pretty sure it's ratings had already started to die earlier in Season 2, before Fox moved it to the Friday Night Death Slot, but the FNDS put the nails in the coffin.  And this one hurt far more than Dark Angel, because it was totally working.  Lena Headey, who we all know is brilliant from what she's done since, was brilliant on this show too.  I prefer her Sarah Connor to Linda Hamilton's by a factor of like... ten times.  Summer Glau, in my opinion, was never as at home with a role as she was with the one she did for this show. The other players around these two were strong too, even if these two were the heart.  This show deserved years and years that it didn't get.

    I wanted to add T:SCC too. I admittedly came to it late, but it was never shown in my country. I don't know if it was the writer's strike or a friday night death slot but it is a great shame it never went to a season 3. I remember reading somewhere that the writers had planned a 3 season arc - and to leave it on a cliffhanger? Sucks. I like both Linda Hamilton and Lena Headey's Sarah Connor but It seemed like as a tv show, there was more time for nuance and world building than a movie. I think the show slightly suffered from a renewed focus on John in season 2 - it was the Sarah Connor Chronicles for a reason. I only wish someone knew what they were planning for season 3.


    Also, I'd like to add Glee. But admittedly, that is more the fault of the showrunners. But I'd say it died before it's time around season 1/2. It could have been so great!

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    CPP83 To me those scenes, as so many other scenes in the finale, were meant to push things forward more than anything else, that's why nothing came of them except more plot pushing.

    I know, they were all plot points to get from A to B. Sometimes I wish this show would take a breath before running from one big issue to the other. And I agree the Mike/Ana relationship is just bizzare. Unless she is extorting him, I don't see Mike giving her any time either.


    I agree with those saying adoption is more than a piece of paper. I know the show's motot seems to be that love makes a family, not DNA etc. but it has to end with Callie being adopted. Fankly, Stef/Lena > Brandon.

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  14. The reason Robert went to see Callie was because he wanted to tell her that he'd signed the papers to allow the adoption to finally go ahead

    I know why he did it, and yes on the whole it was a nice thing to do and tell her personally etc. But he isn't her parent and he didn't follow her parents' rules. Stef/Lena didn't bar Robert from seeing her at all - all they wanted was a heads up. And really, would Stef/Lena have said no? Unlikely. It would have been a quick phone call showing some respect for all parties. And particularly as he had (as far as he knew, thanks Sofia) given up his parental rights to Stef/Lena, it really wasn't his call anymore. I'm not saying it is a major crime, but I'm saying that there seems to be a pattern on the show where the fathers disregard the kid's actual parent's wishes.


    As for Mike, no he didn't intentionally ambush Mariana (and I didn't say he did). However, he did flat out say that he thought Stef/Lena were wrong. And my issue is, as you say, that once Mariana had seen them, he attempted to have them talk to each other. Without Stef/Lena's consent. And that is again, a different father figure (which I guess he is for the twins), who presumes to know what is best for the kids and ignores what her actual parents have said. And given Ana's history with the twins (re: Mariana selling drugs, Stef getting shot etc), I would have thought Mike would have been more inclined to follow Stef/Lena's wishes. 


    I just find it a strange pattern and not a good look. YMMV

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  15. After rewatching the episode, I noticed something that probably wasnt intentional by the writers. I remember when the whole Timothy debacle was going on and there was much discussion about Stef/Lena's overreaction to that. While I did think it was ridiculous to get pregnant without it and there was a slight overreaction, the fear of someone else being able to parent their kids was real, and somewhat true to life for many lesbian/gay parents.


    Then, in the last two episodes, the fathers/father figures of some of their children have deliberately ignored Stef/Lena's wishes/directives regarding their children - Mike last week when attempting to get Mariana to talk to Ana and Robert this week when he wanted to talk to Callie. Mike knew Stef and Lena had flat out refused to let the twins see Ana. Robert also mentioned that he had been asked (and agreed) to not contact Callie without mentioning it to Stef/Lena first. And yet they both see fit to ignore Stef/Lena's rules when it doesn't suit them. I get that it probably wasn't intentional by the writers, but it leaves a nasty image that the primary parents are getting overruled by the fathers in their children's lives - and makes Stef/Lena's Timothy freakout almost justified in retrospect.

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    Brandon and Callie *sigh*. I hope that ends quick when they return.

    Cosigned. A million times over. I don't understand why ABCFamily has two main shows with such squicky main relationships (BrandonXCallie and AriaXEzra on PLL). Sure, as a first season thing have them crush on it, but for god sakes let it burn out and stop beating that horse, for it is dead. I feel bad for Callie, though the writers should be careful not to turn her into some Mary Sue where everything that can go wrong does go wrong but she's still sweet/nice etc. Although I gotta say, turning to Brandon everytime she's upset and out of control is a gross, but repetative flaw. Hopefully the first few seconds of next season quickly smash the idea down. For good.


    I like how Stef was very cool, calm and collected this episode while Lena was the more emotionally distressed one. Stef's usually the one doing impulsive things while Lena tries to calm her down, so it was a very interesting dynamic to see.


    I liked this too, and I like that Stef immediately sees a deeper reason for quitting rather than the 'doing it for Jude' nonsense being spouted. It's a small thing, but also shows they have been in a relationship for 10 years, so they know whats up with the other. Like last week on the phone. At least the late-term abortion/loss of Frankie isn't being completely swept under the rug, and given how emotionally in touch Lena usually is in general is interesting that she isn't coping that well and can't see it.


    Plus, no Hayley so that's a plus.

    I also love how on the ball Stef is about her - the flat out no to Jesus' request to bring her to the benefit was great.


    I was shocked by Stef saying maybe they shouldn't be friends anymore, though. That seemed genuinely out of character.

    I don't know. If this show slows way down in the next season, I think it could be easy to explain as part of her history - having her dad shove her into Christan therapy for hugging a friend might have left her with residual issues - even though he's dead, there might be more subconscious issues. And it certainly is easier picking friends without butthead parents.


    Frankly, Teri Polo/Stef = MVP of the season

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  17. My favourite era was seasons 1-7. Though I could have done without the Grissom/Sara romance. I also remember that at the time of season 5 there was a lot of drama surrounding contracts and Sofia was created as a warning that the originals could be easily replaced. But I think this show was able to integrate this new character relatively well, and Sofia fit within the show (much like Criminal Minds managed with Paget Brewster). Unlike the Langston era and beyond, where it just doesn't seem like the new characters fit (aside from Ted Danson though).


    Although I think I hold a rather unopular opinion that Grissom was a terrible supervisor and I prefer Russell overall. That said, the Langston years should be struck from the record.

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    What doesn't happen (that based on the first half you might think would have likely happened)

    --Stef finds out about the Liam reappearance offscreen.

    -- Ana isn't shown after Mariana bolts


    (First time poster - bear with me) I love this show, but sometimes it drops the ball on things that can/should be shown. In this episode, I would have thought a scene with Stef being told about Liam AND Ana should have been shown. Stef sometimes, rightly or wrongly, blows a gasket, and I think having her react to those would be a nicer way to show - you know what, sometimes those gaskets need to be blown. Obviously not at the girls, but just in general. At least there was a nice Callie/Stef chat over it. By the look of the final scene, Mariana will be having some issues/attitude about the whole thing.


    I also think, if I were Stef, I would have lost it at Mike. While the show doesn't suggest Mike took Ana to the festival to ambush either twin (hello convenient plot device), attempting to get Mariana to talk to Ana at all was hugely inappropriate, given Stef and Lena's absolute refusal of Ana's request in the letter. That he knew about. He may be Brandon's parent, but he isn't the twins and he overshot the mark by a mile. I wish Stef or Lena would ark up about it in a later ep but I doubt it will happen.


    And finally, I will echo that I really like Callie/Mariana's sisterly bond - and that the show is keeps referencing it. If I were Callie, I'd totally take Lena/Stef/Mariana over a romantic relationship with Brandon. (Sometimes I swear Callie hasn't met Jesus for all the interaction they get).

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