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Posts posted by Sheenieb

  1. 9 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

    I did think it was funny to see Oliver actually play poor when he actually came from a pretty respectable background. Not Saltburn rich or anything, but he had a decent amount of his own privilege. 

    I didn't hate the movie, but I was still disappointed. It was a cross between The Talented Mr. Ripley and Parasite, but the motives for Tom and the Kim family made their sociopathy make sense, but here, Oliver was just crazy. There was no buildup to why he would lie about his background when he came from an upper-middle-class family and neighborhood. It was all so random. 

    I would've liked it better if Farleigh learned about Oliver's lie and they teamed up since Farleigh was on the outs with the Cattons. Or, if the movie was from Farleigh's perspective. 

    The performances were great, but I liked Promising Young Woman better. 

    • Like 5
  2. 20 hours ago, Laurie4H said:

    This wasn’t very good in my opinion.  People I spoke to in the theatre had the same opinion.

    I agree. The acting was fine, but it didn't seem like a movie. It was more of a series of vignettes with plot points that went nowhere, and just when things started to get interesting, it ended. Maybe the movie should've been about her life after Elvis. 

    I do think Cailee Spaeny was good casting. Standing next to Jacob Elordi highlighted how much of a literal child she was when she met Elvis. 

  3. 6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    I can't believe Erin and Sai thought that Jessel was lying when she said she had sex with her husband. They are mean girls. 

    It's so weird. I get that Jessel opened the door, and it's her storyline, but Sai not believing that sex happened because there were "no details" is bizarre. Does she want to see the footage? A stained dress? 


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  4. 20 hours ago, ichbin said:

    She hits me that way too and I totally agree about that outfit. On the one hand she is quick to broadcast her humble beginnings but on the other she seems to be a terrible snob regarding anything not currently considered to be prestige. She has yet to show me anything even slightly resembling an interesting personality.

    I wrote during the Hamptons episode that I wouldn't vibe with Sai in real life. Sai is new money and it shows. To slightly paraphrase Fran Leibowitz, "[she's] a poor person's idea of a rich person." The gaudy unflattering outfits, bringing her own toilet paper to Erin's, packing an entire closet's worth of clothes for a 3 day trip, etc. 

    Luann also came from humble beginnings, although I don't think she was poor, and she went overboard with the pretension once she married well and moved into influential circles, but at least Lu leaned into The Countess and had fun with it. Sai, to use New York slang, is deadass (serious) with her pretentiousness. 

    On 9/5/2023 at 10:28 AM, SweetieDarling said:

    I think it's more an issue of the others being bigger assholes than Jenna; she seems better by comparison. imo. So far, IIRC, the most offensive thing she's done is trying to leave Erin's Hamptons house without telling anyone, which, yes, is rude, but, imo, not as bad as Jessel's incessant whining, Sai and her food issues, Brynn flirtiing with the "groom" and "father of the bride" at a vow ceremony, and Erin's shit stirring. She's one of the lesser evils in the group (so far)

    I agree. I like Jenna, and she's the only face I recognized anyway. She's the least asshole-y one out of the bunch. Ubah is in a close second, but she didn't come across well in this episode. While I'm sure the collaboration items are lovely, I can see why the gifts veer slightly towards tacky because they're probably products that she has lying around her apartment, so she isn't putting much thought into gifting them. 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:
    7 hours ago, ZettaK said:

    Bob is not stupid. He has a degree in Economics from Stanford.

    I feel like that statement should shut down the internet, like really because he seems so doltish.

    See, I still think he's stupid. It's a two-things-can-be-true situation. He's good with numbers, but he lacks common sense. I also suspect that Kairo inherited Bob's brains, too. 

    He hid his daughter from Sheree. She seems lovely, and I'd like to know when she met her siblings. Kairo and Kaylee could've given Sheree a heads-up that they met their sister. The lack of communication is astounding. 

    Did Todd's movie get a Tubi release date yet? I understand using your home for filming, but I refuse to believe that the sex scenes couldn't be filmed in a guest room. 

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  6. I'm going to chalk Jenna referring to Christmas decorating with her family as an "event" to a poor choice of words. I don't blame the ladies for being confused because if I heard "event," I would assume that it was a previous engagement as well. The drama could've been avoided if she said "plans" or explained that she was spending time with her family. 

    Jessel is too serious and defensive. She's the cast bitch, so she's playing her role well.

    Sai has to let it go about the Hamptons and the lack of food. Erin could've been a better host, but Sai is going on too much.  

    I wish I could afford Jenna's castoffs. 

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  7. On 6/22/2023 at 9:56 PM, NowVoyager said:

    The only complaints I ever heard Monique verbalize was that Chris never planned things and wanted sex frequently. Well, some people are better at planning than others, and a husband desiring his wife is a good thing, so..... I don't get it. She's a fool.

    I would be annoyed at not planning things as well. It shows a lack of effort, so I get why that would stick in her craw. Maybe not enough to divorce over, but it would definitely warrant a conversation. 

    Monique could've had longevity on this show if only she kept her hands to herself. Now, she's all over the place. Just like Not For Lazy Moms. Her business was never focused, so I'm not surprised she's lost, too. 

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  8. 22 minutes ago, T Summer said:

    How come the restaurant Carrie went to by mistake had a table for her on Valentine's Day... under the name Aiden Shaw?

    I was about to ask the same question. Also, you'd think she would know the name of the restaurant instead of using the address. It was definitely an awkward setup that was unnecessary. Having dinner with an ex you haven't seen in 10 years is nerve-wracking enough without going to the wrong restaurant. 

    Wardrobe could've put John Corbett in a better coat, though. The coat he had on was too tight and he looked stiff. 

    Charlotte may have overdone it, but I didn't blame her for being pissed about their appointment being 45 minutes behind schedule. It also didn't help that the receptionist was blase about it since there were other appointments ahead of them. That place was disorganized AF.  

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  9. I would not vibe with Sai in real life. She's coming across as too try-hard and annoying, bringing her toilet paper? Stop it.

    I wasn't amused at Ubah taking the coconut milk. I know it's par the course for these Housewives shows, but I really can't stand when these women act like they've never been anywhere nice before. 

    Whew, there was a lot to unpack with Jessel. She was obnoxious about the lingerie, unflattering as it was, but her comment about wearing a large and that not being the size you want to see, but an x-small/small is preferable probably explains why she isn't having sex with her husband. It's a shitty thing to say, but allow me to play armchair psychologist. She's uncomfortable with her postpartum body, and that could be the reason why the sex has stopped. It's also likely that she lost her sex drive. She said that they were active prior to the children, but I do wonder if maybe she isn't that sexual of a person.

    Whatever the case, she was an asshole.

    I like Jenna. So far, she's coming across well. 

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  10. This episode justified the terrible press. 

    Tedros telling the creative director, who barely looks older than Jocelyn, that he chose money over Jocelyn's well-being didn't land for me. I'm not saying that he couldn't sound the alarm, but the line would've made more impact if it were said to Chaim. 

    Staying on the creative director for a minute, another thing that didn't make sense was when he said that Jocelyn's mother was a rare breed. Does he really think that Jocelyn's mother was the first abusive stage parent to exist? Did everyone forget about Joe Jackson, Gypsy Rose Lee's mother, Brooke Shield's mother, etc? Why is this unique to Jocelyn? Why would she think this isn't relatable to anyone? 

    I don't even want to get into the whole "the abuse made her a better performer" conclusion. 

    Chaim and Destiny dismissing Leia was shitty. Yeah, they acknowledged that Jocelyn's in trouble, but they didn't notice the interlopers who moved in? And why is World Class Sinner being shelved? Jane Adams said that the label wasn't going with the remix, so why wouldn't they move forward with the original version? I didn't think Jocelyn had a say in the matter. 

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  11. On 6/13/2023 at 3:47 PM, luckyroll3 said:

    Definitely agree with this. Also the "All About Eve" aspect of how the industry is all too ready to move on to the next best thing when their stars break (or age out) and the fickleness or fakeness of friendships when you're a star. There could have been parallel storylines juxtaposing Joss's fall with Dyanne's rise. 

    Yup. That's why I found episode 2 interesting. We got some more background about Jocelyn's breakdown, and the A&R exec was ready to replace Jocelyn expeditiously when she didn't deliver. 

    I was ready to dislike this show and only watch it to fill the timeslot, but shamefully, I'm not hating it as much as I expected to. It's a mess, but it can be salvaged. 


    • The show is a throwback erotic thriller. The visuals look very 90s to me. Even the creepy, shrieking chord that pops up whenever Tedros is mentioned and comes around sounds like something from a classic thriller. 
    • There's a kernel of a story here. Jocelyn isn't a pop star with a bad attitude. She isn't unpleasant, she's just at a low point. If her manager is covering half the mortgage, given how huge that house is, I'm wondering how big she used to be, and how long has she been out of the spotlight. 
    • Da'Vine Joy Randolph is the standout for me, but overall, the acting isn't terrible.*


    • Lack of clarification about everyone's role in Jocelyn's life. We know Hank Azaria is her manager, and Rachel Sennot is her best friend/assistant, but that's it. I don't know what Da'Vine Joy Randolph's job is (although she's awesome), I'm assuming Jane Adams is an A&R exec, but the rest are muddled. They're all just there. Are they hanger-ons? There was the guy at the music video shoot who said that no one listens to his ideas, but I didn't even know his name. 
    • The sex dialogue is cringy as fuck. I wrote that this show is an erotic thriller set as a series, but what Basic Instinct had was sensuality. I wonder how many takes Lily-Rose Depp had to do during that "seduction" scene with The Weeknd. Did she have to stop one too many times out of embarrassment? You could tell a man wrote that. How dreadful. 
    • *The Weeknd is not believable as a charismatic cult leader. He isn't unfortunate looking, and maybe I would take him seriously without that stupid wig. Did House of the Dragon eat up HBO's wig budget? Or was the hair and makeup department sacrificed during the HBO/Discovery merger? I want answers. 


    It's only episode 2, so I'm hoping that we'll get more answers about what this NXIVM-inspired cult is all about. So far, we have Isaac (the actor is striking, so if he were the cult leader, I could see it) and the other cult member who gave me Squeaky Fromme vibes, as singers, Dyanne is a dancer, and apparently, Tedros has a label? Does he collect entertainers and usurp their talent? Squeaky Fromme was making herself too at home in Jocelyn's house. Acting like she's never been anywhere before. 

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  12. On 3/27/2023 at 9:06 AM, luna1122again said:

    I didn't ever love Daisy Jones in the novel. Her insouciance and free spirit just generally read more like an obnoxious brat than what they were supposed to be representing. And Riley Keough's performance--and I've liked her a lot, in other things, and she definitely LOOKS like the book cover--just completely reinforced the obnoxious brat thing, for me. Why everyone was so enamored of her I could NOT figure out. Karen Sirko was definitely more worthy of goddess-worship. 

    I just finished the book and I agree. I also thought the constant mentions of her beauty in the book were overdone. We get it, she got her model mother's looks. 

    I liked show Camila better than book Camila although I was disappointed that Camila's photography didn't go anywhere. The chyron said that she was a photographer, but other than the scene of her in the darkroom, and showing Billy pictures when she came into town, it doesn't seem as if photography became more than a hobby unless I missed something.

    I do think that Eddie got a raw "where are they now" sendoff. His beef with Billy was legitimate. In the book, he was a talented musician, but Billy was a control freak. Everyone had the same complaints about Billy tinkering with the recording and mixing their sound, but Eddie was the only one who had a chip on his shoulder about it. So, for the show to make it seem as if Eddie wasn't good enough didn't sit right. 

    Book Camila was too understanding and seemed more like an oracle than a person. 

    However, I thought everyone played their roles well. Riley Keough embodied Daisy's spirit. I'm fine with the show being a one-and-done.

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  13. 4 hours ago, becauseIsaidso said:

    The more I see of Bali,the less I like her. The first couple of times I saw her this season I didn't recognize her. If she's some sort of executive, why can't she afford her own apartment? I think her only reason for avoiding the move to Louisville was to stay on the show. She's even less engaging than Anisha - and that's going some.

    What kind of an idiot (guess that includes Richa and Vishal as well) moves into a new home without any furniture? Brain seems desperately in need of a storyline.

    Agreed. Bali is just there. She doesn't want to lose the income from the show, so that's why she's hanging around. She has no storyline. I don't think she's an executive anything. Maybe she helps her mother sometimes, but that's clearly just a title. I wouldn't be surprised if Bali's never worked a day in her adult life.

     I get that it takes a while to decorate, put things together, and make a house feel like home, but at least get the basics. Buy a bed and a couch.

    Brian is so childish that Dr. Monica must count her blessings daily that their relationship didn't work out.

    It was tough seeing Monica cry when Raj was giving her real talk about Rishi. While I do think that Monica knows they're not aligned on marriage and should walk, I'm not letting Rishi skate. He should feel empowered as well to tell Monica that he doesn't want to get married. Instead he's gassing her head up and being cruel. 

    Oof, Nicholas did not come across well at all in this episode. Amrit's right that Nicholas is taking his anger and disappointment at his family out on Amrit's parents. I hope he apologized and explained that Lavina bringing up customs is bothering him because it makes him feel like he's not enough. 

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  14. On 1/28/2023 at 8:55 AM, luckyroll3 said:

    I was a bit confused about why Julian would go out of her way to track down and learn more about her mom's side of the family, but not include her sister in it, as it seemed from the writing that Zoya also wasn't aware that they had family in Rome. 

    This is why I'm not mad at the cancellation. The writing was all over the place, and the group wasn't believable as childhood friends.

    Julien and Audrey are best friends, but they barely had scenes together. Obie was off in his own world, and Max, Audrey, and Aki had throuple drama every episode.

    It's a shame we never got the backstory with Julien's parents and Zoya's dad. The show made a misstep by making Julien's dad a sexual predator. There was no way to incorporate him back into the story.

    I appreciated the vacation porn, fashion, and Luna getting the Oscar de La Renta campaign. It never made sense to me that Luna and Monet played second fiddle to Julien. 

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  15. On 1/27/2023 at 9:30 AM, TV Diva Queen said:

    The weekend in Long Island looked boring AF and just painful.  

    Agreed. For the scions of billionaires, that was a boring getaway. I also hated the wastefulness of throwing those cakes at each other. 

    I liked Blake, Vika, and Tina because they were the least useless ones in the bunch. For an influencer, besides foolishly showing up late to the Chanel show, Tina seemed to take the job seriously. I hate that she has such a childish palate, though. She doesn't even drink water. But hearing about the horror show that was her childhood, it makes sense that there's arrested emotional development. 

    I don't find ineptness cute, so Nam worked my nerves. Not knowing how to turn on the stove isn't the flex she thought it was. 

    The surrealism-themed party was dull. Everyone was standing around sweating. Again, for a bunch of rich people, there was no reason why the Huangs couldn't turn it out better than that. However, I do like them. Stephen gave me David Bowie vibes, and Deborah was right when she said that it's rude when people ask her about having children. 

    The blind date Dorothy and Tina went on was painful. It also didn't help that the musician said that Dorothy and Tina looked alike. Good on Tina for shutting that shit all the way down.

    Tina and Dorothy blowing off the Hudson appointment wasn't clear. If I'm understanding correctly, Richard assumed they were coming, took the liberty to set up an appointment, but didn't bother to confirm with them. 

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  16. On 1/30/2023 at 6:23 AM, EtheltoTillie said:

    In other news, please finally put Monica's ill starred romance out of its misery.  Could there have been anything more awkward than that gondola ride?  They had nothing to talk about.  I think even the gondola driver was shocked.  Rish is a tool.  "She wouldn't want me to propose in the Ft. Lauderdale parking lot (or whatever that was."  Yes she would!  But she should RUN, as we've said before.

    Yes, Rishi is fucking with Monica. That was a cruel thing to do. He set up that gondola ride to make it seem as if a proposal was coming, but it was just a date. He could've just taken her to dinner. What an asshole.

    On 1/29/2023 at 10:51 PM, DeeplyShallow said:

    it’s weird that Anisha was in a 10 year relationship and no one met him. What was her rationale then?

    That was bizarre. I understand not wanting everyone up in her business, but hiding her partner from her childhood friends? What? And he's OK with that? Very strange.

    Now that Richa and Vishal are legally married, I hope they can fade into the background and stop bickering. 

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  17. Did anyone else catch Anisha on WWHL? She came out guns blazing. She's been married for two months, only Bali has met her husband, and during the "plead the 5th" game, she said that neither Richa/Vishal or Nicholas/Amrit's marriages will last. She also said that Vishal changed for the worse and "the thirst is real."

    This season has been boring, but there definitely needs to be a reunion episode. 

    It's rough watching two incompatible people try to make a relationship work. You'd think that Richa and Vishal would have worked on their communication and loving each other in their respective love languages after 10 years, but alas... 

     I wouldn't be surprised if Lopa's daughter blew off her family for 10 years due to Lopa's lack of affection. 

    Bali is the Gizelle Bryant of the series. She's just there. She brings nothing to the show. 

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  18. On 1/16/2023 at 11:42 AM, Ms.Lulu said:

    And I completely understood how Nicholas felt. It was an unfair ask, and Amrit's rationale suggested that because Nicholas' parent's weren't interested in the pageantry of an Indian televised wedding, and held different beliefs, that Nicholas is entitled to less. 

    Nicholas and Amrit's discussion at the end was the highlight of the episode, as ugly as it was. It felt very manipulative on Amrit's part. I'm glad Nicholas stood his ground and defended himself. If Amrit continues to get his own way, it'll be a slippery slope. First it's the wedding, then it's their child's name, what else? 

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  19. On 12/19/2022 at 1:57 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

    Monica expected Rish's family to be sympathetic to HER? Sorry, hon, but you are not blood. Even if Rish is a cheating asshole, he's THEIR cheating asshole. They will always support him. 

    I'm not sure if she expected them to be sympathetic to her, but to acknowledge the "lies" that were spread about her relationship. The reaction is what's murky to me. Either they aren't addressing it out of loyalty to Rishi, or because Nirja isn't on the show, they can't call her out explicitly. 

    Given Rishi's wishy-washy behavior and lying to her about when he heard the cheating rumors, I believe he was creeping. Also, his brother isn't shit either for dropping Rishi over to his (Rishi's) sidepiece's house. 

    Monica is falling into the trap that a lot of women before and after her will land in. Applying the sunk-cost fallacy to her relationship, as well as having a scarcity mindset. I'm sure she feels like she did everything right and commitment still eluded her. Even if Rishi didn't cheat, they're still in different places in their lives. 

    I would be surprised if Richa and Vishal make it 5 years. They're unequally yoked. Vishal reminds me of my sister's ex-boyfriend. He was a fun guy, but he didn't know when to turn it off, so it was hard to take him seriously as a partner. 

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  20. On 12/10/2022 at 4:38 PM, Primal Slayer said:

    I want this show to succeed and be the best it can be but....having these characters be treated like Gods with so much power is just really boring. 

    Monte runs the school as a junior to the point where she can kick people out of school for not wearing her uniform....even though they completely ignore Zoya and her bff who arent playing by her rules. It's never brought up! This is a whole storyline just waiting to happen. You have 2-3 main female characters that Monte just totally ignores and they ignore her. 

    I haven't been enjoying the season so far because of this. I agree that the showrunners and writers need to work on GG world building. It doesn't make any sense that Monet has all of this power, meanwhile, the rules don't apply to everyone. Also, why everyone isn't laughing in her face about changing the dress code is baffling. I get that it's high school and all, but come on. It's one thing for her minions to care about what she thinks, but the student body? 

    I'm also disappointed with how vapid Monet is. Luna has more depth. The best part of the season opener was when Camille told Monet off. Camille is an awful person, but the actress is fantastic. 

    On 12/8/2022 at 5:12 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

    Julien is so uncool this season.  If that was the goal of the writers, mission accomplished.

    She is. It's even more embarrassing that she's trying too hard to get back in boring-ass Obie's good graces. I get why he was mad at her. What she did to Grace was inexcusable, but I like how he spent the entire day ignoring her, yet he called her to run defense at the event. 

    On 12/10/2022 at 4:38 PM, Primal Slayer said:

    Zoya acted like a flat out brat and im not sure if we are supposed to be rooting for her at all? So it's fine for her to lie to her father but he has to let her be privvy to every decision going on in his life? 

    Zoya is the worst. She never reads the room. Nick needs to get real with her. She fucked around and lost her scholarship, and they live in an expensive apartment on the UWS.  How does she think her father pays for all of this on a one-income salary? 

    I still don't care about the throuple. 

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  21. Amrit hasn't been coming across well these past two episodes. First with the Monica/Rishi cheating rumor, now telling Richa about Vishal's drinking. It's one thing if he told Richa because he was concerned about Vishal being in his cups, but Amrit just wanted to be messy.

    If he's going to play the messy role, that's fine, but don't pout when the drama unfolds. 

    This season has been boring so far. 

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  22. 11 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    Why is her dad putting this pressure on him to get engaged?  Forcing him to get engaged is weird.  Who wants a forced engagement?
    Again, I really dislike Monica’s dad.  He’s coming off really bad these days.

    I still like Raj, but I agree. That whole setup was odd. There's a rumor that your daughter is being cheated on, so you pressure her cheating-ass boyfriend to propose so he can step up? What? 

    Cheating or not, Rishi isn't ready to get married. Stop trying to make it happen. It's disappointing when you're not on the same page as your partner, but once that happens, you have to split. Same thing happened with Dr. Monica and Brian. They're in two different places in life.

    OK, so I usually like Amrit, and I don't blame him for being mad at Brian, but I still rolled my eyes at the self-righteousness. You brought up the cheating rumors at brunch, Amrit. And you're on a reality show. Brian picked up the messy baton that you dropped. 

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  23. 2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    I still very much enjoy this show, but it’s starting to feel a bit staged to me.  Amrit looked very uncomfortable having to bring up the Rishi rumor at brunch- a brunch that Rishi and Monica for some reason we’re not able to attend...?

    Yeah, all reality TV shows are contrived, but the setups are sticking out more this season. I noticed it when the parents got together and one of the dad's asked the group how they felt about their kids moving in together before marriage. That was Raj's cue to speak up. What a coincidence! 

    11 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Wasn't she doing some low paying job with a florist in the first season? I always miss what they say her job is, but I think it's exaggerated for the show. I know rent is sky high in Miami, but you'd think she would be far along enough in her career to afford something small. If Rish can afford a place, so should Bali. Unless she's making peanuts or lost her job altogether. 

    I know she was working for a florist, but I also thought she worked for her parents' company. I don't remember. But Bali is a mystery. From what I remember about her, she said her ex had fuck you money. They had a huge wedding, dim sum flown in from Hong Kong for the reception, but she was basically living in a gilded cage. I don't know if Bali ever had a job or any income of her own. Judging by what she said in this episode, her ex was using their daughter's tuition as leverage. Which is a shitty thing to do since it's his daughter's childhood home, and unless his financial situation changed, he can afford it. 

    Family Karma isn't as big as the Housewives franchise, so I'm sure the cast isn't making as much as the cast mates of the bigger shows, but Bali's situation is really wild. Since her ex put down money for the downpayment, I'm assuming Bali didn't net any proceeds from the sale. Any equity probably went straight to her ex. This is a cautionary tale. 

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  24. 10 hours ago, Adgirl said:

    Ffs Vishal no one is saying you can't drink but 15 shots in less than an hour suggests you have a problem.

    Yeah, that was insane. Initially, I saluted his tolerance because I don't know how he was able to wake up on time and function throughout the ceremony, but he kept it together.

    Only to find out in the end that he blacked out on his wedding night. I don't blame Richa for being pissed. 

    Amrit's speech was great. 

    10 hours ago, Adgirl said:

    Ugh Brian's mom continues to grate. Brian is NOT a catch and she needs to get over herself.

    Seriously. She is not coming across well at all. 

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  25. 5 hours ago, sandwoman said:

    I get a kick out of the parents, but especially Monica’s dad. He seems like such a sweet character.

    I love me some Raj. He's my favorite dad. 

    I've come to the conclusion that I don't like Brian's mother. I don't know why it took me so long to see it, but she's giving me Lopa vibes, just not as publicly sour. She seems like the type who wants to choose her son's girlfriend. 

    The more we get to know Brian, the less I understand how he got a reputation for being a ladies man. He has no game! 

    I get how Vishal can rub people the wrong way. He's fun, but he doesn't know when to rein it in. But I had to laugh when Richa told him to knock it off with the drinking and she said, "do you want me to tell your mom?" As if he's 16 and not 35. 

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