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Posts posted by lianau

  1. 32 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    Maddie really should get some more therapy, its not good for her as a person or as a professional to put her stuff all over every woman she meets who might be a battered wife. She still handled the situation as well as she could but assuming the man who was kidnapping the woman and her baby could have ended really badly. 


    I still think it would have been better from a storytelling point to have her be wrong when she essentially stalked that woman a couple seasons back. 

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  2. 8 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

    It's the same actress so there's definitely a resemblance.  I don't think they're retconning Shannon into something she wasn't.  I think Eddie is.  The actress is the same but I'm wondering if, when others see her, if they'll get a different actress and not see a resemblance. 



    And for good reasons. Shannon wasn't  a bad mother or wife. She was exhausted and on her own with a disabled child  and difficult in laws.  I'm not sure if it was in the Eddie Beings episode where he talked about how he was the first to leave but he (and everyone else) got to pretend it was for noble reasons and when Shannon left everyone just hated her.  And I think Eddie has slowly realized that he wasn't blameless in all of that but Shannon is dead and there is now way for him to resolve that conflict anymore. 

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  3. 35 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

    I have a family friend who came out in his late 40s/early 50s after 20ish years of marriage and three kids. He’s married to a man now. (His ex-wife was deeply upset, though they’re okay now. The three kids are grown and there’s at least one grandkid. The three kids were teens when this all happened and were cool with their dad’s sexuality from jump.)

    I liked how the show handled Athena and Michael , that they allowed Athena to be angry and not going all prideflag waving immediately  because often the partner who comes out gets all the support while the partner left behind is just supposed to suck it up and go with the program. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Empress1 said:


    I kept thinking, this never came up? I guess she hid it, but then she was so casual when it came out. It was really weird.


    Probably didn't want Eddie to react like the other guys , either freaking out or expecting her to put on a sexy nun costume.

  5. 7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

     There just seemed to be something there. Maybe, at first, it was a case of fans just reading too much into it. And then it seemed like maybe the writers were leaning into it just to troll the shippers. 


     I think the foundation of this is the fact that the actors have more of a romantic chemistry than a friendship one. But I also think Buck and Eddie were meant to be seen as close friends by the show  and it took the producers too long to realize that this wasn't how a lot of the viewers saw it . Once they realized it they tried to course correct by introducing female love interests but never gave them much development .

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    Wow. The show has been trolling the audience with Buck and Eddy for years but I never once thought they would actually go there with either of them.

    For me Eddie is and always has been straight , Buck was the maybe bi character so I buy that for him. I just hope they don't make Buddie canon. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Aliconehead said:

    What makes this storyline even more ridiculous is they were together in 2020, when she was injured during Covid. While Bobby still worked, the emergencies were fewer, I can’t imagine that excitement was the same intensity.  This would have made more sense then

    I think Athena is scared of the potential to  discover that they aren't that well suited foreach other after all  when they don't have work talk or family to fall back on.  This is pretty much their first ever time alone without any of those interuptions. 

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  8. On 12/9/2023 at 6:41 AM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    50s Tim - Idealistic, madly in love.

    60s Tim - Stronger, realistic.

    70s Tim - Liberated, true to himself.

    50s to 70s Hawk - Arrested development.

    Toxic, healthy Hawk vs kind, terminally ill Tim.

    Tim doesn’t deserve this. Why can’t this fate be reversed? Life is unfair! 😭😭😭   


    I wouldn't call it arrested development , more like boxed in development. He got married and that was it for him.

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  9. On 12/19/2023 at 5:40 PM, lovett1979 said:

    1968 - Tim is now in seminary and is an anti-Vietnam war activist. (WHERE DID ANY OF THAT COME FROM???) He's back to feeling guilty about his sexual desires but also so committed to the anti-war movement that he's willing to go to prison for many years.

    1979 - Tim is now a fully-comfortable, self-actualized gay man living in San Francisco and working in a health center. (AGAIN, WHERE DID ANY OF THAT COME FROM???) He's seeing someone but gets drawn back into Hawk's world until Hawk disappoints him.


    For me it made perfect sense , not the anti Vietnam stuff itself but that Tim went all in. He has that need to believe in something 100% . Religion , then  McCarthy , followed by  his relationship with Hawk and back to religion when that finally fell apart after Jackson's birth and he was told to place the love for someone he can't have onto God . I was happy that he didn't end up in a cult because he has that cult follower personality .

    • Like 4
  10. 4 hours ago, Notabug said:

    Many, if not most, insurance plans only cover up to two scans per pregnancy unless there is a specific problem requiring serial US.  Most of the time, perinatal ultrasonography units just eat the extra cost.  If the woman's attending physician performs the ultrasounds, many insurance plans consider that part of the routine care being provided and don't pay anything at all for the ultrasound, just the global fee for prenatal care and delivery.

    I used to do my own scans in the office, but eventually quit both because of the amount of time it took from the schedule as well as difficulties getting reimbursed for the service.

    In Germany insurance pays for 3 scans per pregnancy . Around the end of the first trimester , around 20 weeks and 30 weeks .  A few years unnecessary "Baby TV "  e.g medically not indicated ultrasounds outside of the 3 insurance paid ones were banned . I don't know how well that ban works though . In theory you probably still can get them.

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  11. I've  just seen Derick described as a slightly nicer version of JB and I think  it really pointed out my problems with the  current Jill and Derick dynamic . How much of this is Jill driving it  and how much of it  is Derick trying to get one over JB , knowing that Free Jinger  Jill is a thing and would get him support? The guy went to law school just to one up his wife's father and most of his beef seems to be centered around money, not religious teachings.  He's on the book cover , sitting in interviews of what's supposed to be Jill's story. I just  hope Jill isn't exchanging one  personal cult leader for another one. 

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  12. On 9/22/2023 at 11:55 PM, beckie said:

    Honest inquiry,  if they don't allow home schooling or remote learning,  what did they do during the pandemic? (The Germans, not the Romeikes).

    I think if it came down to it, Trace would really balk going to Germany. 

    Homeschooling and remote learning and it was a major clusterfuck because teachers weren't prepared for it , the IT for it wasn't there, nobody had any idea how this  was supposed to work in the first place , with poorer families also lacking computers and tablets. My nieces and nephews in elementary school were pretty much only given extended homework plans which they had to do and send in via email , whatsapp or on real paper in a real letter box at their school.

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  13. 11 hours ago, Heathen said:

    I rolled my eyes at Ferret Face's statement that he's trying to keep his newborn son (and his mother and her family) from being deported. Your son is a birthright citizen, you bonehead. He can't be deported. 

    Ryker could stay with Trace but then Trace would have to do some parenting and well that's against his fundie male believes. In the same way the Romeikes could have some fundie friends take over guardianship for their two American kids but I assume they don't want to leave their children behind . Thing is the moment their minor children touch down in Germany the whole school thing starts again because American children or not, they have to go to school. 

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  14. 14 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    The senior Romiekes needed to report their children before their first birthday to gain German citizenship. They were in the throes of their asylum journey then. I doubt they applied. 

    Trace and Lydia would be fools not to sign Ryker up. 

    No , this one year rule is for the children of German citizen born abroad after 2000 . So the American born kids would need to register their future kids within a year of their births.

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