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Posts posted by PrincessSteel

  1. A friend of mine recently had to put her cat to sleep. She knew he was very sick but every time he showed the tiniest bit of improvement, she said she was going to try to hold out hope. I was like no, as much as you want to believe he will get better or die naturally in his sleep, make the choice and let him go so that you can definitely be there with him when it happens or you may be wracked with guilt afterward.

    This is such a tough decision! Our vet was very good about describing the likely outcomes for treating our older greyhound when she was diagnosed with bone cancer. We had to keep reminding ourselves to make the best decision for HER and to put aside our wishful thinking. Ziva made it easy for us; none of the oral meds touched her pain. To hear our stoic warrior baby sobbing was an unmistakable sign that it was time to say goodbye. The vet who came to our home to provide euthanasia gave Ziva a shot of morphine before the final injection and our sweet pup was able to relax and stretch out on the floor with us for a few minutes wearing her customary goofy grin. Quite apart from knowing that he would have been unable to concentrate on his work, I imagine that Jake realized that the time had come and didn't want to cause any further suffering for his dog.

    • Love 11
  2. If Jake's dog was an older rescue greyhound, they are prone to bone cancer. We had to say goodbye to our beloved Ziva for this reason over a year ago, and the week between diagnosis and euthanasia was the worst seven days of my life. I don't remember ANYTHING else that happened during that time (except that all six kids managed to make it home for dinner to say farewell on her last night), so I can fully relate to Jake's need to leave PR for his real life.

    • Love 15
  3. For the first time in ages, I actually cared about the judging results, and I would have been terribly sad if my girl Ashley was eliminated. The right person won, the right person went home. That said, the collection by the winning team looked very arts-and-crafts with the painted flowers. Not sophisticated at all. Why did neither team seize on the working class nature of the jumpsuit fabric and use that as a jumping off point? Blue jeans are an example of a garment which has gone from working class, utilitarian roots to high fashion.

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  4. One afternoon recently my daughters and I played several YouTube clips of Kors making snarky comments during PR judging. It was roll-on-the-floor hilare. Posen is on track to provide a similar catalog of facial expressions. How glad I am that he does not have a poker face.<br /><br />Blake clearly internalized the convoluted brief of this challenge into his baffling, poorly made look: NYC! And Mary Kay! But reinterpreted classic! Ugh. Probably accounts for his otherwise inexplicable win.

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  5. Two episodes to go and so much ground to cover before the inevitable conclusion: All Saints is saved and Jackie winds up as a semi-homeless, semi-lucid wack job. Zoey, Thor and Gloria have to dodge her every morning on their way to work.

  6. I don't see any problem here. The screen caps capture minute moments in time when Josh was holding McKynzie. She was acting like a 5-year-old would, squirmy and a little bored. There was nothing more there than a Dad trying to keep his kid out of trouble.


    FWIW, his kids seems to genuinely respond very warmly to him - seems like there's a lot of love in that family. We don't know what happens behind closed doors, but the kids' behavior doesn't send any sigenals to me.

    You are absolutely right. I am so spun out by this whole thing that I'm seeing what I want to see. Sorry for being alarmist.
    • Love 1
  7. I am perfectly content with the idea of never seeing a Duggar face on TV again. However, I would watch the everloving shit out of a really well-made documentary film about this whole mess. But I have always been a sucker for a good doc (RIP Albert Maysles!)

    • Love 13
  8. As a former TWOP lurker and PT commenter, I just lurve the hell out of the clever nickname skilz on the boards. However, with this bunch it is starting to give me pause. Using nicknames for these people creates some distance and allows us to view them as characters in a story. These are all real human beings who have been through (and continue to go through) real pain. Yes, even Josh and his parents. I have empathy for them all, combined with deep sympathy for the victims. Several of us have ridiculed and decried the euphemism-laden speach of this clan; aren't we doing the same with the nicknames? Yep, the father is a boob and the mother is painfully self-centered. They are also parents who have spectacularly failed to protect the children who were under their care and created a decade-long spectacle out of whole cloth in which these young lives were entangled. I offer all of this without judgement and with love for all of the awesome commenters who have helped me get through this and other weird times with perspective and humor.

    • Love 8
  9. My mind keeps going back to that episode in which Ben and Jessa (and Jinger?) go to visit Josh in D.C., and Josh is weirdly competitive with Ben at the gym, and he's all "What are your intentions with my sister?" (paraphrasing)  At the time I just took it as another hackneyed "big bro looking out for his younger sister" plotline, but in light of the fact that he's possibly her molester??  NAUSEATING.

    In light of the current shitstorm, just about any given minute of this show has heartbreaking subtext.

    • Love 10
  10. The running commentary here has been very riveting, informed and (given the incendiary nature of the allegations), admirably measured. But I have to stop reading now. This is messing with me big time. I was a casual viewer of this show, and I feel like an accessory to something horrible.

    • Love 8
  11. I actually remember watching Dave's short-lived, deeply weird daytime show when I was in college. That subversive stuff carried over to his late night incarnations, which kept me company when my babies were fussy or I couldn't sleep during the disintegration of my marriage. While I have not watched in recent years, it was a nostalgic weep-fest to watch the finale. To all those much younger folks who grew up in an irony-saturated, memeable, meta-everything world, Dave did it first.

    • Love 6
  12. I was raised by an addict parent. The tap-dancing just cannot go on forever. Jackie will have to either get actively sober or die. So far she has been abstinent, but not truly sober.<br /><br />And if she doesn't actually die, she will wind up as one of the babbling semi-homeless people that Zoey and Gloria and Thor have to dodge on their way into the hospital.

    • Love 1
  13. Besides being one of the most retch-inducing sequences of anything I have ever watched, the Doug/Rachel thing was totally unnecessary. She may know something related to the skeevy tactics of Underwood and his minions, but she also has something to lose by coming forward. All Doug would have to do is suddenly 'remember' who tried to kill him and Rachel would be worse than discredited.

  14. I want to point out to Frank that, when the woman who is the power behind your throne expresses her distress over the way things are going, you might want to be conciliatory rather than confrontational. Say something like 'As you wish', perhaps.

    • Love 3
  15. When my kids were wee, they rehearsed a magic show that they then performed for their Dad and me. My ex videotaped the performance...when the (stuffed) rabbit is pulled from the hat, you can hear him, off camera, bellow "That's not a REAL rabbit!" And their little faces fall.

    Now that the kids are grown, That's Not A REAL [whatever] has become a family catch phrase for advanced douchbaggery. So when Chuck muttered "You're not a REAL lawyer", my feelings towards the character experienced a violent whiplash from mild sympathy to blinding hate.

    Also, who needs groceries delivered every single day? Even when my three kids were perpetually ravenous teens, I shopped for food maybe three times a week, at most. How much does Chuck eat? Even allowing for the inadequate method of using ice to keep food fresh, having someone bring him food every single day smacks of a staggering level of entitlement.

    • Love 6
  16. Jimmy is the heart of this show, and Mike is the conscience. He clearly explains the thesis of the show in Pimento when he outlines his worldview to Pryce. Someone can simultaneously be a criminal and a good person. A criminal breaks man-made laws but a good person follows an essential moral code. Jimmy 's essential goodness is what prompts Mike to do him a solid in BCS and what allows Mike to work steadily as Saul's enforcer in BrBa.

    • Love 3
  17. I am willing to admit that my affection for the character may be skewing my memory, but I never thought of Saul in BrBa as a bad guy. He dances on the very slimmest edge of the law, sure, but he also becomes Captain Euphemism when the more brutal stuff is in play: Old Yeller Situation, Belize. At the end of Season One, I don't see Jimmy as Saul. Yet. But he has turned his back on practicing straight law and is driving directly towards that gleefully gaudy office in the strip mall and the Easter egg hued wardrobe of his dreams.

    • Love 6
  18. There were a few decisions with which I have minor quibbles. I wonder how this ep would have played without the convo with Mike at the booth: Jimmy pauses outside the courthouse, is reminded of Marco by the pinky ring and drives away from the possibilty of a straight job into the Land of Saul. Unlike some other commenters, I liked the montage sequence. I am the granddaughter of vaudeville mentalists, which is not exactly the same as being the descendant of con artists, but I recognized most of the scams from the brief throwaway lines and I want to research the ones that were not familiar. Minor quibbles and all, I am fully along for this ride! I am also oddly jealous of the duped waitress.

    • Love 7
  19. As much as I have enjoyed binge-watching various shows, I really like the anticipation that I feel for the next episode of BCS. Although, given that Marco is the last episode for a while, I may change my tune. Whining may occur.

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