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Posts posted by AxellaJ

  1. On 4/16/2019 at 4:33 AM, boes said:

    As I understand it, Peter wouldn't have dual citizenship just by being born abroad, especially on an army base the U.S. is in possession of.

    Being on a U.S. military base would be considered “being on U.S. soil”, so, technically, any children borne of serving members are considered the same as “American born”. This applies for any U.S. military installation, or embassy.

    Cuba would most definitely not have conferred citizenship upon American children who were born on the island. After all, Cuba did not gift the Gitmo land to the U.S., and weren’t at all happy about an armed, enemy power “squatting” in their country.

    When my daughter served there some time ago, she said if she had left the base, there were Cuban military police stationed outside who would have shot her.

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  2. On 3/28/2019 at 5:25 PM, bannana said:

    You know, for what Adam has been through, being shot and burned in a lake or something like that, and retrofitted to a new face and body, then being blown up, being constantly on the lam or in recovery, it sure is doing wonders for his rejuvenation.

    If they really want to grab the 20-30-somethings, they should just write Adam as a vampire and be done with it. He’s been killed and brought back enough to qualify. 😁

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  3. I did get a good laugh out of that Josh Morrow interview where he joked about how ridiculous The Underground is and can't possibly make any money.


    I wondered how he uttered the line about being "booked solid" for Valentines Day without laughing. And there must have been at least 15 people in the place - a hip 'n' happenin' club where people can have normal conversations without having to raise their voices above the music. They may as well have dug up Lawrence Welk for entertainment and given up the pretense that it was a club.


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  4. We had a great time, though one of the three days was rainy and crappy. But the good days were great.


    Fret not - by the end of next month, we'll have the central heater running again, and you'll all be enjoying the sunshine of a northern spring and summer...

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  5. Hmmmm, was it a good thing (for us) that ol' Vic stole the sexy motion lotion?


    It could be Bonaventure Mk II, in that it goes to market and is a HUGE disaster, causing women to be raped, and men to father unwanted children against their will. It could cost NE zillions and zillions in lawsuits. NE would be brought to its knees, just waiting for Jabot or CI (or some other as-yet-unknown mogul) to snap it up. We can only hope. Afterwards, we can see Victor in the nursing home, pushing his walking frame towards the window where he looks forlornly at the former Newman Tower, a tear running down his crepey cheek.

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  6. Stewed, you and your hubby sound like wonderful people.

    I really admire anyone who takes on rescue dogs, instead of buying cute little puppies. Believe me, I know that rescues can be challenging, especially if they've lived through neglect and abuse. You are obviously very kind and patient, and your furry companions are very lucky indeed.

    We're having a beach holiday at Phillip Island for a few days, having rented a restored Victorian cottage at the beach. It's lovely and a wonderful way to spend Valentines Day. Our daughter, S-I-L, and 3 of our grandchildren are meant to come down Saturday. However, after breakfast today, Friday, the thunder started... So I'm on the iPad, and my husband is asleep on the sofa... Tomorrow's weather may or may not be good... But at least it's a break from the routine. I miss my dogs so much! They're at a kennel near home, and they get big walkies around the paddocks there by the staff so they enjoy their stays there. They probably haven't given us a thought at all. ;-)

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  7. one of my granddaughters is currently backpacking across Australia, she is the second one to do that, they have marvelous tales to tell...


    It's a very unique place. I visited it several times before I settled here back in 1989, (I worked Passenger Service for Pan Am out of LaGuardia, and flew free). The only thing I don't much care for are the soggy winters. No snow, thank goodness, though I can drive an hour or so up to some in the winter if I really wanted to see it.


    I'm sure your granddaughter will love the friendliness of the people and the amazing landscape, including the beautiful beaches.


    Still warm today, but very windy. Amazingly, these semi-permanent gazebos hold up very well! Dogs are around me, nagging me to take them into the pool.

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  8. Out the window, I spy with my little eye... the pool, with beach towels draped over the pool fence... the decks... the large one on the right with the large gazebo (one of those 3x4m ones with the fabric top, mosquito netting, and curtains) chairs, tables, assorted outdoor furniture... the small deck on the left has a 3x3m gazebo, under which sits black wicker sofa, 2 chairs, and a coffee table. Behind all this is pittosporums around the perimeter, and a large golden elm in the neighbours yard at the back, which often distracts me while I'm sitting here for its sheer beauty. I'd take a picture except my husband went nuts and sprayed a garden bed with the awful Roundup (ugh!) so I have this dead, brown ribbon running alongside the pool, amongst all the lovely green.


    It was around 30°C today in Traralgon (about 85°F), and the dogs and I had a nice time in the pool. I also pulled weeds.  :-(

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  9. Looks to me like Scott Elrod will be the murder victim.


    No fucking way!!! We finally get someone worth looking at, and he is going to be murdered? And all to give the little wooden gnome even more story?

    When will they get it that although Steve Burton may be a nice guy IRL, he is more wooden than my cutting board (and perhaps less talented). In fact, it could probably act rings around him.



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