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Everything posted by starrywonder

  1. This was an awful finale. I have no idea what the writers and even the actors were thinking. They really should have ended it with Tracey and Ted under the yellow umbrella. If you are going to show anything after that show that Ted went back to the Perfect Match place and was looking into dating again. Anything but having him end up with Robin again after the audience watching for 9 years and seeing that their relationship didn't work at all ever. Robin only wanted Ted when he was with someone. Ted loved Robin as an ideal and not at all for who she really was inside. I know he was fine with her not having kids but he would not have been fine with Robin traveling, not settling down in NYC with him, etc. that is what broke them up the first time. They redeemed Barney so many times and then reverted his character NPH should sue for whiplash. Honesly I also understood and felt that Robin and Barney were in love and they worked for each other. It was a dumb reason to say that they divorced over wi-fi. Seriously? Get real. And I ended up despising Lily and Marshall the last few seasons, they were insufferable as anything. This show has not been funny since season 4 and it makes me sad that I sloughed through 9 seasons for this finale which the audience did not deserve.
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