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Posts posted by Tdoc72

  1. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:


    If she does make it to the end, I want someone to ask her why she destroyed her game over the EXACT BURGER.  She will say she was hungry and fatigued and not thinking straight.  I would ask her if that kind of behavior is something that should be rewarded.

    An absolutely hilarious final 3 would be Q, Venus and Liz.

    This is why I miss the live reunions. You get to ask people questions when they’ve had time to reflect on their & other’s behaviors. And I think Jeff would ask about this, probably because “people on the street” ask him about it. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, ranchgirl said:

    Erin and Chad's weekend to spend at the farm with Mama Jane and Papa Bill.

    Erin did a lot of baking before leaving and will stock up their freezer with goodies.  I imagine that Erin will also cook while she is there.  Perhaps her visit will be a helpful one.  

    Chad will be handy to have there too. I actually like that they seem to be rotating small groups in. 

    • Like 2
  3. I’m reminded of the time Michael wanted to go to DC to visit Brandon (I think it was the engagement time.) Kelly got out her calendar and said since Tory would be on spring break and could help with the kids, Michael was free to go. She was 24-25 at the time.   

    • Sad 9
  4. 10 hours ago, crazy8s said:

    Seems Mama has joined the unsafe rod drivers being ticketed.

    Homes county where Tim's house is located

    Dec 2023 Speeding 60 in a 45 zone in dec. fine $137 - 2 points

     02/05/2024 what appears to be another tictet for 67 in a 45


    Then she paid up $194

    no idea if she actually lost her license.

    OMG, I would love to see body cam footage of Jill getting pulled over. Did she cry?  Invoke Jesus’ name?  Ask the cop which Bible he reads?

    • Like 5
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  5. On 4/19/2024 at 8:53 PM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Who is the mystery man that Kemi is dating? 🤔

    I thought maybe the evil cop boss but she did get written up last week. But it almost has to be someone we know, right?  Otherwise, what’s the point?  Just to show that someone really really loves her or maybe leading to a big Kemi is kidnapped by her evil boyfriend storyline coming up?  🤷🏻‍♀️


    Glad that not-Gabby Petito lived and wasn’t murdered. Although, they didn’t mention going back to arrest the guy that hit her van, did they?  Are they still handcuffed together while Jason & Wayne are doing it?  

    • Like 1
  6. On 4/7/2024 at 8:25 AM, Pi237 said:

    Am I Next?—

    Was Janelle even involved in an online fight with Billy & Billy Jean? Or did she make that up too?  


    I wish they would’ve spelled that out clearer. I wondered if the victims even had a computer. 

    • Like 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Johannah said:


    Sigh.  I didn't watch the two eps before this one, so I don't know the group dynamics other than Rob and Aron are allies.

    Basically, Rob, Aron, & Alyssa made an alliance and then Amy, Stephanie, Miranda, and one the other guys (Derek I think) got mad that the Rob Mob made an alliance so they hypocritically made an alliance called the Night Owls. I’m not sure where Jordan & Nick fit in. Rob clearly takes nothing personally, but it seems most others are. But I’m sorry—everyone should play their own game and own it, win or lose. I’m not sure why a person would think that everyone else should help them win. 

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  8. 20 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

    Jill congratulating herself on her wonderful parenting made me 🙄. Her kids are in no way equipped to face the real world. Look at her two sons who have failed to launch. Timothy may own a house, but he's as insular and repellent as ever.

    And even though Nurie and Not Nurie are married w/children, who knows how independent they actually are. They might be asking/checking with their husbands over every little thing. 

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  9. 18 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

    Carlin posted some photos of Zade and Layla at Evan’s parents’ house. Only the kids. His parents were not in the photos. I guess they finally respected their wishes.

    I hate the ripped jeans trend. My 14 year old granddaughter has some that are so bad she might as well be wearing shorts. I tease her about them but she just laughs. Carlin and Whitney seem to pride themselves on following all the latest trends. Doesn’t matter how ugly or silly they are, if it’s “in” they are on board.

    His mom was in a couple with Zade. It might’ve been in her story. 

    • Like 1
  10. 18 hours ago, LadyChatts said:


    The slo-mo shot at the challenge before Yanu hit their last target was pretty impressive.  Normally those things are so corny but I thought it was a nice touch, even though it pretty much gave away they were going to hit the target and win.  I was happy for them to get a much earned victory.  I feel like they earned just for having to put up with Bhanu all that time.  


    I feel like Survivor owes me a cupcake from the reward challenge for me having to put up w/Bhanu. I was rolling my eyes at the previouslies. He can have a million hearts minus this one. 

    • Like 7
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  11. 15 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    At this point I'm starting to think he is!  Either way, not sure I care, because he's entertaining the hell out of me.  

    Agree. I do wonder if he got x amount of $ just to appear/play. So maybe he’s not the ultimate winner but there for name & likeability. 
    Are they pulling new people out of the jungle every week?  Last week, I didn’t recognize or know Miranda. This week, it was Jordan. 

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  12. 46 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

    We did this too in the 50's. But our parties consisted of birthday cake and ice cream. No other food.was served.  I doubt that today's kids play pin the tail on the donkey and dropping clothespins in a bottle. 

    I would’ve done pin the crown on the princess and some sort of match the prince with his princess game. 

    • Like 6
  13. On 3/16/2024 at 12:46 PM, Dowel Jones said:

    Convicted murderer in a fire camp.  Yeah, no.  Not gonna happen.  That being said, Eve doesn't get to determine who stays in camp, and who gets transferred, unless there was some violation of fire department/CDCR rules, and even then the COs determine the inmate's fate.

    Vince sure got huffy when he was replaced as Incident Commander.  That's the way it works, boss, although there should have been an orderly transfer and briefing, but, hey, why quibble.

    I'm sure glad that Bode could hold his breath for however long it took to rescue Vince from the burning building.  Because, you know, all those toxic fumes might actually do some damage to a lesser man.

    Why is there a chemical plant in this isolated village?  I mean, you have to truck all the raw material in, and the chemicals back out, which adds to the cost of production, but I guess it's not so bad that one engine company and a hazmat squad can't handle it.

    That is true.  He should have walked her back to the camp, and sent Freddy 2.0 on ahead to get help, but that's real life.  It serves to protect both the civilian and Bode; her from possibility of assault, and him from the possibility of a false claim of assault.  Here it's required that he get arrested to drive the plot.  

    He didn’t get arrested. After he touched a civilian, 3 Rocks did some kind of inmate count and they had to line up. Later, he had to be handcuff for ambulance transport b/c he’s inmate. It was two different things. 

    • Like 1
  14. She needs some more therapy in her arm, they will only be posting vids every other week cuz they’re busy, & they made some more prayer cards. Boring!

    They are like whispering in their bedroom. Erin doesn’t say much at first, just gazes at Chad. She has either gained weight or not lost the pregnancy weight. She looks like a blond Kelly. Chad has a pompadour with one piece hanging down. It looks odd and made me laugh. 

    That’s about it. 

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  15. 47 minutes ago, MarylandGirl said:

    This was much better than the description suggested it would be. I suppose that's not saying much, as the description sounded pretty terrible! But I was pretty engaged by it.

    I liked this one too. 

    So are they just forgetting everything they happened last season w/the fake son?  

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  16. 3 hours ago, floridamom said:

    Surprisingly Jana also stated in the video that she does not like to cook. I bet she doesn't like it much after having to cook for a crowd since she was a young girl. Sadly, my impression of some of these girls is that they don't know how to just have fun and leave the 'bible' things out of it. When Jordan's question was about the best gift she received, she immediately and obediently stated "salvation". Joy half rolled her eyes and said "besides salvation". Jordan knows the script. I also found it strange that all of the unmarried Duggar sisters were under a blanket or sheet while Joy was the only one not under cover. Am I reading too much into this? 

    Maybe they were in pants for sleeping so they left a blanket on so we wouldn’t see?

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  17. 13 minutes ago, CSunshine76 said:

    TMZ is reporting Garrison has died. How awful.

    Poor Janelle and family. RIP dear boy. 

    Just saw that. How awful!  TMZ is saying suicide. I think I literally gasped out loud. 

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