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Everything posted by kilted

  1. Hmm I can't recall any previous criticism of the peg leg dialogue. The conversation on the rock is regarded with a lot of affection but I can see why someone might take offence. Mulder back then could be really insensitive and myopic. He didn't get a whole lot better actually. Maybe Scully should have called him on his remarks better but then that would have dampened the banter. While season 3 does have some really memorable episodes, a lot of fans missed the tone of season 2. There were some real prizes like Clyde Bruckman's and Jose Chung's, but by comparison, season 3 was more back-to-business with a collection of light-hearted non-Xfiles and some fun fluff thrown in. Shippers at the time clung on to occasions like the conversation on the rock just to keep them breathing. If it wasn't for Pusher it might have gotten itself into trouble. Was season 3 the season of the most Scully ditches by Mulder? Does anyone have a tally?? Yeah I can relate with falling out of love with Mulder in S3. After he ditched Scully in Talitha Cumi/Herrenvolk, I checked out on Mulder. It took a lot for me to defrost on that one. I think it took the Hallway scene.
  2. Season 4 is one of my favourite seasons and I remember it being an emotional roller-coaster. Back then no one could see into the future and know where the show would go. A lot of fans thought we were going to lose Scully and that was so painful. I think I was 15. Episodes like Small Potatoes and Never Again attracted fantastic reactions and leading up to them, and during airing, chat zones were a hive of activity. Screen shots were bouncing off the satellites and dial-up modems everywhere were doing that 'beep beep b-doing b-doing' thing. Americans were yelling to see the BBC Season 4/"lean on me" promo. There was no You-Tube. I lived in the UK and listened to the 1997 US promo for Never Again on a sound wave file, "underground bars, cheap tattoos, one night stands..." The energy between Mulder and Scully was unsurpassed at that time. They'd never looked better. There was a real sense of something unfolding and a few careful nudges would usher them...onwards. The weighted words, heavy silences, long looks and gorgeous interactions had everyone flushed. Meanwhile, and I swear to you, at this point Chris Carter was still ruling out a romantic relationship between the two lead characters. Now I have to listen to all this nonsense they give that the Momento Mori kiss was cut because it wasn't necessary given how obvious their mutual feelings were. My tooshie! Of course it is a very moving and revealing scene but they cut that kiss because Carter was wholly uncommitted to a romance. He's such a flip-flop.
  3. I just completed the fastest 16 Google searches of my life to find this site. SO glad it's just 'moved house' because one is the loneliest number. Oh I didn't like or approve of XF2 at all. I've never vented properly over it either. I just pushed the bad memories way down deep inside, but sometimes, when I'm standing in a really long line at the Post Office, and it's too warm, it comes back in small chunks. I remember the script and dialogue etc loosely but more than that, I recall cringing in my seat at the cinema. And I'm a die-hard X-files fan, i.e. I dislike IWTB but I obviously own 2 copies. I'd hoped for a MOTW with an old-fashioned mutant monster. One with claws and some nasty, Hellish habit - like eating livers. Because gay Russians in love isn't scary. Was there a sex change issue or am I thinking of a Jerry Springer episode? I zoned out before the end because I was worried they'd all start doing the Time Warp. It was watery gravy to me. I hated the negative press it received from voices saying it was homophobic but it did get itself into a muddy jam. The X-Files has a great history of pushing boundaries and of delivering something new, fresh and sophisticated so criticism that it was backward in handling homosexuality etc was really frustrating. Damn it was frustrating. Keeping their relationship ambiguous for the first half-hour of the film was stupid. Hell keeping their relationship ambiguous for the first 8 seasons of a 9 season show was stupid. In the run-up to IWTB I remember seeing pictures or a clip of M&S exiting the helicopter at HQ and Mulder taking hold of her properly. I liked seeing him take a firm grip. But by the time the movie was released it had been changed to something less...charged. I forget what gesture he ended up making but it didn't look romantic. He could've been steering an old lady across a road. All so there could be this big, surprising reveal? Which fell flat because it was in the blasted dark with an unnecessary amount of duvet coverage. Who else needed to hold their chin at a funny angle and squint to make them out?? As far as another movie goes, I never wanted a colonisation movie anyway so the fact that 2012 has come and gone is a relief for me. They wouldn't have the budget for that overblown action-packed carnival. I'm in full support for a post-colonisation theme because there is a chance they can deliver a solid movie on budget. Make it rough and psychological and scary. XF3 will be a survival movie and that's hot. Because when you think you're gonna die, and you think your soul mate - that hallowed friendship which keeps your heart beating - is gonna die, and yeah, maybe even your kid, the rules change. And that passion ignited against a backdrop of turmoil and breakdown of society is fascinating. But alas CC is attending these meetings. Instead of a woman or a poet. And unlike XF2, no one is bleating on and on about Samantha because that ol' side story is floating upside down on the duck pond. Of course the character of William will be centre stage. Because he'll be a teenager and that's more marketable. He's the 'bridge' to help inform newer fans or random movie goers. I'd love to see him at 15 rolling his eyes and being all like, "eww you guys are way too old to kiss like that!"
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