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Posts posted by abbyzenn

  1. I haven't watched MHZ since it stopped being a free channel - so that's been years.  I loved that it had International Mysteries every week night at nine.  I remember watching Beck (and I liked it) but don't remember it being particularly violent.  The one that I remember as violent was Johan Falk.

    My favorite show on MHZ was Blood of the Vine.  It takes place at various vineyards around France so beautiful scenery and I don't recall it being at all violent.

  2. Finished the first two episodes - surprised they went rather fast since I wasn't really that engrossed in the story.  It is interesting enough to want to know what's the truth so I'll probably keep watching. 

    There is something about Imogen I don't like but can't put my finger on what it is.

  3. Another great episode.  Love that the writers threw in quite a bit of humor in the midst of a tense situation.  I think that's why I can overlook the obvious or claring "what the heck?" moments like why was the safecracker acting like the bartender instead of working on the safe or how did the waitress know so quickly that 1 guest was missing.

    Will did look good in his white dinner jacket.  Didn't like Faith's outfit.

    I don't usually pay attention to Betty's clothes but I did chuckle seeing her in her pjs in the last scene.

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  4. I can't get into Elsbeth and only watched the first episode.  I hate when you know who committed the murder and it's just a matter of the detective figuring it out.  Plus Elsbeth really got on my nerves - she's beyond quirky.

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  5. Not sure if this where to put this but I'm recuperating from an accident - leg fractures so I can't move much - and watching alot of daytime tv.  Been watching alot of Perry Mason and Murder she Wrote on the Great American Family channel ( a channel I don't get at home).  I swear every other commercial is about their Christmas movies - they actually have a countdown clock! - and how this will be the greatest season yet for their Christmas movies.  If the commerical isn't about the Christmas movies it's about Candice Cameron Bure and her new mystery movies series coming soon.

    • Applause 1
  6. This was definitely my least favorite episode - I just didn't find it that interesting Quite a bit seemed rather ridiculous - like none of the criminals so him at the boat yard or the whole warehouse scene.  

    I didn't think it made any sense for him to travel all the way to Maine for $10,000.  It probably cost a thousand just to get that humongous truck and trailer to Maine and back.

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  7. I've watched the first two episodes of the new season and must admit I actually enjoyed the episodes for the most part and certainly more than last season.   I can find the bit about Martha's mom and her online dating as a humourous break but I don't like the part about Martha and Humphrey's journey to be foster parents for I'd rather concentrate on the mysteries.

    Maybe I didn't pay enough attention to Humphrey but this season I find he looks terriibly thin - maybe it's just the clothes?.

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  8. Acorn recently announced season renewals for several shows including My Life is Murder, Recipes for Love and Murder, and Whitstable Pearl.

    Harry Wild season 3 will premieers  on May 13

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  9. I'd say place #2 didn't scream "Spain".  It and the view could have been in California.  I am surprised they didn't take it since usually harping on wanting something that says "I'm in wherever) they settle for the biggest place or the place closest to what they had in the states.

    Wife talked about her father in Mallorca but never mentioned her mother (or did I miss that) nor mentioned when she came to the US.  I got the feeling she was actually raised in California.  

    With her father in Mallorca and family in Madrid why did she choose Malaga which isn't close to either?  Especially since she said she wanted her girls to get to know them.


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  10. There is a hotel for servicemen and women (both active duty and retired)  called the Hale Koa.  I think DOD personnel on business can also stay there.  Rates depend on your rank.   It is next to the Hilton Hawaiian Village.  It has the best pools - large enough to actually swim in.

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  11. I too thought it would be the smug CIA agent.  I must have dozed off for a few seconds because when they arrested the guy I didn't know who it was.

    I did like the humor provided by the trading jobs thing.

    There is just something about  Kaise that I don't like.  Like in this case she goes from being too timid to want to answer the phone (the woman needing the base police) to working the case when she answers Webb's call (which was only her second phone call).  And it's not like she's competent in field work.  

    • Like 3
  12. The ending really didn't clear up anything.

    I never understood what either Haley or David did for a living.  Does she have a job in Hong Kong?  Why is she staying there?  What was the rug for?

    Mercy is only truly messed up person.  How is she going to support a child?  

    Margret staying in Hong Kong to do what?  Hasn't Gus been missing for a year? What can she do that hasn't already been done?  She decides at the airport to stay?  Clarke didn't put up much resistence.  

     I thought the table Margret was led to had only 2 chairs.  So who exactly was talking to who?  Sometimes it seemed like Margret to Mercy, sometimes Margret and Haley, sometimes Mercy and Haley.  It was just downright strange.

    I will say this was beautifully filmed  I liked the glimpses of Hong Kong.  But otherwise this was a terrible show and as I said in my last review the real mystery is why did I watch it til the end.


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  13. It was a lovely tribute.  It seems a lot of thought and care went into picking the flashbacks which must have been quite some task considering the volume of work available.  The overall theme of the stories we leave behind was just so appropriate and so touching.  Great job!

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  14. I can't really explain why I'm still watching this.  Although I'll admit I did skip over quite a bit.  I liked seeing Hong Kong in the rain - it fit into the episode better than some of the people.  Can't figure out why in the world the storylines with Tony and Olivia (?) were included.  Didn't think we had even seen them before.  Olivia did have quite some house.

    I found the scenes with the Phillipino women and there day off interesting (more so than anything else that's been shown in the series.  I can't imagine having to leave my family, especially my own children, to go to a foreign country to work and especially to work for these pampered selfish beings.  

    The only other scenes worthwhile was Clarke and the preacher. 

    I do have so many questions, such as:

    How did Clarke even end up with Margaret?

    WIth so much money spend on production values couldn't they have shelled out a bit more for Margaret's wig????

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  15. Just finished reading "The Running Grave" and really liked it.   Although I did think it was too long but even in parts that I thought could have been cut - like the Charlotte bit there were a few insightful nuggets of why Strike is how he is that were interesting to read.  I do hope they film this one - but to do the story justice it would probably have to be 4 or 5 episodes.

    I think they are currently filming The Ink Black Heart but even if so it probably won't be shown till very late this year or next year.

  16. Not sure how i feel about this show - I find it rather slow but enjoying seeing Hong Kong.   I'm not finding Margaret (Nicole) very likable.  Nitpicking - is Hilary wearing the same pants in every scene?  It's not an attractive look on her.

    Glad it's not just me thinking that Nicole Kidman is odd looking.  Seriously if I didn't know beforehand I wouldn't recognize her.

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  17. Thought it slow.  Wasn't sure I was even going to finish the episode.  The time jump was somewhat ackward and at first didn't know who he had married - in the first scene with her she didn't say her name. 

    Took me 3 times to get to the end - which was rather stunnng and eerie.  Hate the poor lighting throughout but especially in these scenes at the abby- made it hard at first to see what had happened.

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  18. Just watched the first show of the new season.  

    David Leon has returned as Joe only now he's a DI (same as Vera).  He's there to look at their procedures which really irritates Vera.  I liked him and was sorry to see him leave the show but in this episode he wasn't the same old Joe and at times rather annoying - for example when Kenny calls him Joe, Joe replies "call me sir".

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  19. Enjoyed the Christmas special.  I like when we have a pool of suspects.

    Quite a nice house the Police Commissioner (or whatever her title is) has.  Also liked Charlotte's house.  The island looks rather interesting - would liked to have seen more of it.  I enjoy these shows for the scenery as much as for the story.

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  20. Great season.  All the slow horses did so well - well maybe not Ho - they really upped their game and used their wits to outlast those heavily (ridiculously so) armed guys.  Guess that private security company is out of business!!

    Looking forward to season 4.


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  21. This season has just been great.  The episodes go so fast they only seem like 15 minutes long.  Poor Douglas - he was goofy and harmless.  I hope Duffy gets killed.  Also sad that Alison's brother was killed.

    I can't wait to see how this season ends so  I actually went to the library and got the next book in the series (they didn't have the one for this season) just to see which characters if any are still alive in book 4.  

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  22. Australia to Sweden:  She was Swedish and wanted to move back home.  I don't understand the guy going on and on about being in the center of town - he said he couldn't walk 15 minutes to the center in the winter - well he could take a bus or walk briskly.  RIdiculous that in the one house he couldn't tell where to put the Christmas tree so the house was a no-go.   I think but not sure that the kids can speak Swedish because they scene of them baking with their grandmother she was speaking Swedish and the kids seemed to know what to do.

    Texas to Zurich:  Way too much talk about Christmas.  Actually I found the husband rather annoying with all the Christmas stuff.  I hate hate hate those huge blow-up Santas.  I'll give him credit though for talking about how he was so young when his father died and how he's looking forward to being home with his kids.  I liked the kids better than either parent.

    Didn't like the second house which they so oohed and aahed about because of the beams.  I thought it was the house they had already been living in or was not really a contender because it was so jammed packed with furniture and whatnots which we rarely see in the houses.  

    At Halloween I went by a house that had a skeleton in the yard that I'd say was at least 12 feet high.  This morning I went by the house and the skeleton is back out dressed in a Santa suit.


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