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Posts posted by wineaux

  1. 8 minutes ago, Efzee said:

    I'm curious if we'll see/hear more about Nic's "friend" who set her up plus the woman's coworkers in the next season.

    Bingo!  I thought about Nic's "friend", too, and the others at Lane's clinic.  How about this scenario, though?  Lane is jailed awaiting her trial...she contacts Nic's "friend" with instructions on purging other files, and possibly have her be her 'ears'.  Of course, that's if the show runners decide to expand that character and keep Melina K. 

    However, probably not since Conrad's Dad is on the Board and will inject a lot of great story lines, including his relationship with his son and how he will handle Bell.  

    Other characters:  

    - Dr. (Theo) Austin....I'm not feeling him so much.  Quite a bit over-the-top, weird, and (IMO) the character doesn't seem to fit Malcolm-Jamal Warner very well.  And, what was that look on his face when he looked in on Mina and Micah at the end?  Concern for Mina because he likes her?  DOES he really 'like' her, or does he want to replace her?  I don't trust him.  He can go.

    - Mina, Mina, Mina...your emotions are showing.  Not a bad thing, but I don't want this added element to her character to soften her to the point of losing our dry, confident and immensely skilled surgeon. She may have to break with Micah, and will convince herself that she can't lose control like that again.  

    I'm really looking forward to next season.

    • Love 2
  2. On December 11, 2016 at 9:43 AM, preeya said:

    She (Monica Raymund) did a short stint on The Good Wife.

    She was also a regular on Lie to Me that starred Tim Roth and Kelli Williams.  She did very well there...had a plum part.  And, was a likable character.  :-)  

  3. 1 hour ago, preeya said:

    Can't the writers give us something more than Dawson bullshit. I just hate her.

    Actually, they have...almost all of the main characters on the show have had story arcs.  But, since they have written this child in for Dawson and Casey, it has to be played out, or it will appear to be a topic just hanging in the air.  What better way to stir it up than to bring in this guy who is claiming to be the child's father?  She does get a lot of screen time, though, but I'm interested in how this is going to be fixed....and THEN they can move on to someone else, like Severide.  

    He's already been warned that the bone marrow donation can be painful...and we KNOW that he loves to pretend he can handle things (pain) without special treatment, so there's that.  Typical. 

    Show request:  More Capp, please.  :-D  :-D  

    • Love 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Enero said:

    I didn't see it at first, but I saw it last night. Now I'm wondering if at some point they're planning to go THERE with them. 

    UGH!  I sure hope not.  :-(    For me, she can go any time now.  I don't think she adds to the show at all.  Whenever she's in a scene it feels dark, dreary and lifeless.  According to IMDB, she has 14 years of acting experience...14!....yet, you really can't tell it by what she gives us on this show.  Sad.

    With any luck, the 'powers that be' for the show will notice that she is not getting 'warm and fuzzies' from NCIS: NO fans and will reconsider her 'regular' status on the show.  I'll continue to watch...but only because I like the rest of the cast.

    • Love 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Bwill3133 said:

    Also why Amanda has 7 bottles of pills in her purse. 

    I KNOW, right?!  What did she say...woman issues.  Profuse perspiration and all...QUITE young even for early menopause.  So, something is up there, too.  

    They really did sprinkle a lot of things in this episode to raise questions about a lot of people.  But it was really odd that the detective would bring up the other guy's name at the funeral (from a file that was obviously sealed because it was a juvenile offense).  But...this *IS* television.  

    I like Juliette Lewis a lot. She can be hilariously funny but, wow, does she play a menacing law enforcement official.  Her stare can almost turn a person to stone. 

    • Love 4
  6. 1 hour ago, peridot said:

    This was my first time watching this series.  Would the dummy drop really happen in real life, especially the day after the murder?  That seemed OTT.

    Some moments seemed really awkward (the "say I'm the man scene" and the fake crying of the husband at the end). I hate that the husband and his sister decided to hold back the additional tablet and the scratch marks on the drawer.

    The best friend with three ex-wives seemed really shifty.

    LOL!   Yeah, "Say 'I'm the man" was a little cheesy but I'm sure if we could be a fly on the wall of many bedrooms, we'd hear even cheesier stuff.  :-D  

    Holding back the tablet and scratch marks on the drawer was def the wrong move IMO, as well.  However, you know...drama.  But sis should know better...DOES know better, so she's already messed up if she is supposed to be looking out for her brother's best interests.  

    And, speaking of interesting....Mom?  Ok...I kind of assumed she was dead but apparently she's not.  Mmmmm....

    In conclusion, we have quite a few possible suspects (or persons of interest).  I'll keep checking in to see what happens.  

    • Love 4
  7. A few things about Sam Neill's accent...

    Although he was born in Northern Ireland (1947), he seems to have spent most of his life in New Zealand (his father's homeland)...from 1954 onward.  So I can understand why he would not have had a naturally sounding Northern Ireland accent.  He was probably away from Ireland too long.  Also, he did receive some coaching from Liam Neeson and James Nesbitt, however, well, even to my American ears, Sam's speech patterns still sounded odd...kinda exaggerated.

    With that said, if I had let it, the weird accent could have really pulled me away from the character.  But, he did such a great job as the despicable Campbell, that the accent issue kinda melted away for me. 


    On the other hand, divorce is also a scandal.  Grace can't a divorce unless her husband accuses her of infidelity.  What if he won't?  What if he wants the baby, no matter what? Under British law at that time a child born to a married couple was the legal offspring of that couple.  He's going to be the father in the eyes of the law no matter what Grace says.  

    Grace moved to New York, married a rich banker there and lived in Poughkeepsie, so I don't think British laws governed them regarding children born to them while married.  They were only in London for fertility testing.

  8. I don't understand about the mugging versus not mugging.  Why can't it be that Tyler is just being..., well, TYLER?  He's a YouTube and Podcast personality and he's almost always on camera...so, it's what he does.  

    And, Cole?  Check out his and his Mom's FaceBook pages...and, yep, it's what he does, too.  There are several shots of him with friends and family just going crazy and being silly on camera.  To me, that's being Cole.

    So, all of this talk about them 'mugging for the camera' doesn't make sense to me.  And, to be clear, I know that everyone has their own opinion....but mine is that neither of them are mugging.  

    • Love 6
  9. On May 8, 2016 at 8:28 AM, Gummo said:

    I disagree, vehemently.  No team is under ANY obligation to help another team; why would they be?

    And as for lying, to paraphrase the legendary Miss Alli from TWOP, do you object when people bluff in poker? 

    It's a game.  There are rules.  If you don't break the rules, you're playing fair.  You have no other obligation than to play by the rules.

    THIS ^^  The challenge for most of them begins when they hang out together at certain places, get to know each other AND form friendships.  THAT's how alliances began to surface wayyyyyy back in the day and, somehow, racers in the subsequent seasons seemed to think it was the 'thing' to do.  People would buddy up to take others out of the race or push them back further but then when it gets down to the final 3 or 4, it's really every team for themselves.  But, no doubt, once they get to that point, friends or no friends, there are no more alliances.  It's gotta be VERY tough, though, because if you don't want to be a part of an alliance (and you race well), you get targeted...damned if you do; damned if you don't.

    I would personally prefer that there were rules against alliances and such, and that each team races on their own abilities and strengths.  But those days are gone now.  However, I do not hold it against any team that holds back information from another team.  As I quoted GUMMO: "It's a game.  There are rules.  You have no other obligation than to play by the rules."

  10. 3 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

    Her facial expressions and even her reaction upon winning felt kind of anticlimactic.  She even reacted like nothing positive ever happens to her and now she can finally have a good life, like in general she's got a defeatist attitude about her life and this will make it all better.  Which is not exactly the attitude I'd like to see in a winner, but whatever.

    Other than the drama that Jackie and Frank brought, I didn't find this season that exciting.  However, Ariel did stick out early on for me as someone to watch.  Sure, she didn't smile much and she may have appeared 'over confident' to some, but I think it's part of how she protects herself.  She may very well have had a tough life.  Why would she make that up?  It's my hope, though, that she will take this opportunity and run with it....OWN it, as Christina has.  Congratulations to Ariel!  

    • Love 3
  11. I think the job's legit. Scott is still working in Vegas at the job he won. Christina not only worked at the job she won, she is now one of Ramsay's executive chefs and appears on this show. One girl couldn't pass the drug test and never worked one day. But all in all, they do get the job they are promised on the show. What they do with it, whether they succeed, is up to them.

    I'm rooting for Kristin. Yes, bad dress choice, but there's a fierceness in her I don't see in Ariel. Ariel seems to feel entitled, like she's supposed to win no matter what.


    What I'm seeing is just a clear difference in personalities.  Truth be told, I'm actually seeing a little of Christina's personality in Ariel.  Like Ariel, (if I'm remembering correctly), Christina was very good, didn't get wild and crazy with anyone, and basically kept her head down and tried not to make any crazy mistakes.  They ALL make mistakes here and there...none of the chefs over the years have been absolutely perfect.  But, I think Ramsey wants a winner who is confident, learns from mistakes, is a team player AND a leader, who can be professional and who would be a great person for him to mentor.


    I find Ariel to be overly cocky. Would rather see Kristin win and I think she will. She has been given a stronger winner's edit than Ariel IMO.


    What exactly is 'overly cocky'?  Why not 'confident'?  IMO, all of the others thought and expressed the same of themselves and their abilities?  And, to an extent, you have to be confident, AND back it up, to survive Hell's Kitchen.  


    Kristin's selection of Ashley for the boot was so strange. At the top of the episode, they showed Ashley and Kristin conspiring against Ariel and talking about how they were going to be the two in the final. Then, Kristin picks Ashley to go home?


    Yes, that was a bit odd, wasn't it?  I didn't see that coming at all.  Probably, it was edited that way so that we could see how Kristin flipped on Ashley.  I'm SO sure Ashley was very, very surprised.

    • Love 6
  12. Amelie had a touching scene with the little boy at the end.  However, she still has a long way to go with me.  I'm still not a fan.


    Owen, Owen, Owen...  I remember watching his outbursts with and about Riggs weeks ago and thought, "Oh, wow.  I wonder if *Owen* was somehow involved in his sister's death, and he's just taking it out on Riggs?"  And, Riggs blabbed to no one about Owen's involvement.  So, I guess somewhere down the line, Owen will forgive himself and apologize to Riggs?  Who knows.


    Bailey and Ben?  I'm bored with both of them.  Bailey needs a reboot and better story lines.

    • Love 1
  13. .... am I warming up to Amelia!?!? I actually felt bad when she showed up to Owen's and found him drunk. I don't care much about either of them, but I liked Owen's scene with April and I felt for Amelia at the end. I think it just means that I'm enjoying the show a lot overall and so even the characters that get on my nerves are okay with me. I also love the switch-up of interactions lately, like Amelia / Arizona at the end. 



    I wish Jackson and April would fix their crap for the child's sake. And I thought they put an interesting spin on the usual pro-choice narrative. Arizona was out of line, but I think "indefensible" is a bit much. Considering that she kind of accidentally backed into telling Jackson when each thought the other was talking about something else. April behaved like a crazy person; for a Christian, telling someone to go to hell is pretty much the worst, most hateful thing you could say.


    Even though I don't really like the Amelia character, in my opinion, she was on the money about what Arizona did being indefensible.  Yep, pretty much.  There is really nothing she can do but wait at this point.


    April is exhausting. I know I'm probably supposed to be on her side or whatever, but I'm not. I'm on Team Let This End Already. 


    THIS!  Yes...


    What is a jolex?


    Jo and Alex

  14. Michelle was great at portraying Mary's curdling at the news about Bertie.


    The look on her face said it all, like, "WHAT?!  How DARE Edith rise above ME!  That just isn't done!"


    And ditto regarding Mr. Carson.  He has done such an about face in character since the earlier seasons, I don't even recognize him now.  :-(

    Michelle was great at portraying Mary's curdling at the news about Bertie.


    The look on her face said it all, like, "WHAT?!  How DARE Edith rise above ME!  That just isn't done!"


    And ditto regarding Mr. Carson.  He has done such an about face in character since the earlier seasons, I don't even recognize him now.  :-(

    • Love 6
  15. Meredith gets attacked by a patient. The patient has to live with the guilt of that. Mere's kids are terrified of their mother but let's all remember who the real victim is...




    The moment she started with "Do you know how hard it was for me to see you in that trauma room?" I though, "No, she probably doesn't because she was too busy getting her broken jaw pried open and a tracheotomy!" Amelia you are cordially invited to sit. your. ass. down.


    But yes, excellent direction by Denzel. That man has a real talent for building suspense. Every time Mere turned from treating Lou to typing on her tablet I expected him to be standing over her when she turned back around like in a horror movie. In fact the way Lou rose up from the gurney was very reminiscent of "The Walking Dead."


    HA!  YES!!  :-)


    Amelia can have all sorts of seats. 


    Please....including some of the seats in the next room. 



    I'll just say I thought the episode would have worked so much better without all the hype. Meredith was not in mortal danger at any point, it was soon made clear she'd be just fine physically and we barely saw any of the attack. All of it would have been alright for a regular episode (ignoring the fact she's experienced every tragedy known to a man, of course), there really was no need for the over the top hype like that. They really only did it so people would come back to the show after such a long break.


    Yes, "it was soon made clear she'd be just fine physically and we barely saw any of the attack", however, I'm assuming that those exam/treatment rooms have all kinds of items that could be used as weapons, and the patient was bigger and much stronger than her.  Anything could have happened, and they didn't know the extent until they examined her.


    Not seeing much of the attack, IMO, made sense to me. And, it worked...at least for me.  It added to the drama.  Did we really need to see everything?  


    Also, the comparison to ER may be getting lost of some who frequent the forum.  The show lasted from 1994 - 2009.  Grey's started in 2005 so there was a little bit of overlap.  But some may not have watched ER *or* St. Elsewhere (remember that one?  Circa 1982....the first TV series that Denzel Washington starred in.)  My point is that eyes may be glazing over when ER episodes are mentioned or compared to.  I was a huge fan of both but I watch Grey's (and Chicago Med, and Code Black) for the entertainment and dramatic value these shows can bring to me.  


    Lastly, I don't really worry about where Mer's kids are.  She could very well have to go on shift before the daycare opens and she has someone else bring them, right?  We see them (the doctors/interns) eat in the cafeteria sometimes but we don't always see them eat...or shower....or take the trash out.  You get my point....like in life, there are lots of things happening around us, and to people we know, that we don't have to be witness to.  That's how it is on ALL TV shows and films.  We don't get to view every aspect of a character's life because, quite frankly, they don't have enough time to do that.

    • Love 1
  16. Other than the fact that it was an yet another dramatic epi about Meredith, I actually liked it.  And I love that it was directed by Denzel Washington.



    While I was glad they resolved the Amelia cliffhanger, I also thought there was too much Amelia. It was repetitive, and I just don't care.


    Amelia was insufferable and selfish as usual.  Alex was the MVP of the episode and at least he got decent screen time.  


    I totally agree.  The Amelia character has been absolutely useless to me for years.  She's really not significant, she's a bore and she just drains any scene that she is in.   She can leave any day now....please.  Maybe they can have her look for and accept a job someplace else because it's just too hard for her stay at Grey-Sloan Memorial.  Yeah, that's the ticket...(said with an evil grin, rubbing hands together)  :-)

    • Love 5
  17. I mean, I think the show is running out of ideas. Last season we ended on Fitz and Liv getting together after everything and getting their happily ever after, which obviously they couldn't really get because, hi, there was another season of the show. Then we got Liv and Fitz being an outright couple to the point where they let the world know that she was now the mistress turned girlfriend and then they did the winter cliffhanger with the abortion and the breakup..and here we are. And then all the stuff with Rowen finally being put in jail like the evil monster that he is and then last fall, he was let back out and now he's out and about There really isn't much left to do with these characters and stories. If Liv ends up with either Jake or Fitz, it would be a whole lot of, "she tried that before and it didn't work, she hated it". This show can't end on a happily ever after note at this point. We saw it and it wasn't good.


    The problem I have and it's been occurring with a lot of my shows as of late is that  there seems to be a grace period of how many seasons/years a show can last before they need to start collectivity rewriting the characters and history and expecting viewers to have selective memory on certain aspects. That doesn't work anymore and nothing seems to be cohesive. 


    ALL of this.  ^^^^


    For me, after season 3 everything began going downhill.  Season 4....meh.  Couldn't get into it at all, and that made me mad and sad because I really, really liked and looked forward to my Thursday night TV shows.  So, I sat out the first half of season 5...tuning in tonight in hopes that there would be some improvement, a revival of sorts that would bring me back in.  


    Nope.  It didn't happen.  Four minutes in and my eyes rolled back into my head.  I half muted, half watched it tonight.  Oh, well.  The thrill is gone.  I don't even want it to take up space in my DVR.  So..... I'll probably just peep in from time to time to see if anything has changed for the better.  Fingers crossed.

  18. If you're not so particular about only period dramas try Broadchurch on Netflix, Line of Duty on both Acorn and Amazon and Zen and The Last Enemy on Amazon. Cheers! They are modern drama and not much language which I appreciate.


    I tried to watch Broadchurch (and its US version, fraternal twin 'Gracepoint'), but they were both too painfully slow and dark for me.  Perhaps I just wasn't in the mode to watch them. It was always a drag to tune in for the next episode.  However, Line of Duty and The Last Enemy look very interesting.  I'll check them out.  Thanks much!

  19. I'm subscribed to Acorn but I won't be surprised if I see myself dropping it after a few months. They don't have the choice British dramas you think especially the period ones. In my view Netflix has a wider range of good British dramas period or otherwise - even Amazon.


    Thank you for your insight, skyways!   I have both Netflix (they have a great line-up of BBC shows...thx for suggesting that I check) and Amazon Prime, so it looks like I'll have lots of options for a while.  :-)   And, since Acorn has a 30-day trial, I should probably give it a whirl and watch the ones that caught my eye that I didn't see in Netflix's lineup.  I can probably run through a lot of them within 30 days.  :-D  

  20. Hello all...another period drama fan here.  I want to thank Daisy for starting this thread with that fantastic list, and the other posters for sharing period drama info, as well.  I'm now watching The Paradise on PBS, but can't wait until Mr. Selfridge returns. But now I have so many more to choose from that I am just giddy with excitement to check them all out.


    Last night I decided to start watching Lark Rise to Candleford (because...Brendan Coyle, of course!) and it is truly a delight.  Yay!  Getting my 'fix' on!  :-D   :-D   

    And, I was thinking about subscribing to Acorn TV to catch all of the BBC shows.


    Thank you, again!  I am SO in my 'happy place' right now.  :-D  

    • Love 4
  21. The story that shot me in the emotional gut was Crista/wife/schizophrenic.  I know we're supposed to think that Crista is a wonderful doctor because she was fighting for her patient but she wasn't, she was imposing what she thought was the right thing to do over the wishes of the patient (and bonus, she couldn't keep her emotions in check).  Doctors like Crista are the reason patients need medical powers of attorney to protect themselves. Crista had no idea what the man wanted, no idea of what he was living with when the schizophrenia was taking over, no idea of the bad side effects of the medication he had to be on to try to keep it in check.  I've been in the wife's position, holding a medical PoA while doctors argued with me, with test results that supported my side, because they thought they were gods and always right. 


    What Crista did crossed the line into emotional abuse to a woman who was already torn up by losing her husband but just as in real life, there will be no consequences to Crista for what she put that woman through.  My opinion of her has dropped fifty points though. 


    Very well put.  I totally agree with this.  I'm wondering if we are seeing a glimpse of the path that the writers are taking Crista on.  She clearly needs to learn some hard lessons...and soon...or, she won't be a very good doctor when it comes to working within the system, regardless of her own personal feelings.  She may have not liked having to respect the DNR (which both Mama and Neal understood), but she cannot ignore it.  Hmmm...maybe this is a sneak-peek into a future scenario where Crista is sued for stepping over the line?  

  22. If it was important to Natalie to have Halstead there, she could have asked him to come back after his shift was over.


    No, not really...because the writers didn't write the character interaction like that.


    Except that he had already told her that he'd gotten someone else to cover his shift.  As far as Natalie knew, he'd just disappeared.



    That's on him then.  He could have told her that he thought the room was getting too crowded so he would wait in the waiting room or some other part of the hospital in case she wanted him, at which point she would have said either "No, please stay" or "Okay".


    Helen didn't evict him from the room, she suggested he needn't stay and he decided to go.  Halstead's a big boy, if he'd really wanted to stay, he could have.


    I think my bottom line is that Helen shares 1/4 of her chromosomes with that baby while Halstead thinks he likes Natalie but not enough not to take away the tank she's carrying for his patient.  If he really wants to be in the labor room with her,  he should have fought to be there.


    Again, nope.  That's not how he was written.  It's so amusing to read in postings how a character could have or couldn't have done or said a certain thing when we are just watching the WRITER'S vision of what they should do and say.  


    In other news....Maggie is supposed to be the ER Charge Nurse.  I read up a little on what that entails and the duties they may have, and they seem to have a LOT of responsibilities.  Aside from her taking over at the birth (and Natalie wanted her to step in), what else is she doing/not doing that some of you not like about this character?

  23. I noticed that he does it when he's making a point with someone, or when he's (supposedly) REALLY serious about something he's talking about.  I'm sure it's a habit that Jason B. isn't even aware of, but it sure is annoying AND distracting.


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