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Scottish Girl

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Posts posted by Scottish Girl

  1. I can get down with Amber's faith being whatever she chooses. But, as a fairly 'devote' Catholic myself, it aggravates me that this is the one she chose. Lol. Plus, she's lying. As I said before, no priest would ever okay a visit to an astrologer. Period. It isn't like drinking or gambling that we can do in moderation. (Yay us!) It's a sin and a bad idea to open the door to "witchcraft" of any kind. Now, I'm not saying that plenty of us don't still do it. Lord knows, I'm a true Gemini woman. I'm interested in astrology and some psychic stuff, though you couldn't pay my ass to TOUCH a Ouija board! But, like birth control, it's something we might do that we'd never tell our priest about, and he'd never give us permission for it anyway. It's really basic to the faith. Just like the deal with the host. In my experience, we either call it the host or the body of Christ. It isn't bread, a cracker, or especially TOAST. It's actually His body. Again, very basic Catholicism. She's just lying about these tiny things that don't really matter, which always creeps me out. If you'll lie about unimportant things, why would I ever believe you about big things?

    I may just be projecting. I was just told on Facebook that I couldn't add anything to a conversation because I wasn't "really a Christian." It hurt my feelings a little. But, if the only Catholics some people ever "know" are people like these women, we're all in trouble.

    • Love 7
  2. I'm a real sucker, but it bothered me when Apollo was crying to his brother. He's dumb. He's had a terrible childhood. He's a crook at great. He's pretty. Phaedra knew all of that. It's just pretty cold to pick up the boys and move into a hotel. She cut him off like he was nothing, and I guess he was.

    Idk. Like, I hate the guy and he's getting less than he deserves, but sometimes reality shows get a little too real.

    • Love 11
  3. I'm kind of aggravated with the whole Olivia as a mother story line. It seems almost sexist to me, maybe? Maybe my view is colored because I have a family member who was a single mom of 4, who became the first female Chief of Detectives for a major city police department. So, I've actually seen that it can be done.

    Olivia is what? Almost 50? She can't figure out how to take care of one baby? It's just coming off as ridiculous and insulting to working mothers in general.

    • Love 5
  4. Well, Joe Guidice DID comment on the set. Lol.

    For all her talk of 'family' Teresa sure doesn't understand how one works. If my husband and I were going to jail for fraud you better believe my aunt would have something to say...as would my cousins, brothers, and parents. Like, just the thought has me nervous! Especially because they aren't addicts or something. They weren't put in an untenable situation that 'forced'them to break the law. They were just really greedy. I'd think with the life her aunt led, she'd be gobsmacked at the excess. Of course she commented. Imo, it was the most real thing all season. Sometimes your elders say things you don't like, but you listen, politely, out of respect. Don't even get me started on the way she's treated her brother, cousins, and sister-in-law.

    It's ridiculous, stupid, and phony for the viewer to know what's going on and for them to either not discuss it or to make the Guidice's victims of circumstance. I actually have a few friends who watch the show, but don't read boards or gossip columns about it. They were all very sorry for Teresa and very much like, "oh, you know, that IRS can be very tricky!" Smart, good women. Totally suckered by Bravo editing.

    • Love 6
  5. When I was in high school, a friends mom embezzled money from the bank where she worked. She did it to help pay her husband's gambling debts. They were both charged and served their sentences separately,so one parent would be home with the kids. The mom went first, just like Tre and Joe.

    Looking back, it was a terrible thing. Without mom around, the kids ran wild. Dad was depressed and nervous. He drank too much and was just a horrible parent. We had parties, coed sleep overs, and smoked lots of weed at their house. Dad was always totally absent.

    I'm so worried about The Guidice girls. My friends parents were basically normal people who screwed up royally one time. Juicy and Tee just aren't.

  6. I just can't with Mariska anymore. I think she's becoming a worse actress as she ages. I don't remember ever thinking she was bad in the first several seasons, but now? When she's TIP I get second-hand embarrassment. It's like I can see her ACTING, a la Jon Lovitz. Idk, it makes me feel bad. The whole show was good until the end when Noah went to the ER. Anyone else?

    • Love 2
  7. I hate the willful ignorance of all these women. So, Rino has an enlarged prostate? He must have said, "prostate" seven times. EVERY time Teresa said it, she said, "prostrate." PROSTRATE. Every. Single. Time. Hey, anyone can mispronounce a word, but come on! When someone tells you the correct way to say it, LISTEN! Tessa Guidice always looks better, imo, because though she frequently makes mistakes with language, she corrects it without much fuss. I think she speaks Italian at home mostly, and I'd imagine that makes it difficult to get every English word right. You could almost see when she said vasectomy, she knew it was the wrong word...but it was pretty close.

    Did anyone else notice the way Teresa kept looking at herself in the mirror during the "prostrate" conversation? You could see the hamster wheel in her head turning. "Am I cute? Aren't these jammies adorbs? Wait, is my husband telling me he's worried about cancer because of his family history? PINK PJ's!!!" So vapid and gross.

    • Love 5
  8. The whole "Shannon drinks a lot" thing really pisses me off. Maybe it's because I'm a vodka drinker, too?

    Tamra has admitted that she's had so much to drink that she forgets events. Vickie has peed the bed, while awake, for crying out loud. Lizzie has a total meltdown and got really ugly with her husband on camera! I've seen Shannon loosen up a little, but I don't ever remember her being smashed like any of them. I really wonder if it's just a matter of these dumb bunnies not realizing that a tall vodka and water is pretty much the same as the jumbo glass of wine they're always toting around?

    I bet Shannon prefers vodka because it's supposed to be a "cleaner" alcohol.

    Like I said, I don't know why it makes me so mad, but it does. I like vodka, whiskey, and I really like bourbon. I've had my share of people who are just flabbergasted at what I drink. They really don't seem to comprehend that my one or two shot glasses of bourbon or vodka is equal or usually less than the Bud Light or white wine they're pounding, like it's their job.

    Edited to fix a typo. Don't want you guys to start worrying about my drinking

    • Love 24
  9. I'm tooting my own horn, but I think I'm a really good mom. I push my kids to excel...within their capabilities. Marisa is setting poor Austen up for massive failure.

    It's really basic child development. An average four year old cannot play chess. They cannot concentrate like that. They cannot sit still that long. They just CAN'T. They can't play sports well. My kids played soccer at that age, too. We called it "herd ball," because it was ten little ones running up and down the field, around the ball. They can't play positions or use a game plan. It's more about learning the rules, making friends, getting exercise, and learning sportsmanship.

    She was so weird.

    And, Austen is a smart kiddo. He already knows how to manipulate them, as seen in the toy in the elevator scene. Sigh. Way to make a monster, guys.

    I really think if her husband doesn't want a divorce and he's really committed to their family, he should maybe get her pregnant a few more times. She's maybe the worst person to have an only child. Throw in a couple more, and she'll have to relax.

    (I'm probably joking, Idk.)

    • Love 1
  10. My people! Okay, nerdy confession time. I've been reading these books for 17 years and I really feel like Jamie and Claire are my "friends." (I'm not insane, I promise.)

    So, I am beyond thrilled for the show. And I'm really thrilled that my husband, who doesn't read, but has watched me befriend these characters, is watching it with me. So far, I'm really happy with the show and I don't mind any liberties that have been taken.

    I was seriously impressed with the actor who plays Frank/Black Jack. Again, my husband had, literally, no idea what the show was even really about, but as soon as Black Jack stood up and spoke to Claire, my husband said, "Oooohh! That's NOT Frank!" Gosh, what an actor! He was obviously a totally different person. That's talent.

    • Love 1
  11. Okay. What. Did. I. Just. Watch???

    I'm okay with different parenting styles, truly. And, I think it would be pretty cool to follow the summer and travel the world. I really do! But, when you have to do it EXACTLY right.

    Their food situation was unacceptable. Their laundry was unacceptable. Getting a flat tire AND having a flat spare is unacceptable!

    Bottom line, Tyler is a freaky jackhole. Wendy is a doormat. And those kiddos are having a really interesting, different, childhood. But, when they grow up they'll never speak to their parents again. Lol

    • Love 8
  12. What killed me about the preview is when Terry said (paraphrasing) "you were either drunk or stupid."

    David says, "probably both." Like, mea culpe.

    And Terry STILL goes on with the penis comment....which isn't even quick witted. It doesn't even make sense. I've heard people call others a dick or a prick, but not a penis. Well, except for my 11 year old son, because he thinks it's a bad word. What a goofball.

    As for tonight, my 15 year old daughter said it best. "Tamra is like an older, uglier Regina George, she's just not as good at it." Seriously. Everything she says is basically true. She just changes tone and inflection to make it sound as terrible as possible.

    Regina: "You're like really pretty."

    Cady: "Thanks."

    Regina: "So you agree? You think you're pretty?!?!"

    I'd bet dollars to donuts Lizzie WAS like, "haha, my dress rode up and now my vaginas showing. Lol!"

    To which Tamra replied a hearty LOL! Then she twisted it, all grossed out, to her Fancy Pants friend. Like, "Lizzie was showing her vagina!!!" Like she was being trashy on purpose. Shock and awe all around.

    Never thought I'd say this, but Vickie is right. If Tamra doesn't have constant chaos and drama she's unhappy.

    • Love 2
  13. I find it really hard to believe that Jim has never been in a fight in his life. Between getting right in someone's ear and menacingly whispering "dumb fuck" to speaking so rudely to the women...

    No way has someone just NEVER at least attempted to beat the tar out of him. I'm a pacifist by nature and my husband is pretty calm, too. But, most people aren't. I'm assuming that either one of those incidents would have set my husband off. My brothers? They'd have lost it completely. Weird.

    • Love 1
  14. Well, we decided that's our mother raised us right, because as I watched the show with my three sisters, all four of us whispered in awe, "ooooh! Shoe on the table!!!" Then my youngest sister said, "and, at LaCirque!" It, literally, blew our mind! We never even mentioned it was attached to a LEG! Lol

    Maybe someday one of us can be a Countess, too.

    I wonder how much these ladies get paid, because I can't imagine a dollar amount that would make me behave like a total fool, just because some producer told me to. I know they sign contracts and stuff, but to lose all semblance of humanity, couth, and civility? I can't imagine Bravo can FORCE you to do that.

    • Love 2
  15. I know it's mostly just drama for the show, and he shouldn't actually be on a show with these people anyway. It's total BS, and I'm aware.

    Having said that...I kinda love that Amber's husband wouldn't hang out with Joe. The guy's a freaking criminal. It WOULD look bad for a guy in the mortgage business to hang out with a guy accused of mortgage fraud. Like, potentially lose his livelihood bad. I also liked that he wasn't too keen on both Joe's being known fighters.

    You lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. At least it's more interesting than the regular sycophantic bullshit we usually get treated to on this show. I'm not even a huge T & J hater, but c'mon! They're in really big trouble AND they're guilty of it. I think the whole, "Juicy is funny and Tre is a good mommy" is pretty played out.

    Whole things weird. Bottom line: my brother and my husband are NUTS about each other. They love each other and are truly family. But, if my husband did the crap Joe did and put my children in harm's way, EVER? My brother would kill him. It's all so phony. (Why am I still watching??? Oh yeah, I'm Bravo's bitch.)

    • Love 5
  16. Didn't she have the bullets in her hand, I don't believe it was loaded.

    She did, after she went to get it. She also said it WAS loaded when she was first asked about it. Then, she left the room to retrieve it, came back, and gave it to Tams unloaded. I assumed she unloaded it just before she gave it to Tams. Idk, like I said *I* don't like guns. I don't really have an opinion on what other people do, but I just found it weird and maybe rude? to bring a weapon to a "meet the parents" dinner. I just find it odd to bring a gun with bullets, loaded or not, then not keep it with you at all times. For me only, that would be an epic meltdown.

    But, look who I'm talking about. Rudeness from anyone connected to Tamara? They also talked suicide methods at the dinner table...I probably expect too much.

    Also, pet peeve of mine, the pretty free use of "Jesus Christ" at the Judge house. I don't think they're especially religious or anything, but I think it sounds SO trashy.

    • Love 5
  17. There's plenty to say about the wives, but I want to talk about Sarah. I'm not a huge fan of guns, but whatever.

    My husband hunts and we have guns in the house. BUT, if someone had the nerve to bring a LOADED gun into my home, I might actually lose my mind. Like, Shannon level EPIC meltdown. Is that a thing? Do people regularly put a loaded gun in their purse and then leave it unattended in the foyer at a dinner party? I thought that was grossly unacceptable and irresponsible.

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