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Scottish Girl

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Posts posted by Scottish Girl

  1. I really try not to mommy shame. I think most of us really are doing the best we can do. But, I'm gonna do it anyway...

    Stephanie.  Wtf?  I have five children , so I don't know everything,  but I know children, in general. Her little guy is very far behind. His speech sounded delayed. I understand not knowing if your kiddo is dyslexic or any other specific learning issue until they start school, but he doesn't even have a clue about the alphabet. How could she not know he didn't? Even if she employed a nanny, wouldn't THEY have noticed? His daddy? I just thought it was really weird. Okay, mommy shaming over. 

    I think Cary's husband might be one of the worst men over all the franchises. He's disgusting. 

    Finally, why is being gay or having gay sex the WORST POSSIBLE THING on these shows? Atl, NJ, OC, and now Dallas all have this storyline. I can't believe Andy doesn't blow his top. 

    • Love 16
  2. Gotta say it...the way Vick and Ragey Ryan interact, physically, grosses me out. "I love you, I love you, I love you!" Hugs, kisses, hugs, MORE kisses. She was more physical with him than Brianna. It happened when they left Oklahoma too. I find it bizarre. My husband and I have been together more than half my life, my mom loves him. But, she's NEVER smooched him within an inch of his life. 

    I hope it's just her attention seeking and not actual flirting.  Ugh. 

    • Love 24
  3. As a lapsed Catholic, I just have to say, that I HATE when Vickie does the Sign of the Cross. She did it after the baby unlocked the car door and she's done it several times in the past. It's a little thing, but another reason to dislike her. She's not Catholic...at least not anymore. I don't think she should use Catholicism in her race towards the dramatic. The only time she's ever done it is to show how upset SHE was. It's a special thing. Actually, it's kinda similar to Shannon talking about Indians. I just feel funny about making up "Indian" names. 

    I might be overly pc, but I like to error on the side of caution.  

    • Love 13
  4. I don't know if I'm in for another season, either, the more that I think about the ending of this one. Usually following seasons are less good, so it'd be a low bar.

    I haven't seen Chandler in anything since Early Edition and enjoyed him and I love Cardelini. I'll put Damages and Friday Night Lights on my list. Though I can't stand Connie Britton or bratty teen girl characters, so that one's iffy.

    I'm begging you to watch FNL with an open mind. It's, imo, one of the best television shows ever made.

    • Love 20
  5. What surprises me is why they chose Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes for Cruise. I say this because most Catholics either stay Catholic or renounce religion altogether. They (I'm a former Catholic) aren't easily swayed by cults like Scientology.

    They should've know that both women would leave so why go through all the effort for someone like Cruise?

    This has always struck me too. I'm a former Catholic, and that's still hard for me to say. I DO call myself "culturally Catholic." For most people I know, it's almost like part of your DNA. And, by all accounts, both Katie and Nicole were good, practicing,cradle Catholics. Tom was a real dummy picking his wives. You're always sorta Catholic in my experience.

    I also remember when Tom and Nicole divorced it was rumored that she was totally surprised by it and he did it at that time, because after 10 years she'd get more according to their prenup. After seeing this movie, who knows? Maybe COS put a bug in his ear?

    I loved Ton Cruise. I loved John Travolta. But, the higher up the "bridge" they get, the more insane they behave. Now, they both make me sad.

    • Love 1
  6. I'm defending Brandi on this one... and I HATE that. When Kim and Kyle were talking about Nikki's book party, Kim made a joke about promising not to bring Brandi this time. Then, she said Brandi was going to be out of town, anyway.

    Later, one of the Wives asked Brandi how Sacramento had been. So, she WAS with her family. She may have just come home for that evening for all we know. Even if family member is sick, you frequently still have to work.

    • Love 6
  7. I'm the lone dissenter in my Steven Tyler love, it seems. lol Sure, yeah, so he's a walking VD, like most of the rockers of his era. But I love the man and I'd be happy to get a kiss from him any day.

    I love him too! I'm actually really surprised by the lack of love here. He's been sober for years. His kids truly GUSH about him. I've heard he's very sweet and genuinely kind. He was even a great judge on AI. Just lovely. I'd cut off my arm to dance on stage with him like Kyle did. And, I'd kiss him no problem! I thought Kyle was really funny and genuine in that situation. Especially about being stalker-ish and Mauricio being mad. Lol

    • Love 13
  8. I don't know Mohammed personally or anything, wish I did for his secret room alone. But, there is no way in hell I would ever believe he said that about JoAnna. No way. No how. Didn't happen. His hair may be unfortunate. His choice of girlfriends may be silly, because of the age difference. But, he seems like a real gentleman playboy. I don't think he'd ever kiss and tell, let alone say something so vulgar.

    • Love 5
  9. In the trailer for this season there's a point where Lisa R. says (paraphrasing) "We're dealing with an addict" I'm sorry to say I assumed she was talking about Kim, which bummed me out, because I don't want to see Kim fail again. Now, I'm thinking she might be talking about Brandi. Tricky editors!

    • Love 3
  10. I've been a Brandi fan, because I have a similar personality. I really hate the pearl clutching the other ladies do at times. But, the bloom has been off the rose for a while. Tonight I'm freaking mortified. Like, I might be blushing from her totally random behavior. No. Wait. I AM blushing. I had to fast forward through some of her scenes, because of my second hand embarrassment. She needs help, away from my TV screen. It's not fun for me to watch.

    On a really shallow note, someone mentioned that Lisa V.'s upper arms looked terrible last week, and they did. But, I noticed that most of the ladies upper arms looked all this week. Very mottled, beefy, and cellulite looking. Maybe they have a new lighting guy or something? Brandi is scrawny and Yolanda is crazy fit, there's no way their arms look like that. I think we would have noticed before. Guess the camera really does add 10 lbs.

    • Love 6
  11. Eh. I think LeAnn Rimes is a freaking nut case, in her own right. Who knows what Brandi was like when she met Eddie? But, knowing that he chose crazy LeAnn over her doesn't look bad on Brandi, imo. It looks bad on Eddie. Maybe he's got a savior complex. Maybe he's an opportunist. Who knows?

    I'm a lot like Brandi in a lot of ways, but I like myself. I think that's what she's missing. She's got really low self esteem and a ton of anxiety. That's a bad combo.

    • Love 4
  12. I agree that Eddie was TERRIBLE with the way he ended their marriage. I am actually totally on board with a lot of Brandi's rage about it. Mostly because I think LeAnn is a total psycho. But, living well really is the best revenge. I wish she could at least, publicly, be awesome. Let Eddie sweat a little. Lol.

    As far as the way she talks about others cheating, it's just gross. But, that's par for the course with her, I guess. I know lots of people that have had some sort of cheating issue. It isn't that shocking. Sometimes it's awful, sometimes it's serial, but mostly it's just the final nail in a dead marriage. I'd give a serial cheater like Eddie or Mohamed a huge side eye, but I'm more understanding about someone who cheats but marries their affair partner. Eileen and Vince have been married 15 years? Looks like it was meant to be.

  13. I've been thinking about the preview for next week, when Eileen is discussing her previous marriage. I guess there was cheating involved and, of course, Brandi is disgusted. It's so stupid. I'm not pro cheating, obviously. But, shit happens. Brandi is a grown up, allegedly. I cannot believe the way she acts about OTHER people cheating. It's either totally phony or it's pathological.

    • Love 2
  14. Education takes many forms. I'm a sahm, with a high school diploma. I've taken some courses at the local community college, but with 5 kids, there's always so many other things to do. BUT, I learn something new every day. I've lost hours falling down the Wikipedia time suck. Lol

    I see or hear something interesting, Google it, and click on links until I've gone from the Battle at Gettysburg to Natalie Wood. (Seriously, that can happen.)

    The bummer about the Duggar family is that they, literally, don't have that opportunity. They can't hear beautiful music and wonder about the composer. They can't read a trashy romance novel and Google "garderobe." They can't watch the news and have a discussion about the First Amendment or even wonder what a polar vortex is. It's the saddest thing I can think of. Like, how can you go through your whole life and not shaking your booty to a Prince song and not be able to learn that's he's a musical savant? I can get down with religious conservatives, even if I don't agree. I can get down with the modesty issues, even if they disgust me. I can even be okay with exponential breeding, if that's what you faith calls for. But I will never be okay with willful ignorance.

    • Love 13
  15. I could talk all day about the things about this family that get on my nerves, but I think my big one is, "NIKE." What a bunch of self important assholes. I have 4 daughters, who I think dress appropriately for their age. But,even if they dressed like total Jezebels, that's my business. God help the stuck-up fundie who said "NIKE" because they saw MY daughter (or me) and declared them defrauders! Ugh. I really hate these people and I think they are dangerous.

    • Love 6
  16. So far, so good. But it's a pretty low bar. I really liked when the waiter offered real food and Eileen chose that! (How strange is Beverly Hills, that the servers discuss salmon like it's a HUGE meal?) I am a little nervous about next week, though. She says something about her and her husband "bickering" a lot and asks if that's normal. I hope it's normal bickering and not shades of Adrienne and Paul.

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