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Posts posted by Dr.Scully

  1. I was just looking at that exact picture on the Cowboys website and immediately came here to see if anyone had posted it. My jaw actually dropped when I saw it. That picture of Megan is just bad. And like others have said, it seems like the majority of the pictures of Megan are just as bad, meaning it's not a one-off. It's interesting that Amy is right next to her  - Amy's stomach is clearly flatter and more toned. Megan literally has belly fat hanging over her uniform belt. 

    I do think Megan is absolutely gorgeous and a fantastic dancer. I just don't see how you can argue that her body is in DCC shape. Why is she getting such a pass when we've seen this since auditions? (Hello stomach-hiding costume) 

    She reminds me of Meredith Oden, but I don't think Meredith ever looked that bad for this long.  She needs to hit the gym with Holly.

    -signed someone who would obviously love to be as "fat" as Megan

    • Love 5
  2. Do you guys think people ever say these things to Jana? Like at a book signing or something, a person could just blurt out to Jana how bad they feel for her and how unfair it is she had to spend her life raising her mother's children. I've always wanted to do this but have never been able to attend any of their events.

    Not that it would change anything, I'm sure. But one could hope, right? ;)

    • Love 1
  3. Ugh - Jill stop saying "we" for everything! It's bad enough people say, "We're pregnant!" You most definitely can not say "We've been in labor..." Derick was not, and will never be, in labor and does not deserve credit for it. Jill Duggar - so brainwashed to believe that she is nothing but an extension of her husband that she can't even own her own labor. It's really just sad.

    • Love 9
  4. I just wanted to applaud a woman who is so concerned about her own modesty that she had her knee caps blurred out while water skiing on national tv. Yet, she's so unconcerned about her children's modesty that she allows the airing of a blurred out Josie seizing in her underwear, and unconscious and naked from the waist up.

    *slow claps* Well done my lady, well done.

    • Love 11
  5. I knew enough about this episode that it should not have infuriated me as much as it did but watching it was something totally different. There is "keeping sweet" and there is delusional narcissistic denial. MEchelle has the latter.

    I couldn't agree more. I felt a visceral hatred for MEchelle in that scene that surprised me in its intensity. I personally don't believe MEchelle and The Boob have any business spending even one night away from their children. Not when they have that many. It never ceases to amaze me how often these two go gallivanting off by themselves on date nights, political rallies, speaking engagements, missions, etc. They spend more time alone than couples with 2 children! When they couldn't logistically have enough time to spend with each child as it is! It's astonishing.

    I also noticed that she said, "one of Josie's little glitcheS." Plural. I wonder how many other "glitches" the poor thing has and if they're better or worse than freaking seizures.

    • Love 9
  6. No kidding? Gee, in New York State you have to be a fully-qualified teacher to serve as a substitute. I sincerely hope Arkansas' standards have changed since then.

    That is not true in my experience. In every school district in NY state I've worked in you only needed a Bachelor's degree. If substitutes had to be fully qualified teachers there would never be enough of them.

    • Love 1
  7. My own personal opinion is that Jana was blanket-trained and switched into the person she is today. I recall Mechelle talking about Jana being a handful when she was a child. It made more sense to me when I realized that everyone always, always talks about what a "perfect" child Jill was. They always talk about how quiet she was and how she was perfectly obedient. I think the unspoken ends of those sentences would be, "compared to Jana."

    I think they reference Jill's "perfection" because Jana was not like that. That is, until they literally beat her into submission. I bet she heard sermon after sermon about her willfulness and how she had to be broken so she could be perfect like little tattle-tale Jill. I think that Jana did have a personality at one point, but because it wasn't perfect obedience like Jill, it had to be squashed.

    I honestly think Jana was at least mentally, and probably physically, beaten and molded into the person she is today. And rather then be ashamed of themselves for it like they should be, her selfish parents are proud of it.

    • Love 13
  8. Good for John for trying to set some boundaries. I hope they stick to them. The girls need to stop being selfish and recognize their desire to see their niece does not trump the desire of the new parents to bond quietly with their child.

    I couldn't help but notice Kelli at the animal sanctuary, with baby Bradley nestled up against her chest like it was totally natural. Because Kelli, unlike Mechelle, actually carries grandbabies around and for her, it actually was natural. I would fall over dead of we ever saw such a scene from little miss "missing back muscle."

    I keep having to remind myself about their archaic beliefs because the family is just so darn personable. I genuinely enjoy watching the children interact with each other and actually look forward to this show. Honestly, as long as the subject of religion wasn't brought up (probably impossible, but still), I wouldn't mind hanging out with them.

    • Love 6
  9. I couldn't agree more with you guys. The "BF" thinks it's great that Michelle "finds time" to workout everyday with 19 children? I find that appalling. It just proves what we all already know; Michelle Duggar does not raise her own children. There's NO WAY she should have time to be working out daily. (Unless it was a part of a family workout time, Maxwell-style. That would make sense.) 


    Perspective is such an interesting thing. The "BF" thinks Michelle should be commended for exercising while most of us just see it as more proof of her screwed up priorities and lack of interest in raising her children.

    • Love 8
  10. If it turns out that DerickDillard didn't, in fact, visit his mother while she was receiving treatment then yes, I will judge him because I think it is truly awful. And I simply do not believe they didn't have time or that Jill's morning sickness was so bad she couldn't travel. She obviously had no problem driving to and from Derick's work 3 times a day. And they have time to be filming their TV show, trying to mow down cats on sleds, etc., but they don't have a weekend to drive a few hours to visit Derick's mother while she's battling cancer?


    Again, we don't know that they didn't go. However, their body language and reaction to her question was very telling (and gross, IMO). If they didn't go visit his mother during her treatment then I think they are just selfish jerks.

    • Love 6
  11. Michelle going to her high school reunion is hypocrisy at its finest. Which is it, Michelle? Was high school a time when you were a god-less, defrauding hussy who needed to be saved by Jim Boob, and save your kids from such sin? Or was high school a time you look back on fondly, with good memories? Oh, it was a good time you look at fondly? Then why would you deny your children the same opportunities?

    Michelle Duggar makes me sick. The only thing worse than that hypocrite are those who aspire to be like her.

    • Love 9
  12. Well, at least we now know what Josie's biggest problem is - it's Mechelle:

    Josie: "They're too dry."

    Mechelle: "That's because you used too much white stuff."


    "White stuff?!" Really, Mechelle?! The child is 5 years old and you can't refer to flour as flour to her? Talk about infantalizing a child and treating her like an idiot. Josie may be delayed but she's not stupid. Rather than use a perfect teachable moment to explain a bit about baking, Mechelle puts on a baby-voice and calls flour white stuff. Actually, there was an idiot in that exchange but it sure wasn't Josie.

    It's too bad that the way Mechelle treats Josie will actually hold her back. Wait, what am I saying? She's held all her kids back.

    • Love 12
  13. I used to enjoy Jessa's snark and attitude. I've now officially changed my mind and find her completely insufferable. And, if free speech allows Jessa to post her ridiculous rants (which I fully believe it does), then it also allows me to say that I think what she believes is crap. And if this is where it ended, I wouldn't care. However, these peoples' agenda is to infiltrate the government to the point that they can legislate their beliefs onto the rest of us, and that it my biggest problem of all.


    I may think your beliefs are stupid, but I fully believe it's your right to have them. Too bad the Duggars don't give others the same courtesy. 

    • Love 15
  14. Mechelle Duggar had better get some psychological help before she snaps completely. The way she speaks with her eye bulging out of her head, in this high-pitched tone as if she was speaking to an infant is simply not normal. The woman is literally incapable of having a conversation in which she sounds like a normal, functioning 40-something year-old woman. She definitely was not like this in the first special. The difference between her and Guinn was stark, and the look Guinn gave her as she prattled on about "grandbabies" was classic.


    And that's not even getting into her inability to show appropriate emotion. She stands there grinning like a damned fool while being informed that her future in-law might not make her daughter's wedding because she has cancer. Laughing like a jackal as her baby's head is caught in a banister. Video-taping her son as he bleeds from his broken jaw. She sits like a rock at the dress shopping and then has nothing to say about it, while Guinn is there showing real emotion and speaking like a human-being.


    I think it is glaringly obvious that Mechelle Duggar is NOT OK and needs some serious help.

    • Love 17
  15. Just watched that video of Jinger and Ben on Jessa's Facebook. It was a good, solid 8 minutes of pure comedy gold. (Actually, I find all of Jessa's posts to be a hilariously pathetic.) My favorite part was when they were describing how to be be rude and intrusive to people with their stupid tracts, and Jinger talks about sitting next to a Hindu. She pauses and says, "That's like a religion, (thanks for the clarification) and I'm like, Okkkaaay." No Jinger, you don't "Okkkaaaay" someone else's religion, as if some silly child had told you she was a real princess. 


    They are so rude and dismissive it's disgusting. The misplaced, overblown, sense of self-righteousness and superiority is sickening. Not to mention ignorant. I bet any amount of money Jinger could not give one single fact about Hinduism other than, "It's, like, a religion."


    The more the Duggars speak openly about their beliefs, the more convinced of their lunacy I become and the more determined I am to NEVER become that kind of person. So, thanks for that.

    • Love 14
  16. I agree with Anstar. I think Tori was really getting out of line and I was glad that Michael stepped in between them. She was being really aggressive and rude to Brandon. He was clearly uncomfortable and he already let her bully him into going down the slide. She had no business trying to force him to "have fun" with her in the little house. Newsflash Tori: Not everyone has the same definition of fun, and putting your hands on another person to physically drag them to do what you want them to do is never appropriate, fundy or not.


    I couldn't help but love Michael in this episode. She's been in love with Brandon and praying for him for 5 years? Awwww. I hope they are happy together, and I personally hope that they move up north and away from her overbearing family, if not for the simple reason that they all declared that the couple has to live in the south. The southern ego was on full display there tonight (clearly a Yankee here ;-). I think they will have some really cute kids with all those dimples between them.


    I did a hard eye-roll at Kelli and Gill with their stupid "marriage worksheets." Lame. However, I did love how everyone agreed how special and what a catch Michael was. I can't imagine the pressure on a first-born fundy daughter to be the perfect sister/god-warrior/mini-mommy. Michael does seem like a very genuine and lovely young woman.

    • Love 4
  17. The Bateses are so much more tolerable right now because their kids actually have personalities and are individuals. I'm really enjoying this show right now; it's infinitely better than the Duggars'. It was nice to see them doing anything differently from their parents, even if it's just sharing a kiss and piercing some ears. And guess what? Everyone lived!

    I agree that Michael looks much prettier. She was glowing with happiness and I loved her explanation about the hugs. I get why people got a TFDW vibe from Brandon but I hope it's just because he's a super nerdy bible- school kid. I thought they made an adorable couple with their dimples.

    I hope Erin and Chad are successful; I've always loved Erin and her big hair lol. She really seems to have matured. Don't miss that baby voice!

    And I love that Zach and Whit will let their kids watch Winnie the Pooh. I know the Bateses drink Gothard kool-aid and are still hardcore conservatives but IMO, they're so much more likable than the Duggars.

  18. I'm also disturbed by the fact that the Duggars don't seem to have a problem lying to cameras now. It's one thing for TLC to present what they want. However, the Duggars have made it a point in the past to emphasize how much control they have over the editing. And it's another thing entirely when you have Josh and Anna willingly participating in this lie. Having them say things like, "We were outnumbered on this trip" and "This is the first trip we've taken alone" turns them into literal liars.


    I really am actually surprised that they would stoop this low. It's the antithesis of everything they claim to stand for. I also think they should know better; why are you trying to present a narrative that never took place in the age of technology, when we could disprove your story within minutes? You were the ones who posted half the pictures that blew up your own spot!


    It just makes you wonder how much of this show was a lie and how long it's been going on.

    • Love 7
  19. I am so sick and tired of those two having to kiss after almost every sentence, bowling strike, compliment, etc...I cringe when I see JB "begin to go in for one". How can those kids stomach it live and in person? I think he is an insecure man to have to solidify their relationship with continuous kisses. Doesn't he realize that it also makes it mean less when they are plentiful? It loses it's "special". IMO

    So, "NIKE" is for only when you are unmarried? After that, you can whore and pimp yourself out on the internet and it's OK? I think that would be confusing to their little kids..heck, it is to me! They need to grow up already.


    I couldn't agree more. When they were molesting each other in one of the most recent episodes (I think Jill's wedding, maybe) even Jana made a face and a comment like, "whoa, ok now...." The kids must be so sick of being subjected to their perverted need to constantly throw their sexuality in everyone's faces.


    Truly modest people wouldn't flaunt the fact that they get to have OMG SEX! in the face of everyone they meet. And they certainly wouldn't post pictures of themselves that would be classified as 'erotic.' They are such jokes they are becoming parodies of themselves.

    • Love 7
  20. I understand why Jana wasn't filmed, but I don't like the idea of PRETENDING she wasn't there.

    And Jim Bob was on stage because it's still his show and this was TFDW and Priscilla probably got not only a check but a nicer wedding.


    This. I don't care if Jana didn't want to be filmed but I can't take this charade of pretending that this was a simple family trip with Josh, Anna, and their 3 kids. She didn't have to be interviewed or talked about. She could have been in a background shot holding Marcus while the others rode fair rides. Anna could have mentioned what a blessing it was having her SIL to help wrangle 3 kids. And what, Jana is suddenly so uncomfortable on camera on this one particular trip she doesn't want to be filmed? But can film TH after TH with Joy about dozens of things? Please, I don't buy that at all.


    Instead, we are presented with an out-right, bald-faced lie. To the point that Anna is commenting how it's their first trip alone and they wont have any help. How dare they all participate in this charade. How can they be comfortable presenting a narrative of their trip that is a complete lie? I wonder what nonsense they tell themselves to justify this kind of BS. They are complete liars and frauds.

    • Love 12
  21. So Anna's lip service about being happy with what she has was just that, since she's taken "so many" pregnancy tests since Marcus was born.

    Josh looks freaking awful. Anna has reason to be worried about him and his health.

    Mack and Mike are the cutest kids ever. Mack especially is so well-spoken and seems to be a sponge. Poor little sister mom-to-be. I actually pray god doesn't bless josh and Anna with as many blessings as they selfishly would have just to spare her.

    Are we 100% sure Jana was on that trip? Because I can't even watch this with the bizarre pretending she's not there. WTF? And a TH stating it's their first family trip alone? Why? It's so strange it doesn't even make sense. Did they tell Jana at the time, "hey we're gonna film this as if it's just josh and Anna so can u like, stand over there for 1/2 hour?" They ate at the chicken place at a table set for 5. I guess Jana ate in the RV? Was Jana really there the whole time? I don't understand?!

    I guess she's been demoted from Cinderella to non-existent.

    • Love 3
  22. Finally watched the whole episode. Jessa definitely wanted to kiss Ben after she said yes. She starts to tilt her head as she leans forward and then he grabs her in a hug. It definitely made me wonder... I hope they did kiss before. You know, since they can make their own courting rules and all.

    I do love that instead of Jim bob announcing her first public kiss to 1000 people, Ms Jessa shared her first public kiss in a sexy Instagram photo for millions.

    • Love 5
  23. Like when MEchelle had to start squawking at the littles about not touching during the video reenactment because they were only courting. My eyes almost rolled out of my head on that one. Her (and Jim Bob's) obsession with sex is disturbing and unhealthy. Tell us some more about Jill's sex life Jim Bob.


    It's so funny to me that they think they are the paradigm of righteous virtue; I think they're a bunch of perverts.

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