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Posts posted by Litnit

  1. It sickens me to listen to "pro-life" people who are all about the sanctity of life, but don't think it's dignified to see pictures / video of people living with Alzheimer's. Nutmeg going on about how she doesn't want anyone to see her like that. Why not? Is all life not beautiful and full of an inherent God-given dignity? /puke

    This man is caring for his wife, keeping her at home and around people. He has a right to companionship and love. 

    • Love 15
  2. Aren't most people aware enough of things like antisocial / sociopathy that we can avoid the really painful exposition, or at least come up with some way to integrate it so a lawyer and whatever that other dude is (fairly new to the show) don't need to ask dumb questions?

    I was also unsure about why she needed to be under guardianship. A personality disorder makes someone really difficult to deal with, but it doesn't mean they can't function in the world.

    Absolutely nothing about jury selection, which is what I come for.

  3. Quote
    21 hours ago, LuvMyShows said:

    I was SO angry at how she was in the position of begging him for patience or whatever, while she learns a different way of thinking about him.  Please.  He is the one who cheated and brought the distrust and suspicion upon himself, and even in show time, I don't think it's been a year since they've been remarried.  They didn't do much get-reacquainted-and-work-through-our-problems dating before that.  This isn't a situation where she needs to be apologetic for anything regarding how she views him after such a short time for him to regain her trust.


    Absolutely. Dude, it didn't look good. There was a whole lot of circumstantial evidence piling up. Add in her history and the job they do, it shouldn't be a surprise to him that she's giving her boss the heads up about something. Didn't she also indicate she was just hearing about him being on the brink of financial ruin? That's not exactly adding to a solid foundation of trust.

    • Love 2
  4. I find myself muting this show more and more frequently. I can't handle the showmance crap.

    Joe is atrocious. That double date would be an embarrassment if they were 17 let alone grown adults getting married at some point. Can we just get back to the dancing business? 

    • Love 7
  5. I'm new to watching Bull, but I spent this whole episode wondering what planet the writers were visiting from. As someone upthread said, any 9 year old girl who wants a grown ass man stranger to tuck her in has probably had boundaries violated in the past. The nanny situation made no sense. Many people will hire two nannies to allow for breaks. This guy obviously has the money for that.

    Then, at the end, to have Bull say "Give her a kiss for me". Really? Does he have no sense of self-preservation?  

    Is the show always this ridiculous?

    • Love 1
  6. Like many people here, I just gave up on the plot and enjoyed the scenery. The British government funding the Royalists made sense (communist threat and all that) but I completely lost the thread of who the hell the Economic League was. The pedo priest was a caricature.

    I thought they were just upset to see the British Army uniforms what with the relations between the Irish and the British army?

    Poor Arthur. I felt so bad for him trying to get out and being dragged back in over and over. 

    The ending was ridiculous. Was Tommy just pretending to pay them out to buy time until the authorities showed up? That part didn't make much sense to me. 

    Totally agree with whoever said the chemistry between Murphy and Hardy was amazing. Could they maybe wrestle each other or something next season? There were a couple of times I thought I was listening to Bane when Alfie was talking but I guess that's just Hardy's voice. I still loved all his scenes, including the one where he calls Tommy out for his hypocrisy about "the line". The scene in the vault was great too. 

    Regardless of some of the weaknesses, I could stare at these people for hours. 

  7. Maybe it's just because the show isn't about this, but there seems to be a real lack of psychological assistance for several people who might need it.  The wife and children - their father is charged with murder.  That might require some support.  The police who lost a colleague.  Rose who was held captive for several days. I was wondering if it was a cultural thing - stiff upper lip more than touchy-feely North American emotional mojo.

    • Love 2
  8. Glad I'm not the only one hugely bothered by this nurse.  Aren't dark haired young professionals his type?  I keep hoping she's a police plant to provoke him into something, which would be horrible and contrived, but would make more sense than this.

    • Love 3
  9. On 7/27/2016 at 0:26 PM, GiveMeSpace said:

    Whoopi-Nancy wasn't a "first"? She was the first female Speaker of the House in American history.


    Thank you!  I thought I was going out of my mind when I heard this.  Whoopi even doubled down on it.  I'm not American, and even I knew this was wrong.  Good to know I'm not going cuckoo.  I don't recall any correction on this point?  Maybe nobody else was paying attention to her.  

    Any menopause / menstrual / pregnancy conversations where everybody compares horror stories are boring as hell.  Sure, there are some common experiences, but ultimately every body is unique and I just don't care.    

    • Love 2
  10. 1 hour ago, tenativelyyours said:

    It makes it hard for me to feel much for her when she couples her struggles with her husband keeping her company while she breast feeds.  My university professor sister loves the down time and if she can't enjoy it, she multi-tasks like grading, proof reading or even just watching the news to catch up. 

    So much this.  First of all, breastfeeding means you're with your child, not alone.  However, I loved reading, watching TV etc. while nursing.  And as somebody else pointed out, I'm sure bottle feeding doesn't feel less "lonely.  I guess her husband could do it, though.

    • Love 1
  11. That was either the most candid and brave conversation about marriage I've seen on TV in awhile or it's the end of her marriage.  Maybe both...  I haven't watched the View in awhile, just keep deleting it off the PVR, but I tuned in today for something easy to watch.  Yikes, that was quite the opening.  I do have to say, as a Canadian who had access to  a full year off (and took extra time with each one), it's a lot easier to breastfeed when you're not appearing on TV regularly.  I don't know how these women do it.  On the other hand, yeah, breastfeeding is done by the woman only.  I didn't expect my husband to sit there watching me nurse.  Maybe after he's had his computer break while Sara is feeding, Max could take the baby for a bit and she can have her break?  Team work people!


    Oh, and Whoopi, men technically have mammary glands but they'd have to take hormones to make them functional.  Get a clue.

    • Love 6
  12. For a woman who has raised a couple of children, had a successful law career, and isn't 25 anymore, Alicia was sure treating this relationship with Jason (I'm not even sure that's his name!) strangely, almost like it had to be true love or nothing.  What if I'm not happy with him????  Then move on!  I don't understand this sudden pressure for him to be "the one".  How about just enjoying life?  It seemed like unnecessary drama that made little sense.  Lucca's interference was very high school too.  

    Good to see Diane slap her.  I knew the happiness with Kurt couldn't last.  I wish they hadn't left it ambiguous as to whether he had an affair.  

    Like many others have said, and will say, it was a downhill slide to the end for a show that was really great at one point.  It's too bad.

    • Love 7
  13. The Bienvenue a Toronto sign was also dumb.  Our official signage is bilingual.  Cheesy posters like that don't need to be in Ontario.


    A thousand times yes to the depiction of a growns-up relationship involving talking and compromise.  Thank you for Diane's relationship.

    • Love 2
  14. Perplexing is one word for the portrayal of the Canadians.  I would also say annoying.  The JP was ridiculous.  WTF was with her "American style interrupting" condescension?  The CSE supervisor and his "aboot".  Why didn't he have a Timmies in his hand?  I did like the Toronto Blue Jays t-shirts.  LOL  


    I'm very glad they didn't blow up Diane's marriage.  

    • Love 16
  15. Yeah, in real life a grown ass hot man like army dude would phone once, maybe twice, and then move on.  All the phone calls would otherwise be a creepy sign.  Somebody mentioned too, that it would be nice if she just went out with him, got that out of the way, and dated others.  Alas, it's a TV show so that's not going to happen so we're stuck in a Shonda-esque Great Romance.  Regardless, I don't care about whether she goes out with this dude.


    Ben, Ben, Ben.  Brace yourself for the character assassination.   Ben was an anaesthesiologist, right?  So I can assume he made big bank and knowingly gave that up so he could pursue his surgery dream.  It makes no sense if they pursue a story line where he is threatened by Bailey's position and money.  Maybe they'll drop it?


    In principle, I agree that April has sole domain over her body and her choices.  Practically speaking, the baby was created in the context of a (flawed / broken) marriage with a history of a deceased baby.  Damn April, use your words.

  16. I know this is a ridiculous question in the context of this show, but are doctors even allowed to date their patients?  I spent the whole time Arizona was interacting with her wondering this.


    Jo, please say no.  It will not get better.  If your fiance cannot get his shit together to propose to you without this "Meredith is holding the ring" silliness, move on.  Part of my frustration with the time jumps on this show is that we are meant to believe these people (Jo and Alex, Amelia and Owen) have been stuck in these relationships for years seemingly without development.  Yes, Jo and Alex moved in together, but I agree with her assessment that she had to pull him out of there.  I thought all of her points during their convo in the patient's room were valid.  At some point a SO has to become the priority.  Not the only part of somebody's life, but the most important part.  


    As for Amelia and Owen, how long has whatever they are been going on?  I'm not a huge fan of Amelia, but I don't think it's too much for her to ask for a bit of info about what is obviously bothering him.  I hope the gin and tonic is a one off or a red herring.

    • Love 1
  17. "Just give them what they want"?  He makes it sound like these producers are sadists manipulating everything for our vicarious pleasure.  Dude, it's a reality show.  I'm not a conspiracy theorist, so other than the normal manipulation of editing / placement / music, I don't believe they actually rig the voting.  Ergo, it was your wife's turn to go, and like others have said, she's coming home with you tonight, not off to the gulag.  I can't stand the guy, so I'm probably biased.  Their relationship seems very immature to me.  YMMV.


    I was getting sick of the Tamar drama too.  She looked seriously unwell.  Take some time to heal.

    • Love 2
  18. Not to mention the fact that Diane seems to be interested in perpetuating a system that privileges people who are willing to sacrifice any kind of work-life balance in favour of putting in loads of hours.  Didn't she not want to mentor that other woman because she was talking about her boyfriend (details are escaping me)?

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