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Posts posted by Tess23

  1. My children are long grown and on their own, but I would have for sure accompanied my 18-year old high schooler to New Zealand for at least a year if they were pursuing a goal. And after seeing my son's bathroom in his college apartment, I wouldn't have wanted to share with him, either.

    If nothing else, what a grand adventure for both this mom and son. Hopefully dad gets to have some long visits there, too.

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  2. Maybe I'm cranky because I tore my calf muscle this morning and am in pain, but I am IRKED with what is happening to my favorite show. Are we watching The History Channel or Top Chef? Are they overcompensating for less than exciting chefs and blah food with a Wisconsin tourism plug? Note: I'm from the Midwest so am not dogging on Wisconsin per se. Bring back the watchability of the Season 4 or 6 good old days - heck, I'd even take Pea Puree Gate again if it means the show I know and love is back. That said, I heart Kristen. 

    • Like 5
  3. 1 hour ago, Msample said:

    How this 16th chef missed the initial casting cut but asshole hat dude made it eludes me. And why didn’t asshole hat guy even show up for LCK ?

    1000% this. He's clearly more talented than half the chefs in that kitchen.

    • Like 7
  4. Sarah Ann still doesn't get it, does she? She and Jeramy deserve each other. 

    Clay is one good looking man. I'm glad he's working through his issues. AD still seems so wounded, though, which made me sad.

    Still detest Micah Mean Girl. 

    Oh Trevor. So so busted. I laughed out loud when Nick said, "Trevor, you can leave now" and he scuttled away. I was embarrassed for the fool.

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  5. I love how supportive and emotional all the women were during the wedding dress segment. They all teared up when each woman appeared - I wish Laura and  <I can't remember her name> could have experienced this with the right man. 

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  6. I wonder how old are those of you here who are making fun of the wedding and dissing Theresa and Gerry? God willing, my sweet husband and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary in a few months. We both have gone through cancer and have celebrated the highest of highs and the lowest of lows together - my goodness, life is so short. Embrace happiness where you can. I'm so happy for them.

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  7. Helen needs to get over herself, and TBH, that low whisper talk she's now doing almost exclusively is getting on my last nerve. And Dana Sue? You're kind of a two-faced little thing - not sure what Maddie's said that's so horrific.

    Both Helen and Dana Sue had plenty of bossy words of advice for her during the course of this show. Team Maddie!

    And Bill? You're a horndog. And a dork.

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  8. Almost done with ep 5 and am SO BORED. It's going to be a struggle to get through the entire season. 

    Roxanne. Yes, we get it. You work harder than anyone else in the world (except Alex, as he himself pointed out)

    Kat. I don't think I've heard her say much more than, "Yeah!"

    Trey. I like him.

    Ryann. I like her too.

    Antonio. Honestly, what does he bring to the table?

    Riah. She said it herself - she's trying to find herself and that's a GOOD thing. She's in no way ready for marriage. 

    James. Eh.

    IMO, there needs to be at least 2-3 more couples. I feel like I'm at a therapy session when the guys are together and the girls are together. There's no spark, no joy to this season. If they're going to do Season 3, think the whole concept needs to be blown up and rethought. 

    • Like 6
  9. I'll say right up front that I'm team Sara all the way. We had the absolute pleasure of dining in her restaurant last month and I'll be dreaming about that dinner (particular my cover crops with shrimp entree) for quite some time.

    Based on Padma's outburst about the liver, I'm 100% positive that the contest was Sara's to lose...and she did.

    Maybe it's just me, but I sensed a big lack of enthusiasm about Buddha's dishes overall from the judges - they loved the appearance of all four course and talked about how delicious they were, but I never did hear the 'oh my gosh, this is incredible.' Their comments regarding Buddha's food seemed slightly robotic. My daughter lives in NYC and we dine in Michelin star restaurants enough that I'm sure that's where Buddha is heading and that's fine. He has a niche and will be a success in life. I just hope that people don't confuse his 'urban chef' with being better than Sara's "I'm a chef from rural Kentucky." Personally, I'll take the fresh ingredients used creatively and cooked with love any day. YMMV.


    • Like 10
  10. 5 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

    I found it amusing that after Sara’s dish was presented all three judges looked at each other and the other judges picked up on the awkward and called them out LOL.  I thought the challenge might actually been accidentally served in the order of worst to first but didn’t turn out that way.  Glad Sara didn’t get knocked for the style element of this challenge….if this isn’t your jam it’s a rough road for sure.  And clearly her pants angles or fitness or whatever I’m not sure is some inside joke that we are not privy to….maybe a lost bet?  I mean seriously she gets the unflattering angles every week and now we have her running at the end of the episode?  It can’t be real…someone ask the question please!  Actually I don’t want to know but I’m glad she makes damn tasty food and has a wonderful attitude in the show.

    I actually thought Tom’s concept sounded pretty good and his caviar pearls looked amazing!  Too bad they tasted like a slice of humble pie.

    I ate at Sara's restaurant a week or so ago and she has lost a lot of weight since competition. She's so friendly and genuine - we really enjoyed talking with her.

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  11. I used to live 120 miles from Ft. Morgan. It was a given that if there was a tornado/severe storm to be found in spring and summer, it would involve Ft. Morgan. So I was shocked to see all the loose furniture and decor sitting outside after the bowling alley remodel. Plus, this isn't the south - all that cutsie stuff is useless in a high plains winter with howling winds and snow. 

    If Erin and Ben are so checked out, why did they even bother to come north this season? They clearly couldn't care less and that makes me sad. Ft. Morgan deserved better.

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  12. My one criticism of this season's Restaurant Wars was the non-delineation of exec chef, front of house, etc. from the chefs. It watered down the concept and turned it into basically another team challenge. Don't get me wrong - I didn't one bit miss the baloney of choosing flatware, wrestling tables, etc., but I do enjoy the dynamic created when each chef assumes an exact role in RW.

    Mr. Tess23 and I are eating at Sara's Freight House restaurant next week on a road trip - cannot wait! Looking online at her menu, she's included (and marks specifically) dishes that she's cooked during her 2 seasons. Really hoping that the cover crops dish is available the night we're there - that looked and sounded delicious.

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