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Posts posted by BitchOnWheelz


    After David apologizes, Terry screeches like a bad drag queen parody of Bette Davis as Baby Jane, kind of like he yelled down another dinner table at another man's wife. "I'll buy you a thesaurus." Heather, like her husband, is pure filth. Glad the editing team juxtaposed Shannon's gracious expression of hope for moving forward with Heather talking shit about her.

    I found it funny that Heather and Miss Terry told David/Shannon that they would buy them a thesaurus when there was zero evidence that they were "confused" by Heather's (unnecessarily flowery and obviously premeditated) language.  David clearly showed that he is familiar with the word pugilistic and anyone with an IQ over 100 knows what sardonic means.

    Why was Brooks talking to that raccoon in Vicki's living room? Honestly, I don't think it's wise to let wild animals into your home.


    Run, everyone, run! It might be rabid...

    Tams just HAD to corner Brooks (who was clearly on his way to three sheets to the wind) to get on his and Vickie's good side.  She mitigated that issue immediately.  I have a thesaurus for words like mitigated.

    • Love 6
  2. Why does Terry not get mad at Eddie for yelling out "Show us how you ride Terry"???  I thought that was pretty offensive, too...especially when kids are around!! 

    I'm positive this point will be brought up at the reunion and Heather will have an excuse for Miss Terry not calling Eddie out on his dirty comment.  I think they're saving a lot for the reunion.  I hope!

    I lost my love of Pageant girl's (who I like) hot husband when he was in the mirror deliberately fixing his hair that way. I gained it back at the dinner when he said, "Hey, I'm a construction guy." So, lose, win?

    I was kinda pissed when Christian (Lizzie's husband) said he zoned out 5 min ago.  he should have been more supportive and less dismissive.

    • Love 5
  3. Vicki, Tamra and Heather need to tone it down with the make up.  Tamra isn't doing herself any favors with the overly smoky eye.  She looks like a demon and you can't see shit for the whites of her beady little eyes.  Vickie has super close-set eyes and she should focus more on the the outer area.  Heather's eye make up is always overdone and she looks demonic too.


    Anyone think Tam is looking more and more like her trash bag mother?  They have the exact same mouth.  Ugly.


    Ryan - So creepy.  He looks like a level 3.  He'll probably have to introduce himself to his new neighbors.  You would think Tamra would have sprung for some orthodontics... she has major snaggle tooth.  His eyes are also black and super dilated. the beard?  I'm not seeing why Sarah wants him in her life... let alone as the father of her child.

    If I were Vicki, I wouldn't miss Briana a bit.  She's boring and bitchy.  In fact, I would ask her to move to Maine so she would be farther away.  I can't stand looking at her weird mouth and thick-ass neck.  And Ryan?  I can't.  He's a tool.

    • Love 6
  4. I wrote it before, but what is the with the Dubrow's malfunction of never letting something go? David offers a sincere apology when they first met, which was rebuked, and then they bring it up AGAIN at the dinner table!

    Miss Terry was totally thrown off when David apologized immediately.  Terry had a melodramatic vision of a dinner table throw down and he was gonna make it happen no matter what.  What a pair of douche nozzles. 

    • Love 19

    I was wondering what Tamra was shoveling into that skillet. That look completely unappetizing. Did she at least season the ground turkey meat before dumping the canned of pre-made sauce on top?

    It was totally a jar of store-bought sauce, and NO, she did not even cook all of the meat first.  She seems clueless in the kitchen.  Why did she shove a ziploc bag of some sort of bread into the microwave?  #1 - I don't think you should microwave a ziploc bag and #2 - why is she heating bread in the microwave.  Tamra seems like the type of person you observe for 30 seconds and then wonder how they managed to raise 4 children without killing them with food poisoning.

    • Love 12
  6. Throwing away paper and plastic for thirty people every.single.night just makes me cringe. They better recycle.

    With 24 kids, you would think they would already have a schedule in place for who does clean-up every night (the kids of the mom who cooked the previous night cleans up the next night, for example).

    I would probably do the paper plate and plastic utensils thing, too, if I had a house with 30 plus people who ate 3 meals plus snacks everyday.  Otherwise their water bill would be sky high from washing all of the dishes and they would never stop running the dishwasher.  Maybe saving water outweighs the solid waste.  If one of the girls had done the dishes, would the family have fawned over her as they did Prince Josh?

    • Love 1
  7. Forget crazy Nonie--this week was Robyn's turn to go off the rails! Eventually I think I understood what she was saying...she wanted Brady to think of her and what she liked, then go get it. She didn't just want him to say "Rings are the new thing, here is your ring" in some automatic way (and then forget to do even that!) My husband watched the show with me and never got what she was trying to say. I tried to explain it minus the hysterics, and he still thought it was convoluted. I wonder if Brady ever figured it out , really.

    Brady is class A douche.  What a dick.


    It was driving me crazy the way Rosemary said "reenG" with a hard G.  It's RING.  Learn English.

  8. I too got the weird feeling when Nonie was say "sex" "sex" "sex" in every reference to having a baby and offending her sister wives.  It gave me the impression that they don't usually "engage in sex" unless they are trying for a baby.  Maybe that is the "understanding" among the sisterwives?  Otherwise how would it be offensive?  I mean I would think that EVERY night your husband is sleeping with another woman would make you think of that.  Or is that just me?

    IMO, they ARE having sex, but they are just as hesitant to admit THAT as they are to admit using birth control.  Catholics are also supposed to abstain if not trying for a child.  Brady gets banged every single night... no doubt about it.


    The preview with everyone standing over Rhonda, praying and weeping.  Brady had to compose himself...  Drama much?


    What a bunch of melodramatic bullshit.  Brady is a faker.  Even if he was crying, couldn't he just continue without taking a cry/compose myself crybaby break?  Pu-leazzze.  She wasn't on her deathbed for God's sake.

    • Love 1

    Her Mom had every right to say she wanted to talk to the boy's parents.  In this day and age you can't just send your kid willy-nilly off into the night.  If I were the boy's parent I'd have no problem with her parents calling to introduce themselves and ask particulars.  When your kid says,"I don't want you doing that" then all the more reason to do it.

    I would have certainly been on the horn with the boy's family.  You truly have no idea what your kids are up to these days.  It's very scary... and I say that because my parents never had A CLUE about the shit I was up to at years 13-18!  I'm the same way with my step-daughter when I have the chance.  My husband and the SD's mom will let her leave the house with families they've never met and allow her to stay overnight.  I think that's crazy.


    Brady is also an asshat for trying to make her leave a job that she loves, that gives her the adult connections she craves and the validations she wants outside of the home. I'm with Toaster Strudel about Brady- flaming, narcissist asshat.

    I'm pretty sure Brady was playing up his sweet facade for the cameras.  He knows darn well that neither he nor Rhonda want her to quit, but he needs to play the compassionate husband for the cameras.  Just like when he said he would make up for Robin's anniversary and then he did nothing.

  11. Brady's a nut for freaking out about his daughter's non-date, but if these women were truly sister wives then Rosemary wouldn't be jealous when he waits for her to get home from said non-date. She would be glad that he is such an involved father.

    Was it really necessary for Brady to hang out with Paulie on Rosemary's night until his daughter came home from her (not really a) date?  I'm sure if the daughter showed up late, Brady could have addressed it the following day.  Right?  Just another example of Paulie's manipulation and passive aggressiveness... or maybe Brady's way of getting out of spending time with Rosemary.

    • Love 1
  12. Edited to add:  I would love to be a part of the end of season interview with Taryn and ask them to explain how they justify not only the bankruptcy, but also using public dollars (foodstamps, welfare) to sustain this lifestyle.  This is the public's main issue, not how many women are willing to share you - dumbass.  If you cannot afford more than one wife, or more than 2 or 3 kids, don't have them!!  Very simple, people.  It's called common sense, and there seems to be a lack of it in both this family and the Brown family.

    Amen!  Tamron is way too easy on the Browns and the Williamses.  They should not call the reunion specials "Tell All" because they usually tell nothing we don't already know.

  13. No matter how they got to the point of bankruptcy, I still don't believe that when someone is already in a position of bankruptcy should that person  be thinking about bringing another child into the world. Kids are expensive. I have four of them. Fix your financial issues before you bring another child into a financial mess.

    Nor should they run up $180K in credit card debt... conveniently (likely) on one of the wives or just Brady's cards.  How about an intervention before you rack up that much debt?  I think it's shady that they take out a $100K loan and THEN file bankruptcy. Or how about NOT taking a vacation when you're clearly in debt up to your ears?  I'm certain that all of this will be taken into consideration by the presiding judge.


    They can't afford luxuries like no jobs, part time jobs, going to school, flowers and gifts, pregnancies, adoptions, sending a kid to Africa, tattoos, and the list goes on.


    Those flowers were definitely $75 a piece.  The bouquets were huge and included roses.  Ridick.


    Josh did say he saved his own $ for the Africa trip.

    • Love 1
  14. During one of the shows I watched, Brady was trying to convince one of the ladies to quit her job. Plus they tried to convince us they were ready to adopt. Plus move and build or acquire a compound in another state.. And they sent one of the kids on a trip to Africa. And I think Brady gave one of the wives permission to have another baby. Etc.


    Now they want over $400,000 in debt written off, including $180,000 in credit card debt? Bankruptcies like this are criminal!

    He can file bankruptcy, but a judge can reject it.  I think it's criminal too.  Vacations, dinners out, rings, more babies... all on national TV.  This might make it difficult for them.

    These people are disgusting.  Who pays for these bankruptcies, when all is said and done?  The rest of us that manage our money properly.


    With all this debt, they wanted whatsherface to quit her job???


    Let them all get goddam jobs and pay their debts.

    I'm willing to bet they're lying/hiding money someplace.

    For sure all the non-Paulie wives are milking the beast as "single mothers" - these losers that don't deserve their own husband should be ashamed of themselves and hide in a hole.

    Taxpayers pay for bankruptcy, which is why the details of the claim (assets/debts) are public information.

    • Love 1
  15. I just binge watched all of season one and I have to say, I'm hooked on this trash dump already.  All of these women annoy me in some way or other, but Rosemary and Robin are the least irritating.  Neither of them have annoying voices/accents (at least they are less obvious and annoying than the others).  Rosemary and Robyn seem to have a decent relationship.


    It seems that every little thing is blown up and there is wayyyy too much drama because #1 - These women are insecure, #2 - They are forced to squeeze their relationship into basically one evening per week and all the bullshit piles up, #3 - There is jealousy (duh).


    Paulie - Her voice grates.  I think she is manipulative and plays the first wife card well.  She also seems very frail and is maybe not so bright, but I think it's an act and part of her overall manipulation.


    Rhonda - She has that plyg compound look and defintely the accent that is reminscent of Willie Steed.  I think the whole breast lump/cancer scare is her way of getting attention.  She made way too much of it and used it for attention.  Is finding a lump really a cancer scare?  To me, no... maybe to some.  Maybe I just don't freak out about things until there is actually something to freak out about.  Not really sure what she doesn't get about Utah not adopting babies out to singles who cohabitate.  It has nothing to do with being a polygamist.  Them's just the rules.


    Robyn - Is she related to Rhonda?  They have the same huge forehead.  No drama that wasn't uncalled for.  I think 20th anniversary/ring-gate just goes to show Brady is a dick off-camera.  I would be pissed at that asshole too.


    Rosemary - Not much drama here either.  I think she really is cock-blocked by the other more attention-seeking wives.  I think she should be bitter.  Again, shows the type of asshole Brady is.


    Nonie - Shut the fuck up.  Seriously, with the Utah accent and whining.  Shades of Meri Brown.  I have a feeling that Brady dreads Nonie-Night with the "I was... kinda hopin... we could... ya know ... talk... about.... havin... a baby."  Again... shut the fuck up.  You have enough kids.  Get a hobby for Jesus sake.


    Really?  With the non-acknowlegement of the obvious fuck fest that happens for Brady every night of his life?  Come the fuck on.  These women are banging him left and right..  If my husband had 4 other wives, I would be 100% positive that he was getting turned inside-out every single night.


    Brady - The fake syrupy sweet "I love you baby" and the way he talks to his family for the camera makes me wanna vomit.  You know that they are all thinking "Nice act, Dad".


    I love this show.

    • Love 6
  16. Second, something about how they were discussing internationally adopting a non-White baby made me uneasy. They were talking about this potential kid like a charity case, or like the kid should be grateful to be adopted by them. They also seemed to suggest that this non-White baby will (1) need to learn to fit in with their family rather than everyone having to make adjustments, and (2) that their biological children will somehow be less racist if they had a non-White adopted sibling. Everything about that conversation was off to me. 

    I was especially disturbed that when the conversation started, Brody asked a question that started out "The race thing wouldn't bother you?" or something similar to that.  I think he cuaght himself and stopped.


    And could Jenelle's dead eyes be due to her bipolar meds? I never want Jace to live with her and Nathan. Nathan scares me.

    Nathan and Jenelle both seriously have borderline personality disorder.  The black and white thinking.  Either everything is great or everything is shit... no in between... plus the crazy bump-ins with the law and their substance use.  I also believe Jenelle has bipolar, but more on the depressive side.  Nathan - Bipolar with manic episodes.  I wish Jenelle could be so motivated and caring with Jace.  She clearly cares about men more than her own son.

    Sorry to say but she is only doing fine because Randy has complete control over her.  She will never learn to grow up unless he cuts ties and lets her control her own life.  Right now she can barely wipe her own ass without Daddy's help.  Let her control her own money, find her own lawyers, ditch the baby-talk, and discipline Aubree.  Until then, I have zero respect for her.

    The baby talk!!!  Ughhh.  So annoying.


    Also, both Chelsea and her mom both have perma smirk like they are just about ready to break into and smile or fit of laughter.


    He and Miranda using that giant fork for s’mores cracked me up.

    That cracked me up.  And then he layed that black marshmallow on her graham cracker.  Ew.


    So Nathan was only in jail for 11 days?!?  That seems so wrong.  He was really frightening, the way he was talking in the car, about snuggling till they die in each other’s arms.

    I shuddered when he talked about that!!!  So creepy and foreboding.  I can totally see a murder suicide there.  Scary.  He is a real danger.


    I don’t like how Kail yells at Isaac for doing regular kid things.  A few weeks back she was yelling at him to stop twirling in the living room.  Here, she was yelling at him for drumming on the table.  Kids do that stuff, and its normal.  Its not like he's being disruptive out I public.  He's in his own home.  She just stresses herself out over it, needlessly.

    Right ...and then she started crying!  I felt bad for Isaac when she ditched him in the castle and went off into the dining room with her friends.  She pretty much told Isaac to fuck off so she could talk with her friends.  She could have gently set him up in the living room with juice and a snack to watch a movie so she could have a conversation with her "friends".

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