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Posts posted by Callasin

  1. On 11/27/2017 at 4:19 PM, VartanFan said:

    How about....um...is her name Taylor?  She was in the diner movie with Andrew Walker, the ice sculpting one, and the art/art curator??? I"m too lazy to look her up.  


    ETA - I know this is like asking the sun not to shine - but I'd appreciate at least a little cursory research on the dialog.  In Finding Santa, they're listening to a weather/traffic report and they talk about how 95 is closed from Hartford to Boston.  95 doesn't go through Hartford or anywhere near Worcester....if they were stuck in Worcester (and the C is silent), they would have been on 84 to 90 (Mass Pike). 

    I live in Worcester and called my husband in to see this part.  We got a good laugh out of it.

  2. I was not really paying attention to the Best Buy commercial last night until I looked up right at the point they said you could get a Roomba for the cat. And there was a cat that looked like our Charlie sitting on the Roomba.  Love it!

    • Love 6
  3. 9 hours ago, Miss Ruth said:

    If they didn't want those hoses to be used, they shouldn't have been included.

    I think Michael will be back next week.

    But by now the designers should know to stay clear of the hoses\cords. Just like you should know not to go on the Amazing Race without knowing how to drive a stick.

    • Love 3
  4. 1 hour ago, annewithaneee said:

    I've never really liked The Blindside just as a broad concept: the racial politics of it always felt a bit icky, the movie was paint-by-the-numbers shlock, Sandra Bullock collecting basically a career Oscar for it when there were much better performances in the mix (Jennifer Lawrence in Winter's Bone, Gabby Sidibe in Precious, probably others). So I'm glad I wasn't the only one put off by them. Also it was weird to hear them namedrop the movie a bunch of times and cast/crew/production (including Weinstein, which I know this was filmed ages before the shit hit the fan, but it still made me shudder), but I don't think we ever even heard Michael Oher, the reason they have even tertiary "fame", mentioned by name. 


    I noticed they never mentioned Oher as well.  I wondered if he must not have wanted them to.

    • Love 5
  5. 5 hours ago, millennium said:

    I can't believe they visited Lyndhurst and didn't go INSIDE.   Talk about inspiration.   The house was once owned by robber baron Jay Gould.   The interior is a Victorian wonderland.   I have been there several times.   Lyndhurst doubled as Collinwood in the two Dark Shadows feature-length movies, House of Dark Shadows and Night of Dark Shadows.

    Yes! Someone who remembers it as Collinwood other than me.  I attended a Dark Shadows event there some years ago amd the property is amazing.

    • Love 2
  6. I am so sick of some of the commercials that run on almost every episode of a show I watch.

    First is that horrible shrieking Cathy Miller and her stupid brownie pan rhyme about how difficult it is to make brownies that don't crumble.  Just shut up!

    Second is that kid who talks with a fake sounding baby voice for the Shiners hospital.  I can't hit the mute button fast enough.

    The worst is the charcoal black face mask.  It is so disgusting.  I do not want to see a close-up shot of someone squeezing blackheads. 

    • Love 3
  7. 11 hours ago, GaT said:

    I Loved Kenya’s jumpsuit & jacket, I thought it should have won, but she wasn’t even in the top.

    Deyonte’s dress was soooo short & it was a terrible fit.

    I thought Margarita’s dress looked like a Flamenco costume, I didn’t like it at all.

    Kudzanai, good lord, are you designing for Ronald McDonald’s sister? I have no problem with him being auf’ed.

    Brandon’s dress was just ugly IMO, it looked like a trench coat that got caught in radiation & mutated, & I don’t see anything that look inspired by dance in it. I can’t believe it won.

    Maddie Ziegler is only 14 years old, why is she judging Project Runway?

    Because both Project Runway and her movie Leap are Weinstein Company productions. 

    • Love 5
  8. On 8/18/2017 at 1:08 PM, Lady Iris said:

    I have gasped in delight and horror at some of the fashions but never, EVER, has my first reaction been to laugh my ass off! That thing was, I can't even, it belonged on an episode of Star Trek.


    Same here!  My friend and I started humming the Star Trek theme when we saw that design.

    I thought the silver shorts the twin made looked like sparkly red carpet Depends.

    The grey dress and Chacha's dress were equally bad to me.  I would have auffed the grey dress only because it was not red carpet to me.  Actually I would have considered a double elimination.

    I did love the winning design.  So pretty and well designed.

    • Love 6
  9. Yesterday I watched So You Said Yes.  The outdoor wedding is ruined by rain and the indoor venue gets flooded.  We see everyone indoors upset with the weather. Someone has an idea about where to have the wedding despite the rain.  Cut to stock footage of the outside of the new location and it is a beautiful sunny summer day.  Ooops!

    • Love 1
  10. It bugged me the entire episode that nobody took all the money.  There are more than 5 ATM's within blocks of my house that I would hit before heading out.

    When the mom and daughter were leaving the apartment what got dropped on the floor?

    As for the calender who writes a street name or address for friends?  It would make more sense to use just a first name or even better a fake name. 

    • Love 4
  11. I was waiting for someone to make a ball gown and get criticized for it being a big fat gypsy wedding dress.'

    I'm also going to join in beating the dead horse. This episode and the designs could have been awesome if they had been given two days.  They needed a tutorial on the lights before sketching and going to Mood.  Speaking of Mood I was tired so I'm not sure if I  missed Swatch or he wasn't on. 

    • Love 2
  12. I have not warmed to Erin and I think I know why now.  To quote Nina I have seen this before.  One designer that they love and  rave over each week.  One that viewers feel gets robbed each week.  One they keep for drama or other entertainment.  One they hate.  I want to see longer challenges with designers that are all talented enough to have a good competition.  I don't want to know who the winner will most likely be from the start even if they are very talented. 

    I could not believe Cornelius' arts and crafts project was in the top.  He did not even try to cut the tape to make well formed designs, he just stuck it on.  Even Kimber put more thought and work into her ugly flowers than he did. Jenni could have made an awesome outfit if she had put a top and pants under the jacket that did not glow.  Speaking of Jenni I know someone with a much softer version of her laugh.  That person did not start laughing like that until her late teens so I suspect Jenni used to laugh like the rest of us too.

    • Love 1
  13. A jumpsuit won for every woman?  They all need to read a copy of Tim's Washington Post interview.  Especially Nina, Zac and Heidi.  Then make all those looks in sizes 16 or 18 and have them take a good look.  I was disappointed that they did not have models chosen from the women at the park.

    Brick's look was not a winner but I so would have loved it back when I worked in an office during that time of the month.  It looked so comfy. 

    Someone take all the neoprene out of Mood please or train Swatch to guard it so they can't buy it.  Give them two days to work so they can use other fabrics that need facings or lining.

    And finally Cornelius I so wanted to root for you being from Worcester but you are too catty and that outfit hurt my eyes.

    • Love 5
  14. As I watched I was thinking that the parties involved shopped around to all the reality shows and Catfish was the only one that made an offer.  Now that I see that FB page I feel I was probably right.  It bugged me that Nev and Max were so easily swayed to believe without any investigation into Courtney or anything about mediums or contacting the dead. I didn't expect a full on investigation to prove whether her abilities are real but they could have looked up a few facts about it.

    • Love 3
  15. I have stopped watching at night because I fall asleep and that darn ad with the opera singer jars me awake. They can beat people, rape and kill people but it's that singing that wakes me.

    Anyway I originally stopped by to say I see they are advertising a new season of Dissapeared starting in April. It was my favorite. I still get chills watching the re-runs of the one about the college girl who left her car in the snow in NH. It's not a long drive from us.

    • Love 8
  16. I was fingerprinted for a job years ago and they did not turn out well.  I was told that doing lots of paperwork caused it.


    Last night I watched Web of Lies.  It was about a teen who lied about her age and met someone online who also lied and was a sex offender.  I found it really odd that two of the advertisers for this show we eharmony and farmers only.  The last thing I would want to do after seeing a show about the dangers of meeting strangers online would be visiting online dating sites.

    • Love 6
  17. I know many of us have been concerned about Swatch.  Mood posted a photo of him on Facebook a little while ago with the following comment:

    Swatch Alert! He's got some seriously cool things to share with you all very soon so stay tuned!!

    • Love 1
  18. I did not plan to watch this but I did and I was pleasantly surprised.  I was so happy that the first challenge was a chance for them to pick their own fabric and show what they can do.  This is what I want to see at the beginning so I get to know the designers not an unconventional materials or pre-picked fabric challenge.  Those challenges can be fun but I like them to be a little later in the competition. 


    I loved the winning look, especially the top.  Lengthen it because I look terrible in a crop top and I would buy it.  At first I wanted Tim to use the save and give everyone a chance to compete again.  But now that I think about it I am glad he didn't.  I am afraid there would be accusations of them being to soft on the younger designers. 


    Can we just get over lavender hair please?  I love hair color and have worn my share of crazy colors in my younger punk days but I don't like lavender.  It always looks dirty or faded and in need of a touch up to me.  I find myself paying more attention to the hair than the person.

    • Love 2
  19. Wow did I just write "close"? I meant clothes, obviously. lol

    One more thing though. How do we actually know the fix was in? Does anyone have any concrete proof that Ashley was supposed to win before she even showed? I'm just not buying that someone actually came to the judges and said "you better make sure Ashley wins."


    Whether or not it was fixed for Ashley to win there are things that could have been done to make the season look a bit more fair to all. Having at least one other contestant that designed for plus size women would have been good.  Also it seemed like all season Ashley got off lightly when critiqued compared to the others.  I would  accept her win more if I had seen some competition between her and other plus designers and more growth from critique the way Kelly grew. 

    • Love 5
  20. The judges' insistence that Ashley was "brave" for designing for full figured women was so insulting. I won't be able to take PR remotely seriously going forward.  

    When they announced to the four that they would be going to fashion week they told Ashley that they were GIVING her plus sized models and WANTED her to design a plus sized collection.  From that point on they raved about how brave she was to design a plus sized collection and acted like she fought to be able to do that.  They told her what to do!  That isn't brave.




    Swapnil defeated himself by melting under the pressure.  I still think that he's the most interesting designer by far, but he lost his drive or something as the weeks went on.



    I doubt he would ever say it but it would not surprise me if he lost his drive because he figured out the winner had been chosen from the start.  If we figured it out I am sure some of the designers did too but won't or can't comment.

    • Love 16
  21. I felt so bad for Kelly.  She was really upset and has every right to be.  My roommate and I had a friendly argument about Ashley's designs.  He loves her personality and thinks she and her designs are great.  I say that being a guy he can not see how unflattering her clothes are to plus sized women.  No way would I wear any of those looks.  I know a crop top, and sheer clothing would not look flattering on me even though I have lost a lot of weight.

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