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Posts posted by Kirsty

  1. Sweet ending to this episode.

    But forget Pen and Colin for a minute... The most improved character so far this season is Lady Cressida Cowper! I'm glad the show decided to humanise her. (I would watch a Cressida season; she's not bland.)

    Penelope slipped up when she told Colin that Lady Whistledown had to write about them because otherwise it would be suspicious. Yikes, Pen! That's going to come back and haunt you.

    The Colin threesome scene was all a bit too... Littlefinger's brothel on Games of Thrones. I half expected a drunk Tyrion to appear.

    Colin will never be my favourite Bridgerton, so I don't expect to enjoy this season as much as last season. But I'm ever hopeful that the show can surprise me and make a strong season of it. And so far, Pen/Colin is a nice, low-key, friends to lovers romance.

    However. I do wonder if there's actually more passion and drama in the Pen/Eloise relationship and storyline? I like this whole bit where they're estranged but they still care about each other.

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  2. I enjoyed it by the end but I thought this episode had a very slow start. I can't see it pulling in new viewers, and it seemed like that wasn't the intention either. It had little in the way of action or excitement or anything to dazzle.

    But Francesca is a breath of fresh air. I like that Eloise is a little different from how she was last season and that Colin has grown up some.

    Is everyone binge-watching all four episodes this weekend or spreading them out over the coming weeks? I plan to spread them out; we'll see if I can stick to the plan! 😀

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  3. 4 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Netflix has waited until the SAG-AFTRA strike is resolved so that the cast members can participate in the promotional activities planned for S03.

    That's a part of it; the strike ended in early November and I'm sure Netflix wanted to do more than a month of promotion for a new season of this show.

    But I'd also bet that, as a result of the strikes, the Netflix cupboard is looking a little bare this year, in terms of the desired exciting line-up of shows and movies that would draw in new subscribers and hold onto current subscribers. So there's a need to more carefully ration out the shows and movies they do have in the meantime, especially their heavy-hitters like Bridgerton.

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  4. Great to hear they're planning lots more seasons! 😃

    However, this part of the Variety article...

    On 4/30/2024 at 3:54 AM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Despite how long each season of “Bridgerton” takes to make — Season 3 is premiering more than two years after Season 2

    ...falsely makes it sound like it takes over 2 years to make a season. No, it does not. The gap between the first two seasons was a year and three months.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the long delay between seasons 2 and 3 is a result of strikes in Hollywood, plus Netflix choosing to push back the planned December 2023 release to May 2024.

    • Useful 1
  5. 4 hours ago, topanga said:

    I agree. Has there been any marketing for this show? I only found it because it showed up on my suggestions feed. And it's such a well-written show with layered characters. 

    The show is very popular in the UK and Ireland and there has been a lot of talk about it here in the media. But then it is very English, and the book was popular too in its day. Maybe it hasn't landed the same way in other parts of the world? Or yeah, maybe they didn't push it, Idk.

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  6. The early part of this episode reminded me of the movie Four Weddings and a Funeral, and I wonder if that was intentional. Nineties wedding, with guests arriving late and rushed in a small old car, to a beautiful traditional English church.

    I don't like to agree with Callum but he's right about the food scene changing in exciting ways in London in the nineties.

    The maze scene was lovely. And I thought Emma looked slightly devastated when Dexter told her he was engaged.

    Sonnet by The Verve is still a great song.

    It's a shame there's so little discussion here about this show!


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  7. I did not see the Sylvie/Callum affair coming at all. Complete surprise, even when she was on the phone. Mainly because she has a small baby! And she's obviously struggling with the baby and with sleep deprivation. I can't imagine you'd be feeling sexy, or that sex would even be high on the priority list!

    Dexter's career story is good and one you don't see very often on the screen. He coasted on his looks, charm, and parents' money when he was young, so now he's making minimum wage. You always see stories about people who made it big in tv or the movies. You rarely see the story of all the people who were briefly famous but it didn't work out. I'd normally assume that he would rediscover his early interest in photography, but have we even once seen him taking pictures on the show? Emma has been writing all along so that's more believable.

    His career on TV appears to be over and he has no backup plan. And his marriage looks like it's already on life support. But the worst thing in this one for Dexter is the drinking. He's an alcoholic and he's still drinking. That makes it difficult/unlikely for him to address the other issues.

    I thought Eleanor Tomlinson was really good (playing Sylvie) in this episode. I liked that even though Sylvie is cheating on Dexter, she's still really worried about him.

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  8. I thought this was a good episode and it ended on a positive note when she took up writing again. Emma is obviously a great teacher, but she's not happy.

  9. On 2/16/2024 at 2:46 AM, Jodithgrace said:

    What a dreadful family! 

    100%. Getting fired while staying with her awful family would test anyone's sobriety.

    The actor playing Dexter is doing a good job of playing someone who's insecure. Having your agent tell you that people only like you ironically, or that they like to hate you, doesn't do any favours for someone who's insecure. Especially when you're getting fired at the time.

    His latest nineties hairstyle is hideous. It reminds me a little of Dawson on Dawson's Creek.

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  10. Emma's boyfriends have been very unappealing so far. The theatre director guy, and now Ian. Can we all agree that Ian is about as funny as a case of gastroenteritis? The way he keeps putting on voices and making puns makes me want to die of the cringe.

    That said, in the previous episode when he showed up with tea and sandwiches for her, I could see why she was with him. Ian is sweet, he adores her, and he treats her very well.

    I loved seeing Dexter with the haircut and clothes of a member of Take That. I was a teenager in the nineties, so I hadn't even realised that his short back/long fringe haircut was a period-specific style! That's just the way young men looked back then! 😄 It's so strange to see it in a period piece.

    I liked their fight and I thought it was a long time coming. From his perspective he was finally standing up for himself. I'm successful, I'm not stupid, I'm making my dreams come true, who are you to look down on me etc. From her perspective, she had put up with his behaviour because of his mother's death but she was finally calling time on his bullshit. And she also told him that her life and her career are nothing to be ashamed of.

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  11. I thought this was one episode too many in France. Characters didn't have enough to do in this episode.

    Back in the USA, the actor playing the pompous host of the book show is very good. His character looked so uncomfortable and miserable during the tv interview!

  12. I enjoyed this show and I'm sorry they cancelled it. I really liked the vibe, the look and feel of it, the soundtrack, and the NYC setting. I liked Rob's vibe too. I haven't seen a female character like her before. I also want to highlight that scene with the shitty husband with the amazing record collection. You know when Rob and Clyde met him at the hotel? And he talked over her and ignored her and only spoke to Clyde and never introduced his girlfriend. I felt that. That shit is unfortunately extremely relatable.

    I thought the first season firmly established Rob as a flawed character. She was a bit of an asshole, self-absorbed and obsessed with the past and with her relationship with Mac. To be honest, the show kinda told us that too many times in the finale especially.

    I guess in the finale Rob acknowledges that she's an asshole, having come clean to Mac and everyone about cheating on him. And she acknowledged that she was selfish on the phone to her brother. And she tried to be unselfish by selling the Bowie record and buying the guitar for Cherise. She also let Mac go and apologised to Clyde. That's the arc and that's her progress.

    But it felt unsatisfactory as an ending, because the show is a kind of rom-com and yet she had no legit romantic prospect on the horizon at the end. I thought the show invested way too much screen time in her relationship with Mac given that they had no future. I don't mind the character being obsessed with that relationship, but I minded the show giving us flashbacks all season when the writers knew the relationship was a dead end. And she obviously wasn't into Clyde enough. I was rooting against them by the end, based on how she treated him. And Liam is literally a teenager. Had the show been renewed, Id have liked a new main love interest for her in the second season.

    But well played Zoe Kravitz, I enjoyed your Rob. Too bad the show got cancelled.


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  13. 6 minutes ago, Raja said:

    From the performance of Denise Gough I don't think so. Syril is on a high right now thinking that all his dreams are about to come true. Meanwhile to me it looks like Dedra has survivor's relief combined with shit now I have to shutdown Syril who thinks he is about to get me as part of his imperial rewards.

    His dream did come true. She was in danger and thanks to Syril's obsession with her, he got to rescue her. He was there for her when no one else was, and she owes him. She probably owes him her life. Thank God he's a massive creeper who likes to follow her around! Those people are always absolute lifesavers, they have wonderful intentions when they insinuate themselves into their victims' lives, and she's super lucky to have him.

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  14. Very enjoyable finale. I liked the funeral and how the show used Fiona Shaw. I liked Andor listening to the manifesto.

    The only thing I didn't like was the Syril storyline this episode. You can tell a man wrote it because only an oblivious dude would reward the stalker by making his stalker's fantasy come true!

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  15. Loved that ending! There's no getting out unless you break out!

    Two actors doing wonderful work in minor roles are the woman playing Syril's overbearing mother and the man playing Dr Gorst. She is appalling and the guy playing Gorst brings the role to life with his goofy smiling.

    Imagine having Syril waiting outside work for you! What a creeper.

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  16. Well, a gap of more than two years is a bit shit. I wonder what that's about as it can't be good for ratings. Plus, this is a show that's perfectly suited to Christmas viewing. Id much rather the show dropped in December than in June.

    Hey, at least it hasn't been cancelled! But jesus, that's a very low bar for what I thought was Netflix's biggest ratings winner.

    I wonder if Benedict and Eloise will each get their own season now, given the very slow pace. Maybe we'll get a combo season instead.




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  17. 4 hours ago, Shermie said:

    Georgia didn’t know that Austin saw her do that

    Right, but nothing in my sentence that you quoted is factually incorrect, right? And my point is that a child Austin's age wouldn't know how to interpret what he saw. He would judge by what happened afterwards and how the adults -- especially his mom -- behaved. And she kept her actions a secret.

  18. Aw, I like that Ginny intervened and encouraged her Mom to come clean to Paul. It was a huge step for Georgia to confront her fears instead of running again. Good job, Ginny and Georgia.

    This show strongly reminds me of teen shows from the past, but I love that now teen shows deal with mental health. It's as though Rory Gilmore is self-harming (and biracial), and her boyfriend Jordan Catalano suffers from depression. I mean, its also like Lorelai Gilmore is a serial killer, but I try not to think about that. 😆

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  19. Good grief, that's a night Austin will never forget. He's getting some really mixed up messages. His mom kills his friend's dad in front of him and doesn't own up to it. His dad attacks his mom. He shoots his dad. His mom threatens his dad with a gun and then stitches up the gsw in the kitchen! No one calls the cops or a doctor. They cover up the entire incident so his stepdad doesn't find out... An adult would struggle to process that list. What is a child supposed to do with it? And this is the kid who stabbed a boy in the hand last season! Whose father is Gil and whose mother doesn't believe in therapy. Austin's going to grow up to be a psychopath, isn't he?

    Apart from that, I enjoy the Cynthia/Georgia relationship. They respect each other.

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  20. Uh, why is everyone saying Marcus is damaged? Like it's a known fact. All we have to support that is that his best friend died of cancer last year. That makes him bereaved and sad and going through a difficult time. It doesn't make him damaged. Sure, he's a dopey kid and maybe he lacks drive. But he's only sixteen, and it's weird for Georgia to tell him he's damaged like she has a clue about him.

    I really like the way Ginny is getting along with her life, with friends, a boyfriend, a party, and in the background she's struggling with her mental health. I buy it. She has cried out to her father and now to her therapist this season that she's not okay.

    Putting those two things together, I wonder if Ginny's storyline is headed somewhere scary, like an overdose or something. Georgia thinks Marcus is screwed up and Ginny is normal. Meanwhile, Marcus got therapy, got better, and recommended it to Ginny, who keeps telling us that she's not okay. I believe her!

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  21. Good episode. I'm glad Abby and Ginny are friends. And they're right, Max is being an insufferable asshole.

    Georgia's speech at the end was good, but it's not like sexual abuse or murder were the only options. She could have accused the guy of feeling up her daughter and moved out with the kids.

    I also didn't love Georgia getting into the neighbourhood club by playing tricks on the poor woman with the dying husband. I take it she stole the book and planted it in Cynthia's kid's bag. Am I supposed to be rooting against her?

    The show has Ginny acting out in teenage ways, but her issue with her mother is a serious, adult problem.

    I have to wonder if Marcus will tell people Georgia's secret later this season. Maybe if Ginny cheats on him with Hunter or something.

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