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Posts posted by Iwadre

  1. Watching The Duggar's Graduation Party. Stop climbing and sitting on the tables and countertops! I guess if you didn't have enough adult supervision then you might not learn to stop climbing on things like that. I don't think there is anything super dangerous about it when the kids are older, but it's just sort of having good manners to not put dirty feet  on places you eat. Anybody grow up in a family where everybody climbed on things like this?

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  2. I just want one Duggar to express a true emotion! A real emotion and not a scripted line from their church. I'd love a normal family freak out with some slammed doors, and then a normal apology afterwards! The repression drives me crazy! Everyone has feelings and doesn't act their best all the time and that is OK. I'm not advocating for a dysfunctional family. I would love to see a real moment.

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  3. I think I might just have an extreme bias towards thinking that a majority of these guys are closeted gay men.  He definitely gave me a weird vibe in the Wedding Bells episode.

    That is a bizarre that she painted the room pink! It's a shared bedroom not a little girls princess room. 

    Oh that David Waller. He can't keep a lid on that forever. Out it comes at some point and it's not going to be pretty. Poor guy and poor wife. Ugh.  

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