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Posts posted by TanyaKay

  1. I like the theory that someone posted that perhaps Ray and Felicity knew each other before.  That would be nice, too, and could kill 2 birds with one stone - another peek into her past AND get the 2 of them sort of established as acquaintances.


    Considering that Ray Palmer is a scientist and a former professor in the comics, may be he was one of the TAs that Felicity had interacted with or was friends with back in MIT - you know while she was working on her bachelors, he was working on his doctorate or something. That could be such a great way to start that story as he is the guy Felicity already knows and trusts - at least academically and intellectually - if not personally.

    • Love 5
  2. Well according to Emily Bett Rickards, she was promised 'a parent' by the writers for this season. I just hope that they deliver it. We have had 46 episode with hardly any Felicity backstory while stupid characters like Laurel Lance get multiple chances and stories to get liked by the audience. It is about time the writers deliver what works - Felicity and her storyline.

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      But thanks to Starfish35, now I can add "Zachary Levi playing the love interest of Felicity" on my list of things that I never knew how much I needed until it was no longer possible.  Because I NEED that.  *grumbles about shattered dreams*


    Holy fuck ... now all I can do is picture Zachary Levi as Felicity's love interest. I mean why do you guys do that me. I want it so bad, it's not even funny!.

  4. I feel quite cheated that there wasn't anymore Felicity-Moira interaction. I really enjoyed their little power play scene. Moira really is preposterous but I couldn't get enough of her. If anything, I see a little of Moira in Felicity standing at basically polar opposite sides.


    We only had two scenes with Felicity & Moira ... one where Moira points out that she shampooed her hair with 8 women and a guard looking at her and the one where Felicity encountered her about Thea's paternity and they were both rock solid.

    Yes, I too feel cheated because they were two very smart women, one is straight up honest and the other one is kinda diabolical but both fiercely protective of those they love. Would've been an amazing battle of wits - with Oliver in the middle - between Moira and Felicity. Oh the missed possibilities !!!!!!

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  5. but guys, teaching at K12 school and a university requires a different career trajectory. A university professor is required to do a doctorate, then post doc then lecturership and then a proper tenure track whereas for K12, you need a masters in the subject and a teaching diploma from a university. Some get an additional degree in education but they are usually in education management, if Mrs Lance was a school teacher, she cannot become a university professor in the present, it is kinda not possible - unless Mrs. Lance was a school teacher to begin with and is now teaching at a community college in Central City because she just wanted to get away from Detective Lance and her whiney ass lawyer daughter after Sara was declared dead.

    My brain is simply not willing to accept that in any universe, Laurel Lance (the TV version of that character played by KC) can be a viable/acceptable romantic possibility for Oliver Queen. Yes, I am that opposed to the idea of L/O relationship, either in the past, or present of future or even in a fucking alternative universe of reality. Yes, I feel that passionately about it.

    • Love 1
  6. Have they ever told us what subject Dinah taught(teaches), and whether or not her teaching career was always as a college professor?



    In that dinner from hell in Time of Death, Dinah Lance mentioned that she teaches Latin and/or literature at the university in Central city but even if you are tenured professor in a top notch university, you make anything between 65 - 100 grand a year and I don't think a professor teaching Latin would be making the same amount of money that someone teaching electronic engineering would be making. They were definitely and decisively middle class and the kind of douche bag that Oliver was, it was unlikely that he would go out of his way too look for a homely girl from a middle class background.

    I also fail to understand how Moira was so okay with Laurel. Considering that she was a snooty/uppity person, she would not have taken too kindly to Laurel being from a different social strata. I mean what's the difference between Laurel and the girl who got pregnant with Oliver's baby. If that girl was not good enough, then why Laurel? The show has way too many discrepancies in the storylines. I can look over a lot because it is based on comic but I just cannot get over this epic love story of a cheating douche and his social climbing girl friend who drops her steady boyfriend like a hot potato the minute the cheating guy showed interest in her.

  7. Hehe I love how on this thread we talk about Oliver falling in love with her as an eventuality.


    Lolz, they have written it like that. I mean what else will he do when he runs out of all the excuses? He has to fall in love with her - heck if his mooney faced smile on that last scene of season finale is any indication, he is halfway there already! Everyone falls in love with Felicity, Oliver is just there in line ....

    • Love 3
  8. you know what makes me bitter? Katie Cassidy telling everyone that she is gonna join team arrow!

    I mean have we not had enough of her bratty self when she was throwing glasses at her family, calling her sister a bitch (flashback), being a total diva to her dad when he was trying to help and knowing Ollie to the bones but now she has to come and ruin the team dynamics in the lair?

    I don't see her getting along with Diggle at all! Felicity and Roy may tolerate her but Diggle would not. Diggle is just not the type who would tolerate a drama queen!

    • Love 1
  9. Me, too.  It's also playing into my feelings about what I think S3 will be like.


    after the fan reaction to finale 3 episodes of season 2 (where there was minimum interaction with Lances and Team Arrow was front and center) I don't think they will shoot themselves in their feet and keep Diggle and Felicity away from the main plot ... but then again, what they did in season 2 after an almost perfect 9 episode arc at the beginning of the season, they could do anything.

    • Love 2
  10. I can see Waller "showing affection" to Oliver in order to manipulate him to do something or mess with his mind. 


    I can only see Amanda treating Oliver like a dog in training ... sit, run, fetch and repeat ... I mean she is the WALL and he was the old Ollie with really bad hair!

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  11. I definitely want to see the Deadshot/Diggle angle explored more. This was, IMO, one of the most interesting things to come out of S2. I always thought Deadshot was a really great character in the comics, and I love Arrow's take on him as well. Now that the flashbacks will likely focus on Oliver's connection to Amanda/ARGUS in Hong Kong, I'm expecting more of ARGUS/Amanda/Suicide Squad in the present. Not gonna lie - I'm elated that we're finally off that island lol. My biggest fear? That we'll find out Oliver was sleeping with Amanda at some point (please show, DO NOT do this!)


    No one mortal gets to sleep with The Wall .... she shows affection to the processors that Felicity was salivating over ...

    Oliver Queen is no more than a blip on Amanda Waller's radar.

    • Love 2
  12. Blackmail does seem to be one of the few things Laurel is actually good at though.


    Oh we call her Blackmail Canary on tumblr ... I mean she has already blackmailed to get her job back and to get her dad back on duty, may be in season 3 she can blackmail Oliver into dating her again?

    • Love 3
  13. Haha - I can remember my uncle and brother complaining about some Hulk changes lol. I got my first comics from my uncle, and he was a BC fan as well. Dinah Drake was the original BC and debuted in The Flash back in the 40s I think. She wasn't a meta human - no Canary cry as far as I can remember. She wanted to be a cop but wasn't allowed to; since her father had trained her in fighting techniques, she used them as a vigilante instead. The retcon you're talking about happened in the 80s to explain why there was suddenly a much younger BC with a Canary cry and involved a super weird story in which Dinah Drake's memories were transferred to Dinah Laurel. That Dinah Laurel was also not a meta human - she was cursed as a baby. Then there was another reboot in the 90s and again in the 2000s, both of which had meta Dinah Laurel born to original BC and training to follow in her mother's footsteps. The current BC in the New 52 is back to Dinah Drake, so technically Laurel doesn't exist in current comic canon at all. (Can someone please tell KC this?) I love the comics, but I've always been fine with changing canon in reboots because it's a new story involving familiar characters. If they were all the same, what would be the point? This is why I hate when people ask "Why should Laurel be BC?" and the answer is "Because comics." I find it really infuriating, and none of this canon can be used to explain anything on Arrow involving Laurel the show character.

    Going back to Laurel though, a writer friend and I were discussing whether or not we found anything about Laurel to be out of character during the past two seasons. I'm arguing no because in two seasons, I'm not sure her character has been firmly established. She tends to tilt whichever way the script calls for. I could maybe say her suddenly sleeping with Oliver in the S1 finale was OOC, but she was so wishy washy before that it's iffy. I can definitely think of instances where other characters were behaving OOC because of a scene or plot revolving around her though, especially this season. Anyone want to weigh in?


    I can recall episode 12 where everyone was acting like an idiot to make Laurel look like the smartest person in the room when she was going after Blood. I mean uber hacker Felicity was outsmarted by some random security guy?

    • Love 1
  14. I don't think people in the Flash universe would like to be saddled with a character like hers. The writers should realize that there is no hope for KC and should they decide to do anything with BC, they need to build it around Sara. She can always take up her mother's name after her death to honor her or something and develop her independent of Oliver Queen. I always wonder about the comic purists who support Laurel. Shouldn't they support the character of BC and the actress who portrays it best instead of the actress who ruins EVERYTHING!

  15. Laurel's origin story would be my younger sister is awesome and badass and people call her a hero, I WANT!


    Sara dying would've been a motivation (not a better one, just a motivation) but she didn't die, so that motivation is gone. She could've had one with Tommy but they didn't go with that either, they could've shown her grow disheartened by the unfair justice system but that storyline they gave to Quentin (seeing it again would be pointless). So really Laurel is left with I want my sister wants/has. I guess does make sense with the characterization of Laurel they've shown us thus far. But it's a terrible origin story for a hero. 


    Lolz, what's next then? Would she want Nyssa because Sara "has" her? Nyssa will break her neck like a twig if it happens. Not everyone is big on sharing like good ol' Ollie!

    • Love 3
  16. Hahahaha I'm so done with "cause, you know, Laurel by then will be able to hold her own in a fight because Black Canary." That is such epic reasoning I'm sure the writers are following it.


    If Felicity betrayed Oliver I would defend her up and down and find a way to blame Oliver. Such is the magnitude of not only my love for her character but my dislike for Oliver.


    You are not the only one. Felicity has some fierce loyal fans :)

  17. At this point I don't want to see her as BC. I can't picture the actress in the role, and there's no way Laurel's origin story would rival Sara's. I don't even know why Laurel would want that role -I understand why KC wants it, but what would Laurel get out of it? Whether they meant to or not, they firmly established Sara in this part. I was actually really afraid they were going to kill her off to pave the way for Laurel, but thankfully they didn't. If it ever did occur to the writers to do this, they thought better of it (and for good reason.) I agree with others that Laurel is a better fit for a morally ambiguous Manhunter at this point. I do wonder what the actress, the writers and the producers see that I and so many others don't, though. It's baffling to read their interviews, KC and Kreisberg in particular. All I can figure is that Katie doesn't understand Laurel either and so she tells people what she's been told? It's strange when actors like Stephen, Manu and even Barrowman give solid answers to character questions. Manu even admits sometimes the writers don't have time to explore things enough (why he suddenly loved Shado, why he hated Oliver if it wasn't the Mirakuru.) But after two seasons of terrible story, I'm not convinced they can salvage the character. Just making her part of the action won't be enough.


    Exactly at least Manu was intelligent enough to question the motivation for his character and then he did the best he could with whatever was given to him. He was also honest enough to admit it that sometimes it did not make a lot of sense to him.

    Compare that to Katie who sounds rather childish and all over the place. In any case an adult who uses the word cute and make out in a conversation more that twice sounds absurd at best.

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