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Posts posted by kathyk24

  1. Double Jeopardy was a dream board for me. A category about Paul McCartney and The Count of Monte Christo was an answer. I also knew Rhode Island. Attention Jeopardy viewers from Boston. Friday shows will be on Channel 38 during football season.

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  2. 11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

    How convenient that he asks for more money right after he moves to a state with a high cost of living, one of the sons is aging out of support, and he still isn’t working. If a woman did this to a male celebrity, she would be flamed all over the internet. 
    I sympathize with Kevin and the kids for having to deal with her unstable behavior but that it. The kids deserve every penny of support they can get from her and I truly hope it all goes to them but his ass needs to get a job. They aren’t little and don’t need a stay at home dad anymore. 

    Exactly look at the reaction Kevin Costner's soon to be ex-wife is getting on the internet. Didn't he ask for an increase in child support not to long ago? He used her money to afford the move to Hawaii she should be asking the judge to require her sons to speak to her if they want money for college.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Notabug said:

    The custody agreement says that they split custody 50:50. However, Britney hasn't seen either of her sons in around two years, let alone spent any time with them.  This is because after some tumultuous visits with her after her guardianship ended as well as Britney's penchant for talking about them online after they requested that she not do that; both boys have refused to see her.  Federline's whole family moved to Hawaii in the past year and Britney's sons apparently refused to see her even to say goodbye.  Federline says he encouraged them to see her, but couldn't force them and it was their choice.

    Even though Federline probably no prize as a parent, Britney is even more of a disaster.  It is a shame that her sons won't see her, but that is their right.  And it is Kevin's right to ask for more support since they are living with him full time.

    I hope both of Britney's sons have gotten and continue to receive counseling to help them cope with a very difficult situation.

    I don't think so  Kevin Federline chose to move to a state with a higher cost of living. His sons are old enough to get part time jobs. They can't say they hate their mother but be dependent on her child support. I think family therapy might be helpful from Britney and her sons.

    • Like 8
  4. On 9/10/2023 at 12:09 AM, LexieLily said:

    I've gotten back into True Crime Network in the recent weeks and I'm sure Killer Kids is an interesting show but I only got through ten minutes of one episode - the narrator has SUCH a baby voice that I cannot deal with her at all.

    I think the narrator might be very young so her voice is natural. If you are looking for a new true crime show I like New York Homicide on Oxygen.

    • Useful 1
  5. Christmas came early this year. All of Alabama's upcoming opponents must be thrilled knowing that Alabama can be beat. The calls to the Finebaum show will be epic this week.

  6. 9 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

    Here’s an UO I don’t think is addressed enough: happy couples are NOT boring!

    A rom com or any movie for that matter does not need to create pointless drama for a couple just to do the “will they/won’t they” crap. So circling back to Sweet Home  Alabama, I’d take a happy functional romance with a supportive guy over a dysfunctional one that clearly didn’t work the first time around! Stop trying to redo Pride and Prejudice, the only reason that story worked was because Mr. Darcy owned up to being a jackass and apologized, which is more than I can say for Jake!

    This applies to couples on television as well.  I gave up watching soap operas because couples I liked were always breaking up,

    • Like 5
  7. 6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

    Harriet reuniting with lost love Russell is the only part I like from the Rev gets hitched episode. Seeing Harriet so flustered and tender with him and KM was so good in that moment where, leaving church with her family, she locks eyes with Russell. But I couldn't be invested in Rev getting married when I knew good and well the new Mrs. Alden was destined to be tertiary. And, except for a mention in the women's rights episode, she was.

    I hate pretty much everything about this two-parter. Pa ignoring Laura because he has A SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Laura refusing to pray for ailing Baby Freddie. Baby Freddie's death and Caroline choosing to wait outside during her baby's last moments. Laura wanting to die so Freddie can come back to life. Yet another creepy, old man, even if it was Ernest Borgnine, taking care of Half-Pint. The cross that just happens to float down to where Pa and Edwards are watering their horses. Yet when Pa and Laura reunite with Pa shedding the manliest of tears still gets me every time. 

    Laura was devasted by the death of her brother in real life so I hate this episode. She didn't include it in the Little House books I learned this by reading her biography;

    • Useful 3
  8. 8 hours ago, roamyn said:

    We have DirecTv streaming and there's a block on CBS while they negotiate a new contract.

    Of course The Ohio State would be on CBS.

    Spectrum pulled all the channels owned by Disney so no ESPN for me.

    • Mind Blown 1
  9. On 8/30/2023 at 12:32 PM, chessiegal said:

    Evidently Hallmark Movies and Mysteries has decided we need to see more murders in Cabot Cove. They've stopped airing Monk at 11 am ET on weekdays and replaced it with another hour of Murder, She Wrote. Blech.

    I don't think Hallmark owns the rights to many dramas. The Hallmark Drama Channel airs Little House on the Prairie the Waltons and Touched by an Angel all week long.

    • Like 2
  10. On 8/10/2023 at 8:46 PM, Bastet said:

    I finally finished the series.  I was really losing interest, but determined to see it through.

    My mind is still thoroughly boggled - and annoyed - by how they play Sharona's feelings for Randy when she returns ("I remember how good I always felt after talking to you"?!  In what universe, because it sure wasn't the one on my TV for three and a half seasons), and her storyline really doesn't do her any favors in general, but I do love the scenes with her and Natalie.  I think Sharona is right that Natalie coddles him too much -- I think everyone coddles him too much; he's allowed to act like a toddler who everyone else has to adjust themselves to in order to avoid the meltdown and get back to work -- but I also take Natalie's point that she can be soft with him because Sharona did the hard work of being tough when he needed that to even get out of bed.

    I cracked up at her telling Monk she's nursing again, and he asks, "Isn't Benjy 17?"

    I'm apparently getting soft in my old age, because I could not stand the finale the first time around, but this time I was more open to it.  I still hate that they rushed to pair everyone except Monk with a romantic partner as the series drew to a close, it still bugs me that Trudy's pregnancy doesn't make much sense (where were her parents in all this?!), and I still don't care about Molly to have her as this big deal in Monk's life for the reunion movie, but this second time around I could somewhat set that aside and focus more on Monk's emotions, and that was well done.  It was nice to finally see a lightness in him when he's around Molly.  I mean, he needs to dial it back a good 90% or she's going to wind up taking out a restraining order, but presumably he did if she's still in his life now.

    And I like that getting to know her is what finally brought him some measure of peace, that solving Trudy's murder wasn't the transformative experience he always thought it would be.  Most shows perpetuate the "closure" myth about solving a loved one's long-unsolved murder, and I think this and Major Crimes are the only ones I've seen that showed that's often not how it works.

    So, in terms of a plot, the finale was pretty stupid.  But in terms of a character development for Monk, it had something going for it.

    Two random observations about the series as a whole having watched it in a compressed time frame:

    They really go overboard with all the Vinton St. locations.  It's like the Monk equivalent of L&O's Hudson University -- just stay away, as everyone who goes there gets murdered.

    It drives me nuts each one of the handful of times Monk rides in the back of a cab.  He has to ride in the front, it's one of his things.  That's explicitly stated more than once, and there are even scenes where they have to argue/bargain with cab drivers over this.  So the scenes where he just casually hops in the back like anybody else bug me as continuity errors.

    Trudy's murder didn't make sense. Her parents seemed like nice people they could have helped her arrange an adoption. Solving her murder wouldn't cure Monk's OCD but it would help with his depression.

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  11. 1 minute ago, BuckeyeLou said:

    That Ryan Preece crash was terrifying to watch!  He spun over & over in the air 10 times!   He went to the Hospital but they say today he was released.

    Yes it was. I'm convinced the Hans device has saved many drivers lives.

    • Like 2
  12. Ryan Blaney and Ryan Preece were involved in scary crashes last night in Daytona. Chase Elliott didn't make the playoffs and Bubba Wallace did so that will make some fans very unhappy.

  13. 1 hour ago, Fukui San said:

    I still think of Tito as the Red Sox manager who just started in Cleveland. 

    Terry Francona is the best manager the Red Sox ever had they shouldn't have let him go.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, scarynikki12 said:

    Based on what I've seen Bobby Ray could avoid getting bashed if he kept his social life separate from the town. His neighbors may be willing to "accept him" as long as they didn't actually see the men he dated. There would also be a subset of neighbors/friends who would do the thing where they get to know his boyfriend and seem so accepting but, if Bobby Ray announced an engagement, would ask why getting married was necessary. Since he was shown sparking with Melanie's designer mentor I can pretend they dated long distance and then Bobby Ray moved to New York when the relationship became serious. Plenty of bigotry in New York but the size of the city would allow him to make friends who would genuinely accept him. 

    That's what Team Small Town movies tend to downplay. If you're a big fish (due to money, sports, etc) a small town environment can be great but if you're even slightly different from the rest of the town you can have a tough time while a city is big enough to allow you to find your true people and community.

    I grew up in the same small town as my Mom. the trope Everyone went to School Together is truth in television. Small towns can also be unfriendly to new residents.

    • Like 4
  15. 4 minutes ago, Crs97 said:

    Wait, was I supposed to hate the life he wanted?  I don’t like the movie, but I thought the point was that your life can still be wonderful even if it isn’t the life you planned.

    The problem with George's alternate life was that everyone else would be miserable without him. He's responsible for his happiness not everyone else. Mr. Potter should have been punished for his actions.

    • Applause 5
  16. 9 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    Yes to all of that.

    And don't get me started on It's a Wonderful Life.

    If you like living in a small town, fine. If you don't like living in a small town... also fine. It's no reflection on you (unless you're a jerk about it). 

    If you want to see a delectable subversion of the "woman is changed for the better by a quaint small town" trope, please check out The Last Seduction

    I grew up in a small town and live in the city now. Small towns aren't filled with quirky people are actually boring. I had to move from my hometown in order to get the disabiliry services I needed. I also hate It's a Wonderful Life there was nothing wrong with the alternate life George Baily wanted to lead.

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  17. 4 hours ago, kathyk24 said:

    Wrestler Bray Wyatt has died he was 36. He was a second generation wrestler his father is Mike Rotunda. 

    Updating my post Windham Rotunda had Covid last year and died of a heart attack according to the TV Tropes website. He seemed to be well liked by his peers and the fans. I haven't watched wresting lately but I did watch his dad and no parent should bury their child.

    • Sad 8
  18. 27 minutes ago, kiddo82 said:

    To all your points, I find it really hard to believe that all these people are that attached to the 1937 Snow White.  I've read some of Rachel's comments and my reaction is "And...?"  She hasn't said anything that hasn't already been said about a movie that is clearly a product of its time.  Even if you disregard society's ever evolving opinions on things like themes or representation, the actual story beats are outdated.  We spend  valuable run time on the hand washing song, for the love of Pete, but they never even bother to give Snow a real name.  And yeah, color me shocked as to the fact that this particular iteration with this particular young star had everyone's panties in a twist.  

    I think the reaction to her and Peter Dinklage"s comments means that minority actors should be grateful and not complain. 

    • Like 3
  19. On 8/20/2023 at 9:35 AM, magicdog said:


    Sometimes I think it's one part a reflection of the writer's lives (unhappy ands dysfunctional) and the lack of being able to write drama that didn't involve tragedy.  Just once I want to see grown adults in a dramatic series that had a good relationship with their families.*


    * I did see an episode of Emergency in which we see the father of Dr. Kelly Brackett (Robert Fuller) being admitted to the hospital for a serious condition.  Later, Brackett stops by his dad's room and chats with him about the surgery he'll need and his guilt over not being home as much as he'd like and suggesting they plan a fishing trip together.  I remember thinking that if this show were made now, there would be all sots of drama about how irascible dad would be and how distant he and Dr. Brackett would be!  It was so refreshing to see a normal father [adult] son relationship!!


    I think there should be more women writers for these shows. They can remind others when they are overdoing the dead wife trope. They can advocate for more storylines for character's spouses so that actresses won't want to quit.

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  20. I just finished watching the Disappeared episode about the Bradley sisters. I think the mother and her boyfriend killed them. I thought it was just the boyfriend because he didn't want to pay child support but that twist at the end makes me think the mom was involved.

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