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Posts posted by flipflopdiva

  1. 13 minutes ago, zenithwit said:

    Do we know if Morgan was a "flyer" (the girl they throw up in the air) in her cheerleading experience?

    I'm pretty sure all the Texas girls get lifted up into the air by the guys. They also all have to be able to do back flips from a standing position. Not that the flips have anything to do with standing on poles, but since I'm so far from acrobatic, it amazes me that people can do that.

    Third question — only Justin is wrong. (Oops, wrong J the first time. Wishful thinking, I guess)

  2. I also particularly loved how Kryssie once again complained that "Alex even backdoored me one week." NO. She didn't. Please learn how this game is played.

    But wow, I cannot stand Kryssie. I don't love the other three at all, but Kryssie is the worst to me. She comes off so sanctimonious about everything.

    "Everyone wants to take me to the end." Well, yes, because everyone knows they can beat you. But your delusional ass has yet to figure that out.

    Please be America's nom. Anything to wipe that smug grin off her face.

    • Love 7
  3. I liked the DE too. Sure, it took more time than a normal DE, but with voting in the middle of it for an hour, I expected that. But I also loved the CP. Any other type of veto and we just would have watched the LNC vote out Shelby. Ho-hum. Instead, we actually saw some people strategizing and being forced to turn on each other.

    I personally think if they had been planning for it to just be a normal veto, then they should have announced it AFTER the Safety Ceremony as a surprise once the noms were already made, but since it said before we voted that it would be revealed before noms, that never made sense. Then the veto holder would just be nominated only to be taken down, and the HOH would basically hold all the power for every decision with no one else having a chance. This way, the veto holder also held power, and it gave everyone else two people to try and make deals with. It's the not BBs fault that Whitney and Justin didn't think to even try to make a deal with Danielle and Morgan.

    I mean I'm sure if you're an LNC fan, it sucked and you hated the whole thing, but IMO it was totally a win for Team Good Feeds.

    • Love 4
  4. I was so angry after Jason's sanctimonious speech at the Veto Ceremony and I wanted to rage quit this show, and then the girls revealed their secrets to each other and it was the cutest thing. I'm really going to miss them. I'm hoping one of them can still make it, although I feel bad wishing for one of them to be stuck with all those horrid people.

    I really, though, can't stand any of the LNJ, and it pains me that one of them will win. In general, I still really enjoyed this season as a whole — I like the setup way more than I thought I would and I've liked most of the challenges and don't mind them not having super fancy sets — I just wish these people weren't the ones we're going to be left with in the end. But BB never goes the way I want it to, and America always sees to ruin things I like, so I should have expected it.

    I'm just a lot sadder about the girls leaving than I thought I would be. I think I got way more invested than I meant to. Heh.

    • Love 5
  5. 14 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

    BTW, let me understand the "logic" in play here…Shelby should definitely make Alex a nominee to prevent America from possibly making her one?  Jason's logic does not resemble our Earth logic…

    I also think they are worried about veto. Nominating someone means they can definitely play in veto. Otherwise, there's a chance that it's the whole other side vs Shelby for veto, and then Alex gets backdoored.

    I'm not sure what their best move is tbh but it seems so risky to put Alex on the block. I don't think Morgan would be AN over Kryssie, but then America has not been voting how I approve lately so it could very well happen.

    I kind of want them to go back to the original plan and make it Danielle/Whitney and Shelby noms Danielle. Of course the other side would all once again be wanting to take off Whitney to backdoor Alex, but at least Danielle (and Kryssie if she is the AN) and Shelby winning would keep Alex and Morgan safe.

    Gah. This week is so stressful as a viewer. I can't even imagine how it feels for the poor houseguests.

    ETA: They are thinking there will only be two Have Nots and that the HNs will tell them something about AN. So maybe tomorrow after they realize it tells them nothing, it will also help the girls rethink their plan.

    • Love 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

    Oh yeah, it's risky.  It just depends on if she wants to roll the dice.  I say - roll the dice!

    True. It's just the LNJ want her to nom Whitney (or actually they were seriously just discussing how she might nom Alex so Alex doesn't get AN) and I don't want the LNJ to get anything they want, so I want her to nom Danielle.

    I'm going to be so nervous until America's Nom is announced. I just really need it to be Kryssie.

    • Love 3
  7. 4 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

    Hopefully it's not.  I want Shelby to nominate Whitney.  Then I want Alex or Morgan to win veto and take her off the block.  Then Shelby can nominate Justin.  I still don't think he'd have the votes to go home, but it would be a start. Maybe if America noms Kryssie, Whitney tries to vote out Danielle, and Morgan & Alex vote out Justin.  It could work!

    It works the other way, too, though, assuming AN is Kryssie. They can take off Danielle and put Justin up. And Danielle probably has a better chance of winning veto than Whitney does.

  8. 3 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

    Shelby is talking about claiming the Ballsmasher nominee as hers because she has "more faith" in them winning the Veto than the LNJ nom.  Hopefully this is just BS for Whitney's spying ears. 

    I'm pretty sure it is, because before Whitney came to join them, she was saying how she'd probably end up claiming Danielle, since they think the LNJ will put Danielle up so she won't be America's Nom.

  9. Just before Shelby went, I was like 'I want Shelby to get a super fast time because the other side will be so stunned that she could do that' and heh, look what happened. She was amazing!!

    I'm hoping seeing the fast time will make the others nervous and lead to mistakes. Shelby's been so upset by not doing well in comps, I want her to win as much for her as I do for my own personal enjoyment.

    • Love 5
  10. I feel better now that I know I wasn't completely off on my assessment of Whitney! Since she doesn't really have a reason to lie in her live DR. I felt like I was the only one who didn't think she had totally abandoned ship.

    But basically, she is still with the Ballsmashers. Or wants to be, at least. She's just scared Alex is going to turn on her so she wants to make sure if that happens that she turns on Alex first. But the way she talked, she does consider the BS her core alliance and not the LNJ. And she wants to stay loyal to them and hopes they do all stay loyal to each other. And she wants to vote out Scott.

    Honestly, I think the choices she made this week are going to be the ones that cause the other BS to turn on her, but I'm glad to know what she is really thinking.

    • Love 3
  11. 51 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

    Boot Morgan and Scott goes right back up next week, barring a HoH win.

    I'm pretty sure we can't nom the same person two weeks in a row. Though if an LNC wins HoH, he might very well go back up.


    3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I'm sad that BS is done. I was just so happy there was finally an all girls alliance with 4 women who are actually playing and are actually good players. I wish it could've lasted. But I don't blame Whitney. She was at the bottom of that alliance. Although she is now at the bottom of the new LNJ too so!

    These are my thoughts exactly. Although I am insanely curious for Whitney's live DR tonight. The times I've turned on the feeds today, she was talking with the girls and not her new alliance, so I'm curious where her head really is, in terms of moving forward and in who to evict.

    • Love 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, DAngelus said:

    Shelby even caught her in a lie (although she may not realize it), when Whitney said she thought that Justin and Kryssie had planned to go to bed, but then Jason came in.  Shelby corrected her, saying that Justin went to get Jason.  (Being in Tokyo, she saw this.)  Whitney definitely sold them out, or she'd be offering up at least some of her info.  The complete blank means she's flipped.

    I mean, she'll still pretend to be in the BS, but she's protecting the New Jamboree (+her, -Dani) now.  Just as J/J/K are going to pretend Danielle is still in the Jamboree when they've kicked her out.

    ETA:  Whitney got Houseguest's Choice and chose Justin, not Alex or Morgan??  Obvious flipper is obvious.  Grrr.

    As I said, I could totally be wrong, but for me, it's just too early to say 'Whitney's totally flipped.' She's on the block and she's nervous she's the target (she told the girls yesterday she thought she was), so of course if the LNJ is now offering her safety and deals and another option, she's going to take it. But unless she says tomorrow night in her DR that she's now loyal to the LNJ over the BS and that she would vote out Morgan over Scott, I don't believe that she actually would.

    Do I think she would jump ship at some point to get herself further? Of course! She's definitely a gamer. I just don't believe she has completely turned on them right now. I think she is doing what she needs to do to make it through the week, although I think what she is doing is undermining her position in the BS and is going to actually hurt her more in the long run than it will help. YMMV

    • Love 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

    If Scott wins veto, will Whitney or Shelby go? I know Shelby controls who votes but who will vote for Whit to go?

    Alex, Morgan and Scott. All three of them would keep Shelby over Whitney if that was their only choice, especially because they trust Shelby a lot more.

    4 minutes ago, J.D. said:

    Now that Whitney is defecting to the LNJ, the only Plastic left who hasn't received a care package is Morgan.  If the LNJ can backdoor her, they would monopolize the remaining care packages.

    Except I don't really think Whitney is defecting to the LNJ. I could be wrong and time will tell, but I think, at least for now, she's still going to be loyal to the BS. I definitely think she is making in-roads with the other side and she wants to be in their good graces, because it's super good for her if they won't target her and will actually help her, but I'm not convinced that she would actually turn on the rest of the BS to join them. I still think she'd vote out Scott over Morgan/Shelby.

    • Love 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, J.D. said:

    As of 10:00 am BBT, the plan is to put up Morgan when Whitney, Scott or Shelby come down.   Both Justin and Jason would take Whitney down if they win. Obviously, Whitney would take herself down....as would Shelby and Scott.  So, it's not looking very good for Morgan at the moment.

    It's not looking good for Morgan to stay off the block, but I don't really see her leaving. Shelby will cancel the LNJ's votes, so the only ones that will count are Alex, Whitney and America. And Alex isn't voting out her sister. I doubt Whitney is either.


    3 minutes ago, silverspoons said:

    Would Dani still take Scott down or has that changed.

    She wants to take down Whitney. The only one who will take down Scott right now is Scott.

    • Love 1
  15. Just now, Lady Calypso said:

    Well, it sounds like if anyone but Scott wins veto, Scott goes. I guess that's the best scenario out of any of them!

    This is definitely my best scenario, and it's much better than before when Danielle wanted to take Scott off. If 5 people are going to take off Shelby and/or Whitney, and only Scott is playing for himself, that is definitely the best odds.

    I know Danielle thinks they can get Whitney to vote with them, but I don't actually see that happening. She may have picked Justin for veto, but I don't think she would betray the BS right now. (I also don't think America would vote out Alex/Morgan over Scott either, but I guess you never know.)

    12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

    I love this week! I love this season!

    This is honestly my favorite season in a long time, even with America having so much influence. There are a lot of people I love instead of merely tolerating, and there are a lot of people actually playing the game. Plus live DRs are my absolute favorite new thing, and I wish they would keep them for summer BB.

    • Love 6
  16. 29 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Unfortunately, I can't even take credit for the word! Reddit started with HypoKryssie and then it turned into Hypocridiots, so I will have to only take credit for bringing it here! 

    I don't know when Reddit started it, so maybe it's just a really weird coincidence, but Hypocridiots is what Shelby called the LNJ in her live DR. Last week, I think? I can't remember exactly, but I do remember I laughed when she said it.

    • Love 2
  17. I wish we could give Shelby one of the later ones, too, but I'm okay with her getting it. It needs to go to a Ballsmasher.

    In my ideal world, Justin could get next week's (Co-HoH), because I'd actually like to see what he would do when he has to be in power. And then Morgan/Whitney could get the last two. Jason would be so pissed that Shelby got an ACP and he never did. Which would make it even better for me.

    • Love 5
  18. 1 minute ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I'm glad that Scott's made himself to be a target for the Misfits, because I am not happy with the way he's handling things. He annoys me, so I'm so fine with him going....but after Kryssie. 

    This so much. He really is being kind of horrible right now, and not any better than the other side.

    Neeley's eviction speech, though. Wow. How sanctimonious can you be? So happy she's gone. Not going to miss her. Kryssie, Scott and then Danielle can follow.

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