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Posts posted by shesajar

  1. I just came on here to ask what I missed with JJ and Lani to make her so frosty to him. Now it makes sense...
    Horton Christmases always get to me, so I enjoyed today.

    Speaking of, didn't Gabi already have an ornament? Either via Nick or Ariana? Also, have Valerie and Julie acknowledged one another? I noticed Valerie's nod at David's ornament, but wondered if I missed something more substantial.

    • Love 1
  2. So, everyone in the house knows now that Abby is alive, right? Why is she hiding in the damned attic? Pull the blinds and let her roam the house freely! It's not that hard to hide when someone comes to the door. I do it all the time when the door-to-door religious people come knocking.  

    The only pairing that worked for Lucas has been Sami. BD isn't unattractive and he's decent enough of an actor, but there's just nothing there, romantically speaking. Whether Adrienne chooses Justin, or herself, or her tumor (or whatever it is) ...I don't care. Just stop subjecting us to her and Lucas.

    • Love 8
  3. Sometimes Maggie annoys the crap out of me, but I liked her so much on Monday (or was it Tuesday? I watched both episodes last night in a codeine-induced fog)  Also, her hair looked good. Still big and poofy, but slightly less so than normal.

    I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole baby thing, but why is Chloe doing this without Nicole's knowledge? I mean, yeah, Nicole wants a baby, but who just surprises their BFF with a baby like that? (She did plan to give it to Nicole, yes? And now she's not because of Deimos?)

    • Love 1
  4. On 9/17/2016 at 3:00 AM, salvame said:

    Anyone else feel like the "redeemed" Deimos is actually plotting some sort of massive revenge plot - seems like he is gathering everyone into one place so as to bring on the ultimate revenge.

    I don't want Deimos to be full on evil, but I would prefer what you suggest to what we're seeing on screen. Good Deimos is fine, Saint Deimos is a little hard to take. Gray Deimos would be best, though., and when you have someone who could pull it off as well as VI can, it'd be a shame not to give him some good, layered material. (they're capable of writing that, right?)

    It's been a hugely busy and stressful week or so for me, so maybe this is just the mental exhaustion talking, but I really enjoyed this past week. An umbrella story with freaking Orpheus?  Hell, yeah! Loved Kayla and Marlena sort of complaining about the overbearing men in their lives (and loved Marlena's annoyed "Of course John's here....")

    Clyde and Xander disgust me, but Xander is pretty to look at, and I actually buy him as a menacing figure. Clyde may be played by a better actor, and maybe it's the ridiculousness of the whole Poplar Bluff/hillbilly shit, but I never got why anyone would be afraid of him; he just grossed me out.  I've wondered ever since Jordan left the show if they were going to retcon his rape of her, but they never did, and the time to do so has long since passed. Still, other than making Kate feel even more like an ass (which, don't get me wrong, I am always up for!), I don't know why it would even matter anymore if it were revealed.

    • Love 6
  5. Every time I start to see why so many of you dislike Julie, she says something like "Nobody counts Andre" and my love for her is reaffirmed. And with one eviction phone call, Kate has reclaimed her love to hate status. She's a horrible person, but one that I can watch every day. It wasn't like that when she was pining for Deimos or, even worse, Cleetus. (Clyde, whatever...)  She's best when she's being a straight-up witch.

    A few days late, but Sonny is killing me. You really can't believe that Victor would kidnap Tate? Really? You're not confusing Uncle Vic with someone else, are you? Because, Victor would totally kidnap his own great grandson. Although, it's pretty clear that he didn't... I'm normally a pretty forgiving viewer, but I just hate it when characters irrationally accuse or defend another character simply so they could be proven right in the long run. 

    • Love 2
  6. What a missed opportunity when Deimos showed up at the police station and asked Roman if he was not accustomed to people returning from the dead. Botox aside, I don't know how Roman kept a straight face when he answered "No".

    Real life is keeping me a little too busy, so I'm FFing through anything outside of the Tate-napping and all things Nicole/Deimos/Dario. I worried for a minute that they might be chem testing Nicole and Eduardo, who seemed a little *too* interested in the woman his son is chatting up. I'm paranoid, right? Because as long as Dario is bringing the pretty and Eduardo is wearing that hamster pelt on his chin, I do not want that to happen. (yes, I'm that shallow)

    • Love 7
  7. I like Dario. Maybe it's the way my ovaries do little somersaults when he's onscreen or maybe it's because he's into Nicole and not just because she looks like a dead ex. I'm not sure of the reason, but I like him. I don't mind him gawking at Bianca, because, well, she's pretty attractive and he's human. And I don't mind that he holds his leaving the family against Eduardo. In a land where people are forgiven way too easily, I like a little well placed grudge.

    • Love 3
  8. When Belle asked Marlena if she was talking about Belle's cheating, divorce, and moving to Salem when she said Claire was going through a difficult time and Marlena flat out said "Yes, I am", I think I yelped out loud. And though I was never on board with the idea that Marlena's cheating w/John created the monster that became Sami, I thought they might allude to that in the follow up scene. No such luck, but I did like Marlena giving it to Belle straight.

    • Love 4
  9. 12 hours ago, boes said:

      So maybe I need to adjust my standards to Show's gutter crawl and give the Maggie thing a pass at some point.  It's hard to be outraged about some awful stuff and cheer on others, when the crap is equally bad.   And there is no way that I see Victor as more worthy than Deimos with what he did to him.

    I cannot stress enough how important it's been to me to lower my standards for this show. In many ways, I've practically done away with any standards and expectations and have embraced this show for the complete mess that it is. I will always miss the Days that hooked me as a child and, along with the Bronte sisters, gave me  really skewed ideas about love and romance, though.

    So I guess I'm back to hating Kate. It's definitely to LK's credit that I've bounced back and forth with her character over the years. But ever since Clyde, I haven't been able to get past the desperate way that she's been written. I've used lots of adjectives to describe Kate, but pathetic never used to be one of them, now it's become the only one that really fits.

    And while I'm liking the possibility of Nicole and Deimos, I have some reservations. If it plays out that she does actually fall for him, the feelings had better damned well be mutual. Not because she reminds him of a dead woman, either. but because someone finally realizes the absolute awesomeness that is Nicole Freaking Walker and accepts it without making her prove her worthiness. And, you know, because AZ and VI look striking together. I still like Dario though, at least in regards to Nicole. I like the way he treats her like he's not doing her a favor by talking to her, or that he'll stop being her friend if she doesn't toe the line. And there's certainly a lot of pretty in that couple, too. I don't want to see Kate and Nicole fight for Dario, I want to see Deimos and Dario fight for Nicole.

    • Love 2
  10. 22 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:


    I liked Rafe and Aidan talking about all the times the Dimeras kidnapped someone and replaced them with a duplicate--only on soaps :):)

    I was so excited to hear that conversation. Not that Rafe had any real words of wisdom for Aiden, but I loved the acknowledgement.

    2 hours ago, boes said:

    Aiden was really snatched after the wedding, but he's telling hope it was right after the engagement so she won't know he was considering killing her right up to when they cut the cake.

    And then there's this. Why lie? Hope knows what kind of people the Dimeras are. They force people to do awful stuff all the damned time. It's like I tell my daughter, if you do wrong, I'll be less mad at your wrong-doing than I will be about the lie you use to cover it up. She's 10 and gets it. Why doesn't Aiden? And yes, in the real world, agreeing to kill someone would be a very big deal, but not in Salem. I like Aiden (or maybe I just like DC), and I believe that they could have gotten past that. I wish that Aiden had been honest with Hope, begged for mercy, redeemed himself, and then teamed up to do away with Andre (but not really, because I'd miss that son of a bitch).  Not that EJ and Sami should be the standard bearers for anything, but you know, if the Show can make them into a viable, rootable couple after the rape, they could do it with a previously much more likable pair.

    I was a little mad at Aiden with Ciara, but I did understand how hard it must have been to come to terms with what Chase did. But, damn, Aiden! The victim gets your support and an "I'm sorry this happened to you", not your doubt. This is one of those situations where you go to that sad little park bench at Horton Square and talk it over, out loud and to yourself. Which reminds me of how much I miss the pier. That was a much better place to be (not really) alone with your (possibly incriminating) thoughts. 

    • Love 3
  11. 37 minutes ago, Revlonred said:

    Finn is a creeper.

    When Claire asked Ciara if her "mom" was okay with her moving out, it reminded me that Hope is her grandmother.  What is wrong with these writers?  It didn't sound right.  Wouldn't it have been natural to say..."Grandma is okay with it?"

    I don't do that, I think I generally refer to that person the way the person I'm talking to would refer to them.  OK, since that makes no sense, as an example: if I'm talking to my cousin about his mother, I don't say Aunt Carol, I say "your mom". I call my inlaws by their name, but I say "your parents" when I'm talking about them to my husband.

    It's still silly that I've only heard Claire say "Grandma Hope" once so far, though.

    • Love 2
  12. My bar is obviously much lower than most of yours are. I'm totally willing to drop inconsistent, or outright horrible, character choices if made by a character I like.  I'm okay with Aiden agreeing to and then backing out of killing Hope. Even at the time, he played it as a desperate move, and one that he was horribly conflicted by.  People attempt murder without a thought all the time on this show; I suppose I appreciated that Aiden at least felt like he had no other choice (as ridiculous as that is!). I have a tougher time getting past Chase's rape of Ciara in terms of any Hope/Aiden reunion. I really wish they'd have made Chase stop himself. There would still be a dramatic impact, because attempted rape is still traumatic and wrong, but it's so much easier to come back from. 

    • Love 9
  13. It was days ago, but I call BS on Ciara and Theo watching "Working Girl" instead of the millions of John Hughes that would be both more appealing and more appropriate for teen prom season. I'm also cranky that they didn't show any flashbacks when both Marlena and Hope were talking about their 80s lives. At the very least, I would have liked to have seen Hope's picture in the yearbook. 

    Still, as I've said many times, I'm easy to please in Soap-iverse, and I sort of liked the prom stuff. It was a call back to both the 80s teen movies and Ghoul Girl era teen scene. (call back/rip off, you decide!) Sure, it was badly acted, but plot-wise, I enjoyed it. The scene where Joey pointed out Mark and the camera cut back to Ciara and crew made me laugh, but I liked them all coming together. And I loved Theo saying he was at the police station to ensure that they were all being treated fairly!

    Hope and Ciara continue to give me the warm and fuzzies with their relationship. My Theo love grows stronger with each episode, and I've finally warmed up to Claire (if she'd only stop singing). I even like Henry all of the sudden. Jade can still go away, but other than that, I'm interested in them all.

    • Love 3
  14. I've missed big chunks of the show the past week or so, so please tell me that Joey/Jade as siblings is still just a theory. They haven't confirmed it  on the show, have they?
    There is a bright side to sloppy, inconsistent writing: because of the history of misdirection and dropped storylines, I can still be in denial about this, in spite of the huge, flashing neon sign that says "SPAWN OF STEVE AND AVA!" that appears right above Jade's head every time she's onscreen.

    • Love 1
  15. I'm enjoying the Abigail losing her mind stuff. My soap-bar is set pretty low, and all I ask is that I be entertained and Friday's episode did that. I'm thrilled that I get the occasional good acting and story telling combo, but yeah...I'm generally pretty easy to please.


    Switching gears and going back a few days. Goddamnit, Maggie. Victor is most certainly NOT the love of your life. Take it back, take back every awful word of what you said!

    • Love 10
  16. I'll be the odd man out and say I don't feel badly for Chase at all. I never cared much for the SORASed version, so that may be why. I'm just happy to see a rapist universally scorned for once! Andre's support doesn't count, because I still get predator vibes from all of their interactions, and, well, it's Andre.
    I agree that the acting is off, but I don't mind Ciara's post-rape demeanor. There's no one way to be a rape victim, and writing-wise, I can't find any fault in the way that Ciara's is behaving. 

    But, I do join you all in the Theo love!

    • Love 7
  17. I got the impression that Kate was more pissed that Deimos was getting all googly-eyed over Nicole than she was that he ignored Victor having a heart attack in front of him. To be honest, I don't know why the latter would bother her anyway (unless she was concerned for Philip, which doesn't seem to be the case at all). Victor has been more than awful to her, and at one point even sided with Stefano against her. Kate shouldn't care what happens to the old man, and it's not as if she hasn't tried to kill him herself in the past. Deimos didn't even have to try; he just happened to be in the right place at the right time.


    Even with the Maggie incident, I'm still with Deimos on this. Victor let him rot in prison; there should be no sympathy being thrown his way.

    • Love 6
  18. Nathan's father was Peter Jannings. I don't remember them having a child on the show. I have no idea why he goes by Horton.. Peter and Melissa were a great  minor couple, but they later divorced and she was involved with Jack and Emilio. She was one of the few people in town that was against the Jack/Jennifer coupling, due to her own turbulent history with Jack.

    Was Pete Nathan's father? I don't remember them ever saying who his father was. Not that it matters, as we'll probably never hear from any more real, already established actual Hortons ever again on this show.

    • Love 2
  19. Uncle! Theresa and Brady sucked me in yesterday. I still wish we'd seen Brady actually falling for her, but I'll hand wave that all day long if we get more of them being adorable. But not too adorable, because. well, that's just boring. And so help me Elvis, I enjoyed Marlena and John, too. I like how John is willing to put his issues with Theresa aside if she makes Brady happy, and I especially like that he acknowledged that she's changed, but he's still a little wary. Look at John Black, being nuanced!

    I'm still giving the show the side-eye about the way they did me wrong with the Xander-Nicole pairing that never was, so I'm hesitant to get my hopes up, but Nicole really needs to stop grieving and open her god damned eyes. Though I really wanted Deimos for her, I'm enjoying this...whatever is happening between Dario and Nicole. Don't eff this up, Show! 

    • Love 4
  20. I've had to cram a week's worth of shows into one sitting last night, and I think that time could have been better spent doing...anything else. I am curious about whats going on w/Abby, and I really don't want it to be Chad gaslighting her. I'd prefer him to be a relatively good guy. 


    I want to love Brady and Theresa, but I just don't. I needed more scenes of Brady coming to care for Theresa and I need to stop hearing him say "She's the mother of my child" and more on what an awesome, funny, caring person he's found her to be. I'm much more on board with Theresa and Nicole's friendship, though. but I admit to buying whatever those two ladies care to sell me!


    Dario can stay, because I like the pretty. And I like the possibility of Nicole getting some of that pretty. But Summer? Brady's made a lot of boneheaded moves, but pulling her sorry ass out of the ocean may just be the biggest one of all.

    • Love 6
  21. So, Victor admits that he let his brother go to prison for 30 years for a crime Victor KNEW he didn't commit, and both Caroline and Maggie basically shrug their shoulders and act concerned that Deimos is out to get Victor/them? Are you kidding me? No "What the fuck is wrong with you? You let a guy go to prison! Don't you think he's maybe a little justified in hating you and wanting revenge?" Couldn't they have at least feigned a little moral outrage? Both have done it before, for lesser offenses than allowing your brother to rot in prison for most of his life. At least Caroline thought to ask Victor if he actually killed Helena, but even then, I doubt that it would have mattered.

    What the ever loving hell is going on?

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