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Posts posted by monakane

  1. 18 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Period sex is still gross despite Hollywood’s best efforts to weaponize and normalize it. Ewww. Happy Rockefeller, you fat-ankled harridan!

    Thank you!  Also, it looked more like a murder scene in there than period blood.  Who bleeds that much.  Gross.

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  2. 17 hours ago, Penman61 said:

    I haven’t pinpointed the problems, but these last 2 eps are losing me, and I want to like this show.

    I feel like story/character beats are repeating already, that we’re going too deep and wide on the supernatural stuff, and that no satisfyingly plausible explanation for all this will be possible, esp with just 2 episodes left.

    I really liked the first two episodes, but the last too were repetitive. Jodie Foster is always amazing and I will watch her in anything.  If she wasn't in it, I would be bailing on this show.  I'm hoping the final two episodes redeem the series.

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  3. On 11/19/2023 at 4:24 AM, Irlandesa said:

    I don't think being smart is incongruous with being willing to go along with what her man says.  There are women (and some men too but it has been more expected of women in society) who are perfectly content to put aside their own ambition in service to what their man wants.

    A good friend of mine who was a very smart, successful, self-made woman would drop everything and everyone for the men in her life.  It happens all the time.

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  4. On 3/9/2023 at 1:14 PM, Snorfbat said:

    Something love about this show: FBI AGENT LUCA IS TERRIBLE AT HIS JOB!

    Agent Luca can't do a thing without Charlie, which means that Charlie absolutely can't count on him. That's why she can't ever take him up on a job offer or otherwise trust him to have her back. He's completely incapable of keeping her safe.

    Howard Wolowitz!  I loved seeing Simon Helberg.

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  5. On 8/4/2023 at 1:49 AM, isalicat said:

    Yes and no, on Margo Martindale. If you watched The Americans its hard to see Mags in her character there - a totally different person, which is one example of how great an actor she is. So we agree on her brilliance, in any case.

    I have not seen The Americans.  I hear that it's excellent and since our girl Margo is in it, I'll be sure to watch.

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  6. 9 hours ago, paigow said:

    If Boyd, Mags, Wynn Duffy And Limehouse were mashed up together - the result would be a Lex Luthor level antagonist... The assorted minions would remain an area of weakness...

    I hope we get a cameo of Boyd.  Last scene of Justified was Raylan and Boyd talking in jail.  I hope Raylan pays him a visit. Mags stole the show for me.  Margo Martindale won an Emmy for that performance and deserved it.  Whenever I see her in anything else, I always think of Mags.

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  7. I love this show so much.  It's a nice, sweet story with relatable characters and funny as hell.  I think with so much going on in the world, we need a nice place to escape to.  I do want a "Live, Laugh, C##t" pillow.

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  8. On 2/13/2023 at 9:15 AM, Chaos Theory said:

    The one thing this new season of Criminal Minds  reiterates is that the only thing worse the a prolific serial killer is a politician.

    There is some truth to that. :)

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  9. I love this show so much!  The characters come across as real people and look like real people, not a Hollywood version of Kansas.  It reminds me a bit of Schitts Creek with all the wonderful quirky characters.

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  10. The relationship with Keely and Jack is inappropriate since Jack is funding Keely's company.  Also, I don't like all the love bombing.  Those are red flags for me.

    I'm still hoping Roy and Keely are end game.  It doesn't seem like it's going that way.

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  11. On 3/16/2023 at 9:15 PM, Eureka said:

    Things like that bug me too. Usually it’s eye color, like if someone plays a younger version and the eye color doesn’t match.

    This!  It made me crazy watching The Crown seasons 3 and 4.  Both Olivia Colman and Helena Bonham Carter have brown eyes.  Both Elizabeth and Margaret (especially) had distinctive blue eyes.  On topic, Keeley and Roy better be end game or I will go Elvis on my TV.

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  12. This show!  I love it but I'm glad it's only 1 episode a week.  It's not a show I could binge.  It's too intense, so I'm glad to get a week's respite.  I stood up and cheered when Ellie killed that murdering pedophile rapist cannibal.  I got the pedo vibe from him in the beginning when he was talking to that little girl.  Excellent acting from everyone in that episode.

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  13. On 1/18/2023 at 1:31 PM, Ilovepie said:

    I was most engaged in the story of the residential school and Blue. Absolutely gutting. I also watched Reservation Dogs this year, and I feel like it has been a big education for me on indigenous people. I am glad their stories are getting told

    You should check out Dark Winds on AMC.  It was excellent.

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  14. On 2/2/2023 at 6:26 PM, Mabinogia said:

    They are the perfect example of two people who, on paper seem all wrong but because they love each other and respect each other and are both better for being with the other. They are the yin to each others yang in the best way

    I loved that during the whole "Daphne is fat" period, Niles loved her unconditionally.  Also, I hated the way the show handled that.

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  15. What a beautiful episode!  Kudos to Nick Offerman.  I thought they would be going with the usual Nick Offerman character in the beginning and then they flipped the script.  I can't remember the last time I cried so much during a TV episode.  I'm not familiar with the game, so this is all new to me.  This show is everything that I hoped The Walking Dead would be.

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  16. 13 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

    What does a show need to get me to watch? HBO production values? Check. Post-apocalyptic society? Check. Complex characters trying to survive in a world with no good answers? Check. Pedro Pascal? Check.

    I would add Bella Ramsey who was so good in Game of Thrones to that list.

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  17. On 1/11/2023 at 10:32 PM, ShadowKnight2 said:

    That cold open was hilarious! Harry may be of British royalty, but Tom Hanks is American royalty!

    I loved the cold open.  That was very funny.  Tom Hanks is American Royalty.

    I have a friend of mine who lost her mother at 10.  It's had a profound impact her entire life.  Harry's comments about his mother were very moving.

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  18. 19 hours ago, crankcase said:

    Siegfried clearly has no intention of settling down with any of the women he’s currently bedding. So what/who does he want? The answer is suggested visually, in a brief, powerful scene near the end of this season’s Christmas episode. (Where else?) NO PEEKING!

    I have PBS Passport and have watched all of the episodes except the Christmas episode.  That will happen tonight.  I think I know who he wants.

  19. 1 hour ago, Daff said:

    The movie “War Horse” was exceptionally harrowing to watch. Apparently, at the end of the war, some bureaucrat deemed it fiscally and logistically inexpedient to care for and return all those horses back to England. Even though every farmer was assured their animals would be returned to them, the heartless idiots ordered that they be destroyed. It was a very emotional and tearful movie to watch. 

    I saw the play and cried like a baby even though they used puppets instead of real horses.  I couldn't bring myself to watch the movie.  I get why Seigfried would be traumatized having to kill all those beautiful animals.

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