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13 Good
  1. Isn't it interesting that we've all settled on some version of Satan? It goes to show how evil these beings can truly be. We surely are survivors. There are far too many of us & I'm so sorry for all of us. I have never been as scared as the times my personal son of Satan described ways he'd kill me & get away with it in such a detached, almost carefree manner. The worst part is I'm almost convinced he could've too. He's wildly intelligent & very crafty. What a waste of intellect & talent. That sounds wonderful! If we're going to be hanging out in the hot zone I'd like a cool breeze to keep things bearable. Ha! Having spent far too much time wondering why this show was the way it was I think many of you are right. I think Tori wanted some form of pay back, but couldn't own it. She sold this as her sTori & a vehicle to keep their names on TV & instead of Dean looking clean & daddy of the year he had to be the disheveled bad guy. Or I'm giving them far too much credit & they don't care how they appear on TV as long as they're on it. Maybe Dean is one of the guys who rarely bathes, shaves or changes clothes & he just let it all hang out for his bad guy roll. Oh no! I said all hang out & now I've reminded myself of Dean's wiener & the ownership tattoo. Barf. A lot of us have gone through hell with our exes. So maybe hating this show and having to listen to the sext that shall not be named (blow job or doggy style is my bet...tame) AND hear about Dean's willie and tats by it (barf a little in my mouth every time I think about it) we aren't riding the bus to hell. Maybe just purgatory. Still bring the A/C and nail polish. I will bring margaritas. I personally think Dean looks like he smells. Even when he is "cleaned" up. And Tori just looks like a Barbie doll that talks. Stupidly and selfishly, but still talks. The friends need to butt out and Tori needs to stop putting them in bad situations with her relationship. And I firmly believe this whole show is a crock and made up. Which the friends may or may not be aware of. Sorry this didn't quote right. I'm on my phone.
  2. I also have an evil ex. He, too, is a sociopath. He beat me up and tried to kill me. Very long history of crazy behavior. Plus add in alcoholism. I am polite about him in front of our son. My family and I call him The Asshole and his parents The Evils. They are horrifyingly Evil. Apple doesn't fall far, let me tell you. Yet he can be fun, friendly, and charming to those who don't know him or know him casually. Kind of reminds me of Dean. And the EX Evil in law reminds me of Tori. Everything about her, always and forever. Even little kids and their needs must take a backseat to her feelings and needs. Crazy.
  3. I love this forum! People who hate this show as much as I do, yet can't look away. Every time I watch I think "I just wasted an hour". I'm on your bus with you, I'll drive actually! When Douche talks about jumping out the window, I think "Do it!! And take Crazy Tori and "Dr" Quackxler with you!" These people are such train wrecks. I want to puke every time she says "soul mate". Don't take a shot every time she utters those BS words (or "fairytale") you will be passed out drunk by the end of the first segment. Although that may be better than watching. What a horrible example she is setting for those girls. It's OK to be a doormat as long as you cloak it as a fairy tale romance. I find myself loathing Tori. "Finding her voice". Please. Shut up already. I feel bad for those friends of hers. All she talks about is herself. How she feels, what she thinks, blah blah blah. Exhausting. And "Dr" Quackxler is clearly a man hater. Dean constantly gets shut down. These 2 cheated on their spouses. Tori has such guilt that she turned it into "soulmate/fairytale". Really it was "horny/lust". And then they had to sell the soulmate story as they destroyed 2 marriages and wrecked their public images. So if they go with the soulmate line, it makes everything ok. And as far as the sex that shall not be named, I'm thinking it was something as tame as a blow job. Big fricken deal. Hey, I support Dean fully if that's what it is. Stick it in her mouth to shut her up for a minute. Two tops. Tori needs to tone down the hair, makeup, and plastic face. Maybe put some energy into your kids. They are pushed aside for the "fairy tale" and personal maintenance. Liam is turning into a brat for attention. And even then, Tori makes his outbursts about her. Thank you all for saying what I think and yell at the TV during this train wreck!!
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