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Posts posted by Pogojoco

  1. I've always loved how elegant this show is. The classical music and the Oxford University setting, juxtaposed with the murder and corruption. Beauty and ugliness. 

    There are always things that call to one another- the little girl who was killed in Pylon had horse books in her bag (she pulls out Black Beauty on the bus) which links to her actual killers and also, the fact that Morse was trying to catch their runaway horse when he found her. And it's not that it had anything to do with solving the case, it's just something that establishes a feeling or a pattern. 

    The scene with Morse walking through the field after that horse was dream-like and gorgeous. But again, beauty up against ugliness- that gorgeous horse was destined for the glue factory. 

    Even the Zep song- What Is and What Should Never Be- is a dreamy, fairy-tale song. 

    And if I say to you tomorrow
    Take my hand, child come with me
    It's to a castle I will take you
    Where what's to be, they say will be

    • Love 7
  2. 18 hours ago, Future Cat Lady said:

    I’m pretty sure he knows that Matt is Daredevil. When he shot the ninjas on the rooftop, Matt didn’t have the mask on. However, Frank doesn’t know that Karen knows and Karen doesn’t know that Frank knows.

    I basically watch this show to see Karen. I don’t want them in a romantic relationship, but I love their friendship. 

    I’m glad that her shoes are the only things she had to give to creepy morgue guy.

    Seeing Brett and Karen makes me mad that there will be no more Daredevil.

    When she said she worked for "Nelson and Murdock" and I thought, "YEAH, YOU DO."


    And yeah, the Daredevil/Murdock thing- I totally thought Frank knew, too. And maybe what Frank meant was that Murdock was a better person in general (he knows, for instance, that Daredevil or "Red" doesn't kill people- Frank talked a lot about being a monster with Karen.) Daredevil and Frank had long discussions about the justice/who deserves to die in Daredevil Season 2. It's another reason I think Frank might know- a way Matt disguises himself is that he doesn't really do that much talking with people in the suit, and when he does, he's in the shadows. If he, as Daredevil, hung out with Foggy in the suit, Foggy would've figured it out.  Frank and Daredevil spent hours together, debating, and Frank listened to Matt Murdock in court. In addition to the ultimate fight with no mask in season 2. 

    I also just love how Bernthal plays this character- he does a bunch of little things, like "Does that Matt Murdock know you're here?" instead of "Does Matt Murdock know you're here?".

    And I know Karen isn't everyone's favourite, but I love her in this. I wish there was more of her. 

    • Love 9
  3. Ok, so does Frank know that Matt Murdock is Daredevil? I always thought he kind of does, but that makes the comment to Karen about how Matt Murdock is who she should be with to be HILARIOUS. I guess he doesn't know. I guess Murdock is the lesser of two evils, but wow. 

    It also discussed "Krank" as a potential couple in a way that has never been done before.  All that "you can't just keep loving dreams" and "it doesn't change the way I feel about you" stuff. Way more text when it had just been subtext before. And he was totally going to kiss her before they got interrupted, right? 

    I'm just kind of obsessed with their chemistry. I always have been. And I'm a little sad if this is the end of the line for these two characters. 

    • Love 11
  4. Guys! Ubbe gets killed by Uhtred, son of Uhtred from The Last Kingdom. 

    It was nice seeing Fimmell again. He's such an interesting presence and I'm not sure the show has ever really recovered. 

    • Love 8
  5. I was so irritated by the Joel stuff. I thought after Susie read him for filth in the Season 1 finale, it meant they weren't going to try to keep making him be such a focus. Or redeeming him. Or having Midge go back to him instead of to any one of the other, far more interesting dudes she has in her orbit. HE STOLE BOB NEWHART"S ACT, MIDGE. 

    It reminds me a little of what ASP did with Christopher in Gilmore Girls, an ex, who is very disappointing, that the main female character is inexplicably still attached to. (Although I think the rebound marriage thing between Lorelai and Christopher happened after ASP had left the show)- regardless, the torch for that dude burned a long, long time. 

    Also, Shy Baldwin is a great show biz name. 

    • Love 23
  6. 17 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Oops? Retcon?
    Didn't she also say she's never lived away from home? Or was that just that she'd never lived alone?

    Pretty sure it's "never lived alone"- it went parents, college, with Joel, back to parents. 

    • Love 4
  7. Abe is also a tenured prof at Columbia- he has the summers off. Rose doesn't work. That opens us a lot of free time. 

    For the baby in the car- I think the windows were open (closed windows are usually the issue with hot cars and kids/dogs left). I think it was more of a wink at the idea that Miriam is preoccupied by things other than child care and is so privileged that she just assumes the baby is taken care of, because it sort of seems like she is. 


    And for the babysitter aspect, I kind of assumed that childcare was part of the experience. Almost like a non-working version of a kibbutz for the summer. 


    And yes, with a bunch of wealthy Jews at a Catskills resort, I was sort of expecting a working class WASP there to teach the Mambo. 

    • Love 6
  8. I find it hilarious that Matt Murdock thinks Jessica Jones is less stable than Karen. Yes, Karen drinks less but she crazy. (And I say this as someone who likes her.) 

    • Love 7
  9. It was a pretty nifty how they set it up to look like the comic Karen Page death. Although, if they killed her, they'd have both a vengeful Daredevil and a Punisher situation, as Frank Castle does not take kindly to people threatening her, let alone killing her. 

    It brings up the problem of logistics with all these crossovers- Daredevil is concerned that this guy he is fighting is a really good shot- if only Matt Murdock knew someone who is bulletproof. (Who is now free because his show just got cancelled.) 

    • Love 6
  10. It was driving me a little crazy when Karen couldn't give Ellison or Ray any details to indicate how she knew the guy in the Daredevil costume wasn't Daredevil (besides "Because he isn't Matt Murdock".) Maybe she couldn't say this to Ray, but to Ellison she could've said, "His voice was different, he has a cleft chin and the other guy doesn't." Also, this Daredevil used a gun. She's written a lot of stories about Daredevil, so she knows he doesn't use guns, ever, though there are probably plenty available because the people he fights are often packing.She just could've said, "This guy used my gun. In all the reports about Daredevil from the people he's saved, never once has anyone ever reported him using a gun." 

    It's understandable that she didn't, but I was like "Come on, Karen...." 


    It did allow Ellison to yell, though. So that's nice. 

    • Love 10
  11. The scene between Karen and Fisk was pretty great, very intense. I like her pissed off. 


    I've always liked Karen (though I know not everyone likes her), mostly because I like Wohl. I roll my eyes a bit when they call her a "great journalist" when I really just think she's good researcher with a reckless need to get to the truth. 

    • Love 12
  12. Re. Lawrence's clap- it would make for boring TV, but a friendly public health nurse would make those calls for you: "Hello, this is Public Health- someone you have slept with has tested positive and it would be a good idea for you to get tested. Here are our clinic hours." 


    I think a show about a young woman of colour who takes job as a super for a building full of eccentric people with interesting life stories would be a good show. 

    Sigh, Nathan. 

    Also, yes, Dro ain't shit. 

    • Love 3
  13. She did a "Get Ready with Me" video for Vogue (they have done a whole series)- her lips are very....just very.  She's actually pretty good at the makeup part (in the Instagram beauty way that is straight from drag culture), but she's really mastered Kim's studied Calabasas rich person blandness. I, too, find it very depressing that someone so young has had so much work done of her naturally perfectly attractive face. 

    Rihanna's is the best, because OBVIOUSLY. 

    • Love 1
  14. 13 hours ago, Jodithgrace said:

    Was it explained in season one that Luke can't be killed by poison? Because that what my head keeps screaming out every time he boast about his invincibility. He does eat and drink, doesn't he? Even a "sealed" bottle of water or anything else can be tampered with, and while all of these macho guys who are after him might think poison is beneath them, I wouldn't put it past Mariah.

    Also, in Season 1 of Jessica Jones, after she shoots him in the head and he's unconscious, Claire injects a needle in his eyeball to relieve pressure from the fluid in his head. Bushmaster had that completely insane/gross knife move through the eyeballs in his first big fight. Luke Cage is definitely not invincible. You'd have to get close to him, but it could happen. 

    • Love 4
  15. Oh, Demelza- I know Ross has been a complete donkey (though a very, very fit and pretty donkey) but I cannot with Hugh and his poetry. 


    It is so soapy and hilariously awkward. 

    • Love 10
  16. On 2018-03-26 at 10:36 PM, pezgirl7 said:

    Wow, that was some nail biting drama there!

    I loved seeing John be so worried about Joseph, and how relieved he was when he found him. I would have liked a little scene of them together at the end.

    I think I'm the only one who didn't want to see John and Sara get together. Although that kiss was super sweet and tender. I liked how Sara said that John was really only in love with what he doesn't have, and he didn't deny it. John taking her carriage was cute! If they had shown more of that version of Sara we had seen in the end, maybe I would have been more on board with them as a pairing.

    I thought it was a bit overkill (pardon the pun) at first to have Sara be involved in her father's suicide, but then when she shot Connor (yea!!!!) and Teddy made his comment about how she could always do what had to be done, it made more sense.

    I'm kinda disappointed that we never found out why Japheth murdered the boys, and what water had to do with it. And why he doesn't like tabbys! I guess some things are just meant to be a mystery.

    You are definitely not the only one who isn't on board for a John/Sara thing. I just don't think they have chemistry and I kind of wish they'd made her a lesbian or something. She's an awesome character, and I like him, too but no. 

    • Love 2
  17. I read the Elle Magazine article- Kim is nice enough, but so oddly detached. And I can't tell if the writer is throwing shade, but I suspect they aren't. There is a lot about how sterile and silent and light beige/off white the house is. Even though she has three small children and a dog. Everything is controlled- the staff all have to wear black. She deletes everything off of her phone at the end of every day. Kim says they are a "no label" house. The realest she gets is when she talks about her previous pregnancies and how difficult they were. 

    There is also a comment at the start of the article about how she looks like she's in her  20s even though she's 37- and then later talks about how much time she spends in the gym, in hair/makeup, in various beauty treatments. Yeah, anyone who dedicates that much time and money on her appearance better look fresh. 


    And "Kanye encouraged me to have opinions." Reading this article, it seems like she doesn't need him to encourage her- she has plenty of opinions about how everything should be controlled,  quiet and contained. I wonder if the writer wants us to admire Kim, but the result kind of made me sad. It all sounds exhausting.


    Just so weird. 

    • Love 4
  18. I remember seeing Splendour in the Grass on TV as a preteen and thinking that both Beatty and Wood were supernaturally good looking. And also kind of understanding that denying yourself sex with 1961 Warren Beatty might make you go crazy. It's actually a perfect teenager movie. 

    Also, the theme song and Robert Stack's voice used to scare the shit out of me as a kid. I watched Unsolved Mysteries religiously, but it's damn ominous.

  19. Joel is a weenie. Much like Christopher in GG, Joel is not a bad person but he lacks spine. 

    The scene when he tells her how overwhelmed he is by her is telling. I did like that scene in the record store, though when he knows immediately it's Midge.. Rachel Brosnahan is great in this part. And I like her parents, a lot. Tony Shalhoub amongst the books out of his study (that's passive aggressive warfare and it's fantastic) and saying "I will have to kill you. I’ll feel bad about it but it will happen."

    And obviously, Susie.

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