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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. Syd is insufferable and I'm not sure I can take another episode of David being incredibly stupid and getting people killed by trusting a mass murderer. This show is teetering on the edge of being on the scrap heap. 

  2. Personally I love the fact that the Merpeople are capable of fighting back on par with a navy ship/fishing boat. It's so unusual for the 'victim class' being oppressed to actually get their act together and devastate their enemies. 

    I floved Decker's response to the admiral trying to shift blame by saying "WE didn't underestimate YOU DID." total mic drop moment. 

    Honestly I'm confused by the Afro American mermen and mermaids since from an evolutionary point of view those merpeople should be albinos if they live in the ocean with little to no light. Oh well I'm just going to pretend that a Afro American man knocked up a mermaid and she laid a whole bunch of eggs. I'm really hoping we get some more mermen action. All this polyamorous femaleness is so 90's, bring on some polyamorous mermen to the party and this might seem more sexually progressive than the average lesbian teasing stuff.

    As for possible racial subtext, we've seen 3 merpeople and other than that time Rin was trying to murder Ben in the water that one time, they've had pretty good reason to attack humans, 'Donna' murdered a whole bunch of people that had imprisoned and 'experimented' on her, Merman was attacking the people he thought were involved with starving and trying to capture other merpeople and Rin murdered one guy who was trying to rape her. Frankly all the merpeople violence seems pretty well justified to me so I don't see any negative racial subtext. 

    • Love 4
  3. On 4/22/2018 at 3:41 AM, SmithW6079 said:

    I actually laughed out loud when the brothers were on the subway, and Vince asked the cop what the fine was for (I forget), and he said it was the same for being a tattle tale. 

    The charge was "being a mama's boy". I was kinda hoping they'd dance for some much needed levity. 

    • Love 3
  4. On 4/23/2018 at 6:34 AM, tennisgurl said:

    The government must really want to study them some mermaids. They're throwing a lot of time and effort, including screwing up the local environment and risking all of this coming out, into finding these fish people, I do wonder what their end goal is. Just want to know what their deal is, or do they want to harness their fish power?

    Presumably throwing off the local ecosystem is considered worth the effort if they A) find a way of copying the mermaids musculature for military usage or their regeneration and or B) to control a potential anthromorphic threat to the country. 

    I vaguely remember something about them using rats and it doing something impressive to them but I can't remember what it was. 

    • Love 1
  5. That was a pretty mediocre start, I'm not a fan of deus ex machina solutions or flashbacks and the fractured family dynamics were predictable and annoying. Jude is the most confusing of all the characters so far. 

    • Love 5
  6. On 4/6/2018 at 9:41 AM, ganesh said:

    I am liking belligerent Trish. The problem with the cops not buying Jessica didn't kill the guy is that they have to buy in that there's someone else out there with super strong powers. I can see that being hard to swallow. Though this is my least favorite plot. 

    There's also the fact that Jessica didn't make a great first impression when she had a previous run in with the cops, plus the semi well known murder of Killgrave and the fact that Jessica had the means (super strength), motive (he was stealing from her and working for her competition) and opportunity (he was murdered outside her place) so I'd doubt the cops would give her that much benefit of the doubt considering her tendency to violently assault people and destroy property every other episode.

  7. I'm not sure what it says about the show that the hookers were the MVP's for professionalism. I'd imagine they're used to clients whose personalities change when they sober up, have someone in their real life interrupt the party or when they 'finish'. 

    Jerri and her drama is boring. 

    • Love 1
  8. 13 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    To each their own. Calvin bugs the shit out of me. He's all anger and impulsive decisions. First, he wants them to accost the nurse at her home. Then, he wants to break into the heavily fortified base despite knowing nothing about.  He's angry that Xander didn't have a conversation with the nurse when she calls even though the smarter play is to play it off like a wrong number. Finally, he flips out again when Xander says they should wait to try to get info from the nurse when she gets back. Additionally, he was super pissed about showing the beacon to Ben despite having absolutely no clue what it was and how to use it to track Chris. He's less a character than a walking impediment and antagonism generator. He's just going to be there to frustrate the progress of Team Mermaid because that's what the character does.

    I think Ryn makes sense. She's as intelligent as a human, but has never had her survival or predatory instincts dulled.

    I love the scientific exploration of Ryn. Shows like Teen Wolf were shockingly uninterested in this. 

    Woops my bad, I meant Calvin, I guess I should learn the character's name or use descriptors. ITA on all the points you bring up. 

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, daisycat said:

    I wonder if the Fairy Queen made her (gradually) into the new Fairy Queen, since she fought for the fairies’ rights as sovereign Fillorian citizens. I feel like it had to be big; something like getting her toes back would be mentioned.

    I do wonder if the Fairy Queen has a successor, were there a fairy prince or princess loitering in the Fairy Realm or do the fairies have to wait some unknown time for one of those fairy egg babies to mature into a Queen.

    Perhaps Margo's fairy eye gives her standing in the Fairy community. 

    • Love 1
  10. On 3/9/2018 at 4:42 PM, tennisgurl said:

    Poor Whizzer. At this point in the MCU, if a person told me they had powers, I would believe them, no matter how crazy they seemed. Hell, I half believe the alien lizard chick after all of this. At least to look into. If only he had stopped running when Jess believed him. 


    Maybe she's talking about Skrulls? Maybe we'll get a Secret War. 

    • Love 1
  11. Xander is really grating on my last nerve, all he does is complain and freak out. 

    I can't tell where Rin is developmentally, she bounces between unsure child, rebellious teenager and serial killer mode. 

    I liked the low key scientific examination of Rin, it's nice to get some curiosity from the main characters about a mythological creature, something greatly missing from shows like Teen Wolf. 

  12. 16 hours ago, ElleMo said:

    That fairy deal sounds pretty powerful.  A bit unfair that two people can make a deal that affects all of human kind.

    It'd make more sense if it was worded "no magician can harm a fairy" since that would at least be more specific and since that woman was on the Magic council, she'd sort of have the authority to make that kind of deal in the first place. Perhaps her position as the Library's cat paw allowed her more reign over non fairies. I don't know, I should stop thinking about this so much.

    All I know is that it's going to be a long wait until the next season of Magicians. 

    • Love 1
  13. 6 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    Dean Fogg is all about Brakebills so my guess is that he made a deal with the library to ensure that the school would receive magic so that he could ensure that Brakebills could continue to exist and educate more magicians.

    Which if they waited an extra minute before interfering, Dean Fogg could have had all the magic he wanted for Brakebills without going through the Library.

    I am really curious as to what the consequences for a non fairy attacking a fairy considering that a Fairy Queen died for it. It could give Fairies an extreme advantage if non fairies can't hurt them even in self defense. 

    Oh Elliot, the monster at the end of the world isn't a God, so using a God killing bullet to attack it was doomed to failure. Silly Rabbit. You could have tried finding a way to visit/talk to Quentin while he was on guard duty, for instance that magic to chat to someone in their dreams Quentins used to talk to Ora.

    I wonder if Zelda is happy with control over magic considering the heavy price she paid to obtain it. 

    • Love 1
  14. 16 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Except there is a second season lurking in the future summer TV wasteland, waiting to suck you in.

    I doubt I'll remember much about it after a couple of weeks other that Jillian is tedious. I don't think I'll tune in for a season 2 because I simply don't care what happens next, they've dragged out the central conflict so much that I don't expect them to address it at the end of the next season so why bother with a second season. 

    • Love 1
  15. Well that was very splatter everything against the wall in the last episode to see what sticks. 

    Incoming Nukes

    Apocalyptic Asteroid 

    Inexplicably counterproductive hacker group getting in the way of geopolitics because somehow starting a nuclear war will avenge your friends and bring Truth to the masses or something.

    Rescued evil ex vice/president loose and with potential to cause more chaos.

    Trying way too hard show. I'm not buying it. Oh well at least it's done now and I'll never have to watch the love triangles and drama ramas of these moronic characters again.

    • Love 1
  16. On 8/31/2017 at 12:26 PM, Suzysite said:

    I really hate Jillian. Doesnt she only have her job because of Liam?  Ungrateful, entitled little heifer.   

    Agreed, she's so insufferable, honestly what does she add to this show? 

    The most unrealistic part of this episode was the President doing a live address with a known health condition (though we have no idea what it is).

    Calling your boss kiddo seems like an odd career choice. 

  17. Is Jillian mad that her bf kissed someone else after she left their place and moved back home and stopped talking to him because that makes her seem like an emotional idiot. Honestly Jillian and the Reporter are vying for worst written female characters. Admittedly Jillian is winning so far because she makes Liam look so much worse. Don't promote your girlfriend to a job she's unqualified for, it makes you both look bad. Ugh so frustrating.

    Honestly the most likeable character on the show is the asteroid because at least it wants to get things done while the US government is getting in the way of every attempt to save the world with their ham fisted diplomacy and the human characters are all dealing with silly convoluted relationship drama. 

    • Love 1
  18. On 8/18/2017 at 4:20 AM, dangwoodchucks said:

    So Jillian, a young college graduate who thinks she knows more than her boss, demands to be made the leader of a group tasked with choosing 160 individuals to carry on the human race all because her boyfriend Liam pissed her off and is now willing to do anything so she'll stay with him? I guess she just got her participation trophy. Ugh, she and her constantly puzzled expression bugs me, their one-night-stand-to-living-together-in-the-blink-of-an-eye-true-luv bugs me, this show bugs me. When I started thinking of Darius and Grace's Russian adventures as some sort of comic caper I found it much easier to enjoy.

    Jillian is not qualified to lead anyone, let alone pick the people to populate the Space Ark, the fact that she's shacked up with the interim leader of the company? over arcing project? would undermine any credibility she would have, which considering her stupid speech about hope and the need for artists would be laughably non existent to begin with.

    Jillian makes Liam worse. The Darius and Grace romance sucks all the drama about comets from the situation. 

    • Love 1
  19. 15 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

    1) His husband absolutely knows his name

    2) Holt is almost impossible to spell wrong. 

    This show is the best. I binge'd like 30 episodes this weekend (I was hiding from the outside world). They are very rewatchable. Particularly Season 3 because I never paid attention when those episodes aired live.

    I'm pretty sure it's not that hard for a random person to spell it wrong since it's sounds like HALT but it's telling of Holt's personality and how pedantic he is that he has to spell it out for everyone including his husband. 

    I'm thinking I'm overdue for a rewatch binge fest via Netflix. 

  20. On 8/15/2017 at 5:27 AM, MVFrostsMyPie said:

    Can Jillian and Amanda be the first to die when the asteroid hits? Something about both of them bugs me. Maybe it's their acting or just that they seem obnoxious and distracting.

    Yeah I'm not a fan of either of them, they're just so pointless and irritating so far. 

    ETA: Not a fan of Liam this episode, whining to your boss that you can't deal with your relationship problems is ridiculous, he didn't make you shack up with your insta love, or stalk her outside a book shop or even lie to her repeatedly. 

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