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Posts posted by 90PercentGravity

  1. On 2/10/2021 at 3:32 PM, D Angel said:

    While we are talking about a FICTIONAL character here, standing in for a generic open-minded and post-racial white person, nobody is asserting that a) Zoey doesn't realize that he's African American and b) that African American men in the US experience racism. That does NOT constitute a "blind spot" for Zoey or anyone. Are you saying Zoey or anyone in the real world should be treating the people they know personally differently because of their race? How is that not racism? And why should Zoey, as a white person, carry the requirement of extra sensitivity to someone's race so much as to become more important than their personal relationship with that person.

    I highly recommend doing some research on this. Here's a useful link.

    I hate how bad they are at representing the tech in this show. They had a diagram of a network on the whiteboard while trying to figure out the "coding glitch." It also looked like there was a bit of JSON next to it. Neither of those things would have anything to do with hitting all the APIs at once. I hope they charge Max for the time he took from their entire team.

    I think they handled the racism issues fairly well. They called out a lot of things that people use to patch over racism without actually doing anything about it, like colorblindness, inclusivity seminars, workshops, etc.

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  2. On 2/2/2021 at 10:10 PM, Maverick said:

     In this show, every tech issue is a "coding issue".  Bad facial rec?   Coding issue.  Your mouse won't work?   Coding issue.  Laptop won't power up?   Coding issue.  Out of coffee?   Coding issue.  

     Of course the resolution to every problem is an "algorithm".   You know like Max's algorithm that is going to accurately predict the delivery time from multiple restaurants.   

    Don't forget "you don't know the password? Did you forget your daughter's a code?" As a woman who is a software engineer, I hate how awful they are portraying things. Don't productions usually have consultants for these things? It's like what your grandma thinks tech is.

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  3. On 1/27/2021 at 10:08 AM, dubbel zout said:

    Which is what one has to do, really. Zoey already had six weeks (offscreen) of leave; if she can't get it together enough after that, she needs some serious counseling. I don't mean she should be over Mitch's death—my dad died 20 years ago, and my heart aches for him every day—but it shouldn't be the all-consuming factor of her life at this point.

    I think the problem is balancing the still-raw feelings of grief with trying to figure out life without Mitch. It's hard, and I have sympathy for the writers. But moving on is the next step, and it's inevitable. The writers are flailing a bit.

    I lost my dad in July and I got 4 days before I had to start taking customer service calls again while also battling COVID and having daily panic attacks. I certainly have sympathy for her loss, but the privilege her and her family has is sometimes galling.

    Was I supposed to be interested in the garage band guy? He looks 14.

    • Love 2
  4. I thought it was obnoxious and not particularly funny. Lots of cliches and out-dated stereotypes. The only character I found interesting (20-year-old) was barely more than a punchline. I also thought the cast had zero chemistry.

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  5. 5 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

    Dani masturbated to Lito and Hernando though. But their threesome relationship is kind of fascinating. 

    It was already mentioned above, but I'll confirm, aces do masturbate and get turned on, they just aren't sexually attracted to other people.

    • Love 4
  6. I loved this. I loved every minute. It was a bit long, but I'm kind of glad.

    I adore Riley's dad. He's so sweet. I've been listening to KK on Spotify. I don't understand Icelandic, but it's still great.

    I would like to know how to label Dani, because I feel like it would apply to me (tmi, maybe). I currently identify as hetromantic asexual, but what Dani/Lido/Hernando have is more what interests me. I think Dani is ace. She's never sought sex through the whole thing. I've never found the right words for it. Polyam hetrom ace with a gay sex kink? (Tmi?)

    Speaking of polyam, I appreciate the various positive representations of polyam relationships. 

    • Love 10
  7. On 1/18/2018 at 8:23 AM, qtpye said:

    Good point and also, like it or not, they were competitors.  They were often up for the same roles.  I think when they teamed up, Haim was often the main actor, with Felman being the sidekick and Feldman resented that dynamic a bit.  I am not totally sure of this because I have not seen all of their movies together.

    For the most part. Feldman was the lead in Dream A Little Dream, though.

    • Love 1
  8. There were a few things that stood out to me. It was obviously Feldman was involved, because his character came off well. Real Feldman is an obnoxious, paranoid narcissist.

    Some of the time jumps were weird. They completely glossed over Feldman's MJ appropriation and weird music career and talk show appearances. The Coreys were in another movie together later in life. I don't remember what it was called (too lazy to look out up), but it also started Nicole Egert, who I believe was dating one is them. I think they were in their mid - late 20s.

    The restaurant scene where they were fighting about Feldman still hanging out with Corey's rapist was lifted verbatim from the second reality show they did together. There show pretended this one didn't happen. The premise was Corey moving back to LA and trying to get his life back together. He hired an assistant and Feldman was sorry of mentoring him. I believe they were shooting the Lost Boys sequel at the time.

    I had thought Corey had a heart attack. It's interesting that it was pneumonia. Young people don't usually die if pneumonia. I wonder if HIV was in the mix.

    • Love 3
  9. People are so upset with Lochte because he perpetuated the idea of the "ugly American." He's an idiot and a national embarrassment. But he doesn't deserve to be physically attacked. He's been punished sufficiently for what he did.


    Hold up now, as far as I've read, that's not the whole story. He got drunk, defaced some property with public urination, and then was held at gunpoint until they reached some sort of retribution. Not to mention there's missing surveillance video and no one found evidence of the vandalism the owner claimed.

    There is clear video of him pulling signage off of a wall.

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