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Posts posted by 90PercentGravity

  1. In my whole life, I can count on one hand the times the post office has screwed up a delivery, and those times it was the holiday season when packages were being delivered by new hires. UPS and FedEx, on the other hand...if there was a way to demand Amazon and their ilk not use them, I'd sign up. Packages misdelivered, left out in the rain, not left at all because I lived in an apartment and UPS deemed that an inside hallway was not secure when leaving things on the stoop of a house all day was A-OK...give me the USPS any time.

    I work in retail doing customer service for a specialty retailer's online service. We tried switching over to USPS from UPS and it was an unmitigated disaster. You have no idea how many people accidentally ship their shit to the wrong address and then need us to fix it. With UPS it can be rerouted in transit most of the time. With USPS we had to send out replacements and then hope the original packages were returned, which usually they weren't. There are also a lot of people who the post office won't deliver to but UPS will.

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  2. I hate that Playtex ad where the girl was falling all over herself trying to skate and then bam! she puts on a pad and suddenly she's Tony Hawk.

    I resent the implications that women can't function as humans when they are menstruating. A man HAD to have written that ad.

    It may have made her bac at skating, but it made her a better bowler, so it's a trace off.

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  3. And as for the towel.....we've seen the other two major male characters that returned from last season do full frontal (Tom and Matt). Last night was really JT's turn and the perfect opportunity where full frontal would have made sense without being too gratuitous. When the actor who plays Matt did full frontal, I just thought "well, your move JT." But apparently he wasn't down for it. And as a female viewer who has seen more naked boobs on HBO than I ever desired (tons on "Boardwalk Empire" alone), I appreciate some full frontal like in this series this season & I also admire the guts it takes for a male actor to agree to do it. I'm disappointed, JT. All the other male actors on your show are doing it and you're the one I'd really like to see! Ok, I'll stop being a dirty 30-something aged woman now.

    I think it would have been pretty hypocritical given that he insisted his wife (then girlfriend)not bare her breasts on screen. I would have loved it, anyway.

    I'm pretty meh on the show in general, but I loved this episode and I love JT.

  4. The one that gets me is the one where its all. "I'm never getting married", "I'm never having kids" and then all those life events happen. Then at the end he's all "I'm never letting go" fade to black and I'm thinking, that guy just died.

    Another one that has me wondering. A new Polident commercial went younger in casting than normal for dentures. I'm sitting there thinking, 'how did she lose her teeth'? I came to the conclusion that they are advertising for meth heads. If there is some condition that causes tooth loss at a young age, I apologize. But in fairness, once it occurred to me it did seem like the styling of the actress edged a little towards drug user.

    Since he always ends up doing the thing he said he wouldn't do, I'm left assuming he abandoned his family and ran off with a stripper.

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