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Posts posted by BonnieD

  1. I am in show love like I haven't been in years. Partly because the Artful Dodger was my first love when I was nine years old and saw Oliver! for the first time. I've been obsessed with this character ever since. Fagin was perfectly cast and the pair had the fun banter of a vaudeville routine down pat.

    Easy to hand wave wild historical inaccuracies and unlikely plots and simply to enjoy the entertainment for what it was. A very satisfying outing into adventure and romance. and yes, the ladies' costuming was awful lol.

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     I think this new place needs 100% of his focus or things get missed and he gets locked in a storage fridge he forgot to have fixed.

    I think a relationship could still be managed as long as both partners acknowledge the space he's in right now. ie. Why didn't Claire just text and say good luck tonight. Cant wait to see you. ? Clearly a phone message during one of the most important days of his life was not the way to go. AS an ER nurse, she, if anyone should know about stress jobs and when and where is a good time for deep conversations.
    If there's any reason they shouldn't be together, it's not because of work. It's because he is an emotional basket case with mother issues, who needs some serious therapy and solo work before he's ready to take on a romantic partner to share a life with.

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  3. I find myself wondering whether the tears are staged in some of these heart to heart talks with Karamo. Not his, but the clients'. Many times the breakdowns are believable, but sometimes (like the frat guys)  I have my doubts. Guess we'll never know. 

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    To be honest I did not get why they didn't leave together..

    Ditto. It is possible to have a relationship without sex. But maybe she didn't want to burden him with her increasing deterioration, or have him see her as she knew she would be toward the end.

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    Let her run to the police, where's the proof?  Am I missing something or could it have really been that simple?

    Better yet, jump in and say I'll go with you so I can explain how I had this thumb drive. I thought perhaps he didn't feel he should betray the man's confidecne, but such criminal info any confessional sort of protocol goes out the window. I'm certain he could have easily convinced authorities about the genesis of this thumb drive. So, because the premise was so dumb I had a hard time going along with the entire chain of events which followed.

    Thanks for sharing that there is more after the credits. I'm tired of this new habit of forcing people to stick around through credits lest they miss some important aftermath. Sheesh!

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    Luke's death, if it's been believed to be caused by Aemond (but who even know he  was there with his dragon?), could of course influence on some lords' mind but probably the benefits Otto has promised them for alliance, will be the stronger motive.   

    No witness no proof. Who would even find the remains in those jagged mountains, and if they did, it would have taken days. AND, who's to say it wasn't one of the wild dragons that attacked? 

    Would have been better to have the larger dragon bump the smaller, making the boy fall to his death as if by accident, but then I don't believe Aemond intended to actually kill Luke considering his expression after the fact.

  7. I'm ashamed to admit I gobbled this up in two days while hating every bite. I despise entitled youngsters and blame their parents for their needy, spoiled behavior. But it was a guilty pleasure watching them improve their characters.

    However, a lot of the challenges seemed very set up and that irked me. In the second episode it began with the "chopping down a tree for tonight';s firewood" scenario. Anyone who knows anything about campfires knows you have to have dry wood. A fresh, sappy tree will only create smoke and a mess. So clearly they did not use the tree they "chopped down" and supposedly stripped and chunked and split into appropriately sized pieces of firewood. So fake that from that point on I had trouble buying most of it. Another example, you don't suddenly trudge all the way up a mountain with no hiking experience. A body has to be conditioned for that. Just no.

    Anyway, it was enjoyable enough to keep my attention and I would have chosen the same winner as the kids did.

    • Love 2
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    andall said a lot of nice things, but I hated the way he said them. He sounded like he was talking to a child.

    And that's Randall to a T. I despise "think I know besters" because there are a few too many in my family.

    Playing devil's advocate on the topic of Miguel's kids shuttng him out, I believe if we saw the story from their POV, it would be about a mostly absent father who was so focused on getting ahead in the world he didn't forge important bonds when they were young. He improved as he aged, but they did not witness it, nor did they have a history with him that would make it at all easy to forgive those lost years. And it sounds as if he let the situation fester rather than really reaching out and trying to make amends. 

    Miguel and Rebecca= a mature, adult relationship. That's why they're the best.

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  9. Glad to know I'm not the only one that:


    was really shocked that Nacho died because I had misremembered him as being in Breaking Bad, so I knew he was safe. I even thought his death was somehow faked, until Hector used him for target practice. 


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    his was sold as a way to apologize for the end of the main series but I think this one has been just as bad. 

    So many flaws it would be like whack-a-mole to hit them all. What I loved about season 1 Dexter was the care with which he planned and covered his tracks. This Dexter is a return to how they left him at the end of the series--SLOPPY and irrational AF. He explains to sonny boy about putting up plastic to provide no trace of blood, meanwhile leaving tracks in the snow, fingerprints probably pretty much everywhere, and shedding DNA with every hair that might flutter down from his un-netted head. Plus the afore-mentioned no lookout while in a one exit bunker. 
    ALSO, he got shot in the leg and it was never mentioned again. He showed no pain, no limp, nothing.
    As much as I loved seeing Dexter again, the erratic writing drove me too crazy and reminded me why I barely made it through that last season.

    • Love 2
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    Seemed a bit pagan "witchy" to me. 

    Agreed. So victim is involved with that somehow, AND the family clearly has some illegal aspect to their business as well just from the vibe they put out

  12. Two things really bugged. One is that the trio of women in the know went in with no battle plan in mind at all!!! They deserved to be eaten for that stupidity. No plan! AT ALL!
    Two: why would the vampire overlord wish to turn an entire community? What will they feed on now??? He could have sat back and happily snacked for quite a while.

    And yes, the many monologues did wear thin after a while.
    As much as i liked the atmosphere of this show. I was disappointed by this episode and the easy way all the lambs, including our heroines, walked to the slaughter.

    • Love 8
  13. For sure its the best episode this season. For the Radcliffe's performance alone, I'd rate it the highest, and then the rest of it hit all the right notes too. Loved the gunslinger/bounty hunter romance. And the whore makeover. And the ankle fever dream. All of it!

    • LOL 1
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    I think the Mayor is the missing baby. It would also explain where Max inherited his ability from the Alien Tracker.

    Oooh, good hypothesis! I can get behind that.

    I laughed so hard during the karaoke. Best thing I've seen on a show in weeks. Really, it demonstrated all that is great about this show. That and the entire convention. Loved, loved, loved.

    I watch a lot of true crime stuff so I too would immediately have wanted to check the freezer for a dead body.

    • Love 1
  15. Better this week and yes, I think part of it is the straight linear narrative. Plus much time devoted to the core characters with no distractions. I feel like the entire production was like a 5-year-old, or maybe a magician "Look here. No, look here. Wait, Look over here instead! Are you not entertained?" so frantic rather than sense of menace slowly building to a climax

    • Love 2
  16. What the writers of dramas like this and Parenthood among others don't realize is that they don't need bizarre soap opera twists to keep an audience interested. I don't mind watching small every day dramas like the aftermath of that adoption that was so quickly swept under the rug. Or the deaf baby that was wrapped up in a season's time and now you don't even see little ? any longer. Slow the heck down and do justice to the REAL dramas of life instead of manufactured craziness.

    • Love 14
  17. So far so okay. Not loving the non-linear structure at all, but the casting is good enough, particularly James Marsden who does not make me miss Gary Sinise after all. Plus, anyone is better than Molly Ring who was terribly mis-cast.
    I wanted to fall insanely in love with the remake but I'm not there yet. As the Primetimer review pointed out, the en media res telling doesn't allow the enormity of the plague and its effect on society to slowly grow on you. You don't get to watch things slowly spiralling out of control. You're just plunked down in the middle with a lot of backtracking. Plus,  Stu's escape from the facility was torturous to read in the book, and in the first TV version. This time, he just barrelled on through without having to feel his way in the dark, step around dead bodies, or have someone grab at his ankle and whisper "Come precious. Down in the dark. We all float down here" LOL

    Anyway, I'll watch because I presume it will get better. And I'm eager to see the other characters and the new (better one hopes) ending.

    • Love 5
  18. Quote

    Legarski may have never met his mother and only has his word she's alive.  

    That was my thinking. He could know this guy well enough to go into "business" together without really knowing the particulars about Mommy Dearest. For that matter, maybe she wasn't dead when he and trucker guy started their work together and has been killed since. Soon both men will have the women in their lives on ice up in their bedroom.

    I also was frowning about the maggotty spam. So unlikely. They'd want to keep these women healthy prior to delivery, and since little sis has proven such a problem AND is injured, they would definitely have eliminated her by now.

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  19. Watching episode 4 it finally hit me (about the time trucker guy poured cereal over "mom's" head) that she is already dead and only lives on his mind. Anyone else agree with this? She is always in the house with him, never shown with another character as far as I can recall. Which would be true of a shut-in anyhow, but I'm quite certain this much used twist is going to be revealed soon.

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    Natalie should get back into the game. Given the number of tokens she wound up obtaining, she should have been able to buy her way back outright. 

    I believe most people are rooting for her. I certainly am. I said to my husband last night, wouldn't it be a hoot if the Big Twist this season was that the person with the most fire tokens wins the entire game. Period. Take that, fans! 

    • LOL 1
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    Mike is suddenly downright helpful and almost congenial toward Jimmy, when he's always given me the impression he found him more of a means to an end than impressive or even likable. 

    At first I was thinking his sudden patience with Saul was out of character. Then I realized they'd been through the desert together so it forged some sort of bond, at least temporarily. He really did want to help Saul get past it so he could function and not fall apart.

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    I would love it if they back entirely off the love interests for a while.

    This is the problem with shows introducing a triangle WAY too soon, which many seem to want to do within the first couple of episodes. It awkwardly forces something that could be depicted as developing slowly and naturally. Then of course, the characters must be pushed into acrobatic situations in order to keep the "which one" and "will they won't they" questions going. Word to all shows ever, STOP trying to unnaturally create drama and let realistic drama about anything other than romance unfold. Forced triangles makes you end up with a trio of foolish people whom no one cares about.

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