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Posts posted by Magog

  1. Quote

    Isn't it time for Toyota Jan to retire? 


    And take Flo and the gecko with her?

    This couldn't be more annoying to me

    How about that stupid idiot who is currently shilling for Verizon? He has a very punchable face, he is not as cool or hip as he thinks he is, & you wouldn't want to be around him or have your kids around him. Thank god this jerk isn't doing Verizon Fios commercials. He would be perfect for Comcast. They both have something in common in that they both suck. 

    That Dos Equis loser can also disappear right now. There is nothing to like about him, that stupid Dos Equis beer, or their stupid irritating commercials. They both suck & the only interesting thing about that guy is that he is a definite tool & a douchebag. 

    I also wouldn't mind that stupid Energizer Bunny to retire & never to be seen or heard from again. I never find him cute or adorable. 

    • Love 11
  2. Quote

    I always love those reaction shots they show of Skeletor when the Cowboys are taking a beating!

    It is always a good day when the Cowboys lose like they did on Sunday Night. Jerry Jones is not as smart as he thinks he is. Cowboys fans would be better off if Jones would show as much passion about winning football games & championships as he does showing off his masterpiece stadium (Jerry World), going after Roger Goodell, & always having his team worshipped on ESPN & Fox Sports 1 on an every day basis. Just like his team, Jerry Jones is a definite loser.


    ESPN is reporting that the Broncos have fired their offensive coordinator Mike McCoy:


    Speaking of losers, It took the Broncos 10 games to realize that Mike McCoy sucks & that he should never ever work in the NFL in any capacity ever again. Hopefully, another team won't make that mistake. I'm still mad at him & those Chargers for messing up the Browns going for 0-16 in week 16 last December. 


    The Cowboys may suck, but I wish that ESPN & Skip Bayless would leave Rod Marinelli (Defensive Coordinator) alone. I will always be indebted to him forever for leading the Detroit Lions to 0-16 in 2008. Other than helping a team win a Super Bowl, he can do no wrong for me in the NFL.

    • Love 1
  3. It was so nice seeing the U (Miami Hurricanes) become relevant again in College Football. That ass whooping that they give to Notre Dame last night was great to watch. It was also nice seeing that Turnover Chain throughout the night. Hopefully, their magical run will continue & we get to see more of that beautiful chain.

    • Love 3
  4. Quote

    I am very disappointed with the way OKC lost tonight against the Celtics. They were playing outstanding defense in the first half, but things really came undone for them in the second half. Melo and Paul George really struggled to get shots for a bit and that hurt the team when it came to keeping their lead. They looked like the better team for at least half the game but let the Celtics back in it. I hope OKC learns to gel together more. It had looked like prior to tonight's game they had started to do that. And hopefully they will become more consistent and efficient with scoring. Defensively they have been playing well so far this season.

    I'm sure that those Warriors were laughing at the Thunder last night. 


    Also I thought that LeBron did a great job tonight against the Wizards. He was getting almost any bucket that he wanted.

    Him scoring 57 points against the pathetic Wizards put a smile on my face. Hopefully, it will shut ESPN up about the Cavaliers going down in flames (starting the season 3-5). I know that they're very happy that the Cavaliers haven't started the season like gangbusters & starting up those LeBron going to the Lakers next season rumors that they been doing since last June. 

  5. I know that it is only 3 games into the season. But, after last night's game that the Wizards blew a 10 point lead in the 4th and lose to Big Baller Brand & the Lakers, I don't want to hear anymore about them, John Wall, & Bradley Beale being contenders in the Eastern Conference. That team are a bunch of losers.

  6. Quote

    I am sorry about Gordon Hayward's injury. That was a brutal injury and when it happened it sucked the life out of the room for a few minutes. Everyone from both teams and the fans definitely were shaken up and concerned about him after it happened. I hope he has a healthy recovery. Paul George came back from a brutal injury, I hope Gordon can come back too. 

    That was very sad seeing Gordon Hayward getting injured like that. It sucks that his season basically ended 5 minutes in. Hopefully, he will come back from this. 


    I think that the Celtics could still end up doing well in his absence. They have a lot of talent on that team. They were fighting against the Cavs tonight but ultimately the Cavs did enough to get the win. I thought that Kryie and LeBron shared a nice moment at the end of that game.

    I find that moment to be "meh" to me. Sadly, it is what it is.


    In regards to the Warriors/Rockets game tonight, the Rockets did a nice job of stealing the win from the Warriors. The Warriors were hitting them with their usual flurry of 3s, (including several from Nick Young off the bench) but the Rockets withstood them and made enough 3s of their own to get the win. I had thought for a moment that KD's shot had went down in time at the end, but fortunately for the Rockets it didn't. That was a good win for them and a good way to start the season. 

    I hope the Rockets enjoyed that moment because they're not going to get much more of these of moments from those Warriors. Those Warriors are still going to kick their ass during the season & in the Playoffs. Frankly, the Western Conference is already over and the Rockets, Spurs, & Thunder have next to no chance against those Warriors. 

    Speaking of those Warriors, it was downright vomit-inducing watching that ring ceremony. It also made me sick to my stomach seeing a classy person & one of my favorite NBA Players, Swaggy P (Nick Young) going to the Dark Side. 

  7. Can someone please tell me what was the point of Troy Aikman telling us when the Cowboys scored the touchdown to go up 31-28, that they left too much time on the clock (1:15) for Aaron Rodgers? I find that to be very irritating. If I'm down 28-24 late in the 4th Quarter & was driving for a possible winning touchdown, the last thing I'm thinking about is leaving too much time on the clock if we score a touchdown. They basically think the defense have no chance of stopping the other team from getting the winning score. A lot of announcers (not just Troy Aikman) do that & I find that type of thinking to be very stupid. 

  8. Quote

    I do think Descendants would have been better as a non-musical. I also see no reason to make Freaky Friday a musical. But Disney struck gold with those High School Musical movies, so now they keep trying to find that level of success again. 

    Disney Channel can keep trying to do those types of DCOM's from now to forever & they will never have the success or be as phenomenal like the High School Musical movies. With all that constant hype & promotion that Descendants 2 got on Disney Channel on a daily basis, I would of expect it to reach close to the 17 Million viewers that High School Musical 2 got. It got only 5.3 viewers on Disney Channel alone & I'm certain that even if it did air on 5 different networks, it still didn't equal the amount of viewers of High School Musical 2. 

    As for the movie, other than Uma (Who I really enjoy & was more likable than Mal), Harry (son of Captain Hook) & that geeky girl (who was very pretty) who was basically an outcast, the rest of the cast was pretty much "meh" to me. Mal was very annoying & very full of herself. Evie was a nuisance as usual. It was somewhat watchable (compare to the 1st movie), but it was still miles behind High School Musical 1, 2, & 3.

    Here is the first promo of yet another High School Musical wannabe that will air on Disney Channel. It will air next year.


    • Love 1
  9. Quote

    Kylie is young with athletic Jenner genes. She can probably snap back without plastic surgery. Khloe's gonna need a lot of help. 

    I would love to know what type of "athletic" Jenner genes Kylie has. There is nothing athletic about Kylie & definitely Khole.

    They all are going to need a lot of help. They all look revolting & its very sad that another kid is going to born into this trainwreck. I don't know what Tristan Thompson was thinking that doing this was a good idea. You would think him seeing Kanye being a shell of his former self (by his own stupidity) & Travis Scott (who is a non-factor rapper & a loser) would of gotten him a wake up call & got the hell away from that hellhole called the Kardashians.


    BTW, I hope that Khole remember this saying. "How you get him is how you lose him."

    • Love 6
  10. Quote

    Watching the marathon... Anyone think Kim even remembers the name of the little girl from Thailand?

    That's like asking if the Jets will win a Super Bowl in the next 5 years. That little girl should count her blessings right now.

    Has Kim done anything yet to outshine Kylie & her pregnancy? Deep down inside, she is not happy about this situation. Now, everyone (except for the wretched Daily Mail & Radar Online) will pay even more to Kylie & her poor future baby than Kim & her fat ass. 

    • Love 3
  11. Quote

    Khloe should take the baby, Kylie can't even take care of a pet.

    I would rather have a stray pack of dogs take care of the baby than those 2 idiots & that entire family. I can't imagine how that loser Kim feels about this news. Even showing her usual fugliness for the paps & the leeches (Daily Mail) wouldn't work this time .

    • Love 2
  12. Watching the Chargers - Broncos last night, I was shocked that Mike McCoy found another job in the NFL being the OC of the Broncos. You would think that the Broncos would of been smart to stay away from this jerk knowing how much he sucked as a coach for the Chargers. I still haven't forgiven him or the Chargers for messing up on the Browns trying to go 0-16. I hope they enjoy being irrelevant & not getting any new fans in LA. 



    Wow.  I just turned to MNF and was completely taken aback hearing a woman call the game.  I thought it was Linda Cohn but just looked it up and it's Beth Mowins.  Either way, I'm impressed.  She sounds quite at ease too.  Nice!

    I thought Beth Mowins did all right. I wouldn't mind hearing more of her doing NFL Games. Joe Buck can learn a few things from her. 

  13. It is so nice hearing Hank Williams Jr voice again for Monday Night Football. It just gives me another thing to mute on my television. What was ESPN thinking bringing this idiot back?

    • Love 5
  14. Quote

    You say that like there's ever a time when she doesn't. :-)

    EDITED: As much as we think this is crap, Interview's site has been down for a while. I bet it's because their servers got overloaded by people looking at this. Love them or hate them, the Kardashians get clicks.

    Can we keep Interview's site down permanently? I thought that Paper Magazine was repulsive. I don't know anything about Interview Magazine & already they seem to have no standards like Paper. What is the purpose of this crap & what the hell were they thinking this stunt was a good idea? I think Jackie O would rather stick a needle in the eyes than be anywhere near Kim Kardashian. I'm surprised that the revolting Daily Mail hadn't thought of this. I know that they love laying down with dogs (Kardashians) & getting fleas & ticks.


    I thought she'd channel Michelle Obama and ad a pill box hat as a homage to Jackie. But putting herself as a black first lady is pretty ballsy.

    That is an insult to a classy & respected black woman like Michelle Obama. I'm certain that she wouldn't be caught dead associating herself with the Kardashians.



    I just can't wait until Kim channels Princess Di for her next photoshoot and the Internet really loses its' shit.

    I'll be even more shocked if Kim even knows who Princess Diana is & what she represents. 

    • Love 8
  15. Thankfully, Adrian Wojnarowski didn't break the news big trade on ESPN because he was getting on my nerves. 


    Kyrie Irving has been traded to the Celtics for Isaiah Thomas, Jae Crowder, some nobody name Ante Zizic, & their 2018 first round pick (from the sucky Nets). I'm forever indebted to Kyrie Irving for that shot in bringing down those Warriors & for that, I thank him. The Cavaliers will still be a dumpster fire after next season, but there might be a little bit of hope because of that upcoming pick. 

    Those Warriors are out there laughing somewhere. 

  16. Quote

    So how does Zach Randolph decide to celebrate his new 2 year $24 million deal?

    By going out and getting arrested for carrying a felony amount of weed.

    What a loser. 


    For the 2017-2018 NBA season, here are the 5 Christmas Day games on ESPN/ABC.

    12pm -  Philadelphia 76ers at NY Knicks

    3pm - Cleveland Cavaliers at Golden State Warriors

    5:30pm - Washington Wizards at Boston Celtics

    8pm - Houston Rockets at Oklahoma City Thunder

    10:30pm - Minnesota Timberwolves at LA Lakers


    12pm game & the 5:30pm game are nap-inducing. 3pm game is going to put me in a very grumpy mood & I know who ESPN/ABC will be rooting for. 8pm game might be fun to watch. 10;30pm game could be downright torture to watch because of Big Baller Brand and ESPN sucking up to him & rooting for the Lakers. 

    First night of the 2017-2018 season will be the Celtics - Cavaliers & the Rockets - those Warriors. It is going to feel like eating those Bean Boozled Jelly Beans watching that 2nd game. 

  17. Why does it feel like I'm watching the death of a franchise (Cavaliers) & a funeral in progress for the past few weeks? First, GM David Griffin gets kicked to the curb by that brain dead owner (Dan Gilbert & I'm still irritated by that), then Chauncey Billups says no & then that brain dead owner would rather have some useless nobody (Koby Altman) help run the team to the ground than wising up & beg David Griffin to come back. That nobody Koby Altman has been GM for a couple of weeks & already he is showing how much he is going to suck by signing washed up, not worth a damn anymore Derrick Rose. Then it gets even worse that it already has since Kyrie Irving wants to leave the Cavaliers because of him & LeBron not getting along. That last part came out of nowhere & it shocked the hell out of me. Just even thinking about this making want to throw up.

    ESPN have to giddy & thrilled that the Cavaliers are being burnt to the ground right now & that LeBron will very likely leave them again after next season to go play for those scummy Lakers with Big Baller Brand & future teammate Paul George. You know that they want this to happen by any means necessary. I also know that those Warriors are also laughing right now.

  18. Is anybody looking to finally watching Descendants 2 tonight? Disney Channel has been promoting this thing constantly for the last 6 months. With all this non-stop promoting of Descendants 2, it have better reach High School Musical 2 type ratings (17 millions viewers). Maybe it will surprise me & be as charming as the High School Musical Movies, not just something put up by Disney Channel just to sell stuff & shove no talent losers (Sofia Carlson) down our throats.

    • Love 1
  19. OJ Simpson's parole hearing is today & I'm certain that Kris is licking her chops on another potential big pay day if he gets paroled today. Imagine her hanging out with OJ with the paps, TMZ, & that disease called the Daily Mail in tow. Kris trying to get OJ on her revolting show (KUTK). OJ being in the annual Christmas card with Kris & that family. Kirs & Kim taking selfies with OJ.

    • Love 3
  20. Quote

    She wanted to be Liz Taylor. Instead she is a C-/D list tabloid celebrity, known for walking around nearly naked and a family that has sold its soul and credibility, whored out every intimate aspect of their lives for the almighty dollar. 

    If Liz Taylor was alive today, she would want nothing to do with Kim Kardashian. And since when has Kim ever been a C-/D list celebrity? Kim is more like F list celebrity to me. All that money & being a famewhore can't cover up that rotten stench of failure that she is. 



    And on a side note, I kind hated Beyonce for that picture of the twins.  Take a seat B, you are NOT the virgin mary.  Drop the garden and blue veil and just shoot a picture of your twins cuddling during naptime together.  The ego on this woman is horrendous, and I don't care what she brings to back it up.   


    She's definitely as much of a self-absorbed famewhore as Kim. The picture was tacky as hell and the babies were nothing more than accessories.

    I definitely agree with this comment. It like every time one of these 2 fools do something on the internet for the world to see or care about, it "break the internet". I think the internet is having a brain cramp & an aneurysm because of them. 

    • Love 5
  21. Free Agency starts in 2 hours & there are reports that Paul George has been traded to the OKC Thunder. We don't know yet what the Pacers are going to get from the Thunder. Those Warriors are certainly not shaking in their boots over this big trade.

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