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Posts posted by BooksRule

  1. When I first started watching this show, I thought that both Stahma and Datak were really creepy and didn't like either of them very much.  I still think they are a little creepy, but they've become two of my favorite characters.  They are really complex characters--lots of layers.  I loved their shouting match when they were chained in the silo.  Speed marriage counseling!


    Loved Doc Yewll's cap with flaps.

    • Love 2
  2. I like Angela okay and thinks she's kind of funny, but only in small doses.  


    I noticed the product placement as well, especially auto.com (or whatever) and Rosetta Stone.  I had forgotten how annoying that can be until I recently caught up on 'Bones' by watching four episodes each weekday.  For at least one full season, they were really pushing the 'let's stop discussing the murder so I can describe what cool thing my car can do today' (Prius?)routine for a while.  I never noticed it to be a problem on 'Rizzoli & Isles' until last night.

  3. I didn't realize until well into the episode that the reason they had no A/C at the station was because of the power drain due to the heat wave (rolling brownouts?).  I kept wondering how they could keep working at a place that had no A/C.  They looked realistic though, all sweaty and uncomfortable.  It made me appreciate my nice air-conditioned home (and might keep me from griping for a little while about my high electric bill during the hot, humid summer).


    Sipowitz was cute, but he reminded me of Joe Friday and Maura's tortoise (I forget his name).  Whatever happened to them?


    I assume that the killer used the ice to keep the body from being discovered too soon (like they mentioned), but it only worked halfway, since half the body was above the water.  I guess that the killer didn't realize that when the ice melted the body would float?

  4. Without Warning, an early Predator-type film (1980).  It starred Jack Palance, Martin Landau, and--in a small role as a doomed 'teenage'--David Caruso (in knee high athletic socks and really short jogging shorts).  A blue alien comes to earth and starts picking off people one by one in the woods.  It used a type of deadly jellyfish-like Frisbee thing to kill people.  I remember this movie scaring me as a young'un, but I watched the whole thing recently on youtube and it was kind of lame.  Ah, to be young and naïve again!


    French Postcards, from 1979.  A movie about teenage American students studying in France for a year.  I mainly remember Blanche Baker's character wanting to see everything (museums, etc.) and finding love at the end of the movie with one of the other American students (who had fallen at first for a French girl).  It starred Blanche Baker, Miles Chapin, and Mandy Patinkin. 


    A Little Romance (1979), starring Laurence Olivier, some French kid whose name I forget, and Diane Lane (in her film debut).  Lane is an American girl who falls in love with a French boy and they run away (with Olivier's help) to kiss under the Bridge of Sighs in Venice (because if they do, they will stay in love forever).  Kind of sappy, but cute.

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  5. My stupid DVR didn't record the show for some reason, luckily I was able to record the repeat, but it cut out just when the mask went into the fire. From the other posts, it sounds like it's Rafe's son? I wouldn't recognize him, but wouldn't that mean he's working with Pottinger?


    Mine didn't either, so I'm glad I checked and set it to get the repeat.  I had noticed that the future recordings on my DVR showed two episodes of 'Defiance' scheduled to record last night, both listed as 'new'.  It didn't record any 'Defiance' anywhere and I saw that 'Spartacus' was being aired.  I guess it got confused, but I'll be sure and check next week, since there are two scheduled to air.  It might goof up again (although since the previews specifically said that there would be two back-to-back (both new, right?) episodes next week, maybe it'll work okay.


    It was Rafe's son at the end.  I'm glad he and Rafe had that little scene where Quentin reported on visiting his mom.  I had totally forgotten about that plot and had been wondering where he had gone.

  6. I've been having a little marathon of episodes for the last several weeks (4 episodes a day on TNT) and loved this exchange from an episode on Wednesday.  It was when Vincent Nigel-Murray (RIP) was having to make amends to everyone he had wronged as part of his 12-step program. 


    Nigel-Murray (to Brennan):  'One night I borrowed your iguana and wore it as a hat--to a party.'


    She doesn't seem to care, but laughs at him when he further admits to making up stories to his friends about them having a passionate affair. Then:


    Brennan (still smiling): 'I must say I'm impressed that you were able to keep my iguana on top of your head.'

    Nigel-Murray (quietly): 'I'm clever with ribbons.'

    • Love 7
  7. I loved a line of Poppy's during the Nashville episode, but I'm not sure when I could actually use it in real life:  'I've never oiled a man in a coffin before'.  


    (It was when Georgie was fussing about how long it was taking her to get ready for filming- they were making the music video, but I'm not sure if she said it in the actual episode or in the 'making of' extended segment on the BBC site.  Either way, it was funny.)

    • Love 1
  8. I think everyone else has covered most of what I would have commented on, but I do have questions about their strategy for this battle.  Weaver said that there were three battalions headed their way.  However, it looked like they used up all of their booby-traps on the first group (the Chinese lantern fire bombs, the explosive charges, etc.).  How were they planning taking out the other two?  Was this addressed at all? 

  9. I will be surprised if anyone remembers The Girl Most Likely to... with Stockard Channing?


    Okay, this is creepy.  I thought of that movie a little while ago and came directly here to post about it.  I haven't seen it in years, but I remember liking it.  It was kind of a black comedy (funny, but with murders).  I remember that Stockard Channing played a college student who was dumpy and plain and was bullied.  I think she tried to kill herself by crashing her car, but survived.  Through plastic surgery, she's now beautiful and goes back to college to take revenge on all those who had bullied her.  The person who cartwheeled out the window was a cheerleader, I think.  I also remember that the guy who played Jon on 'CHiPs' was a football player (?) who bullied her, but I can't remember what she did to him.  I also can't remember the ending.  It looks like the entire movie is on youtube, so I might check it out soon and see if I still like it.


    I have 'The Philadelphia Experiment', 'The Final Countdown' and 'Horror Express' on DVD.  They are among the movies that I drag out now and then when I want a  movie to waste a Saturday afternoon watching.. 

    • Love 1
  10. I thought that the whole murder plot was awkwardly written.   I've already deleted the episode and can't remember who was supposed to get the book.  The priest or the professor?  Was the priest supposed to give the book to the professor?   If the bookseller had planned to having the professor solve the mystery, then why didn't he mail the book to him as soon as he decided to confess his past crime?  I was a little confused.  However, I did like the idea of having the clue written as a puzzle along the book's side.  I've seen beautiful examples of that art, where a book will just have a jumble of colors (kind of marbled-liked) when you look at the side of the book, and when you open the book so that the text is slanted, you see a picture, such as of a castle and a mountain.  Really amazing.


    When did Angela decide to 'start over'?  Has she talked about this before, or was this out of the blue?  She breaks up with her boyfriend and quits her job.  However, she apparently can afford to take her time deciding what she wants to do with the rest of her life because she still has a really nice roof over her head (free of charge, I assume) compliments of Maura.  How nice for her!  I just hope they don't have her get involved with all sorts of wacky activities, such as painting, pottery, yoga, etc.  Not that those activities are wacky--they would just write them to have her goof them up.  Maybe they'll have her join a new church that turns out to be a cult and they'll take her away.  If she's going to re-think her life, I wish they would let her go to college or something.  After saying all that, I don't hate Angela--I actually like her.  But a little bit of Angela goes a long way.

  11. "Georgie' is so good at the deadpan delivery.  When he was in the radio station during last night's (Nashville) episode and talked about how he was 50th in line for the throne and if all 49 of the others were in a bus and if that bus went off a cliff he would be king (and then said that if he was driving that bus, then Poppy would be queen).  You could hear the guys in the studio just cracking up.  He was funny!

    • Love 1
  12. Aside from The Walking Dead, ILL is my all time fave show.


    This is from a while back, but it made me laugh.  What a combination!  (I like TWD, too)


    Technically, not 'I love Lucy', but I saw today that CoziTV (I get the lineup of shows through one of my local Fox stations) will be airing 'The Lucy Show' beginning in August.  I haven't seen those (good ones and bad ones) in decades.  Maybe I'll ask for a show topic when it begins airing, if anyone else will be watching and wants to post with me.


    Rereading some of the posts, I need to get back to watching some 'I love Lucy' episodes.  It's been a while since I've seen any.

    • Love 1
  13. I just saw the episode where Ray refused to buy the dress for Ally to wear to Peggy's daughter's birthday party.  The whole premise just makes me mad.  Who in their right mind would actually send out invitations that insist that all the girls buy identical (except for the color, I guess) dresses to wear to the party?  I really hated all of the episodes that Peggy was on (except for the one scene where Ray catches her at Peter's apartment--I wish Peggy and Peter would have ended up together, but I don't think she was seen after that).  I have nothing against the actress who plays her (Amy Aquino, I think.  I've seen her in tons of stuff I liked), but I disliked 'Peggy the cookie lady'.

    • Love 4
  14. I kind of like the Hyundai Sonata commercial with the dad driving around the empty parking lot so that the little girl can 'drive' from the back seat (reminds me of Maggie in the opening credits of 'The Simpsons').  She is so intent on her driving and they both look like they're having a good time.  When he stops because she looks like she's had enough and she does that little twirl thing with her finger and he takes off again, I have to laugh.  She's one commercial kid that I don't find annoying.  The first time I saw it, I thought that he was being reckless driving around like that, but he's in an empty parking lot driving slower than it looks, so now I just enjoy it. I looked it up--the song playing is Joan Jett's 'Family Racer'.



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  15. Jeannie giving her life to save her father showed Weaver that the "processing" doesn't work.  It's flawed.  A part of the human essence remains, and it's something the Aspheni are not aware of.


    That was a very well-acted scene.  It reminded me a little of how the Goa'uld in 'Stargate SG-1'would insist that 'nothing of host remains' when they would infest a human--and they were wrong.  The alien bad guys always underestimate us!

    • Love 2
  16. Finally, a couple of Mechs make an appearance.  I was beginning to think that they were all at the repair shop or something.  I'm still not sure if I like the new design.  They are getting too close to the whole Transformer look, in my opinion.  That being said, they do still give off a creepy vibe to me when they just kind of appear and start shining those spotlights around.  Do these 'hum', though?  I didn't hear anything from them.


    I didn't make the connection that the creature was Jean until I realized that it was stalking Weaver and not the group.  


    I'm also glad they finally explained the whole 'moon gazing' thing.  I had seen so many instances where one character or another was staring at the moon.  I was beginning to think that it was some sort of mass hypnotic thing that hadn't been explained yet. (Unless there have been other characters besides the Masons who have been looking.  Then, it might mean something more.)

  17. I just finished making a devil's food sheet cake and frosted it with Ina's Peanut Butter frosting.  Yummy, and yummy some more!  I'm going to be very popular when I take that cake to work tomorrow.  I think I would have been just as popular if I would have just forgotten all about making the cake and just took a bowl of that frosting to work.  That stuff is good (and it looks pretty too-it comes out light tan and so fluffy).

    • Love 3
  18. I caught this show this morning for the first time, and kind of like it.  I definitely like it better than those other renovation/flip-type shows, where the hosts all seem to have such drama, crises and spend a lot of time yelling at each other.  I think that some of the 'unexpected' problems are possibly scripted and are not unknown, but I find the hosts likable.  I've only seen three episodes, but I really loved the house with the atrium.  When I saw it beforehand, I hated the whole place (I never liked houses with those atriums in them--they always reminded me of when every office building that was built during the 1970s (?) had an atrium in it--usually with a 'floor' made of crushed white rock.  Yuck!).  However, I loved what they did with the atrium at the end and found the house to be totally livable.  I agree with other posters that the designer (Jo?) doesn't seem to have a big range of ideas when it comes to design (lots of distressed wood, for example), but I like the way she mixes the furniture styles.


    Oh, and I love those baby goats!  Adorable!

    • Love 1
  19. Season three's 'The Santa in the slush' (Sweets wants Bones and Brennan--who are currently being forced to attend counseling sessions with him--to go on a 'double date' with Sweets and his girlfriend)--


    Sweets:  'If it all goes well, I'll withdraw my concerns.  I'll release you back into the environment.'

    Booth:  'What are we, brook trout?'

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