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Posts posted by BooksRule

  1. I actually gasped out loud when the woman was almost sucked out of the window.  I didn't expect that to happen.  I did have a little thought run through my head when they were pumping fluids into her from first class-- 'Gee, I hope she isn't allergic to coconut!'  

    Why did the passengers still have their oxygen masks on?  I thought that once you got below 10,000 feet (I think) you don't have to wear one.  There was some smoke in the cabin, but only as they were landing. 

    I agree that everything happens to TK.  I'm guessing that if he and Carlos get married at some point, their honeymoon will be interrupted when their plane gets hijacked or pirates board their cruise ship. 

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  2. 18 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

    Surprised Wil Wheaton didn't turn out to be the bad guy, but methinks he'll be back and, hey, it's always great to see Wesley back on TV again.

    Me, too.  I fully expected him to turn out to be Shadowboxx (or whatever the guy's name was).  I would like to see Wheaton come back now and then as part of the cybercrime team. 

    • Love 3
  3. I just re-watched this episode today and this exchange gave me the giggles:

    Sister Julienne is helping a woman in labor. The wife is seconds away from delivering their baby and the husband-a driver for the underground (subway)-is standing near his wife's head.

    Sister Julienne (to husband): 'Do you want to move to the end of the bed where you can see?'

    Husband (terrified): 'No! I'm sorry, I don't!!'

    Wife (peeved): 'You'd think he'd be used to the sight of things coming out of tunnels'.

    • LOL 4
  4. I just re-watched this episode on DVD and was disappointed that the wonderful song 'Pata Pata' by Miriam Makeba was missing.  I think it should have been in the scenes where they went to the villages to distribute the polio vaccine. There was just some generic-type music.  I know I remember hearing it when I originally watched it on PBS here in the U.S., because as soon as the episode was over I had to do some googling to identify the song.  Maybe it was a licensing issue with the DVDs?

  5. This is a really petty pet peeve, but I hate it when I get a hankering for a certain food and when I get to the store they don't have it in stock.  I really, really wanted some Klondike Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream Bars and they had every flavor except that one.  I like the chocolate mint ones okay, but darn it, I wanted the PB ones!  So I picked up a pack of cream horns from the bakery. Totally different, but I'll live with it. :) 

    • Love 10
  6. I went to my local grocery store to pick up a few things (wanted some foods that aren't 'holiday-related') and remembered to pick up a bag of dried black-eyed peas to cook for New Year's Day (for luck) and cabbage (for prosperity).  The cabbages they had for sale were huge!  I chose the smallest one I could find and it was still as big as George Lopez's head (I kid. I like George).  It's a good thing I like cabbage because I'm going to be eating it for days. 

    They also had their NY strip steaks on sale, so I picked up a pack.  I used to go out on NYE in my younger days, but now I'm very happy to have a nice steak dinner with a nice carb-y side (potato or corn) and a good dessert (I picked up some triple berry pastry 'blossoms' to bake).

    • Love 2
  7. I just put a pan of Christmas leftovers in the oven to re-heat.  A big serving of homemade mac 'n cheese, some cornbread dressing, and cheesy squash casserole.  (I had Christmas ham for breakfast.)  Carbs...it's what's for dinner. :) 

    • Love 6
  8. 14 hours ago, Daff said:

    Absolutely the best holiday gift every year! It always lives up to the anticipation. Except when your DVR cuts out before the end (Matthew had just pulled up to NH, and Trixie appeared in lovely blue). Good thing it’s airing again today, set to re-record with time modifications!

    Yes!  I left ample time at the end (or so I thought), but my DVR cut out just as the newly-married couple was walking down the steps of the church.  I was glad to find that another station (although not one I receive in HD) is airing it later tonight.  So, I'll catch the last few minutes then.

    But I loved all that I saw. 


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  9. I just got home from a long day at work, followed by a grueling trip to Wal-Mart.  My feet hurt and I'm tired all over.  So, dinner is going to be hot dogs with chili with a side of chips and dip, ginger ale, and a bakery 'cream horn' for dessert.  All consumed while I lounge on the sofa and watch TV. 

    • Love 3
  10. On 12/17/2021 at 10:21 PM, MissAlmond said:

    Actor Bridget Hanley who starred in the TV series Here Come the Brides has died, age 80.

    I'm sorry to hear that she suffered from Alzheimer's.  I do have to admit that she was my least favorite character on 'Here come the brides', mainly because she was the love interest of Jeremy, played by Bobby Sherman and he was one of my big crushes back in the day.  So, my very young self was a wee bit jealous (of a totally fictional character). 

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  11. 4 hours ago, magicdog said:

    What always bugged me was I never had the timing to see all 4 on stage together!

    The first concert I ever attended was to see The Monkees (in the late '60s).  It took some last minute begging to get my mother to buy tickets and to take me (I was a wee young'un and couldn't go by myself) so we were in the nosebleed section.  I still have a couple of black and white photos of four tiny ants playing instruments on stage.  I don't remember much about it, but I'm sure I had a good time.

    • Love 14
  12. With the Christmas holiday coming up, I hoped to get in the 'baking' mood this year since last year was such a bust as far as baking foods for others.  But, it hasn't hit me too much yet, even though I've collected some good recipes I was hoping to try.  I did bake an Eggnog Pound Cake this evening.  I love baking pound cakes (and I will be making my usual Sour Cream Pound Cake for a luncheon next week and maybe another one for the family at Christmas) but I usually bake them totally from scratch.  This one used a pound cake box mix and I added eggnog, freshly grated nutmeg, a couple of eggs, and 1/2 t. of vanilla.  It makes one loaf.  I tried a piece when it was still warm. Not too bad, and you could taste the eggnog a bit, but I had hoped for a stronger nutmeg flavor.  My whole nutmegs might have lost their potency, too.  I've had the jar for a while.  If I bake another one, I'll make sure I get some fresh nutmeg to grate and maybe put in a little more than the 1/2 t. it called for in the recipe. 

    • Love 2
  13. This episode was just okay, but it made me woozy.  I know that they use the 'dash cam view' and 'body cam view' often, but except for the scenes at the police station, almost every scene was from a 'cam', including the shooter's, the cameras on the ship, etc.  I guess they were doing it to make the episode a little different, but it made me a little dizzy.

    • Love 9
  14. I did a little forum searching, and it looks like there was some conversation a while back about the Hanes commercial with the guy on the mechanical bull (and other places) who talked about keeping things separated for 'BALL-ance'.  Well, it annoyed me, but I noticed that when I've seen the same commercial during the last few days, he now definitely says 'balance', with no emphasis on 'ball'.  Maybe there were enough complaints so that they had the audio re-recorded with the change?  (I still don't like the commercial, but it's now slightly less annoying.)

    • Love 1
  15. Why on earth would Stevie confess to her mother that she was the one who had the van towed?  Did she think that just because her mom did a few dishes she would be like 'That's okay. You were just doing it for my own good.'  Does she even know her mother at all?  

    I like that Dr. Abrams, although very opinionated and sure about his diagnoses, has been shown to actually be willing to listen to another doctor who has an alternate plan.  No screaming or threatening to report them to the chief/board/etc. 

    Speaking of doctors I like, where has Dr. Latham been lately?

    • Love 15
  16. Did I miss something?  The description said that robbers hold up the 'iconic downtown public library'.  Wasn't this just a warehouse space with that woman's father's personal belongings, which included those architectural drawings?  I was disappointed, because as a librarian, I was looking forward to see what they got right and what they got wrong about libraries and how they operate in real life. 

    • Love 3
  17. Okay, I had to laugh at the whole alpaca attack (even though I had heard that they could be mean). I know someone who raises alpacas.  I wonder if she watches this show?  To add to the whole scene, it sounded a lot like a few bars of the 'Jaws' soundtrack was playing when Hen was trying lead the alpaca away (not the well-known 'Jaws' theme, but background music from the movie) and Hen's 'Clever girl' when the other raptor (excuse me, alpaca) came in from the side. 

    Some good quotes, too.

    'You're on animal control.' 'What am I supposed to do?' 'Any animal makes a move, you control it.' 


    'You know a lot about alpacas.' 'Well, we were gonna get one.' 'It bit my ear off!!!' 'I wouldn't.' 'Not gonna.'


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