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Posts posted by Abigail394

  1. At the risk of my sounding dense. I'm not entirely clear about what happened in that last scene with Robert Rogers.  I didn't see the 10:00 p.m. broadcast.  I watched the 11:00 p.m. repeat.  So it could be that I was really tired.  I plan to watch the whole episode again.


    In the meantime, though -- he went to pick up the reward money.  It was a set-up and there were British soldiers waiting for him.  They fought.  The man that he injured (or killed?  I wasn't sure if he died after their brief conversation) who was lying in the street told him that they were there on the orders of the king.  Rogers tossed some sort of badge or something on the man.  


    So ... ???  I'm confused.  Help!


    P.S.  Also -- why didn't Woodhull, Sr., want Hewlett to know that Abe was in prison?

  2. That was my first thought, too, iboatedhere.


    But then I confused myself, too, trying to figure out how that would have worked.  I mean, last week, we saw Anna trying to charm Simcoe into rescuing Hewlett.  This week, Simcoe goes after Hewlett.  If that episode came after last night, it wouldn't have made sense in terms of the timeline.  Anna wouldn't have been able to have that scene with Hewlett if last week's episode followed this one.


    So I'm confused, too.

  3. I thought that was a rather strange episode.


    I understand that they are trying to show George Washington as a person -- a man -- and not a god.  But I felt that this episode -- as yuggapukka said -- went in a rather bizarre direction.  Do we know if George Washington ever had a such an experience in his life? 


    I'm fairly well-acquainted with this period and our Founding Fathers.  I read a lot about it, visit historic sites, et cetera.  I've even been a docent at an historic site. And I know Washington was a man and not a god.  But his behavior in last night's episode -- including his turning on William and almost strangling him -- just seemed so bizarre.


    I felt that the episode was really rather over the top -- not just the Washington scenes, but those with Hewlett and Simcoe, too.  It didn't fit -- to me, anyway -- the more realistic tone of the series as a whole.


    So Alexander Rose is saying that this episode was meant to be after what is now next week's episode?  And that they had to re-cut it/re-film things to make it fit for this week?  Is that what he means by "rejigged"?

  4. I love this show. Usually, I don't have much of a problem following the various plot threads. However, I am confused about some of what happened in tonight's episode.

    I'm not clear about what was going on with Washington and Rogers in the flashback.

    I'm somewhat confused about Shanks and the British soldier and the death of Sackett.

    Also, who was captured carrying the document fom King George? I thought Caleb was involved in transporting that document?

    Did we see where Townsend's father came from and how he got involved with Abe? Did I miss something there?

    I'm also confused about what happened at the end with Major Hewlett. Who took him away, and why?

    As I said, I usually don't have a problem following what is going on, but I found tonight's episode confusing. I'd be grateful for some guidance.

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