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Wishing Well

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Posts posted by Wishing Well

  1. Once upon a time, there was a character who died during a Crisis crossover.

    The episodes leading up to the Crisis involves him living his best life, meeting his descendants, bonding with his adopted and real family.  

    During the Crisis, he nobly sacrificed his life and ran defenseless and weapon less into the melee, to buy his compatriots more time and to save the entire world.  

    After the killing blow, we had a little time with him while he got to say goodbye to those he loved.  Even though he didn’t get to say goodbye to his wife and child, he was with his family still and died peacefully.  The team fought in his name and won the battle, and mourned him with all of their might, although they spent some time distracted by The Blue God.

    In the end, the heroes thanked him for his sacrifice and for teaching them so much and promised to do better for him and publicly honored him.

    RIP Professor Martin Stein.  A brilliant earned and executed death.

    Not sure wtf happened here with Oliver.

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  2. Alright y’all.  We’re in the Endgame now.  And what I mean by that is...the Legends are probably somehow bumbling their way over to save the day.  The Legends have always been the best part of the crossovers for me - their snarky comments and sandwiches during Invasion, them being the cavalry during COEX, and their complaints during their absence in Elseworlds.  One thing that I noticed - the time stream has access to the Vanishing Point.  The time stream has access to all the universes (as established in Pt. 1).  The time stream was also not affected by major events like Flashpoint so it’s possible that it’s still existing.  So maybe the Legends are on their way?  I wouldn’t mind Ava, Nate, Zari, Zari’s brother, and Charli stomping off the ship led by Captain Mick.  With Sara and Ray gone, Mick is definitely in charge over there.

    Few things -

    Kate and Kara have convinced me that Lena either needs a major attitude adjustment, or needs to go.  THIS is a balanced friendship to rival Barry and Oliver.  They’re madly supportive, they talk things through, and they operate on trust.  They also call each other out if needed.

    I am living for Arrow and Canary in this crossover.  They’ve always been my favorite pair in the Arrowverse, and I’m loving the emotional beats, shared history, and fight scenes throughout all the episodes.  The other wannabe canaries could never accomplish what Stephen and Caity bring together. 

    Diggle and BrandonSuperman are the only reasonable people here.  

    • Love 4
  3. 23 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

    Regarding the trip to Earth-16 2046.....I’m confused.  That is not the 2046 timeline that Sara and the Legends visited back in season one.  I know Sara initially thought it was (for some reason), but.....no.  That Oliver knew Sara didn’t die on the Gambit, and that she returned to Star City only to leave on the Waverider with the other Legends in 2016.  This Oliver has no knowledge of Sara having survived the shipwreck.  They can’t be the same universes.  Do the writers want us to believe they are?  Is this a “we’ve done our best to forget everything about season one and we hope the viewers have too” thing? 😂

    Also!  By the time the team left, Oliver and John Diggle Jr were having a blast tag teaming it, and Oliver had some semblance of purpose again.  I wonder if this is time trying to fix the John Jr v Connor Hawks issue?

    Should’ve just left Baby Sara.

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  4. You know what though -

    Cade and Gabby are both very talented.  They honed that talent as young kids and both managed to get onto Idol and make it extremely far.  If anyone’s ever heard the past contestants talk about the Idol journey - it’s HARD work.  And a lot of pressure, competition, and anxiety.  They made it through, found each other, and made records on their own and perform and try to make it as artists.  

    Jinger and Jeremy - none of that.  At all.  You stick them on Idol or something similar and they wouldn’t even know how to sign up online.

    • Love 15
  5. I don’t really have much judgement - I’m 26 and I ate 5 greasy tacos, 4 cookies, and a boatload of chocolate yesterday.  My skin is paying the price this morning 😞  and honestly brands like Chipotle will use Halloween as a loss leader of sorts.  Get it for $4 today and you’ll crave a burrito again a week from now.  It stays fresh and relevant.  I almost went to Chipotle yesterday but I had one on Wednesday already lol

    Now...Derick thinking a sombrero Is a costume?  Fuck YOU in the ass.

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  6. Here’s the thing though - if these people (less JerJin and more of the older fundies) really don’t want to associate with the un-Godly, then how are they so knowledgeable about Kanye?  They know ALL about Ye and his past, so they’ve must have been um..um...keeping up.  Wow I did not mean to use that pun omg.  But the point still stands that they’re all hypocrites. 

    • Love 9
  7. They need to take a page out of Bethenny Frenkel’s book.  Last year she hauled jets and jets full of supplies and food over to Puerto Rico, and called on her rich celebrity friends to donate planes and supplies.  She instagrammed the whole thing for publicity and was actually WORKING.  She was able to get tons done and used her social media to spread awareness and to get donations.  There was no question of her intentions and it was amazing to watch. 

    These morons are probably still posing at the airport.

    At least they’ve done more than the President. I guess. 

    • Love 23
  8. Holy shit, Jeremy’s got one foot into the SoCal Foodie/Foodstagram crowd.  That group actually runs REALLY liberal, this might be the most surprising thing. 

    3 hours ago, Zella said:

    Taking the burger outside for a picture is some next-level weirdness. 

    Eeeeh.  I’ve known people to bring ring lights, stand on tables, rearrange food...

    I actually LOVE food IGs.  Much better to look at and more attainable than manufactured beauty and selfies.  

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  9. Oh man.  Since the beginning, I’ve always loved Skye and Coulson.  Daisy was a hero in her own right and leaned on Mama May, but season 5 really brought back all of the Phil/Daisy love.  I’ve been a little irritated with Daisy’s story this season...she kicked tons of ass and I absolutely loved Quake, but that was just her superhero bravado.  This episode made up for all.of.it.  

    I’ve been rewatching season 1 (sweet innocent Fitzsimmons), and one of the standouts in high sight is really how Skye slowly found her family.  And then this episode happened.

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